Leo(m) X Pisces(f)

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Requested by Nicostop

Leo waddled up to the bus stop in the freezing rain hoping that Pisces would have her umbrella because if she didn't, he was going to be having a very bad day. Luckily for him, Pisces was standing in her usual spot, ladybug umbrella out.

"Pisces let me under the umbrella!" Leo whined crouching under the umbrella. There was a significant height difference between Leo and Pisces.

"My arm will get tired though!" Pisces said lifting the umbrella as high as she could.

"Then I'll hold it for you!" Leo said impatiently grabbing the umbrella from Pisces.

"My ladybug umbrella! You better give it back to me when we get on the bus! You're so annoying." Pisces pouted standing next to Leo.

Both of them stayed silent for a bit, listening to the pitter patter of the rain drops hitting the umbrella. The umbrella was relatively small so both Pisces and Leo were sticking out a bit from the umbrella.

"Finally the bus!" Leo exclaimed loudly putting down the umbrella and walking onto the bus after Pisces. "Ladies first."

Pisces sat down in her usual seat and like always Leo tried to sit next to her but was shooed away once again.

"Everyday you kick me out of the seat and I have to sit with Aries. Why do you get to sit all alone the whole bus ride?" Leo complained to Pisces, taking a seat in the seat behind her.

"I like my alone time on the bus and I don't need you disturbing it." Pisces told Leo without looking away from the window.

"Oh c'mon! I'm great company." Pisces ignored Leo though.

It was always so aggravating when Pisces would ignore him. She only ignores him on the bus and in the library but it's enough to make him mad.

Leo is a notorious attention hog who thrives when all eyes are on him. While getting attention from everyone makes him happy just getting a few minutes of attention from Pisces makes him just as happy as if he had the spotlight for a whole day.

Aries had gotten on the bus now and so Leo could no longer bother Pisces until gym rolled around.


Right Leo swore he was gonna fall asleep the bell rang. He grabbed his things as quickly as possible and hopped out of Enlgish. The only class Leo is every early too is gym and it's for two big reasons.

The first reason being the quicker he gets out of the locker room the quicker he can see Pisces. The second reason being he hates getting changed in front of others.

Within mere minutes Leo was out in the gymnasium waiting by the bleachers for Pisces to show up.

It felt like hours passed but Pisces, and her friends Cancer and Scorpio, finally got out of the locker room. How can girls take so long?

"Pisces are you ready for soccer today?" Leo asked cheerfully. Leo personally enjoyed soccer, although he was not good at it.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Pisces said solemnly with her head down. Pisces was never athletic so any sport was just too much for her.

The teacher blew his whistle and separated everyone into teams. Pisces was with Leo while Cancer and Scorpio were on a different team. The teacher split the gym into two halves so all four teams could play at once.

Leo started off his first round in the goalie net while Pisces milled around in the middle of the gym.

Immediately Leo got nailed in the face with a soccer ball. "Oops, sorry." Was all Gemini said before heading back out to play.

Pisces dragged Leo to the side. "Leo are you okay? Oh my god your face is a bloody mess and that's not me doing a British impression!"

"Aw Pisces is being my little nurse." Leo cooed as blood poured from his nose.

Unfortunately for Leo Pisces was not going to be his little nurse as she passed out from seeing so much blood.

The pair was escorted to the nurse's office together and stayed there talking until the end of the period.

"I think I'll sit next to you on the bus this afternoon." Leo said to Pisces before they split, not giving Pisces a chance to protest.

The last periods of the day went by in record time and Leo ran out to the bus. Somehow without fail Pisces was always the first person on.

"Oh Piiiisceeeees!" Leo trilled skipping over to Pisces.

"You better not."

"Better not what?" Leo asked faking am innocent voice.

"You better not plant your booty next to me!"

"Like this?" Leo said sitting down slowly next to Pisces.

"No! Get! Out!" Pisces said shoving Leo out of the seat and into the aisle blocking the way. She may be small but she's surprisingly strong.

"Oi Leo I can't sit with you today, me and Gemini are going over to my place so I can show off my skills in Mario kart." Aries said looking down at Leo.

"Yeah, 'skills'." Gemini said with air quotes shoving past Aries and stepping over Leo.

"Would you look at that looks like I'll have no where to sit now, unless, look at that the only seat left!" Leo grinned at Pisces getting up and sitting back down next to her.

"What! No! You can't do that!" Pisces protested. The bus was already moving and there was no other seat available for Leo to move to.

"Why don't you want me here anyways?" Leo asked Pisces staring right at her even though she was looking out the window.

"You sit to close to me."

"That's it's?"

"I, uh, yeah, I guess so, why does it even matter?!" Pisces stammered.

"Because I like sitting next to you and it breaks my tiny lil heart when everyday you shove me out." Leo said being as sappy as possible.

Pisces went bright red. After a moment of hesitation she stammered out "W-well I don't like you! So there!" She huffed in a flustered manner.

"Aw you don't mean that!" Leo said poking her. His tone wasn't showing how much he hoped Pisces wouldn't say she meant it seriously.

"It wouldn't even matter if I liked you anyways so just drop it." Pisces pouted slouching down further and further into the seat.

"But I like this topic I don't wanna drop it. It sounds like someone does like me though." Leo had a big cheeky grin on his face. As the bus turned Leo slid closer to Pisces squishing her against the windows.

"This is why I don't wanna sit with you! You'd do something like this." Pisces put up her hood and pulled the strings closed so just her nose and mouth was showing.

"Something like what?" Leo asked. He was getting an impulsive idea that might just get him kicked into the aisle for the rest of the bus ride.

"Uhhhh, being weird I don't know be quiet Leo." Pisces continued to pout.

Leo's big brain started to act on his idea. "By something like this, would you mean if I did something like," he leaned over and gave kiss on her cheek, although her hoodie was in the way so it wouldn't be too obvious, "this?"

Pisces went a whole new shade of red and bolted all the way upright and took off her hoodie and looked at Leo with big surprised eyes. "What was that?" She asked faintly.

"What was what? I have no idea what you're talking about." Leo said trying to hide his smile, but failing.

"What did you do?" Pisces demanded.

"What do you think I did?" Leo asked being smug.

"You, well, I think that, never mind!" Pisces was back to silence for the rest of the ride, which was short since their stop was next.

All rain had stopped and now it was just depressingly gloomy out.

"So Pisces, wanna know what I did?" Leo asked Pisces as they got off the bus.

Pisces didn't say anything and just kept walking. Leo matched her pace so they could walk together.

"Yeah you do. I gave you a kiss on the cheek. But you had your hood up so you wouldn't know."

"What?! Why?!" Pisces was flustered all over again.

"Oh I don't know maybe because I like you but that's just a possibility maybe I also wanted to know what your hoodie tasted like. It tastes like fabric, like all hoodies do." Leo said sarcastically.

"You, like, me? But you're a big popular guy! I'm a nobody!" Pisces said stopping in her tracks.

"The best nobody I've ever met!" Leo said happily stopping with her.

"I don't know what to say."

"I like you too would be nice." Leo suggested.

"I like you too." Pisces was fire truck red and seemed a foot smaller than usual.

"Glad we could establish that, now how about we go get donuts?" Leo said turning around, grabbing Pisces hand, and walking away. It looks like Leo's impulsive idea worked perfectly.

Pisces was flustered at first, but got over it after a bit of walking and held onto Leo's hand and the two walked to the nearest donut shop to get donuts to brighten up the gloomy day.

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