A Familiar Face (43)

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Aries POV

To say I was exasperated with the heat back on Earth felt like a privleage as my hands trembled from the freezing cold water.

I always complained, hating on the sun for being the cause of my death one day but I wasn't a fan of the winter either. Call me ironic, I can dance around the flames of fire, but the sun.

She's on a whole different level.

And the cold, she does not know her limits.

And this water is the exact representation of hyperthermia and murderous ice touching cold stirred together to bring suffer to humankind.

It's impossible to be immune to this type of temperature, you're practically sparing your life if you're crazy enough to even be near it.

Except me.

I'm an exception.

But the others are just plain damaged in that head of theirs.

Sighing dramatically loud for attention, for any help, for any savior to pick me up in their arms and just save me, I stood there waiting for a while.

The water signs flipped their half fish selves across the ocean, the air signs flopped around the sky, the earth signs extended the rocky shore farther or raised the smooth sand from the sea to their ground level, and I sat here feeling not so creative.

Now I might not be the brightest but heating up a whole ocean doesn't't sound like a grand idea.

Turning around to look for Saggi and Leo, I didn't feel as incapable as before. Leo was already being carried by a struggling Aquarius whom yelled in frustration like one of those animated characters who thought they'd suddenly become stronger by screaming.

And they did.  


Facing quickly in the other direction, I found Gemini duplicate himself into six to carry Sagittarius who was on the verge of falling. However each one fell after another and he was forced to duplicate himself even more.

Although his ability was an advantage that came in handy when he didn't feel like lifting a finger, it had his limits. Their strength would always be  at least sixty percent of his so he worked out a lot to strengthen his minions. It was easier if he got the job done since they couldn't be compared.

Waving fiercely at him, his big smile made me feel relieved. Closing my eyes shut, he picked me up in his arms. I wasn't a fan of heights either but at least this option was the safest one.

I saw Aquarius in the corner of my eye give up and just form a bubble around the two. They ran like little hamsters on top of the water. 

And Cancer was moving in all directions, her anxiety making sure to be sure to be at a catching distance if Saggi did fall.


Opchiusius shushed us for the millionth time after we touched land.

I was in awe really so I didn't give it much attention, this whole city felt like a replica of a video gane or sci-fi city of a fantasy book.

The purple colors were so vivid here, people looked bizarre too. One girl had magnificent sparks of orange fire just cascading wildly around her shoulders but you can tell that if you stepped closer, a whole another galaxy of colors smudged her hair just big enough to notice. She was magnificently tall as well, her frame in general just introduced it's own authority but what was really bizarre was her skin.

She didn't have any. Just a fireball  stretched out into the form of a human being, not to mention the others standing by.

"That's Betelgeuse, one of the brightest stars in the night sky." Opchiusius commented as he looked around to check we were all here.

I nodded, leaning my ear closer but wandering my eyes off to appear distracted.

"Sometimes I wish I could just shoot myself across Earth, seems legit you know."

"What's legit?"

"That's what the other shooting stars get called."

I chuckled quietly to myself, I just saw with my own eyes a super star.

"So everyone's here, good..." Opchiusius smiled, it was a grateful smile. At least it seemed so.

"So...how are we gonna find her?"

"Thanks for asking." As he led us already on our way, I realized really how gullible and naive we were all really being but it's not that his truth wasn't the truth or anything. We were just lost, a couple of teenagers just had their downfall, their worst downfall. Right now this was the way to a solution.

Galaxy better be that solution.

"...makes sense." I looked up to confusing faces so it was good I had fit right in since I missed a whole conversation or even two.

"Um repeat how this is a functioning plan?" I did my best eye roll and hand on my hip to indicate any seriousness. Thankfully, Pisces nodded along.

"Repeat, ok. This is a new dimension and it's everything it can be because of... uh please don't cringe... magic." He whispered the last word regretfully as a few snickers and glances were last among us.

"We'll find a trustworthy smart person of you know constellations and stars and well Universe. If I can give them her necklace-"

"They'll tell you her current status?" Leo interrupted before he could even finish.

"Well yes, when Earth started getting sick a long while back, we didn't know why so the last friend I knew told us of the toxicity harming her. Harsh but because each of us are represented by our stuff whatever, you know...to cut to the poi-"

Again Leo interrupted saying he needed clues and finally I understood after half an hour walking into the city of comets. Almost everyone here was rocky and grey, some left you with a chilling shudder as they passed by but there were tourists exploring as well.

Opchiusius was preparing for a fight, a battle or a war, the smallest ever known really. Who would let themselves be dethrone and shamed in front of everyone.

He knew the few details he could be given, she was a whole universe. She wasn't limited, she was an infinity that would never burst like a star, wouldn't crash like a comet, but just live on. She just had to take charge and just rule. He was willing to search for her everywhere, he was not in the least doubtful of the hints he has followed.

"I never told you guys before but Universe expected this, she was intelligent for a child. She left clues, if I ever wanted to find her again. I just hope she's still there..." I could see his last strand of determination hanging on for dear life as we entered the empty coffee shop.

Gemini hung his arm around me as we kept walking, I felt too tired to annoy him right now or make a scene of how irritating he was so I let him be.

As we sat in one of the back booths, he payed out all the contents if his bag on the table. Universes pendant still glowed a light purple, meaning she wasn't close. What really caught my attention was the rusty charm bracelet. I picked it up with caution to study the five charms. The first charm was a heart shaped one carved with the name Opchiusius, the second one was a purple snowflake, the third was a star, the fourth was earth with what would be the green land colored white, and the fifth was the infinity sign.

