How did we come to this?(40)

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Taurus POV

"You might be privileged of having the ability to create portals, it's real nice not having to walk there when in a snap you can be wherever you wish to be....however...." I sat quietly in the corner trying to focus on my own things but watching Scorpio fail was far more enjoyable.

"There's a however?"

"Yes, from a level of one to ten you are a strong two.....with my help so that must be saying something." Covering my mouth to avoid any snickers, I pretended to be concentrated on the floor. Not that I was doing was a useless and boring waste of time, telepathy was a handy ability. It gave me a reason not to stand up.

Ophiuchus was surprisingly useful, it's like he knew everything. He was a walking thesaurus and a weird unbelievavble magic book. From step to step, he trained me to somewhat perfection.

Two weeks since we've had our small encounter which I've managed to not hold a grudge for that since Libra came very forgiving. It was a blur that day but when I saw Libra sprawled out on the floor lifeless and unmoving, I was sent to a panic attack. It was a frightening sight, I just started hyperventilating and that had me extremely fed up.  

Everyone was so busy trying to get a hold of a helpess and crying me, in which I'm grateful that I was even given some aid, that an unoticed Libra was litteraly carried away. It was usual for me to have these sudden anxiety or panic attacks as a child but that was long gone, when I hurried towards her, well I don't know.

I don't remember anything after that.

Anywho, I did not put those trust issues aside easily and still haven't. Only reason I begged to be trained in a room with at least one of the others was just in case I died at least someone would know why.

Ophiuchus wasn't the most patient but he did his best to tolerate.

All this thinking makes me hungry.

A smirk plastered on my face gained Scorpio's attention when the bar of nutella flew in my direction.

"I believe you should improve this skill today to at least the average which is a five. As a reminder, these two weeks I have pushed you the hardest and you might feel that you are living on the edge right now but I need you skilled enough to be capable of jumping into action whenever it's the time. Now come on, we haven't tested anything so just go for it nice and slow."

Scorpio nodded back and I could have swore I felt how delighted he was feeling at this second, one of those rare times when he smiled genuinely and not an arrogant smirk or fake grin.

Taking a short break from my devouring nutella time to watch this was a big deal for me, nutella before being a lovestruck Cinderella.


Not good enough, let's just go with fries before guys.

Narrowing my eyes to a now serious and focused Scorpio, I was scared to even move. Any sound could distract him but thank God I was a professional at this, sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack taught me how to quite down my movements. 

The years I spent preparing myself and filling my stomach with hot pockets.

He stood still with eyes burning holes through the space in front of him, was he hallucinating?

His hands flowed gracefully in the air and at first my face was tucked in to form my double chin but my questions were answered. 

He was forming a sign and once it was completed, it glowed a bright red in the middle of the room. I dropped my nutella in utter shock when he opened up the weird circle hovering in the air. It became a portal, a grand bubble showed the other dimension or location.

My nutella!

Is not as cool as this, forever delicious, but this was fascinating.

Next to that portal, he didn't waste a second to create more. The first transported to the front of Ophiuchius house, the second seemed like a fancy building, the third was to Aquarius' beach house and the fourth looked like fantasy. There were old village houses with children's wide eyes looking back at us.

"Now close them all."

"What was the really fancy building one?"

"My company, as the CEO it was very unprofessional of me to lie by making everyone believe I was on a business trip but I have to return tomorrow so I can be found here. Besides, I have significant files and useful items you might ever need if we go on our journey."

"What do you mean if and you might?" My voice brought them in realization that I was in the room all along.

"Well if means if the twelve of you even agree. Also, I'm tempted to leave already but not all of you are fully prepared just yet, I'm not going to  sacrifice twelve powerful aids to this journey. I'm worthless as a Zodiac without my abilities but I'm worthy as a trainer, some of you aren't using all of your capability but I'll push them there."

"Am I ready?" Scorpio sent me a look since we both said it at the same time.

"Jinx! I win now answer, please?"

"Scorpio's strength is a ten out of ten, he beat me in a fight and knows how to use his privileges to his advantage as well as his weakness. Mind, well you tend to do things better when you're being emotional but that's not something I can train. I would say abilities, from what I just saw you improved to a low seven. I wouldn't say that's ready but at this rate we just need a week....."

"Heard that Pop Tart." Winking at me, I smirked when the nutella on the floor tossed itself, who knows how, onto his face.

"Taurus, strength is not....well you're physically not strong even as a bull. Sure your strength increases but not much, although from our previous fight that's not necessary. The control of your abilities are a ten out of ten, you can pick up any object no matter it's weight, you use weapons to fight without even touching them, you control a person's body parts when they least expected, you even use plants and vines for a fight and that's because your intelligence and way of thinking is impressing really. You are definitely prepared."

