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To read chapter two you must be a follower.

The breeze sends my hair flying all over my face, my hands reaching up to pull it back as I take in the view before me. The colorful sunset as the colors range from lilac to the softest orange so could ever imagine. From here, I can see the quite big nearby village, one where the council members stay or nobles and royals who have no need for packs. From up here I witness the world as it truly is, a masterpiece, yet dark.

Looking over my shoulder, I see him still where he left me, under the doorway of the balcony of a tea room, one of the many rooms located on this single tower, holding a massive balcony as well as it overlooks the world. "Ready?" He asks, pushing off and taking steps closer to me.

For nearly three hours he's showed me the castle, the halls, the grand rooms, the most important to the simplest. To say the least, this palace was truly built to be one for Kings and Queens.

"I believe so," I reply, turning around to face him as he draws a year away. Since we started the tour, he's left me to my space, my person bubble, but that doesn't stop his eyes. We don't move, I awaiting for him to make that move as we stay still upon the balcony several stories up. "Don't you have a council meeting?"

I don't know why I brought it up to be honest, I just need a conversation topic, plus, a little extra roaming on my own wouldn't be too bad. But what is he going to do with me? Is he going to send me home once the day is done? Why am I still here still rings through my head.

"It can wait," the King mumbles, cocking his head to the side as those golden eyes look deep into mine, reading me in places I never knew existed. "I have much to tell you."

"Of what?" I begin to back away, taking little steps here and there, only for him to catch on as he follows, a smug look upon his face. Of course he would love a chase, a game of catch the prey, any wolf loves that game. It's instincts.

My back hits the marble railing, my breath hitching as they King almost has his chest against mine, his lips dangerously near mine as he bends down to my size, his arms locking me in as they are on either side of me. "Your Majesty, I really do this you should attend this meeti-

His body is flush against mine, making me feel so small, so fragile, and as I stand here, Sebastian's eyes flash through my mind, hate and sadness taking over my heart and wolf. As if sensing something is wrong, hands come up to caress my face, but I push them away.

I'm shocked. I also push the King away, walking to the other side of the balcony as my wolf can feel the pain once more of losing her mate, as can I. "Why? Why are you doing this? It makes no sense! We both have mates. Although I was rejected I have still found mine, and I bet you have as well," I speak, not daring take a breath as I needed those words to come out of me.

He looks taken back actually, his eyes turning a bit hard as I cross my arms. Just then it hits me, that I was rude to the King, to a man who could have me hanged before the sun disappears. I instantly kneel, bowing my head in respect as my heart skips a beat. "I am sorry my King, I forgot my place," I apologize, seeing his feet near, his scent once more overwhelming me.

A hand is rested upon my head, the fingers running through my locks as he does a tisking noise. "Sybil, you are so innocent to the situation around you."

"My Lord, it is because nothing has been clarified as to why I am here and when I will go back home," I express, feeling as fingers move from my hair to my jaw, tracing the bone as my head is raised. As I meet those eyes, something tells me his explanation will be one to dread her press on for. He brings me to my feet, pulling me from the balcony and back into the massive sitting room used for tea or reading, multiple chairs circling different tables or on their own, small or large tables, violet walls, a polished white and black marble floor, and a painting over a fireplace in the back of a waterfall in a forest.

"What have I told you about what to call me?" he begins, taking hold of my arm as he pulls me out of the room, up a set of stairs I still have yet to see. As we make our way out of the sight of the sitting room, I'm pushed against the wall, the King trapping me in as my skin pales. "I've told you the name to call me, so why have you disobeyed your King?"

My fingers begin to shake as he watches me, awaiting my reply as he brings his face closer to mine. "It just seems inappropriate for a rogue who does not know you not is a noble or royal to call you by your first name." He nods, one hand moving as it cups my cheek, brushing my skin as Sebastian plays over and over again in my head.

"As to why you are here, Sybil, I've expressed that twice by now directly. So, tell me, what have I told you?"

That I'm your's, I think to myself, but know better than to state it like that. If I say it like that, I know that's what he wants, that he wants me to say I am his. He wants me to fall into that trap. Who knows what the wording of that sentence, once spoken, could land me. I've heard much of the King, how getting what he wants is no trouble, and getting who he wants is not hard at all. So as to why he wants a rogue within the palace walls still confuses me.

"You've told me that I am your's," I reply softly, watching a hint of defeat pass through his eyes. I'm not as nieve of the King thought. "But still have not expressed how or why I am."

As if those are the words to set him off, I'm shocked to the fullest and don't know what to think or how to act as my head is pulled by my hair, my neck on full display as a pair of canines glaze over the skin. I'm scared to death, yet at the same time, a part of me (including my wolf) is daring him to take the bite, to seal the mark. For a claim more powerful than magic to appear.

Suddenly, he backs up, his face shadowed, those eyes glowing in the darkness as I wonder what my parents will think when they cannot reach me at my flat or I tell them what had happened.

"Marisa, see that Lady Sybil is shown to her chambers while I am in my meeting."

My eyes snap to a woman who descends the stairs from the tower, her face showing shocked emotions as she spots the King. Her head bows immediately as I see her to be a maid, dressed in a simple black skirt and white button up shirt, her blond hair pulled back in a tight bun, and her blue eyes locked on me. "Of course, your majesty."

He leaves, sparing me no glance as I watch his back move with every step, how the muscles flex, making me feel perverted for just a small stare. "Lady Sybil, if you will follow me."

I do, finding myself soon crossing past the massive sitting lounge on the first floor, the couches dating decades back being polished or dusted by maids, the chandeliers reached by laters, and the tall and narrow windows reaching the ceiling being cleaned as well. We cross the room and after several halls, I come to a set of French double doors, golden designs upon the doors, brass knobs.

