Just a Couple of Weirdos(3)

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Gemini POV

"LEO GIVE IT BACK!" I could hear Saggitaurius yell from downstairs as I walked to the kitchen.

"oooooohhhh!" Leo mocks Sagittarius as if he just found dome juicy secret about him.

"Whats going on guys?" I chuckle quietly at my stupid best friends that I was unfortunately destined to be with.

"This moron took my phone!" Saggi huffed while attacking Leo in attempt to get his phone back.

"GIT!" Leo yells raising the phone in the air.


"SHUT UP MORONS!" I yell putting more of my shirts that I found sprawled on the kitchen floor into my luggage.

"Love you too mommy xoxoxoxo." Leo speaks in a high-pitched voice while throwing Saggi a pathetic lovey dovey look that irritated Saggi to an extent.

"Mofo." I could hear Saggi whisper to himself as he nudged Leo in the elbow to get his phone back from Leo.

"Well I'm done packing, how bout you two?" Deciding to change the topic and mood, they nodded and took their luggages as we headed to the door after hugging my mom.

"Mom love you." I kissed her cheek and pulled away from her embrace as she waved at me with a sad smile forming on her lips.

"LOVE YOU BARBARA!" Saggi and Leo yell in usion waving back at my mother who faked a smile but her mask was very transparent. As they raced to my car.

"Bye sweetie." she giggles lightly messing up my hair.

"I'll call you soon."

Closing the door behind me after mum quickly shut the door behind her, the car roared to life as well as the many complaints dying to leave Saggi's mouth.

"I hate school!" Saggi groans.

"I can't wait for all the attention I'm going to get with these good looks." Leo smirks enthusiastically talking to himself jokingly as he fixed his hair while checking himself out in the windows reflection.

"I can't wait to prank teachers and being super rebellious and laugh and not care about anything!"Saggi sticks out his tounge at Leo in a childish way, god they make me cringe.

"Well I can't wait to make new friends and pass this school year with good grades." My remark wasn't chirpy or anything, just an honest person but I received snickers from both.

"Nerd." Saggi scoffs to annoy me.

"Alright saggy titties, no need to judge our nerdy Gemini here." Leo and I laugh at the nickname Leo called him that brought a scowl to Saggi's face.

"Look at that hot chick!" Leo slides his glasses down a bit to get a good view at the blond girl he was pointing at. Her golden curls reached her hips, her hazel eyes resting under her thick lashes stared amusingly at us and to be honest she was very pretty.

"Yeah shes hot." Saggi shruggs but doesn't seem too interested at the freakishly tall girl throwing seductive looks at the cocky Leo already deciding to walk towards her but I pulled on his elbow so he wouldn't waste time.

I nod my head agreeing with Saggi.

"Imma talk to her." Leo notes as if my little gesture didn't get to him.

"Absolutely not I am not going to be late to this flight!" I raise my tone and he puts his hands up in surrender in annoyance.

"She's pretty as well." Leo points to a short red head exiting a cab with another girl.

"She is way more attractive than Blondie." I state.

"Not really but sure."

"They all seem original, I need a different girl, a fun type of girl that you never seem to know what shes gonna do next and isn't so fúcking uptight like some people I know." Saggi sighs while throwing me a look referring to the last part.

"You don't even know them." I ignore the uptight comment.

"Tru dat." He nods.


"Are we there yet?" Saggi asks sounding like a little child on a car ride as he annoyed his parents.

"No we just got on." I shake my head in disbelief knowing exactly where this was going.

"Oh ok."

"Are we there yet though?"


"Are we there yet"


"How bout now?"

"NO!" I hissed harshly while shoving my face into a book in attempt to avoid the annoyance.

"Chill out Gemini, whats bothering you?"

"Are we there yet?"

"Of course not we just got on Gemini " He furrows his eyebrows as if I was asking the stupid question to test my patience.

"Ouch!" He pouts from the smack I gave him in the head.

"Hey guys." Leo started but was in interrupted by a feminine voice singing loudly in the plane.

"WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP ON OUR FAVORITE ROCKET SHIP!" A girl stood on her chair laughing, her blue hair tied up in a ponytail gave perfect sight of big blue eyes that went with the big wide smile on her face.

"ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY LITTLE EINSTEIN!" Saggi stands up gaining stares from people probably thinking 'Weirdos'.

I couldn't agree more.

It was unexpectedly expected for stunts and humiliations coming from Sagittarius more than the rest of us.

Leo seem to love the attention we were getting and although I don't mind the attention, I still don't want to be embarrassed by my childish best friend yet I grew accustomed to it.

"CLIMB ABOARD GET READY TO EXPLORE!" I could hear her sing probably waiting for Sagittarius to continue. People surrounding us were either video taping, laughing, or glaring at the noisy two.

"THERE SO MUCH TO FIND LITTLE EINSTEIN!" Saggi laughs getting his feet tied by some earbuds I had pulled out bringing him to his doom. Falling on his butt, he landed sprawled awkwardly on the chair as he groaned from his uncomfortable position.

"Wierdos." I whisper quietly as he laughs his arse off even from his attempt to stand up.

"This school is lit!" Saggi smiles jumping in up and down around us gaining odd stares from nosy people who couldn't mind their own business.

"Sure is." I nod agreeing with Saggi as I took a good look at the well sculptured building displayed in front of us.

"LETS GO!" Leo shouts with such enthusiasm as he rushed to the dorms without sparing us an eye.

We run after him with our luggages in our hands reaching the boys dorm, harder than it sounds. Stopping and reassuring myself that I just lost all the calories I devoured at McDonald's this morning.

Hmm, I like me some good food.

"My dorm is 23 how bout you two?" Leo asks.

"Mine is 25"

"24." Saggi informs before sprinting down the hall in a rush to unlock the door.

"Adios mis muchachos, yo se que me aman pero no me extrañen tanto![Bye guys I know you love me but don't miss me too much] Leo smiled and goes into his dorm.

Well one thing I hate most is the fact that I don't know Spanish at all and Leo being Leo always talks in Spanish just to annoy us or just show off his bilingual self. I should've listen to the teacher in those spanish classes but she was just so boring.....

I open the door to my dorm. A neat living room lays infront of me with a teenage guy sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands.

His head spins towards my direction. I nod my head at him in a way of saying hi and he does the same as well.

"Virgo." He says quietly before going back to his phone.

"Gemini but you can call me Gem." He smiles and I head for my room, hearing my ringing phone I pull it out to see a text from Leo and Saggi.

Leo_is_lit 🔥🔥: My roomate is a guy name Capricorn do you miss me already???

SwaggerBOI😈: Boiii, you wish my roomate is a Scorpio dude.

Gem💪✌: A guy named Virgo is my roommate.


I cringe slightly at the fact that Leo never uses proper grammar in his texts but a chuckle escapes my lips at the names they chose.

SwaggerBOI😈: I don't care I don't care I'll buy another pair😝😝😝😝

Gem💪✌: lol.

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