"Heard that Scorpi."

"Oh shut the hell up." The jerk picked up the jar of nutella and threw it as hard as he could at me, of course I stopped it and watched amusingly when it knocked him over from the hard impact. 

"Why that hard!?"

"You threw it hard."

"Well sure but I knew you would just throw it back, just not hard enough to kill me."

Racing over a whining Scorpio, I threw myself next to him. With a smile, he closed his eyes and waited for something.

"Do you want a kiss?" I asked awkwardly, why was he acting like sleeping beauty 2.0.

"It'd be nice but I wasn't expecting one, I'm just tired and sorry for being such an ass. I didn't mean to throw it th-"

"I'm better than you, don't be so intimidated by my awesomeness, I promise I'-"

"Oh shut up." A deep groan came from him when his arm swung over my waist, what a position to be in right now.

"I feel like you're the only one intimidated."

" what?"

"Insecurities and lack of experience, I don't mind that though you know. I can relate and if anything you can become experienced with me if that's what really bothering you. I wouldn't pressure you. "

"I think that jar....hit you too hard. Stop talking gibberish o-"

"Get up!"

Scorpio chuckled before leaving a nervous wreck wanting so bad to die from embarrassment. He either overheard my whole conversation with Libra in the car or he's actually out of his mind. I felt more anxiety than any flustered feeling, this is my fault. I keep holding back from fear I'll disappoint him.

Sighing and picking up the jar of nutella, I let my mind be filled with thoughts of our kiss. He confessed, and yet we're still in the same position.

Throwing the jar of nutella away, for the first time I wasn't hungry. It was filled with floor germs either way.

"Happy birthday!" I trapped my brother's in my arms whom had a big smile on his face. Taking a step backwards, my hand reached out with a small box adorned with a big red bow on top. I loved the twenty fifth of december, this day celebrated my favourite holiday, christmas, and Capricorn's birthday. So I wrapped half of the box with a birthday-themed paper and the rest with a christmas-themed one.

The rest rushed towards him while I smiled at the decorations. A big birthday cake sat in the middle of the dinning table while Christmas food surrounded the yummy chocolate vanilla frosted cake. The Christmas tree looked beautiful decorated with tons of presents, I only bought one thing for each person unlike Libra who went all out this year just like every other year.

Capricorn was lucky to receive two from me.

Birthday banners hung right on top of Capricorn's presents, what a lucky person. Receiving double gifts, not that I was complaining after all it meant more food when this day came around. 

"Look at all my gifts!" A sad laugh escaped my lips, every year since I learned how to talk Capricorn would brag his presents off and the attention he would receive. All because he was jealous of the cute baby sister stealing the attention because of her cute rosy cheeks and pigtails.

I never thought highly of myself but my eyes were my best feature and I knew it.

Taking a seat with the others, I grabbed the lighter to lit the candles on the cake meanwhile the others invited started singing 'Happy Birthday'.

Resting my head on Capricorn's shoulder, my hand moved itself to the back of his head to shove his face into the cake, of course after everyone sang and he blew the candles.

One of our family traditions, how did he forget?

"I was wondering why you were taking so long?" I heard Libra whisper beside me, I laughed quietly at his angry face. He couldn't do anything. We made a deal on that when we were around seven or eight years old, also the year Libra entered our lives, that no matter how furious we were at any  pranks we pulled off on holidays, birthdays, and April fools no one could anything.

Libra actually came up with it, Virgo did not agree at all until he wanted to prove he was a man and all at age twelve.

"Happy nineteenth birthday bro, love you." Shoving his face away from the cake, I handed him the knife.

"You're almost old enough to buy us booze." Leo joked and was ignored except by Gemini and Sag who high-high-fived him.

"Happy birthday Cap, we're not close but you're guys guess whose birthday it is next? Me! So make it big." Aquarius completely changed the topic from Cap's birthday party, throwing an inflated balloon to shut her up was enough.

I wasn't sure what to get her.

"Consider my Christmas present, your early birthday present!" Aquarius flipped Aries off and ran to get Capricorn his presents.

"It's nearly midnight, let's get this going. Normal people open them in the morning, we've waited long enough and the day is almost over."

Aquarius first handed the birthday boy all his gifts. He had more than twenty four boxes.

I was next to receive mine, I had more than twelve at least. The others that were invited were Ophiuchius friends so they were outside drunk or whatever and they didn't bring presents for us which made sense but still the house was packed. Since it was Capricorn's birthday, the others were giving him drinks and taking his attention away.

It was like a cliche teenage party.

Standing up to make my over to the litchen, the only quiet place right now in the house, a smirking Scorpio was standing in front of me. Ignoring his exsistence, I grabbed myself a cup of soda.

