A Mutual Feeling(34)

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Sagittarius POV

Exhaustion was the only word to describe how my body felt. At this point I was panting and forcing my legs to drag themselves even further. Not that I was out of shape or anything, but the last time I worked out was like months ago. Even then, I'd probably be tired.

"Cancer aren't you like a water sign, I'm dehydrated."

"Yes I am but I can't just make it, only control it and there's no water source near by." 

I huffed pathetically at her statement but kept on walking.

"How are you not tired?"

"I spent a few nights training or just building up strength, besides I ran a few miles everyday to improve how much I can run."

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"And why?"

"I don't know, I'm just tired."

Narrowing her eyes back to the map, she kept leading the way. Behind me, Gemini and Aries kept glancing back at each other as if looking for something to say or just the privacy to say something.

"You know Cancer, you should carry me."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're like way strong-"

I never got to finish that sentence because a grip on my shirt pulled me back, almost making me fall.

Damn, I need to work out.

Glancing cautiously at a serious Gemini, Aries took this chance to hurry away next to Cancer. Sighing heavily, he passed a hand through his hair before facing me with a grin.

"Dude, you're wierd."

"Saggi Imma say something but no interrupting, I just need advice."

"What's up?'

"So the other day when you weren't here, I was talking to Aries alone since Cancer was somewhere else keeping watch of I don't even know what. Either way Aries and I had this talk, so technically she must know who I like a-"

"You like soneone and no one told me?"

I interrupted him with a dramatic gasp but with sincerity. You'd think that after years of friendship, you'd be the first to know. Now, I wasn't oblivious in the slightest and I didn't let those momentary conversations and glances slip just like that.

I could tell and even though Leo would confess his secrets like there was no tomorrow, Gemini was more reserved and took quite his time before revealing anything at all.


"Oh yeah!" I winced at his whispered shouting in my ear, pushing his face with my palm but before he continued he licked my palm.

"Ew! Nasty! Who know's where that tongue been at!"

Laughing loudly at my disgust, he received a weak slap to the face. Either way, the dirty bastard went back to the topic about his little crush.

He was just lucky I was dying to know his confession.

"So either way, Aries and I talked. I asked her what she liked in a guy because she said I wasn't her type then she says she doesn't even have a type!"

Gemini shook his head in disbelief, as if it was all nonsense and completely illogical. I watched ahead as Cancer and Aries stole glances at Gemini and I with a few giggles and hushed whispers here and there. 

"They must be talking about the same thing."

"I know but then we talked about what we might like in a partner. Get this, she just wants someone that likes her for her and well.....ugh I like her for her so then I told her I like her and I wanted to do something to her."

"Woah there, I see you. Skipping baby steps, just jumping right in."

"Well indirectly if we're being honest, I said a certain someone, I never said her but she knew it was her."

A pause of silence followed after, he had a puzzled look on his face. Confuse of what? Who knows but Aries and him gazed at each for what felt like a minute or so but it was just a few seconds.

Flicking Gemini in the head, he kept on going on about his last night experience.

"Oh yeah, anyways so she asked what did you want to do and so you know I lean-"

"Hey, let's go, maybe we can catch that bus stop."

Gemini forgetting all about his last night experience, he scurried to the bus stop near us. Running along with any energy I had left, we all rushed to catch the bus but I was more eager to get Gemini to spill.

Walking down the row of seats, we all sat at the end of the bus. Gemini next to me with Aries to his side and Cancer beside Aries.

"You never finished, now take your time. We have all day."

"Oh yea so as I was say-"

But of course, today the world chose to interrupt him once again when the bus came to a sudden halt pulling us forwards.

Groaning in pain, my attempt to stand up was more successful than I would've thought despite my lack of exercise in the past six months.

Taking in my surroudings, I reached out for Aries who was sprawled out with a whimpering Gemini underneath. With a thank you, I pulled the wimp up with all my strength.

"Are you guys ok?" A soft whisper came from Cancer, as we nodded she shushed us with a finger resting on her lips.

Leaning in closer to huddle together, her eyes glued to the front of the bus while she spoke.

"Did you notice the bus driver left? There are barely people in this bus, thr only man riding along with us is an elder crouched down over there. I checked the windows, there seem to be some suspicious.....people standing outside."

Standing up carefully to peep through the window, six figures paced around the bus while three others checked their surroundings.

