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It massive, beyond perfect, not a flaw in sight, and set up just how I've heard it to be. Whenever the Alpha or an Elder from my pack would visit, I would always crowd around them as they described the beauty of the land and building. They would express in beautiful words the appearance of the grand hall, the throne room, the gardens, and so much more as I dreamt I was the one walking through the halls and staring up above at the sky-tall ceiling.

And now, as I look upon the massive structure for the first time, my heart skips a beat and my soul feels heavy.

The palace is gorgeous beyond what I would picture it to be. Surrounded by an enchanted wall crafted centuries ago, only those of a supernatural race can see it. If a human passes by, they simple are teleported to the opposite side (which humans finding the castle means they must be very lost).

"I'm glad you like it."

I'm brought back into reality as those golden eyes meet mine, reminding me what is happening. How I was let go of today at work, had my purse stolen, and then, out of all the chance in the world, ran into the Alpha King. But not only that, no, he also practically threw me into his car and said I was 'his.' Whatever his reasons are, they had better be damn good.

"It's a masterpiece, anyone would fall in love with it."

The air tenses as I notice his hands grip the wheel a bit tighter. "Some people grow a tolerance for it." Not responding, I look outside once more, the tall and thick trees isolating us from the human world, the luscious green leaves making me think of Spring.

As the car drives on, a bridge awaits, one of light brown stone that goes over a river, one alive with a current and fish, the water crystal clear. The castle is located on a rather big circle of land on the muddle of a massive lake, one built by elves centuries upon centuries ago. I've heard of the magical building of this place, how mermaids still swim in the waters and elves provide the Wolf Council wisdom.

"Tell me, Sybil, who was this man to reject you."

He doesn't have respect for me, for asking a question like that to a wolf you do not know shows little to none, something frowned upon. Not to mention the King just asked me that.

My blood boils at the thought of the Alpha who cast me aside and claimed me a rogue, who gave no damn thought to having me as a mate, as a Luna, only thinking I could not satisfy. Sure, I was never the prettiest, but I'm not ugly, I at least know that.

"Just someone from my pack, someone immature," I reply, looking down to my hands as I look at the chipped red polish on my nails, finding more interest in them as the memories come back.

A warm set of fingers push their way through my hair, pushing past the knots and thick locks, causing me to tilt my head to the side a bit. I'm silent, knowing it's not wise to fight back against the King, that it's like awaking a dragon if you steal it's gold.

"Is that why you ran?" On the inside, I scoff, knowing full well it was not my decision to be made rogue. However, I don't say the truth, but rather nod, showing someone weak rather than someone who was made a victim and had no choice. His warm fingers leave my hair, only to land between my hands, pulling one out of my lap and onto his.

My face heats up, not knowing what to react with, but all I know is that I'm confused. His body is warm like any wolf's, but also hard, like any warrior's body, causing me to feel embarrassed that I'm thinking of his body. I shouldn't. Goddess, I don't know what even to think of the King right now other than confusion as to why he wants me at the palace.

As we approach the castle, the drawbridge is lowered over the small space between the bridge and lake. One more yard of his tires rotating and we plummet into the water. Looking above, I see the walls, six stories high, thick, and guards walking in or along it. For sure it still upholds the century old custom of the guards at the gate.

As the drawbridge is lowered and the car rolls through, it feels like I've just seen the biggest estate in the world. It's not small, that's for sure. The castle looks as if it stretches for miles high, the multiple towers at the most, eleven stories high, the stone still smooth and polished, the castle doors on the second floor, a row of marble steps leading up as the castle surrounds the courtyard. Just the courtyard itself could be a mansion. Time has done this place well.

But then it hits me, how I'm here, at the palace, with no way out, and the orders of the King keeping me here. If I ran, the guards could shoot me. My face grows pale as the car comes to a stop and the King hops out, fixing his suit as he walks around to my side, just as a man in a navy uniform descends down the stairs. He's what you would expect as a butler.

The door to my side opens, and the second the man spots me, he comes to a halt. "My Lord, is this your mate?"