"Fancy seeing you here...." He spoke taking my cup as well. Rolling my eyes and not wanting to tackle him for that, I grabbed myself another drink.

"You remind me of this guy from one of my favourite series."

"Hmmm who?"

"Damon or Stephen, not sure but Damon. It's that arrogant smirk on your face." His eyebrows pulled together but I knew he wanted me to continue.

"Who is that?"

"Damon, probably the hottest actor I know, and Stephen are vampires in the series. So Damon is really conceited, like he knows he's attractive. He's also very cocky, and intimidating in a.....nice kind of way."

"So what I'm hearing is I'm hot, I'm conceited, cocky and intimidating but in a seductive kind of way. What else am I? Possessive, jealous, bossy but have a sweet side?" He chuckled at the basically cliche type of guy you'd read in a book or watch in a teenage movie.

"Nope, but by the smirk you do remind me of him. So why are you delighted?"

"What series and can I not be happy?"

"TVD and sure but you look like a creep standing here all alone with a smirk in the face."

"Oh that show, sucky and I am not a creep." The smirk on his face continued to stay there, my head tilted upwards to find exactly what I expected. A mistletoe hanging over our heads.

"So you were waiting for me? Not creepy at all, right?"

"No....I was just imagining what would happen if you were here and then you just appeared."

"So now I'm in your fantasies?"

"You're really forward."

"Says you. Imagining what would happen if you were here." He shrugged his shoulders at the comment and avoided my stare, I laughed when I noticed a shade of pink appearing on his pale cheeks.

A/n prepare yourselves *inserts lenny face*

"Taurus what are we?" Welp, I'm not laughing anymore.

When the room was quiet again, I walked over to his side and shrugged as well.

"What do you want us to be?" I wasn't trying to confront him in fear of rejection but I wanted so bad for this conversation to come up already. This was my shot to clear things up, no matter what if the consequences are bad or good.

"I overhead the conversation with Libra even when you covered my ears. I was awake, and I didn't want to bring it up in case you'd get mad at me."

"Ah! Well I mean now I don't have to bring that speech up since you already know. Saves time." He sent me an eye roll but I caught the small grin playing on his lips.

"Scorpio, you know I've never dated and no I don't know what I'll be doing wrong or right if I was to date so that's kinda of nerve wrecking. I feel like I'll be judged for that or be less than what a guy expects, I'm almost eighteen I should already kno-"

"Any jerk that judges you because of something as stupid as that is worthless. Although, if you let your insecurities stop you from having what you want, you'll regret it later on but if you feel that you, and not just your fear, really don't want it then don't force it."

"Are you positive?"

"About my feelings for you?Absolutely."

"How smooth."

We sat there for a few seconds in silence again, maybe he was waiting for something to happened. But woah.

You go from having a normal first day of school promising yourself no love and silly drama or heartbreak to standing under a mistletoe with the guy you like in your brother's birthday's party a.k.a Christmas because you were kidnapped by the thirteenth Zodiac sign hence why this was celebrated in his house.

How did we even get here?

"I want to be more than friends."

"Um....ok how rando-"

"No Taurus, I'm answering your question. I want to be able to call you mine, I want to be able of waking up everyday to this crazy weird bullshìt of a mess we now call life with a smile on my face only because I know that I still have the company of the girl I adore the most, I want to be able to just hold you in my arms and no matter how true that is everyday I don't want to be just a friend."

I stood there a bit shocked at his words, no one had ever said something like that to me and yet I knew how to respond to that.

His hand had moved up to take a hold of my chin before gazing at me in the eyes, from the close proximity I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks and the desire to just give in. My breathing was faster than before and the smirk on his face meant he knew how he was affecting me.

Having enough with his games, my arms settled around his neck when our lips meet. At first I stood there but I recovered quickly to move my lips against his slowly. My hands had moved up to grasp his hair when I was pinned against the wall, I ignored the sudden jolts I got when his thumb brushed against my cheek.

His lips moved faster, invading my mouth and surprisingly I liked it, I liked him, I loved how he treated me like I was some fragile item despite how he gripped both my wrists in one hand before pushing them above me.

A shock gasped had him smile against my lips when his free hand clutched my thigh to raise it above his waist.

I swear it wasn't me but the hormones had taken over my head and forced my legs to wrap themselves around his waist which he smirked at.

When he pulled away to catch his breath, he placed another kiss on my forehead before asking me the one question I should have asked earlier.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I mean I would say boyfriend but you get the point.


Welp this book went from pg to pg 14 unlike these Rated R comments :○

Not that I'm complaining, I die of laughter when I read them^^

But seriously, these ships need to sail already.

QOT: Which Zodiac sign would you date, like if you were one of the characters?

I'll stick with Leo.

Have a nice day❤

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