Putting the bracelet back, I noticed a diary, and a diamond tiara. I almost shrieked at the treasure. One could set up their life with this.

Immediately all the things were shoved back in at the sound of someone coming in. Opchiusius signaled for us to go through the back door. I would've protested going through a basement but frankly, I felt fear settle in the pit of my stomach.


At that moment I felt my heart leap out of my chest and I cloud tell others felt the same.

'What a creep." Aquarius muttered as the woman in scarlet turned on the lights.

"Who is she?" Now it was Leo bugging with his questions.

"She's the like a fortune teller, hmm no, a physiologist for zodiac signs if that makes sense. Actually a horoscope reader but since it's an illegal act to read a pendant, since it was banned years ago, she works secretly." Opchiusius smiled at what seemed a friend.

"Opchiusius, long time no see. Last I saw you, you still crawled and whined." He rolled his eyes at the chuckle.

"Surprised you recognized me, I was a child back then and I haven't seen you since."

"I sensed your human auroras, and besides we have more important things to catch up on. You haven't visited."

I was confused, did she not know of his disappearance to earth. Everyone was quiet, even Opchiusius until Leo opened his big mouth.

"Pardon the interruption, it's nice to meet you, I'm Leo." Leo held out his hand to shake but it was never returned.

"Americans!? Where did you find them?" You'd think she be furious maybe but she was laughing hysterically.

"They're the infamous zodiac signs." Instantly her mouth shut tight and her fingers begin tapping the wooden office table. The noise was awkward and intolerable but no one moved or stopped it. She chuckled once again and left a crooked smile on her face.

"I see, Scorpio darling come here." Scorpio was cautious as he stepped up to reveal his self.

"Oh my, a handsome young boy. Lend me your hand." Scorpio looked ready to object but he was more rational than most of us and decided to keep the calm.

"Today you might feel a lot more energetic than you have in the past tiring few days. When you're feeling good, everything's fine again. You are motivated, ready to pounce on any tasks ahead of you but you're mind is still clouded. Some fear, tension, nervous maybe of  failure in your love life." Scorpio cleared his throat and faked a laugh as he stepped back with a thank you. She waved at Opchiusius now.

"You were testing my honesty."

"Yes, it's been more than decade Opchiusius, remember that."

"I want to apologize if you have felt neglected or my presence in the past long years but I just wasn't able to." The conversation grew quiet as we gave them privacy by scooting to the nearest corner.

"Scorpio is tensed." Leo mocked.

"I'm not anywhere near tensed." Scorpio claimed although his body language could not second on that. He was moving constantly and his attitude wasn't very focused since the day before we got here.

"Is Scorpio sexually frust-OW!" Leo received a full punch to the gut as we all held in our snickers.

"Leo you shouldn't pry in people's affairs." Aquarius smirked while she lectured him.

"You're one to talk."

"What are you going on about?"

I shook my head at these kids. Again I acted distracted to listen to a word or two they were saying.

"...been gone for a while...new home on earth...found them....abounded almost two decades ago...teenagers with families...universe is lost..."

They were being too quiet but I could tell how the rest would most likely go. Tears threatened to spill on her face and she gave in to them. She must have been like family.

He passed her pendant and with a sincere smile, I could tell she wanted to give him the most useful information possible.

"Guys listen." I shushed their bickering.

"I sense negativity, a broken heart and an empty soul. I sense a dismissive cold, and a longing hope to break out of her prison of pain. She's tired Opchiusius, hopeless and on the verge of giving up on herself but I also see a little girl missing a childhood friend." Opchiusius sighed, this isn't what he wanted to hear.

"Can you sense a location, or any other feelings of where she lives?"

"Physically, she is cold. She's terrified of staying lonely in this distant home of hers. I can see what she likes though, she finds comfort in lights, and stars." Opchiusius nodded and thanked her for her service as we all walked out and said our goodbyes.

He didn't say anything while we left, the horoscope reader can only read how Universe feels and how the day, moth or year will bring luck and positivity but that's merely a clue.

"Universe, from what I heard, lives alone." Gemini informed another obvious fact. I smacked the back of his head.

"Well yeah."

"I could really use like a burger right now."

"A burger?"

"Yup, with a side of Wacdonald fries and an Oreo WcFluury ." Saggi commented, and honestly, my stomach almost growled. Poking furiously at it, I managed to calm it down.

For now.

"Too bad the machine is always broken."

"True story, the other day I got a large WcFlurry and it was great." I felt the really nice memory of a luck day.

"Luckyyy, I also miss my phone. No service here." Gem poured cutely at the biggest problem in the world right now.

"Lame, King of Burgers is the real shit." Scorpio argues.

"Hey come here, I just wanna talk." Gem pulled up his sleeve and threw his weakest punch as Scorpio dramatically died.

"I don't like burgers." Everyone's laughter died down at that one sentence. Pisces innocently tried to look for the person who personally attacked all burger lovers.

"All for leaving Pisces behind say aye."

"Aye!" Pisces gasped at the amount of people say aye. Everyone including Opchiusius.

"Let's rest." Opchiusius pointed at the nearby hotel.


Hey guys! It's been so long since I've updated and honestly I have no excuse. It's hard to feel motivated but this book keeps getting read so I will fulfill my promise. So how's everyone doing?

QOD: What are your favorite flavored Doritos?

Mine are the Spicy Sweet Chilli Doritos, well the purple bag.

Also if you guys have an (wattpad) book recommendations of romance, or zodiac signs,(or yours I like reading new things), drop it in the comment section.

Thanks for the views and votes, it's really appreciated.

Have a nice day😁


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