Two men pull open the door, both dressed in navy, bowing their heads to me as Marisa explains that this is the North Wing, one of the four towers that house people, this one being the most elaborate. Marisa explains that the King's room is in the North Wing as well, four stories all to his own need of isolation, from a private library, dining room, office, bedroom, and the list continues.

"Is there signal out here?" She gives me an odd look, only to realize what I mean.

"Yes, there is," she replies, watching as I reach into my back pocket, only, as I slide my hand in, I find my phone gone. "I take it you will be dining with the King tonight?"

"I actually do not know..." I trace off, watching as she raises an eyebrow.

"How long is your stay?" We walk up a set of cherry wooden stairs, the walls covered in paintings from famous artists.

How long is my stay? I don't even know. I tell her I have no clue, only to watch her put her lips in a thin line. "Did you bring clothes, other than these?" I shake my head. The King basically dragged me with him and threw me into his car for a multiple hour ride filled with awkward silence. "I will ask the head maid, Gwen, what to do."

As she takes out a key, I look at the door before me, tall and thick wood, carvings of leaves along the boarder of the door. "Welcome to the palace."

I gasp, the mere beauty shocking me as I walk through, the fairing sun setting upon my face through the massive and tall windows. A California King-size bed is in the center, a cream duvet with pastel green and silver designs, nearly ten puffy pillows with one bearing the crest of the palace, a marble fireplace by a lounging chair of golden velvet, and another set of chairs pushed near the medium-sized balcony with thin white curtains replacing the doors. "The curtains are laced with magic so the cold air doesn't get in and the room stays a desired temperature."

I'm shocked by the mere luxury. To think I'm staying here. But how long? I have college starting up soon and my parents will want to see me. The King wouldn't plan on keeping me as long as the maid thinks...does he? He's in no need of me really, even if for what he says, he couldn't want me. I was rejected by my mate for crying out loud, that means your mate must of really found a major flaw in you. For the most part I'm just a plain Jane with nothing that makes me special except I can eat a full pizza on my own while running to work.

Marisa leaves me to the room after ten minutes of explaining that the bathroom is in the door by my fireplace and the closet is on the other side, wondering how I'm to dress when it's time for dinner or when I sleep. Basically she worries about my whole wellbeing here. I don't blame here, I could go insane here if the only one here.

I lay upon the bed for about twenty minutes before bored and I decide to explore more of the castle. The King showed me countless of rooms, but nothing stood out to be other than the library where a rolling ladder is, begging for me to take a spin across the shelves on. Finding myself back at the doors of the palace, the doors to the outside ahead, the guards staring right ahead, as if acting like they do not exist. It's been two hours since I saw the King and I've gotten very bored. I want to go home, plus, I pay rent in two days.

"Excuse me, could you open the doors?" I ask, watching the two men, awaiting for them to aid me, but they ignore me. "I'd really appreciate a car as well, like someone to drive me back to the city, I have some business to do there."

Footsteps echo across the throne room, causing me to look over my shoulder. He stands there, a navy robe behind him, attached by a silver across his shoulders, a white fur running over the edges of the robe. A crown lays upon his head, one of silver, but not complete solid silver in one long strand, but silver strands woven together, diamonds and sapphires covering the crown everywhere, the beauty of the crown making me no longer question why so many werewolves gossip about the crown about when it is polished or something like that.

"Sybil, there you are, up to anything?"

He offers me a white smile, one you'd see from a movie star. "Yes, I was wanting to get someone to drive me back to the city," I explain, crossing my arms as I see him take off the crown, running a hand through those locks, on the verge of midnight black, different from the color in the park.

"No one will be driving you back," he replies, quite coldly, his eyes hardening as I frown.

"Then I shall walk," I retort, looking back to the guards as they move, the spears once held by their sides now forming an X across the door. "Excuse me."

I decide to not bother with them, but put my hands upon the doors, trying to push them open, to get them open, only, they stay sealed shut. "They won't open unless I let them."

Walking back to the throne room, I brush past his shoulder, catching a whiff of his scent as I look for the doorway to the North Wing. I have no clue. "Sybil, you're not leaving until I want you-

"You don't even know me, you may hate me by tomorrow," I snap, looking over to him, my gaze hard as a small smirk cross his face. I can't believe  I'm talking to the King like those, as if he's just some common person. "I'd better get going."

I storm out of the room, trying to think of a way out of here. Just as I pass the doorway into a long hall with windows looking out upon the lake, I'm grabbed from behind, pulled against a hard chest as my front is pushed against the glass of the window. "Don't you ever dare give me your back again," his voice growls in my ear, making me cower as my wolf's ears go down. His embrace is tight, but not the loving tight, but threatening. "Do you understand?"

"Yes...Zion," I whisper, my forehead against the cold glass as I look out upon the lake, scared of him breaking the glass and throwing me to the water.

Fingers wrap around my chin, causing my head to be pulled back, resting upon his shoulder as I'm forced to look into his eyes. "You leaving is not a good idea, Sybil, and if you ever try, I will not be the nice guy."

I don't doubt it, I believe him fully. I'm scared of what he is capable of, and he could get away with it, he's the King. He could feed me to the dogs and no one would dare disagree unless they wanted to join me as well. "Don't leave."

I nod, my chin burning as he grips it tightly. "I won't," I whisper, my voice barely even there as his hands loosen, falling to my waist as he shuts his eyes.


As we stand there, I wonder about his mate, about the woman he is supped to be with, who is supposed to be Queen. What happened to her, or has he already found her. I do not think I will ever know. All I know is that he will be mad if I leave, and if I stay, I have no clue what will happen.

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