Aquarius(M) x Gemini(M)

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Requested by Idk44444444444445

Gemini woke up to the gentle shoving of his mom. "Honey wake up you have a school trip to get ready for."

Gemini nodded his head sleepily pushing his hand out into the unknown void around him. He could barely see a thing, it was 4am out and he hadn't put his glasses on. He brushed his hand through his light blond messy hair and yawned.

After months of prepping it was finally the school trip to Washington. It was going to be an excruciating 9 hour drive on a small bus but it was a three day and two night trip without any family and just friends and some teachers.

"Gemini you have to eat something or else you're going to starve on that bus!" His mother said to him handing him a giant plate of bacon, eggs, and sausage.

"Aw come on mom that's so much stuff," he whined a little, still accepting the plate though, "and you know I'm thinking about going vegetarian to support my friend out for a bit."

"Yes yes I know you want to impress that boy you keep telling me about but please darling just eat up. This is the last time, I haven't gone shopping yet."

With a small sigh Gemini ate up most of his food leaving some leftovers. When he was done he got dressed and grabbed all of his luggage. He had one bag to take on the bus and two other suitcases to put under the bus.

Finally he arrived at the school. He was nearly late too as everyone else was already on the bus.

"Oh god I hope I can sit next to a friend." Gemini mumbled under his breath after saying goodbye to his mom.

The teachers rushed him on the bus taking his suitcases.

"Look who finally showed up! It's Gemini!" Aries, his best friend, shouted from the back.

"You guys know I'd never ditch you, my mom wouldn't let me anyways. Is there any seats back there?"

"Uh yeah I think so, I'm sitting next to Libra though, she's taking a bathroom break before we leave." Aries looked around while Gemini struggled to get past the front.

"Gemini there's one next to Cancer. In front of me right here." Aquarius said. He was sitting across from Aries.

Gemini couldn't help but wish Aquarius was the one who was alone. Cancer was still nice anyways so it's not like he got stuck next to someone weird or rude.

"Get in your seats already! We have to go sit down now!" A teacher started barking at everyone.

Gemini found his seat and for the first hour he made small talk with Cancer who wasn't that close to.

Behind him he could hear Aquarius and Aries laughing and joking with each other, poking fun at Libra who was sleeping.

"Hey Gemini you like Aquar-"

"Cancer what the literal hell is wrong with you shush up. How did you find this out." Gemini cut off Cancer throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey that's my favorite pillow! It helps me neck. But I found out because it's soooo painfully obvious. You haven't looked at me once."

"I haven't?" Gemini asked puzzled.

"No your eyes have been darting around the whole time between the window, Aquarius, and your backpack."

"Oh uh yeah I guess they have been. What do you want me to do about it and why do you care?"

"I care because I got roomed with him but I want to be with Pisces, who got stuck in your room. If I ask I'm sure we can switch. You have Aries and Virgo in your room too right?" Cancer asked.

"Yeah, what are you suggesting."

"I'm suggesting Pisces comes to my room you brick." Cancer said, Aries bursting out in laughter in the background at something he did to poor Libra.

"Oh when will you ask?"

"Now. Hey Aquarius?"

"Huh, yes?" Aquarius said with a blank then confused look.

"Can you switch rooms with Pisces. Pisces is with Aries, Gemini, and Virgo. I've been texting him and he's down to switch." Cancer asked.

Without hesitation Aquarius excitedly answered, "Of course I'll switch rooms! Go get a teacher and let's finalize this! Hey Aries you're gonna get a new roomie!"

Gemini was exceptionally happy with Cancer and this new change. He could already imagine it. Aries and Virgo would be out bothering the girls and he and Aquarius would be left behind at the room. Aquarius would be in the shower and he would casually be waiting on the bed. Aquarius would come out and he'd give him that small smirk with the look in the eyes and then the two would st- the bus came to a screeching halt.

They had reached the first rest stop. Cancer and Aquarius went to talk with their head teacher to change rooms and it got approved.

For the rest of the bus ride Gemini couldn't be happier. He was a having a great time with his friends. During the two other places he stopped he got to walk around with his friend group making jokes and just having fun. Nothing could be better.

At last the time came where they had to go to the hotel. When they got there it wasn't all that impressive but they got to stay on the 4th floor which was a decent height.

"Bruh they got a swimming pool!" Aries said looking at the pool as they passed by a pool sign.

"Yesssssss I knew I bringing my swimming trunks would be worth it." Virgo fist pumped the air running down the hall to get to the elevator faster.

"Were we supposed to bring our swimming stuff?" Aquarius asked dumbfounded.

"Uh yeah of course, it's a hotel stupid." Aries said snarkily.

"Don't worry Aquarius I didn't bring any either." Gemini reassured him putting his hand on his shoulder, which was a bit awkward as Aquarius was a bean pole and towered over everyone.

The four got to their room and immediately Aries and Virgo rushed to the pool, leaving Aquarius and Gemini alone.

For awhile the two sat in silence, Aquarius sitting in a recliner chair looking through his phone. The silence was eating away at him.

"Are we sharing beds or are two of us gonna sleep on the floor?" Gemini asked.

"Uh I'm not sure. I think Aries said that it was going to be a cold day in hell before he shared a bed with Virgo since apparently Virgo has wet the bed with him in it before, so I'm pretty sure I get to sleep next to Virgo." Aquarius thought for a moment.

"Oh boy I might as well sleep on the floor, Aries is gonna shove me off anyways." Gemini said and from there they started to talk.

Unlike in Geminis fantasy Aquarius did not shower, Gemini did though. The shower was like a foreign technology but Gemini figured it out, got the daily dosage of soap in his eyes, and got out.