"First, I need Aries to crawl out there and just surprise attack the man standing in front of the entrance. Then I'll go ahead for a small talk, if I can get the truth we'll know who's behind this."

Cancer made sure we all listened carefully to the plan.

"Then, Gemini will duplicate the man's body or face, just do you and walk to the other guys and inform them no one was on the bus. Saggi, while he's at it, you will take that man out of here got it?"

Nodding in understanding, Aries crawled in front of us keeping her head low while Cancer continued talking to us.

"Ok look, after that I don't know how  we are going to escape these men but look..."

"We'll wing it." She shot a worried look in my direction but nodded nonetheless.

Crawling away to the front of the bus, we waited impatiently until she shot a signal she was going in. From there on, Gemini was ready to advance while I tried to soothe the man's nerve.

"Look, I'm going to get you out of here but I need you to trust me and help me out."


Speaking a little bit louder for the elder with confusion and not one drop of concern written all over his face, he looked at me with a 'o' shaped mouth.

Gently helping him crawl on his knees ahead of me, it took us a while to finally get to the entrance.

When we were able to stand outside, he walked away by himself into a nearby cafe far from the bus stop.



Following her lead, we were caught by the crew including a man  with one hand holding both of Aries's wrists and another hand pushing the top of her head down lightly.

With men nearing towards us, I stepped in front of a not very concerned Cancer but a rather upset or baffled one. When the men threw glances and snickers to each other from whatever they were speaking about in a foreign language, my hand flew to the sign of my constellation. The last I heard was a no from the girl behind me.

With focus and complete ignorance of a pleading Cancer demanding me to stop, the arrow went flying over the crowd and landed on a not very happy man's leg.

"Stop Saggi! One of them is Gemini!"

Hearing that, I continued to aim for the furious men ready to tackle me and end me with just a shot of their guns. It was completely obvious at this point whom Gemini pretended he was, the only man who seemed as if he had an invisible barrier protecting him from harm was the one holding a relieved Aries.

Although I was glad they were well protected, Cancer and I couldn't really avoid bullet shots. Tugging on Cancers sleeves, I pulled her to my side before speeding up ahead for shield.

"This was a horrible plan."

"Not really, quite of an impressing one. Gemini can't get hit, three men are on the ground with wounded legs or arms so I think this is the best four unprepared Zodiacs could accomplish."

"Calming words."

The sarcastic remark brought a smirk to my lips as an idea came to mind, standing up to open the emergency back doors of the bus. We dashed for the front of the bus where Cancer crouched down besides the drivers seat where I took action.

Stepping on the accelerator, my fingers drummed on the steering wheel with anxiety as the bus sped up on the road hitting a few of the men in the way. 

I stepped on the break when the sound of yells and shattering glass came from the back of the bus, soon the man pounding on the back door was gone.

Going at it again, I drove the bus at a speed limit where a running person could still catch up.

"I'm so done with today."

Cancer laughed quietly to either herself or to me but I nodded in agreement.

"The feeling is mutual."

"Don't you ever just wish you were not a Zodiac?"

"Not entirely, I mean because of that I met some people I wouldn't have met at all if I were just a normal teenager. Maybe I would have actually but the bond we have now wouldn't be the same."

"I can relate but how about family?"

"I was an orphan who lived with a meh uncle, but I do miss my old life."


Making sure both bodies were now riding along, I sped up passing multiple red lights since the streets were empty.

"I admire how you're strong then."

"Well thanks but I mean I'm surprised you didn't pity me with a sorry."

"I guess I can relate in a way, my dad and older sister passed away so I lived with a......depressed mom. I didn't like it when people said sorry, like what for?"


"I don't know if I can do this though." She declared with the only determination to give up evident in her tone.

"What if this wasn't made for me, I'm just not capable. Everyone else seems as if they got it." she huffs tapping her foot on the floor as I chuckled at her nonsense.

"Of course you can, I mean I believe in you. You were the one who came up with the plan, look how it turned out." Deciding wether or not I should've, I realized I was never one to over think the things I do so I dared myself to hold the small hand resting on the back of the seat.  

"How do you know? This just sucks, you know that right?"

Her voice was distant but calm at the same time. Tracing circles on her palm to try and assure her she's alright wasn't much comfort but hey I tried.

"Because our journey isn't perfet but its ours and we'll stick with you 'till the end."

"That was so cheesy..." with a quiet laugh coming from her, I shrugged my shoulders at her comment.

Hope you enjoy!

Have a nice day❤

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