Cancers Threats

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(*A/N should be read if you like to draw, and even if you don't like to draw!*)

Scorpio was getting ready to go to the movies with Jupiter, something he was dreading. He was forced to wear semi decent clothes because of Cancer, and was waiting on Jupiter to show up.

"Why can't I just say I lost the ticket and can't go?" Scorpio complained.

"Because then she'll just but you a new one and that'll cost her more money! Just deal with it okay and please stop complaining." Cancer said while sitting on the couch.

"What's gotten into you? You seem a bit bossy." Scorpio pointed out. It was true though. Cancer normally wouldn't act out so rudely.

"Nothing. I'll be fine. I have homework, that's all." Cancer said leaving to her room.

Scorpio looked at Pisces, who had witnessed the whole scene and Pisces, with a what-was-that-all-about kind of face. Pisces only shrugged which didn't help Scorpio so much.

"Oh Scorpy, I've arrived!" Scorpio heard outside the door. It was obviously Jupiter announcing her presence to the world.

Scorpio went to the door and outside to the movies with Jupiter in tow.

"I'm so excited to see the movie I picked out for us, all we have to do is hand our tickets to the person!" Jupiter yapped excitedly as they entered the theater.

Scorpio was looking at the movies they had up and couldn't tell what one Jupiter had picked. His eyes scanned the board until he found a disturbing choice that he would not be surprised Jupiter would pick.

"It better not be ten shades of blue or else I'm leaving."

"Ew no! Why would I watch that with you on a first date?" Jupiter said which set off many alarms to Scorpio.

"First what are suggesting by not on first date? And secondly and more importantly, this is no date."

"Don't fool yourself, actually do, it's so cute seeing your face right now!" Jupiter squealed, hugging his arm.

Scorpios phone buzzed and he checked it. It was a text from Cancer.

"Who is it? Is it that Cancer girl?" Jupiter said being nosey and looking at his phone.

"I swear to God I will leave if you don't get off me. Stay at least one foot away unless I say so." He said shoving her off him.

They got into the correct theater and made their way to their seats. The previews had just ended and the movie begin as they sat.

Partway through the movie Scorpios phone buzzed, then it buzzed again, and again.

"I've gotta use the bathroom, I'll be back." Scorpio said getting up and leaving the movie room.

He pulled out his phone and saw that there was ten texts from Cancer and another one coming in just as he checked. All of them were asking if he was okay or not. A typical Cancer thing to do.

He responded casually and went back in, but only after much considered of leaving.

"Oh you're so nice! You didn't ditch me, we really are meant for each other." Jupiter cooed as Scorpio sat.

"No. Delete those thoughts from your mind. And don't forget I can still leave whenever I feel like it." Scorpio scolded Jupiter.

They watched the rest of the movie and was walking out of it as Scorpio checked his phone again.

"Scorpio why do you have over ninety messages, from her." Jupiter said peering over his phone.

"The movies over and I'm getting rid of you now." Scorpio said walking quickly away, breaking into a run when Jupiter sped her pace up to.

"You can't leave me here all alone! What happens if I get mugged?" Jupiter cried out behind him.

"Call the police, adios!" Scorpio said finally losing her after several turns into crowded streets.

He was alone at last and could go through his phone without someone reading all the messages over his shoulder.

Cancer was being so overly protective that it had become annoying, since she had even called. He gave a quick reply and went off to walk the streets for a bit.

Later that Night

Scorpio finally came home to the dorm. Cancer had been worried sick and Pisces had been failing to calm her down.

"Scorpio you're finally back! Why did you stay out so late? Did that Jupiter girl do something to you? Don't be shy, you can tell me anything!" Cancer said so fast it was almost undecipherable.

"Nothing. Why would you care anyways?"

"Care, me? No. I totally don't care. I was just worrying for your overall well being and wondering if there was any problems in your," Cancer gave a shudder, "relationship."

"Sure, I'll believe that when Pisces becomes good at cooking and painting," Pisces gave an offended look, "There is absolutely nothing g between me and that girl. If anything I'd rather date the bathroom toilet." Scorpio said.

"Well still, the movie ended at exactly five twenty eight p.m. and so that means you spent an extra three hours with her!" Cancer said crossing her arms.

"Yeah, don't care know? That's alot of info for a non-caring person to know."

"Because I don't care! I don't!" Cancer pouted stomping her feet as if she was five.

"Prove it."

Scorpio knew he had won when he said that. There was no way she could prove that she didn't care about him.

"Wha- Fine!" Cancer said correcting herself,"I'll prove it, by... By... Aha! I'll tell what's under your bed! Your deep dark secret." Cancer threatened.

"Wait, you snooped in my room. Tell me what it is. Pisces go away!" Scorpio demanded. The mood had completely changed. You wouldn't have been able to tell Cancer was scared because she just kept a firm eye contact the whole time. Scorpio had seemed to grow ten feet higher, and was even more scary than usual.

"Fine," and Cancer silently told him his secret of what's under the bed.

"Cancer, you won't do it. I know you to well." Scorpio said with confidence, although under all that defense was a very nervous Scorpio.

"I will, and I'm doing it right now. Since I don't care about you at all!" Cancer said, yelling the last words as she ran to Pisces room.

She burst open the door and startled Pisces so much he fell off his chair.

"Under Scorpios bed is a shr-" but she was cut off since Scorpio had came up behind her and picked her up and moved her to the kitchen.

She was kicking and squirming whole way there. He roughly dropped her down, and she lost balance and feel down.

"Scorpio that was rough!" She said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Well I had a very justified reason to do what I did. Now, if I get word you said anything about it, you will not get off as easily as you did today." He said towering over her.

Cancer said nothing though. She only sniffled and had started to hug her knees.

Scorpio let out a sigh and offered her his hand to help her up.

"I don't need your help." She mumbled, taking his hand anyways.

"Sorry, I was rough. But still, don't spill someone else's secrets." Scorpio said, and he walked away to his room.

Cancer had gone to her room and didn't come out for the rest of the night. Poor Pisces didn't came out until midnight for a snack because of how traumatized he was after seeing Cancer being forcefully removed from his room by Scorpio.

Thankfully it was okay in the end of the night and better in the morning. As if it had never happened.


I really like this chapter. It's as if it's its own story line separately. But what do you think about it? You were so close to finding out the mystery of what's under Scorpios bed too! Whahahahaha, will you ever know? Only I know that answer.

But on a different matter I'll be holding an art contest! Since I got so many positive responses I decided to do it! Know all I need is a theme. On February 3rd I'll post the official start of the contest with the theme. But I don't have the theme. I have three ideas for the theme. You can only vote once!

Idea 1!
-draw what you think I look like
I've always been curious about this, and I myself enjoy imagining what my favorite authors look like. The winner of this one would become the face of Zodi.(I'm also leaning towards this one for a certain reason, and just remember I'm an Aqaurius)

Idea 2!
-draw your versions of the Zodiacs.
What are your versions of the Zodiac. When you think Virgo what character pops up? Preferably you'd draw your own sign.

Last but not least, idea 3!
-draw what you think is under Scorpios bed.
Yes, the age old question. I wanna see what everyone thinks is under that mysterious bed. This is honestly just a fun idea I had while writing.

I'll choose the one with the most votes. Have fun voting! Oh whale this was an unnecessarily long A/N but meh. Have a great day or night my potato readers!

Sincerely Zodi.

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