chapter 1

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" bhai will u pls trop me to airport pls its urgent I have to pick some one." Riya requested to aman while entering in living room.

Aman was getting ready to leave for office.

" sure my dear" said aman.

" where is neil" aman asked to anjali.

"I am here"

Theyheard shout.

Neil walked down in his formals.

"Ok lets leave now"Said riya walking towards door .

"Ek riya we r not going to office not to any mall or beauty parlour. "Said Neil

Neil and riya are good friends. They know about each other well.

Riya turned around and placed her hands on hip.

" what's ur problem Neil why u always irritating me .?" Said riya angrily.

" now both of u stop ur argument " said anjali standing but them and giving a glare to riya.

Riya moved out.followed by aman and neil.

They got settled in car.Neil sat in passenger seat and riya back seat and aman is driving.

Neil : who is coming?

Rita : non of ur business.

Neil: madam still angry.

Riya looked out .Neil took his laptop and started to type something.

They reached airport.

Riya: thanks bye have nice day.

Saying this riya walked out.

In hurry riya forgot to take her phone.

Aman: oh she forgot her phone. Neil u wait I will give it to her.

Neil nodded his head and continued his work.

Aman got out of the car walked in search of riya.

Finally he spotted her and saw her hugging a girl.

He went near that's when he saw the face of the girl .

It's Ananya his little sister .

Both the girls broke the hug.

Riya: how r u babes?

Ananya: I am r u bride to be.

Said Ananya while smirking.

Aman moved and stood in front of Ananya.

Riya noticed him.she is surprised to see him.

Riya: bhai what r u doing here?

Hearing riyas  question Ananya looked at him.the smile on her face vanished.

Aman immediately hugged her .Ananya was taken a back by the sudden hug.

Aman's eyes become teary.

It doesn't matter to him what others said about her he always loved his little sister. He had tried many times to talk to his father about.

Aman always talked to fathima .and enquired about her .but Ananya never showed interest to talk to him.

Aman pulled himself back.

Amam cupped her face.

Aman: how r u ?

Ananya stood numb.she don't know what to say.

Aman turned to riya.

Aman: u both were in touch.

Riya:woh bhai...

Ananya: riya lets go I am tired.

Ananya took his bag and started to walk away.

Aman stopped her by holding her wrist.

Aman : where? U r here u attend riya's marriage?

Riya : yeah bhai but....

Amman didn't let her complete.

Amman : come lets go to our home.

Ananya : no I can manage.

Riya: yeah and bhai u know Dadi won't allow .

Aman: I will take care of it.

Riya: but still.

Ananya : I said I can manage.

Same time aman's phone rings.

Aman: its Dadi I will ask her.

Aman accepted the call.

On call.

Daya: hello aman .

Aman: hello Dadi.

Daya: aman ..I...

Aman: Dadi Ananya is here can I bring her to our home.

Daya: Ananya?which Ananya.

Amman felt bad that sh didn't even remember.

Aman: Ananya my sister.

Daya: what ?what she is doing here.

Aman: she came to attend riya's marriage.

Daya: ok bring her.

Daya (in mind):if she stay anywhere. What people will think. It's better if she stay here.

Call ended.

Aman looked at riya and Ananya.

Aman: Dadi agreed.

Riya: really?

Amman nodded with a smile.
Riya also smiled wide.

Riya: come lets go.

Ananya: riya tum.....

Riya: pls yaar chalo.

Ananya riya and went with him.

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