Taurus(f) x Aquarius(f)

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The summer heat was at its worst. The sun wasn't even fully up yet and somehow this day was already breaking records for being the hottest recorded, the previous being held for twenty whole years.

"I'm dying," Taurus whispered to herself as she hung off the edge of her bed with her face directly in front of her fan. The air conditioning just had to break at the worst possible time.

Taurus has long dark hair and dark eyes to match. The tips of her hair are bleached brightly to add a pop to her otherwise uninteresting complexion. She's got pale skin even in the summer despite being dragged to the beach by her family nearly every weekend. She's short and has long legs for her build. In fact she'd say she's nothing but leg.

Taurus is on the heavier side of builds which drives her 15 year old mind insane. Even if the world is supposedly moving towards accepting more body types she still can't help but feel like she's doing something wrong when there's never anything in her size at stores. Or when she gets rude looks from the old people in line behind her when she gets a large soda instead of a small as if that one decision is going to change her life.

She decided it was time to get out of bed finally and maybe even leave her room. One thing was for certain, she wasn't going to stay in her gross pajamas after sweating like a fire hose all night.

After several minutes of digging through the pile of clothes on her floor she realized she'd need to go to the laundry room to find any clean shorts.

"Just great," Taurus muttered as she walked out of her room, a wave of even worse heat rushing in from the outside. "I hate the Summer."

To get to the laundry room she needed to go through the kitchen and that meant walking past her mom and older sister. This wouldn't be that bad if they didn't always want to talk to her, no matter the mood she was in. Taurus loved her family, but she was quiet and she couldn't make any exceptions for them.

"Hey sleeping beauty nice to see prince charming finally found you," her mom giggled.

Taurus just rolled her eyes at the comment and continued to walk away.

There were many reasons she rolled her eyes. The first being that after hearing that comment made a hundred times before it gets old, the second being that she really didn't appreciate the constant snarky comments made to her, and the third being she's a lesbian so no prince charming could ever hope to wake her up. She would need a princess charming.

She found her shorts and made her way back to her room to change, getting another two snarky comments from her mom along the way.

It wasn't long until she could feel herself sweating through her shirt after just putting it on.

"Oh my God you're kidding me," she complained putting another shirt on, "this heat is ridiculous. I can't take this."

Taurus didn't go outside often, but when she did it was usually to go somewhere that was the opposite of her house. Currently her house was hot, which meant she'd be heading somewhere cold.

Ice skating sounded super good right now, but ice skating rinks are actually currently rolling skating rinks which really sucks because who doesn't want to ice skate in the summer? Probably people who pay electric bills in those places.

The next best option is ice cream shops. Taurus had a good ten dollars on her so she'd be able to get something. It was her last bit of money too so she'd have to spend it on something good. Such as ice cream.

Taurus was lucky enough to live just one street over from a local ice cream shop. It was probably the only redeeming quality of her house.

Getting inside was like walking into heaven. Instantly she could feel the cold breeze wash over her face. Everything was perfect.

The line was incredibly small for the time of day and day of the week too. Taurus could almost swear she was destined to be here right now. There's no where else she'd rather be, than maybe a good vacation but that's besides the point.

Taurus got her favorite flavor in a waffle cone, because she deserves the extra nice stuff today, and paid for all of it.

The shop has seating outside but Taurus would rather be caught dead than be caught eating an entire ice cream outside.

Just when she thought her day couldn't be anymore perfect, it became ruined instead.

When she was going to find an indoor seat for herself, someone had walked inside probably chasing that same feeling of euphoria as the cold air brushed right through them, and smacked Taurus with the door at full speed and force.

"Holy shit," Taurus cursed as she picked herself off the floor. Her ice cream had flown about five feet in the air and landed another ten feet away on the ground, the waffle cone shattering and the ice cream spilling everywhere.

"I'm so sorry oh my God. Are you okay?" A female voice asked from behind Taurus. The person who she assumed smacked her with the door.

Taurus stood up and looked at the perpetrator. It was an incredibly tall girl with dark skin and curly hair tamed into space buns.

"My ice cream..." Taurus said longingly as she looked back at her destroyed ice cream, ignoring the girls question.

The girl looked over at the ice cream, she hadn't even realized the ice cream was destroyed. She only realized Taurus had been bodied by a door that she opened. "I'll get you another one don't worry."

"No you don't have to I'll be fine honestly. This day was seeming way too good anyways," Taurus said with a sigh.

"No I insist. I should've looked way closer before slamming the door into you. I was just so excited to get out of the heat," the girl started to explain, talking at a million miles per hour. "I'm Aquarius by the way. Just so you can call me by name when telling the story of the super rude girl who nearly killed me with a door."

Taurus chuckled at the joke, "No it's okay really."

"Here tell me your order I'll get it for you right now. Come on follow me into the line," Aquarius had pushed Taurus back into line not giving her the option to decline. Suddenly her face went to shock, "Wait I'm broke as shit. I only have enough for one person." She was realizing she could only get one item now.

"Then get yourself something. I have a few dollars left over anyways. I can get a small ice pop. I'll live," Taurus was trying to reassure the girl. It felt a little odd having to comfort the girl who had slapped her with a door just a moment ago. It felt like it should be the other way around.

"Absolutely not, you will be getting your exact order once again. It's what you deserve," Aquarius declared.

Taurus was taken aback and was even slightly flustered by the remark. Hearing she deserved something really struck a chord with her. "It's alright I promise. Just get yourself something."

"No can do my friend. I have wronged you and now I must right you. I couldn't sleep at night if I went against my moral code," Aquarius was putting up a tough fight.

Taurus wasn't going to back down anytime soon though. "You've alrighty righted your actions by trying to get me something. You can rest easy like you're on cloud nine."

Time was running out. They were next in line. "You can't stop me on this. You're getting that waffle cone goodness."

It was their turn now. Both of them were still bickering with each other when the server asked what they wanted.

The server was not getting paid enough to put up with a back up like this as they watched more and more people pile inside.

"Get a two person sundae then," the server suggested cutting them off.

Taurus and Aquarius looked at each other, stopping their argument, and then at the server.

"Chocolate, vanilla, or both?" The server asked.

Without discussing anything both of them answered at the same time, "Both."

The two then looked at each other again and laughed. The server went and made the sundae and gave it to them.

Once again they argued over how they'd pay and the server had gotten fully tired of dealing with them and just told them to split their money in half, each of them, and then just pay with that even though they'd be charged less than what the ice cream cost.

Taurus and Aquarius went and sat down together inside, they could both agree that they'd rather die than sit outside, and ate their ice cream.

Even after they finished they say and talked for another hour afterwards about anything and everything.

Taurus could never forget that's how they met. It was such a perfect meeting. She'd definitely need to mention it when they'd get married.

Y'all I actually updated this book. Sorry it's been dead for so long. I feel like any request I get is kinda like a gamble now. Will I do? Who knows. This is free writing y'all are getting after all. You get what you pay. Anyways this was super fun to write lmao. Cya.

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