What? What's going on? Everyone has a mate, and I know for sure I'm not the King's mate. At the least I look like a servant girl to these people.

The King takes my hand, pulling me out as a younger male, around sixteen, takes the keys and drives the car off, no doubt to some massive garage. The older man looks at me, taking me in, but not like the King, but in a way to see if I look like I could be fit for something.

"Angelo, make sure that my Council meeting is pushed back five hours, I must show Lady Sybil around."

Lady? I'm confused here. I'm confused as to why the King even needs me here, why he even wants me here, a poor and rogue female with no mate.

My arm is grasped by his hand, his shadow castes upon my frame as he leads me up the marble steps, my wolf on cloud nine. It's considered a great deal for anyone to step foot upon the palace floors or even in the walls when there's no ball. If you attend meetings here or are brought by the King, your considered great respected.

Outside of the human world, the supernatural one is filled with customs and traditions, magic and creatures that are hidden. Packs live in the human world as a movement from five centuries ago, trying to help socialize the two creatures together in harmony, but the human world still has no clue we exist.

As we approach the last step, I look over my shoulder, the guards on the walls, the people trimming the hedges, the people who work here, the way it functions. For sure this will be a story to tell. But tell who? When will the King send me off? Surely soon, I mean, I have a life out there and family. Possibly what could the King want with a rogue?

"Sybil, I'd suggest you take on the view ahead," the King comments, his voice enticing me in a spell as I turn my head around to the doors as the open, the heavy does sounding with an echoing thump as they are pulled fully open. My jaw drops at the main entrance, the simple yet elegant hall, wide and long, leading to the throne room. The white marble floors are polished, marble pillars leading to the throne room, statues of heroes from Werewolf history on the sides, chandeliers hanging from the tall ceiling that's painted with beautiful and rich colors of clouds and Selene.

"It's breathtaking," I whisper, my voice echoing around the walls as I'm pulled further to the throne room, my nerves kicking up as my fingers shake.

The King; however, let's go of my arm, letting me walk on my own as I'm aware of his eyes upon me, scanning my body, making me feel a tad uneasy.

The throne room is massive, stretching far and wide, a simple navy carpet, slim and long, leading from the steps of the hall to the steps of the throne. Upon the stairs of the throne is the chair, the one plaited in platinum, carved with such detail of leaves and vines, a plush and silky cushion for the ruler, the back rest of the chair going tall, a simple stone of Opal at the point. "The elves must have crafted this," I whisper, not wanting to disrupt the silence that the room holds.

Looking over my shoulder, I see him, staring, leaning against a pillar, a smug look upon his face. "I take it you now sit upon the throne," I comment, putting my hands behind my back as I circle the massive room. "Where are the guards?"

"I dismissed them before we came in, I wanted to get some privacy," he speaks. The world of magic that isolates us from the human world is like a completely separate world, still founded upon the old ways, but sill keeping up with the modern world. There are councils in every supernatural race, those appointed by their noble or royal blood as they help craft the rules and talk of relationships with other races.


"Why what?"

"My King, you brought me here, a random rogue from New York, and so have clue as to why."

His face hardens, moving quickly towards me as his footsteps echo across the room, his walk like a predator as my face grows pale. "Your Mag-

He growls, making me stop my words as a harsh yet gentle hand moves around my neck, squeezing tightly as my breath hitches. "For you, you call me Zion, and that's a royal order."

I nod, afraid not to as a sly grin plays across his face. He lowers his hand and I'm left unsure of what to think as he cocks his head to the side, cupping my chin to look up to him. "I want you here, Sybil, because I need to have you."

"Why?" I ask, my voice weak as he smiles.

"Like I said, you're mine."

He takes off, walking to a doorway to the left, leaving me speechless and confused. Doesn't he have a mate? I know for sure we are not mates, not in a million years could we feel the sparks.

"Are you coming, Sybil? I have a castle to show you."

I follow, unsure of what to come as he waits for me by the doorway, and once I'm there, he does the same thing, moving my head to the side, exposing my neck as he traces patterns upon my skin.But it's no odd location that he traces. No.

It's a location where the mark is typically placed.

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