A Fair Debate(39)

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Aries POV

"So I'd love to know if you are out of your mind?" I whispered angrily to a nervous Libra taking too much interest in her fingers after all the ridiculous explanation she threw at us.

"No I think she might be right." I narrowed my eyes at Capricorn who gave Libra a reassuring smile, Virgo and Pisces started nodding in agreement. Were they hit in the head!?

"The queen was always suspicious, this makes more sense." Cancer claimed and though I had my suspicions, I wasn't about to easily give in to Mr. I'm one of you so you must believe everything I say.

"No proof." I repeated stubbornly, we had gone this far and I don't know if going much farther was the plan right now. Our one and only job was for this guy to be removed, it was never thought out thoroughly and I never really wanted to go through this. Actually I just wished to forget this whole year.

"Ok whatever, whoever agrees with Libra on that left and with me to the right."

The water signs excluding Scorpio, and the earth signs stood next to Libra while I smiled at my team.

"Let's have a fair debate." Libra quickly announced but I could tell she was not ready for what was coming. She hated confrontations and fights, something I learned this year.

"Ok I'd like to start. Can I just point out that he could have made this all up, how can we be sure that's Ophiuchus? The queen said he was dangerous and I didn't like her either but we can't be dumb about this."

"Understandable but answer this, how did he know my ability, or Gemini's or even our identity? He is five years older and there is a slight change he might remember us. Why did he not harm us already? I mean he can kill twelve birds with one shot here, it would be perfect timing. I just don't trust this woman. Imagine, she sent us here without us being prepared is she not some powerful queen? Why couldn't she do it herself, after all we are only some powerless and untrained Zodiac compared to her, right?"

"Because....she wanted us to maybe grow as a Zodiac or find our powers or whatever but you can't just put your trust in his hands! How can you prove this!? You really can't, it's just his word or hers!" Slamming my hands on the coffee table in front of a calm and relaxed Libra, she was not agreeing with me any time soon. Her voice was just so peaceful compared to my accusing one.

"Grow up!? Nonsense! So this bitchy queen was willing to send all unprepared Zodiacs knowing she was sacrificing her most powerful soldiers! I understand your doubt but I rather believe him, I just don't trust him!"

"But you trust a man who kidnapped you!" I argued louder to make a point, I would believe her if I had proof he meant good.

Logic these days!

"I'm not saying that!" She finally stood up with clenched fists to her side. "I'm not naive or dumb or extremely stupid! I'm not saying let's just depend on him because I'm not, we are capable of protecting ourselves if we put the effort to train, prepare as a team. Of course trust is earn and maybe just maybe he can earn ours because clearly the queen hasn't earned that from any of us!"

"Oh so now because the six of you like him we should trust him!"

"Of course not. Ugh Aries you don't get it!" Before litteraly face palming, she sighed. "Yes I do like him in general. I got a good impression, I sensed good vibes but I don't trust him just yet. I'm saying there's a possibility we could if we gave him the chance. Perhaps that's why the queen is worth shìť when it comes to our reliance. I like him but I'm keeping my guard up."

I wished so bad my conscience was not believing the crap flying out of her mouth but it was somewhat credible.

"Ok lovely, but we have been through so much this year, we have been told so many stories and yet we still don't have the answers to our questions because we will never know the truth since the other sides to story keep popping up! Which one is to be trusted or believed?"

"That's just up to us."

"Yet we can't agree."

I loved how Libra and I were at it and the rest were just watching as if it was some kind of drama, even Saggi was eating popc-

Where'd he get popcorn!?

"Why do you even like him? Is it because he's undoubtedly cute? He's manipulative?"

"Right! Have you seen his eyes?"

"They can't beat his dimples though?" Looking back, he was smiling and oh my god. He is smilin-

"Libra stop!"

A playful smirk humg on her lips when she distracted me, how unfair! Using my sexuality to her advantage!

"Ok fine, if you can make a compromise or better I want some proof."

Looking at Cancer, I knew exactly how.

"Cancer if you are sure about your arguement, would you mind demonstrating your sources?"

She stood there for a while 'till courage had her call the man over, with a grin he faced all of us but with distant since I was burning holes through him with my eyes.

He might be handsome but he was not to be trusted. Gemini was as well glaring at him, I guess we both disliked him.

Cancer made small talk and finally hit him with the big question, 'what are your intentions?' I was surprised yet baffled that he chuckled at her.

"That's not going to work because Zodiac power don't work on other Zodiacs but I'll confess. I want to avenge my past, that is all and you twelve can achieve what you want but not with Persues being queen."

Cancer stepped back and hollered at another man, this time it worked and the man spilled the beans. All he had to state was something along the lines of what this Ophiuchus dude had to say.

This time, Leo and Saggi walked over to the other side. Traitors!

