Runaway (Bill POV)

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I'm falling now. My hand slipped and now I'm falling through the air faster and faster until the impact hits, I hit the ice cold water at full speed and plunge downward, time slows and I'm just floating around in a sea of pain and confusion. I can't tell what's up and what's down anymore, I'm lost in the infinite abyss of fear, I'm not falling, not flying, just there in the middle of it all, floating, almost as if it's

Zero Gravity

It's so hard to breathe and I'm running out of air...I'm drowning, I reach out a hand to what I believe is the surface, stretching as far as I can reach and then everything freezes. For a moment all I hear is my heartbeat, my screams are silent.

My eyes suddenly snap open. And...they're wet. Have I been crying?

I have to be the strong one! I have to be there for Will! I wipe away my tears with the sleeve of my jacket.

My breathing is heavy, I'm hyperventilating,
it was all a dream.
I try to calm myself but it's hard, I just died!
Well...not exactly.

As my heartbeat slows to a normal speed I eventually notice I'm leaning against a window and the ground is...moving? it takes me a moment to realize I'm in some sort of vehicle.
Where am I?

I turn and see Will's hand next to me, it's limp so I assume he's asleep. It's too dark to see anything else.

Suddenly, I remember. Everything is coming back. Abuse. Liars. Danger.
I had to get Will out of there!
He doesn't deserve that life.

We ran away with one duffel bag of our things, and we caught the first bus we could see, fortunately it's going a long way away from our "home".

It's so dark, I didn't know bus driver's were allowed to drive at this time. Looking for the hour I glance where I can feel a watch on my wrist. Too dark to see though.

I stole this watch. Mother and Father would never spend money on me, so me and Will had to mooch off of strangers and even relatives to get pretty much everything.

It wasn't a good place to be, I would have stayed had it been the slightest bit safer. But it wasn't safe at all, part of me wants to get off of this bus and run back home where I belong, but...I don't belong there.

Instinctively, I look down at my arm to remind me I didn't belong. I can't see it without light but I know It's red and bruised and parts of it bleed or are enflamed. I can hear my father's yells echoing through my mind. I can feel the powerful force just as I felt myself hitting the water in my dream.

Sure, it hurt me, but I can't begin to imagine how Will felt, he never did anything wrong but father punished him anyways, for criminal association with me- the jerk twin. William has always been fragile and innocent and emotional, he deserves better.

This bus, it's going to take us somewhere better, right?

Suddenly the bus hits a pothole and everything lunges forward. Including Will. He slams into the seat ahead of us, and -of course- this wakes him up.

He grumbles and puts his hand to his head.

"A-Are we there?" He asks.

I stand up so that I can see ahead with the assistance of headlights. We pass by a sign announcing our arrival in a new town. If I'm not mistaken somewhere in Oregon. For the first time I notice we're the only people on the bus, we really have driven a long way from home.

"I think we can get off when he stops, next."

I'm slightly peeved about whoever the heck runs this town not fixing that pothole. Will needs as much sleep as he can get. He cried himself to sleep last night, at least let it be a good sleep.

The driver slows to a stop in front of a large metal gate.

"You boys know where you're going?" He calls.

Me and Will exchange a look and shake our heads in unison, a twin thing.

"No clue!" I yell back.

"I thought you might be on the run. And this town lays pretty low." He explains.

I nudge Will, gesturing for him to get up and grab his bag. We walk to the front of the bus and stare out into the night. The headlights barely help. But...anything is better then where we were. And as much as I'd love to hit the big city, it's safer to be in a small town. A town nobody remembers.

I quickly thank the driver and bound outside. Man, it's been forever since I've breathed fresh air. I can hear Will discussing payment with the bus driver. He's always been the one for doing the right thing, the nice twin.

I can't believe he's going to spend the last of our money tipping this guy.

While they're talking, I go up to the gate and try my best to pry it open. I don't see a lock.'s nearly impossible to open.

I pick up a medium sized rock and chuck it over the fence.
"Hey!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I wonder whose sleep will be interrupted.

I clear my throat and bellow
" 'Tis I! A lost, lonely, child with nowhere to go! Woe is me! Won't you aid me in my venturing crusade quest-"

"Crusade and Quest are synonyms, and venture is pretty close. Also, if you were on a journey you would be going somewhere." Says someone matter-of-factly from behind the metal bars.

How'd he get here so fast?

"Well, I'm not exactly an expert in the American language." I answer.

The figure puts a hand to their head and sighs heavily.

"Hey, can you let me in?!" I rattle the gate but of course it doesn't budge.

He lifts up a hand and I can see the silhouette of a large key. He twirls it in his fingers as he considers my demand.

He scans me up and down and lifts up the key.

Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see my brother standing there.

The bus has gone and Will still has a wad of cash in his hand. Nowhere near what we had before, but it could be worse.

"Anyone answer your helpless wailing?" He asks stifling a short laugh. He throws the duffel bag over his shoulder as he speaks.

I turn back to the gate to point out the person who had come but he was already gone. He came and went so quickly. It takes me a moment to reorient myself.
The boy was real, right?

"Nah, let's just jump it." I lie. We've jumped many a fence in our young lives. We have several systems, Will immediately knows to lift up his foot so I can lift him. This is in nearly every technique. When he's at the top it's a balancing act. He might not be strong but he is agile.

I grip the top of the fence with my fingertips. When he jumps down to the other side he tosses the duffel bag and I use it's straps fastened around a spike to hoist me up. This is honestly a horrible method, it only works a quarter of the time, when the fence is short. Not this time.

My fingers slip off of the strap and leave my heads red. I fall to the ground with a low thud.

I don't give up that easily, we're trying again and again until I'm in.
What other choice do we have?

I can't wait to get it town to find the smart Alec that thought it'd be funny to tease me and leave me in the cold. I'm going to tear him apart.

William turns to look at something just outside of my line of vision.
"Will! Method two!" I call out.

He picks something off of the ground and the moonlight illuminates the smile on his face.

"I think I have a better solution." He claims.

Will walks up to the gate and shows me the...key?
He turns it in the keyhole and the gate opens with a loud creak.

Why would that boy leave the key?

"Come on in!" Will announces proudly.

I give him a smile and walk through. Will pulls the gate to a close behind me and locks it again.

I see him reach down to put the key where he found it but I stop him.
"You never know when we'll need it."

Things can get weird pretty fast. Small things can have chain reactions.

Enjoy the calm before the storm.

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