Instincts (33)

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Taurus POV

After long hours of driving , the car was starting to be a discomfort. My behind plus my thighs were starting to get sore from sitting and from having a sleeping Scorpio resting peacefully, and quite comfortably if we're being honest, on my lap.

Not that I was complaining or anything, I entertained myself by playing with his hair or just gazing at him quietly which got me called a creep multiple times by Libra.

Tracing a finger along his jawline to somewhat wake him up already, I waited patiently for Capricorn hurry back from the gas station. Either way, I smacked him on the cheek a few times but no luck.

After placing a kiss on his forehead, I had expected he would stop pretending to be asleep.

"Make out already, why don't you?"

"Libra, I'm just trying to wake him up."

"With a kiss, why don't you just yell at him?"

"Because I'm enjoying myself."

"You really like him, don't you?"

A teasing smile settled on her lips, then she flickered between the two of us before sending me a wink.

"What is stopping you?" For the first time in a while, she wasn't joking and I knew by the stern expression she held. Libra could always be indecisive, never truly able to take choices serious but sometimes she just knew what was right.

Few times only but when she was this attached to a plan without hesitating on the 'what ifs', I didn't know wether to be scared or relieved.

"I'm...afraid." And few times only did I confess emotions, but I trusted Libra and her instincts.

"Afraid? What? Scorpio scares you?"

"No, not at all...." I trailed before covering his ears with both hands tightly.

"Look I'm afraid of myself, I've never dated Libra and you know this. Ok, you've had boyfriends, lovers because you're just so beautiful and you' You know how to feel someone special....I don't."

"Go on."

"Libra, boys have barely liked me because of my attitude or how unapproachable I am, I just get all awkward when it comes to love. What if I can't be the girlfriend he wants, I don't want to loose him."


"Well yeah, I'm inexperienced at this type of stuff while he knows what he's doing. I want to take a step forward but there's this, this feeling that's dragging me back."

"Taurus I don't think you've noticed Scorpio doesn't care, he deals with your attitude and even thinks it's....adorable. He wouldn't think about you like that, just take the risk and take it slow."

Taking my hands off his ears when Capricorn started the car and passed up some snacks, I started to smack Scorpio harshly with a bag of chips to wake him up.

My plan had worked well, he woke up with scowl on his face. Shoving the bag onto my face, he sat up straight next to me meanwhile Libra kept throwing glances at the two of us.

Scorpio completely oblivious and me, ready to smack her with anything within reach.

"Why did you wake me up?"

"Because you're heavy and I can't sleep if you're on top of me all like that."

"Well then if you're going to be all grump like that, then why don't you take a nap?"

Grabbing my shoulders to push me lightly on his lap, with an arm wrapped around my waist and another one caressing my cheek.

Libra screamed while kicking something in the front.

"Remember that guy Taurus? The one you hated and were never going to talk to like ever again but you fell in love at the end?"

If it wasn't for the fact that I was trapped underneath Scorpio's arms, I would have strangled her than and there.

"Guy you fell in love with?"

This time, the question came from Scorpio as he eyed me suspiciously.

"What guy?"

Suddenly Capricorn turned around to interrogate me as well but I was paying more attention to Scorpio right now.

"Oh nothing, it was just some guy I met from school."

"What's his name?"

"I don't know, guess. There were only like ten thousand students..."


Scorpio got hit by several bag of chips thrown from Capricorn, who pointed with an accusing finger pointed at the arm wrapped around me.

"Hands off."

Lifting myself up slowly with a groan from his lap, I missed his touch but waved it off.

Fluttering my eyes open from what could have been an earthquake shaking me awake, I almost bumped into someone's face before I realized it was a grinning Scorpio so I scooched back.

"Wake up."

"Did you have to shake me awake, the next time you attempt to do that I wil-"

"Kiss me on the forehead?"

Closing my mouth in an instamt, I felt trapped under his amusing gaze. Ah! No fair, the one time I want something to be discreet and he has to come and ruin it.

"What's with the face, I only suggested it?"

"Oh yea haha!" Laughing nervously and slipping under his arm to escape him, the fuming Capricorn and the livid Libra leaning against the Car stole my attention.

"Why are we here?" Capricorn questioned furiously.

It was then I took in the city, an all well and too familiar city in which we used to live in. Why were we here? Felling my blood boil as well, I glanced back at every other person.

"Capricorn, what are we doing here?"

Libra was the second to speak, gaining a glare from my brother. The tension was sharp among us, each of us deciding who to kill first.

"She made us go through all that just so we could make it here?" I asked absetmindedly, why couldn't she just ship us here? Was it so hard to take us back to this town?

"I knew we couldn't just trust her and put our powers in her hands. That wicked littl- ugh! Her stories never made sense, not once but this! Needs a lot of explanation..."

Capricorn went on and on with his rant about his mistrust towards the Queen.

"Guys, what if the others have came already too."

Standing on my feet, I approached a fellow whom looked busy on his phone and tapped his shoulder. After his approval of letting me use his phone, I dialed every Zodiac girl starting from Cancer and ending on Aquarius.

It would've been hopeless to even think she would answer so it took me by surprise when a 'hello' was heard from the other line.

"God, Aquarius it's Taurus!"

The phone's owner looked at me oddly when I yelled loudly onto the phone, excusing myself from the kind guy, I heard mumbles.


"It's Leo but hey!"

"Hi, Leo. Ok look, where are you?"

"Oh you know at Aquarius' beach house or something like that. It's really cozy and nice here, she's taking a show-"

Hanging up and handing the guy his phone with a very grateful thank you, I dragged and pushed my friends back into the car before jumping on the driver's seat.

"So would you like to explain?"

The same question and anything along those lines, kept coming at me but I concentrated mire on driving since I didn't have a drivers license and wasn't planning on getting fined or thrown into jail for not owning one.


I yelled at last until we arrived at our destination minutes later did the others understand. Taking no time to even take the keys off, I knocked in desperation Leo was truly here.

"Oh look who it is, Miss I hang up on everyone!"

I had never been so thrilled to see a frowning Leo who started complaining at my lack of manners. Without permission, I rushed up the stairs to knock on Aquarius door.

"Leo I told you to back off when I was showering!"


"More like Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio."

Pulling me into her room, a wide grin reaching from ear to ear on Aquarius' face gave me some hope this journey wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

But I should've known better.

So ships are sailing, they just need a captain to guide them.

Thanks again for the support.

Have a nice day❤

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