Right when Gemini got out Virgo and Aries came back.

"Oh my god Libra is going to kill you!" Aries laughed.

"What did you do this time." Aquarius asked knowing the shenanigans these two got into.

"Look," Virgo said, pulling out from behind his back, a bra.

"Oh please don't tell me you actually stole Libras bra." Aquarius said with heavy disappointment.

Virgo and Aries just looked at each other and snickered. Aquarius let out a heavy sigh.

Libra suddenly burst into the room with her bathing suit still on. "Give, me, my, BRA!" She screamed and went to tackle Virgo.

Virgo thew the bra to Gemini and in his attempt to catch the clothing item his towel dropped to the floor exposing him and all his glory.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Gemini this had to happen, I won't tell anyone about it." Libra said cringing, picking up her bra and hurriedly leaving.

Virgo and Aries were on the ground rolling and Aquarius was a little red in the face but also trying to hide a smile.

"Just so you all know, I hate you all." Gemini said snatching his towel from the ground, grabbing his clothes and leaving to the bathroom.

Once he got out the group decided they should get dinner and then call it a night. 

Aries and Virgo passed out the second their heads hit the bed. Gemini did not have such luck in sleeping. With Aries rolling around every few seconds it was hard to sleep.

Finally he gave up and went to go get his phone. "What are you doing?" A sleepy Aquarius asked.

"Grabbing my phone, I can't sleep."

"The light from your phone will not help you with sleeping. It's best to just lay down in darkness keeping your eyes closed. Even just eight hours of laying down doing nothing is better rest than eight hours of scrolling through Instagram." Aquarius explained sitting up to get a drink of water.

Gemini stopped dead in his tracks. "Uh, yeah I guess you're right." He went back to his bed to lay down.

It was only a matter of seconds before he couldn't take the boredom anymore. "Aquarius this is too boring."

"Most people say that. Just use your thoughts to fill up the space." Aquarius suggested.

"Aquarius, my thoughts are nothing but the lyrics to Rasputin." Gemini said, starting to quietly hum the song.

"You know, Rasputin was an odd character in history. He was like the ultimate Chad, Kyle, and Brad, all in one. He had it all."

"He also had a massive dick," Gemini said smirking, "I think I'd let Rasputin go to town on me, just once, for the experience ya know?"

Gemini could hear Aquarius let out a small laugh, "Yeah I could relate to that. Tommorow for our pairings the teachers are making us do in the museums wanna pair up with me. I'm sure Virgo and Aries will pair up anyways."

Gemini couldn't believe his luck. This was a perfect change to end up alone with Aquarius. "Hell yeah! Sounds great!" He sounded a bit too excited.

"Alright, now if you don't mind my NyQuil just hit so I'm going to pass out now." Aquarius said, passing out from the sound of the way his head hit his pillow.

At some point Gemini did manage to sleep. In the morning all the guys woke up, got breakfast, and headed out to see some sights.

Just as Gemini imagined, he had a great time seeing all the weird museum exhibits with Aquarius. The teachers had to give out scavenger hunts and bingo boards as the trip was meant to be educational or else the school board wouldn't allow it, but those never stopped the fun.

Finally the sun was slowly setting and right as the group was visiting the Lincoln Memorial. Gemini and Aquarius were the first to reach the top of the memorial to get their sheet done.

"Wow that was surprisingly easy to do. Especially since we sprinted ahead of all the other groups." Gemini said happily walking alongside Aquarius as they slowly walked down the steps.

"Yeah I'm surprised the other groups are struggling so much. Although I'm pretty sure no one else memorized a list of 307 facts about Washington D.C. before the trip." Aquarius said pondering.

"Yeah, that is amazing though, like, I wish I had the talent to just memorize anything I wanted to." Gemini said showering Aquarius in comments.

Gemini didn't know what exactly he was about to do but clearly he had a plan he was about to enact.

"You're being oddly nice today." Aquarius noted after Gemini made another compliment about him.

"Why wouldn't I be nice to you?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems like you're being overly nice."

"I guess I'm just in a friendly mood, why would I not be if I'm around you all day." The two got down all the stair and were now walking to the edge of the reflecting pool. With the sun setting the sky was a beautiful fire orange.

"I didn't know I made people act more friendly when they're in my presence."

"I think it's just a me thing. Hey weird question that just popped in my head." Gemini said trying to get to the subject he wanted to talk about.

"Lay it on me."

"You like guys right? Like you're open to being in relationships with guys. I know I've heard stuff about you being pan or bi I just want to know if what I hear is true." Gemini asked making sure his question could not be misinterpreted.

"Gemini I literally went to pride last year and we saw each other. I had the pan flag painted on my face twice. What do you think." Aquarius said leaving Gemini at a short loss for words.

Gemini quickly thought of a cleverish response. "I think that I like you quite alot. You're prettier than the sunset right now too."

"What are you getting at." Aquarius wasn't known for catching on to hints.

"Bruh, date me bitch how did I not make that obvious."

"I just wanted to make sure." Aquarius said, suddenly giving Gemini a big hug.

"Bean pole hugs yes!" Gemini exclaimed happily.

"By the way... Nice cock." Aquarius whispered into Geminis ear making him burst out in laughter.

Virgo and Aries joined the two shortly after and the whole group had fun, and Aries even agreed to sleep next to Virgo so Gemini and Aquarius could cuddle at night. Guess it takes only a little bit of love to freeze hell over.


Sup brahs I'm here writing a request at 2am hell yeah. I included a photo reference for all of you who have never seen the Lincoln memorial lake pool pond thingy before. I've seen it once before and it was really nice but not everyone has so photo is up above. That's all I wanted to say.

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