Cancer(f) x Scorpio(m)

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Requested by CancerQueen2

Cancer is a junior and highschool and can't wait to get out. She may be only five feet in height but she's one of the more bad kids. She has long straight black hair with fierce amber eyes. She just don't care.

"Cancer why did you get another detention!" Her mother scolded as she got home.

"I've told you mom, I just ain't no good at school! I prefer to live on the streets, I got Street smarts. Not book smarts." Cancer said shrugging her mom off. She went up to her room before her mother could scold her anymore.

Her mother just wouldn't understand what she's going through. Unlike Cancer, her mom graduated top of her class. Cancer is in the bottom ten of her class right now.

"Maybe I'll go out tonight. I bet I could make money selling junk I find on Craigslist." Cancer thought out loud before deciding to do just that and leave. She hopped out the window of her room, her normal exit for whatever reason.

She had made her way to the local park which was empty since it was ten at night by the time she arrived.


"Hey Scorpio. You're not gonna get me after doing that every single day this week." Cancer said greeting the culprit who tried to scare her.

Scorpio was probably her only friend, and love interest. They were the duo that terrorized the town. They'd even robbed the local seven eleven once. The good ol days. To bad if she told him he'd probably laugh at her and never speak to her again.

"Oh come on! I'll just have to get creative." Scorpio said walking next to Cancer. He towered over her, since he was six feet tall. He also had bright blue eyes with bleach blond hair. He dyes his hair but won't ever admit it.

"Uh oh. The last time you got creative you tried to graffiti a skyscraper and got caught by the police. Good thing you carry mace or else I think you'd still be in prison for what you drew." Cancer said, giving a snarky reply.

"Like you're any better," Scorpio said playfully punching her shoulder, "Anyways wanna go to the football game tommorow? It's the last home game of the season."

"Sure I'd love to go."

"Great. I gotta go, I haven't eaten for awhile and it's starting to get to me." Scorpio said disappearing into a back alley.

Cancer returned home too and was having a near panic attack. Her crush just asked her out basically. She might actually confess tomorrow. It's now or never.

"I can do this!" Cancer said before going to sleep.

She woke up dirt early as normal just to get to school. She went through her long grueling eight hours of pointless lecturing and work before finally being released.

"Hey Cancer over here." She heard someone call her name before she started heading home.

"Yeah?" She called out.

"The games gonna start in an hour and I thought I might as well tell you something." It was Scorpio talking. Although she didn't understand why he wouldn't show himself.

"Cool, you'll have to tell me over here. In the sunlight. Unless you were bite by a vampire in the short time since I last saw you." Cancer said crossing her arms.

"Fine, just be so pushy about it." Scorpio said walking out from the shadows. He had a black eye that had started to swell.

"What happened to your eye?" Cancer asked calmly.

"I got in a fight with one of the guys on the football team. If they catch us at the game later they're probably gonna kick both our asses." Scorpio said rubbing his eye, which clearly hurt.

"That just makes it more enjoyable to watch. Especially if they get beat. I'm still going." Cancer said stubbornly.

"Fine, we'll watch from under the bleachers. All of them are to dumb to look under there anyways." Scorpio said, making Cancer give a little giggle.

They parted ways until the game began. Cancer had arrived first, and was waiting for Scorpio to try to scare her.

"Rawr!" Scorpio screamed as he made a feeble attempt to spook her.

She was prepared though. "Nice try, games about to begin anyways." She said watching through the gaps in the stands, which were pretty large.

It was nearly the end of the first quarter and their team was losing by seven points.

"Those morons are out there playing a stupid game and half of 'em got scholarships to college for it! I'm out here being a fine entrepreneur and I get nothing!" Scorpio complained as the opposing team scored more points.

"You, an entrepreneur? Ha, what do you even sell?" Cancer said jokingly, although Scorpio didn't hear the playfulness in her voice.

"It sounds stupid but I'm kinda good at art. I've sold a few paintings on eBay and got money for it. See, an entrepreneur." Scorpio said grumpily crossing his arms.

"Really now? I wanna see a painting, that i can tell you made." Cancer said.

"Well... I guess I can, but, well, ack! I can't show you now but I'll show you later." Scorpio said, thinking out loud confusing Cancer.

"What do you have a picture with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I was gonna show you it, but that's a stupid idea." He said, shaking his head.

"I wanna see. I won't judge, unless it's a naked anime gurl. If it is you'll never hear the end of it." Cancer said, trying to be comedic again.

"Fine." Scorpio said pulling out a picture and handing it to Cancer.

She looked at it and on it was two people, a boy and a girl, sitting a what looked like a cliff. There was a sunset in the background with the ocean at the bottom of the cliff. The boy and girl were sitting next to each other holding hands and the girl was resting her head on the boys shoulder. On the girls shirt was a "C", and the boys an "S".

"Wow this looks really good!" Cancer said amazed at the fact her friend could draw this.

"Look on the back, there's writing." Scorpio said in a monotone voice. He had watched Cancers reaction very closely.

Cancer read what the picture said.

Dedicated to my best and only friend, Cancer(not the disease). The "C" is for Cancer and the "S" is for Scorpio. The setting is in the future, it's what I hope we could become.
-Love, Scorpio

"I'm... At a loss for words." Cancer said, her mouth hanging open in surprise and shock.

"Well, is it yes or no at this point?" Scorpio said.

"Sure. It's not a yes or a no. I've broke the system." Cancer said smiling, making Scorpio smile too.

Scorpio said nothing, but nothing needed to be said. He and Cancer kissed, still under the bleachers, right as the home team lost.

Even though the crowd was unhappy, since they just lost the championship, Cancer and Scorpio were happy.


This took too long to write. Probably since I started writing it right when I had to go to bed. Oh whale, have a great day or night.

Sincerely Zodi.

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