Rest In Panic (Will POV)

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It's definitely a lot colder in Oregon than California. Especially when you're laying outside on the street late at night.

I'll probably catch a cold. Worse yet, Bill will catch one.
I never want to see that again.
The last time he had a cold he was the most useless human I've ever laid eyes on, and he refused to even acknowledge his sickness.

So, I take off my jacket and lay it over him. He mumbles a thanks but eventually his eyes widen and he throws it off.

"Will! You need this! You'll freeze!" He chastises, shoving the jacket back into my arms.

I would answer with 'thanks mom' but our mother would never do that, well maybe she would -just so that she didn't have to pay for the doctor-

I substitute it for
"Says the guy wearing a tee."
I have a sweater on, like always. A sweater is a never ending hug. A sweater is perfection. But Bill thinks sweaters are uncool.

He refuses the jacket again, so I put it on. If we have it we might as well put it to use.

Eventually, Bill falls asleep, half sitting up against a wall. I can't pinpoint exactly when he falls asleep, his eyes close slowly and he flinches every so often.

After about half an hour he still doesn't look comfortable, he keeps switching his position and mumbling curses. He swears in his sleep, he wouldn't do that consciously though- not around me at least.

I don't know how he can fall asleep like that. He doesn't have to worry about everything first or cry himself to sleep, like I do. Part of me is jealous. I wish I was more like him.

I let my eyes close. That's the first step to sleeping.

Suddenly I open my eyes to see a beautiful sea of stars
It's dark and cold and empty at first look
but when you really look
it is just as much light and burning and full.
Just like me.
I feel this pain, a stinging in my chest and my eyes, which tears are flooding out of.
But the tears don't fall, they float in

Zero Gravity

I don't know how I got here, I want to know. But my mind isn't working, am I dying?
I wonder,
Until I feel a firm hand on my arm, I'm being pulled by a cloaked stranger into an impossibly bright blue light, we grow further and further from the stars and I find myself momentarily blinded by the light's glow. I can hear my scream echoing, but it barely sounds like mine.
I hit a hard surface and my teared up eyes snap open.

I jolt awake, grabbing at my heart, which is thudding against my rib cage.

My breathing is heavy and fast and I'm sure that I'm crying, until I put my hand to my eye and feel no tears. The dream itself wasn't that scary, it was how real it felt that frightened me.

It was as though I only had part of the story, a puzzle with half of the pieces missing.
It's just a dream.
It's just a dream.
Why are you so scared?
It's just a dream.

I'm scared because I am weak. Because I can't do anything alone...especially not...this!

I want to wake up Bill and I want to tell him all about my dream and the stars, and the crying, and the man, and I was in space but I could breathe!

I look over at him. Finally sleeping soundly. He let me sleep on the bus, it's my turn to return the favour.

"Goodnight." I whisper to Bill, taking off my jacket and laying it over him.
"Sweet dreams."

I look up at the night sky, it really is beautiful.

Heaven forbid anything happen to my brother. He is my lifeline, I've never been without him and I don't know what I would do. Probably nothing. Because what can I do without him?

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