chapter 2

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Ananya don't want to go with them.

Aman calls Neil and asked him to take a cab to go to office. Neil agreed.

When they reached near car.

Riya: bhai..u don't need to take the trouble we will go in a cab u can leave.

Aman : no riya I asked Neil to leave.I taking off today.

Riya: off?

Aman: yeah now stop questioning and get in.

Riya and Ananya settled at back seat.

Riya: I am so happy u r going to stay with us

Ananya smiles.

Aman looked at both his sister's through mirror and smiled.

Aman (in mind): Ananya is going to stay with us.this time I will make sure she won't leave.

Ananya's phone rings.

Ananya smiles when she saw was her nanno.

She attended the call.

On call

Ananya : hello oldy. ...

Nanno: meri bacha... how was the flight.

Ananya: it was how r u ?

Nanno:hum teek hai. Did Ali came to pick u .

Ananya : no may be busy but riya came.she is with me now.

Nanno: acha give her phone.

Ananya handed the phone to riya.

Riya: hello nanno how r u ?

Nanno: I am r u?

Riya: I am fine.

Amman was surprised. Riya knows nanno too .while hearing their convo he understoodthat they used to talk.

Nanno: how is everything going on?

Riya : good.

Nanno: acha so u r going to trop her to ali's apartment. U know it's not good for a girl to enter inside her to be husband's home. Before marriage

Riya smiles.

Riya: I know it.actually I am taking her to our home.

Nanno: what?no riya. Ur Dadi and others won't like it.

Riya: Dadi agreed .we r with aman bhai now.

Hearing what riya said.aman understands what nanno must be saying.

Amman asks riya to give her the phone.

Riya handed it.

Aman: hello nanno.

Nanno: aman...tum...

Aman: haa mein I am sorry I was busy I didn't got a chance to call u.

Nanno: its fine.but aman.

Aman: nanno don't worry. I will take care of my sister.

Nanno: ok.

Nanno disconnected the call.

Amman gave phone to Ananya.

Aman looked at Ananya through mirror.

Aman: don't worry about dad and Dadi I will take care of them.

Ananya ignores him.

Aman ( in mind): she is upset with u.

Soon they reached their home.

Amman asks the servant to took the luggage.

Ananya : no I will take.

Servant : no need mam .

Riya holds ananya's hand.

Riya: come on babes.

Ananya (in mind): oh God where I have got myself into.

Three of them entered inside the house.

In living dayawanthi was waiting for them.

When saw them she stood up.

Dayawanthi: why did u came without telling Ananya.

She sounded angry.

Riya: Dadi u told to bring her here.

Daya: yeah because if she stay any other it will affect our reputation.

Aman: Dadi pls.she have the right to come here when ever she wants.

Daya: u don't come in between.nobody knows about her.

Aman:she is my sister.ur grand daughter like riya.

Daya was about to something. She saw harleen coming .

Harleen came and stood beside dayawanthi with a smile.

Harleen: who is this pretty lady.

Ananya looks at her.

Aman: my sister bebe.

Harleen: sister?U have a sister.we never heard about didn't see her before.

Daya: she lives with her maternal grand mother in India.and likes to live there.

Harleen: but still .did she attended aman's marriage.

Daya: yeah but left soon because of some emergency.

Harleen: oh any ways now she came .

Harleen went near her and touched her cheeks.

Harleen: I am harleen khanna .ur father's bestfriend 's mother.consider me like ur grandmother.

Ananya smiles

Ananya : nice to meet u Mrs khanna.

Harleen: call me bebe.everyone calls me that.

Ananya nods.

Aman: I will ask maid arrange the room for u

Riya: no need bhai.we will share.

Aman: ok then.tell me if u need any thing.

Ananya looks at him and goes with riya to upstairs.

Daya: r u not going to office today.

Aman: no I took off .so that I can be with my sister.

Daya: I know she is ur sister stop saying it again and again.

Aman: really Dadi I thought u forgot.

Saying this aman leaves .

Dayawanthi fumes in anger.

She calls ashish and informs him .he is also not happy.

Riya's room.

Avni got fresh and wore a leggings and shoulder off top.reaching mid thighs.

Avni took her phone and started to go through instagram.

Riya stood in front of her and holds her shoulder.

Riya: I am really sorry for her behaviour.

Ananya :chill riya.I don't care about it.

Riya smiles.

Ananya : ok lets talk something else.

Riya: what?

Ananya : any thing.

Riya: he is very happy.


Riya: bhai he is so happy to see u.

Ananya rolls her eyes.

Ananya : listen riya I am only here to attend the marriage. Not to mend anything. Or for anything else.

Riya: but...

They heard a knock.

Riya opened the was aman and anjali.

They came inside.anjali looks at avni.

Anjali: is she the surprise ur talking about.

Amman nods with a smile.

Anjali: aman r u ok. U know because of her our wedding function got ruined.

Aman: anjali stop many times I told u its just an accident.

Anjali:whatever. Dadi says she is unlucky for us.

Aman was about to say something but anjali leaves from there.

Amman looks Ananya.

Aman: I am sorry on her behalf.

Aman sighs.

Aman :did u eat anything.

Ananya : I am full everyone have served me well .

Saying Ananya went to balcony.

Riya: bhai u go I will talk to her.

Aman :make sure she eat something.

Riya agreed .

Aman left the room giving a last glance to ananya. Who standing in balcony and her back is facing him.

Ananya's pov

I don't understand why they r blaming if I have done it.I shouldn't have came here.oh God this is too much.

Flash back

6 years ago.

I still remember .nanno asked me to accompany her to attend the wedding. I tried to say no but nanno forced to me come along.

She was very eager to meet her grandson after 18 years.she told me that he asked to bring me too.

I was confused at that do they remember me.all of them left me like I am nothing to them.

We reached London on the day of marriage.

We got ready in a hotel.and went to venue.

The wedding was held in a church.

We entered inside and stood among the crowd.

Bhai looked back and searched for us.when his eyes caught us he smiled.

Dadi also saw us.

The ceremony started. Suddenly the lighted candles near them fell down and the flowers and carpets near were on fire.people started to shout and run.

Some of security guard and made bride and groom away.from there.

We also came out.

I saw Dadi coming toward us.I thought she was coming to meet us.

" Why did u come everything happened because of u.u r such a bad luck.isn't enough for u.U have eat up ur own mother. now.U came here to destroy my grand son's life." She roared.

I was shocked to hear it.

Nanno started to protest.but I held her hand and left the place soon.

To be honest it was the first time in my entire life I am hearing such a harsh words.

End of flash back.

I sighed.I just wanted to forget that day from my life.

I don't care about mehtas .they were a small part of my life.a finished book may be.
I am not interested to open it again.

End pov.

Riya came and stood beside Ananya.

Riya : babes bhabhi is just....

Ananya didn't let her complete.

Ananya : I don't care riya.I told u before.

Riya: Ali messaged me he is struck in some meetings. We come soon.

Ananya : hmm.

Riya: come lets eat something.



Ananya :how dare u.
Neil:I thought it ....
Ananya didn't let him.
Ananya :hell withur thoughts. Idiot.
Neil:idiot u called idiot. ....
Ananya :so what stupid.
Neil: u..

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With love


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