A Leap of Faith(44)

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Cancer POV

We had travelled a long way to another part of the city after our visit and all of us were exhausted, not a single one of us tried to converse with the other. This city, you could say, was more diverse. Skyscrapers surrounded us every corner and my fear of heights were kicking in. I was glad I was no where near the top because just the thought made me dizzy but anyways, I guess I had spoke too soon. Enormous pillars hovered above us when we had reach the hotel we would be staying at.

Each of them sporting vivid lights in either silver or golden or purple or blue but I could've swore there were more. The entrance door welcomed us, literally, as it sensed our pendants, it opened on its own. It was just clear glass with its rims decorated so brightly, it's light were seen from across the street. Laughing girls kept leaving trails of flames behind them so I was burned a few times for still being in my human shape. They were too bright so it burned to open my eyes.

The vendors in the suite kept offering me thousands of merchandise that I almost lashed on them but again, I was tired out. They kept persisting, one of their merchandise even caught hold of my wrist, though I guess they stopped as if they had what they needed. Not that I bought anything.

After what seemed like forever, I fell asleep the millisecond I touched the bed.


I don't know when and how but I woke up with sweat dripping on my forehead. I had lost track of time but it seemed the city had finally quiet down as well as my friends. This scenario kept waking old memories of my trip to Tokyo on earth. It was fun really.

Carefully I tip toed into the kitchen and slid the door closed. I didn't dare touch any snacks so I rid my thirst by drinking from the faucet. My fingers tapped gently against the marbled counter top. I wasn't comfortable in a unfamiliar place. I sighed and stood before the window, only to see a relaxing environment that shouldn't even set me in a vulnerable state. I just needed air.

I almost fell when a door squeaked and the silence was punctuated by the muffled noise coming from outside the kitchen. I caught my weight in time and my breath but I still landed on the floor. A wave of nostalgia washed over me and I had to beg my brain to remember how to calm my nerves again.

I didn't realize at that time how much trouble I caused, I had just accidentally open the wooden cabinet next to me when I was just trying to support myself on the handle. The voices were cut short and the sound of footsteps grew longer.

It was probably just Pisces or Scorpio who heard me.

The door was slid open and on instinct, I cramped myself in the far corner of the open cabinet and closed it too quickly. The noise of the closing cabinet had emerged with the doors and I was safe.

That much I could tell for now.

"What are you doing!? Trying to wake them up?" A hoarse muffled tone sent a sharpe knife of concern slitting through my heart.

"...I ju-just hear-" She, I was sure a was a her. A feminine voice had stopped mid-short in her sentence. I had positioned myself to see through the open space between both cabinets and saw masked figures heading for the other rooms.

I gasped, her scarlet bracelet was something I somehow had seen before but I couldn't match the missing pieces, at least not then.

I waited quite a while before bursting out of my anxiety hole and finally opening the cabinet door. I couldn't just stay there, I had to think of the others.

"You forgot the ropes!?"

"I thought you had brought it?"

"You're so useless and I hope her majesty will realize. Do you expect us to just carry them all down with loose hands!? It's bad enough you barely brought enough to drug them completely!"

It was silent for a while before he stomped away  and I could hear her whimpering to herself. Did I feel pity? Sort of, those remarks would have hurt me, but then again, she probably wasn't an ally.

My hands trembled but still managed to grab to the nearest object near me. It was a cutting board, seemed useless and it was since I didn't even had to use it.

The female was standing outside the hall, guarding the door. She was supplied with weapons to protect herself and strength to authorize power but by the way she was just dissed, I assumed she didn't have that much power. I was wrong.

My adrenaline rushed me, in spite of my fear, to my only escape where she wouldn't see us.

The balcony.

It made me nauseous, I was ready to spill everything out but I had to calm my nerves. I breathed in and out, counting and concentrating on my well being. I didn't hear anyone coming anytime soon but I was dreading how high we were. Time passed slow and I wish everyone would wake.

I didn't process my movements, not then, I closed my eyes as I sped over to the nearest unconscious body on the floor and dragged them out to the balcony.

Breath in.

In a heartbeat, I had leaped over the only bit left of security keeping me from falling. I tried so hard to concentrate on a diving position as gravity rushed pass me every second. I felt continuous tears leaving me behind, in a terrifying rhythm I had never felt before. I felt regret and compassion for anyone going through an unfamiliar territory of nothing in any shape or form.

Breathe out.

Within seconds my life would had been flashing right before my eyes and so were the terror and fears that were blinding my conscience. So vastly I had compelled every source of water to save my fall, to extend the lifeline slipping out of my fingers and drown out the sound of my scream of terror.

Breathe in.

Last thing that carved itself into my head was the impact of water swallowing me whole as every emotion dragged me to the deepest end. Horror, pride, relief, happiness and a scary feeling of laughing every bit of any fear I had left. I don't know what strength swam me back up to the shore of my savior but it filled me every bit.

Breathe out.

I let the water drop me peacefully on the ground before mentally slapping myself for being so impulsive and crazy. Did I really expect to throw myself down here with my friends and risk our lives? I've never gone through an experience like this, I couldn't just save eleven lives by jumping out of a balcony of a three hundred story building.