You give them your all and the ungrateful son of a bachelors leave you!

Damn them!

He was slowly winning them over and I hate to admit I was reconsidering my stubbornness for the mistrust I had for him but I wasn't convinced just yet.

"Aries I know you are the, physically, strongest in this room. I know you are fiesty, short-tempered, and very very stubborn. You stand in your ground even if you're wrong because you love to be right. Let's compromise, give me a chance, test me and you'll help me."

"Are you saying you are right because that means you are saying, indirectly, I am in the wrong! Don't play games with me!"

"No Aries I d-"

"Fine! But if you displease us you're done!" Shaking his hand, I slid over to the other side with the rest. How pathetic I was being but I was willing to watch the other side lose if it meant being on his side.

"I have a home and it's your choice if you wish to live here." It was an enormous living space for only one person, I felt pretty curious of what he did.

"Why so much money?"

"I inherited all my money from my adoptive dad's and his company so now I'm the CEO of a nationwide insurance company."


"You guys are children to the outside world a- Christmas is in a few days, you did want to get to know us well I'll be here. Come to the gathering if you wish but anyways if you ever get in trouble, just say I'm the legal guardian so I can fix it. I am Owen Smith to society, call me as you like. Um....yeah that's me."

He introduced himself and cautiously I led the way out without taking my eyes of him.

"Stay for dinner."




Glaring at my idiotic friends, with a huff I gave in to this stupidity and sat as politely as I could.

"I can see through this...." Gemini trailed of with a dimpled grin. The dimples! Why do you have to be so attractive and tolerable?

"What do you mean?"

"You still think she's wrong but you gave in so she can realize it yourself and at the end, you'll be proved right..." He chuckled at me, I wasn't really listening because I almost melted at his laugh.


"I don't believe you're actually being genuine to giving in." Damn him too. Groaning in annoyance, I leaned in closer to him 'till my lips were near his ear.

"Maybe you're right but keep it a secret, please."

"You owe me."

My heart was not ready when he turned around with the corners of his mouth slid upwards showing his pearly whites to form the most captivating smile I admired. The corner of his eyes crinkled, ocean blue eyes I almost drowned in.

It must have skipped a beat too when I realized we were so close, if I moved closer our lips would touch.

So obviously,

I pushed his face away with all my force that even I fell backwards in my chair.

"Stop falling so much."

"I already fell." I groaned not just from my fall but from what I had said because I meant in more ways than one.

With a deep chuckle, I took his rough hand which was huge compared to my small one in his. I felt sick, why did I like the feeling of his touch?

When I was pulled up, I took my hand out immediately and thanked life he didn't notice.

I sat down all flustered when the others started to question this Owen or Ophiuchius dude.

"So exactly how do you plan to avenge and all?"

"The reason she knows you are alive because your symbols are always activated, if you deactivated she just won't know you're alive. No worries, you don't lose your powers that only happens if you decide the necklace contains them."

"Why is that even possible?"

"Because in order to make the next generation, the necklace is needed."

"What if it's broken?"

"Not possible, it's indestructible. It'll never break, rust or even scratch. It's not as if it was an ordinary gift."

"So with the necklace having your powers, why are you still alive?"

"Because another me can not be made if I am not consent about it. I can't explain it without being deliberate about it but for you twelve it's not too necessary. Or maybe even me."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I am powerless but even if I wanted a kid, I probably wouldn't need powers or any of you actually. Since we have been transformed into humans from you age, our bodies have adapted to it's body and organ human parts meaning you are able to have a....baby by having sexual intercourse."

My fork dropped at the last sentence. I never had time to think of that, most of my friends in my old school were no longer inexperienced and they always asked why I was.

"So please always have a condom."

I choked on the uninvited air intruding my lungs.

"Is there a problem?"

At the sight of a choking Aries, a pair of hands rushed to my side so I stopped coughing.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes now remove these hands from my waist."

Doing as told, he sat back down while a few stares and snickers came from the rest.

"I plan to go back up to her palace, it's not hard because from what I remember, one of you can make portals to go through different dimensions. I can teach that person, one we manage to go that far we have to search for the real Universe."

This was up for a debate.

😏So things are heating up....

QOT: Do you have siblings?

I do, my older one is a Sagittarius. She is hilarious, playful, but she has an attitude and gets irritated really fast lol.

My younger one is a Pisces, she's adorable. She is really caring, loving, cute, so damn lovable but she is manipulative, liar, persistent and extremely annoying when it comes to getting something she wants. I really love Pisces people but my sister can actually make me lose my temper.

The other day she asked me to brush her doll and hold her dollar so me being the kind older sister I am, did that. 😑

She started crying, threw a tantrum and told my mom I STOLE it from her. My mom started hugging her and kissing her, guess what?

I swear she gave me this evil smile.


Have a nice day

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