I could control water but not the aftermath of cool air sending chills throughout out my clothes. I flushed just sitting outside.

I walked in soaking wet inside the hotel with a annoyed face and millions complaint to drop on them. I had to open the door on my own for some reason.

"Excuse me?" The workers circled me in questions and gasps and shock and so many distractions that none of them could hear me pleading for attention.

"...yo-you all hi-"

"Darling you're muttering." I cleared my throat and nodded in agreement.

"Well don't just stand...there and let me freeze!" I was nervous about lying, I never had a reason to but I had to exaggerate as much as I could.

"I wake up to a flooding room and a horrible, dirty room with no service to attend me. This is intolerable and I will have none of it!" I pointed at all of them with confusion and worried expressions.

"What's your room numb-"

"I had no time to check what room number I'm staying at! Search it up." On command, the young man signaled for cleaning service and security guards to comfort me in my distress.

"I want all security guards and cleaning services to follow me upstairs, I'm not wrong about hearing commotion upstairs. I was terrified of being robbed, poor security!" I raised my voice louder and threw my hands in the hair. I must have looked like a whiny child throwing some ridiculous tantrum. I felt guilt for making his job harder than it probably is from dealing with people like me.

"M'am that's not possible, but we promise-"

"I said, ALL." I dropped a copy of Opchiusius pendant on the table and he complied with my demand. He was important around here, I could tell.

I followed their track in fear of being a victim to the intruders, swiftly turning around to check my surroundings, the only other client in the waiting room stared directly at me with hatred.

I looked away in silence and worrisome, I had a feeling this wasn't our last time meeting.

When we arrived to my room, the female intruder was gone and I excused them, making up lies that I didn't need them anymore. Guilt ate me up, it felt so wrong to have them go down a hundred stories down.

I hurried over to every faucet in the house and turned them on after locking the door. Not enough water flowed but I did my best to wrap each of them in a coat of water and intertwine them together. I didn't have time to be caught, so I hurried over to the balcony located at the end of the hall. It was a beautiful view and I know they would have loved it, right beneath a carousel of stars rotating in a pattern, was the biggest pool I've had ever seen.

I didn't throw myself like last time. I was cautious to leave them on the surface before all the pressure of the water washed over them and splashed, leaving a wet mess. It was hard not having a clear view of the ground floor and I'd be damned if they ever knew of the risk I put them through.

This time I took the elevator.


Saggi opened his eyes every now and then, Taurus slurred illogical words and most were in control of themselves, only slightly.

It hadn't been more than two hours, the drug wasn't strong enough to hold them in this state. After driving up the van Opchiusius supposedly had left parked in the valet section, I carried most of their weight, and if I was lucky, with their help.

I made sure to cover them in warm blankets before letting myself process the events that took down tonight. However, I was interrupted once again with that same fear of sudden approaching footsteps catching me alone and unarmed.

Claps and a mocking chuckle stopped me dead in my tracks. If I ran to the van right now, she or he would know exactly where they are and what we would be escaping in, if I had the chance.

"Bold of you to jump out that window like that." I faced her, she was a giant compared to my petite figure. Her hand was firmly attached to the handle of an actual gun. Guns couldn't harm any of them because a bullet is just danger to flesh. I stepped back at my thoughts, she knew I was human.

"Surrender now to the realm and you will be spared your life that won't be including major consequences for your treason and dishonesty towards her beloved majesty." Reluctantly, I had raised my hands and dropped on my knees as an act of surrender.

She was haggard with my obedience.

"I wonder why you came back? Mo-I mean her majesty," her voice shrinked to a less intimidating one as she continued, "it was idiotic of you to bring a couple of maids upstairs to stop me."

Well, you weren't there.

"I mean no harm, we're just passing through as tourists, I was only scared." I shrieked as her cold fingers held my chin up in place to be at an eye contact distance.

"Lying will only make this situation worse than it has to be." I shrugged pathetically, and veered away from her touch.

"I suppose you're not a zodiac then out on a journey to find the true princess..." she faked a sympathetic smile but her laughter caught up with her.

Maybe I wasn't convincing then because a bullet still raced towards me in a flash with only one purpose. My eyes shut tightly to avoid having to visualize the impact that never came. A bubble of water had trapped death right before my eyes.

"Tricks like that won't save you!" I didn't hear the rest of what she had to say before I was springing and running out of breath as I merely processed how I defended myself without focus.

Bullets flew besides me as a tsunami of my only weapon devoured her and the rest of the night ahead of us. Stepping on the pedal, I maneuvered onto the road and later found an isolated path where we wouldn't be an easy target to spot.

I drove to not collect my thoughts or find myself in a panicking mode but I jumped at the waking voice.

"Dudeeeee...don't scare me like that." I snorted at Saggi in a the back laughing to himself .

"My bad, I'll try not to." He looked intoxicated when he reached up and threw himself in the passenger seat.

I stirred off the road in surprise and smacked him lightly.

"Don't throw yourself like that." He scoffed at my remark but winked at me like we were on a secret no else knew.

"S-so build-buildings are thee only exception!" His face neared up super close to mine. My face was heating up at his proximity and that he knew.

"What building!? We're in a car." I exclaimed but he shrugged it off. What excuse would I be coming up with now?


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