Christmas Dance

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The signs were going to the school, on a Sunday. There was one good reason for it too. The schools Christmas dance.

"God, why do we have to go? I have so much YouTube to watch." Aries whined. Sagittarius nodded as she walked next to Aries. Aquarius was to her other side staring at the sky.

"Well I'm super excited! What will I do if they turn on a slow dance though!?" Cancer said already worrying and they had just barely left the dorms.

"Lighten up Cancer. As long as it's nothing like the Halloween festival you'll be fine." Libra said giving Cancer a giant hug from behind which Cancer clearly wasn't expecting.

"Capricorn you look really sad." Gemini said poking Capricorn. Capricorn was slouched over her phone as she walked and had one earbud in. Her face was a blank expression showing no emotion.

"Does someone need a hug?" Taurus said smiling sheepishly. Capricorn shook her head no but Taurus ignored it. He started chasing after her trying to her a hug.

They finally arrived at the school and went inside to the gym. The other problem was that all the entrances to the gym had mistletoe above them. That wouldn't be a problem if no one was standing there, but several people were at each doorway. They looked like second years based height and maturity.

"Hey guys how are we gonna get past?" Cancer asked as the signs witnessed someone trying to run past but being stopped and smooched.

"I don't know about you but I can get past easily." Capricorn said going invisible and walking straight past them and reappearing on the other side of the door.

"Yeah, sorry, but I'm go to the dance now." Libra said feeling the wall until she passed through it.

Scorpio was next to leave. He attempted to move the mistletoe with his powers but failed and so he got angry and ended up breaking the wall instead. After he crossed through a teacher had already repaired it so the others were still stuck outside.

"Ni I gotta plan!" Gemi said to Ni, one of the Gemini twins. Gemi ran to one of the kids guarding the exit and starting flirting with them. Next Ni started talking to the other guard then they both ran for it randomly and changed back to normal form before they could be caught.

"Great now what's the rest of us powerless losers going to do?" Aries asked angrily. He went up to one of the guards and started talking. Eventually he ended up spontaneously combusting and he to be put out by fruit punch. By the end of the ordeal Aries had made it to the other side.

While the Aries drama was going on Pisces had unsuccessfully tried to spill a bowl of water on the guards and just created a wet spot on the floor. Thankfully it worked to his favor though as one of the guards slipped in it and the other was distracted. Pisces had ran past and none of the other signs noticed because of Aries.

Now the last six signs were left to enter. "Hey Sagittarius I got a plan." Aquarius said to her friend.  They went off to the side and started planning. After a bit they went up to two guards, one guy the other girl. Sagittarius put on the best charm she could and tried to distract the guy.

Aquarius ran for it but was obviously caught. "What a dumb idea." Virgo mumbled under her breath. But she was not expecting what came next.

As the guy leaned in to kiss Aquarius under the mistletoe she started yelling. "STOP IT EW! BABE HELP!" Aquarius screamed and Sagittarius came running over. The guy was super confused.

He let out an audible "What?" before Sagittarius started shouting at him. "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KISS MY GIRL!" The guy did nothing other than look horrified and let the two girls pass through unkissed.

"Woah, that was actually really smart." Taurus said. He looked over at Leo, who was trying to find Phecda.

"Taurus please don't." Cancer said predicting what Taurus was about to do.

Taurus ignored Cancer though and went up to Leo. "I think I saw Phecda in there, follow me." He said dragging the unsuspecting Leo away to the door with the same guards.

"Wait, sexuality sir?" The guard boy asked.

"Why me and my lovely boyfriend would love to get into the dance." Taurus said with a clearly fake smile.

The poor unsuspecting Leo and Taurus were both treated to a very unpleasant surprise instead.

The boy had put Taurus under the mistletoe and kissed him, and it was a long kiss too. Leo got the same treatment and nearly kicked the guy before being tossed into the dance.

The remaining signs couldn't help but laugh at the failed attempt to bypass the security. It was just Cancer and Virgo now.

"Virgo how are we gonna get in! Everyone else is having so much fun and we're just sitting here doing nothing." Cancer said starting to think of all the bad things that could happen and was close to an anxiety attack.

"What? Oh. Well actually I don't mind being judged by one of those guys. I mean just look at that one! I kinda want him to take off his shirt." Virgo said letting out a side of her unknown to Cancer and most of the others.

"W-what? Well, what about me!" Cancer whined. She had followed Virgo to the one door. Virgo had watched the boy give a giant kiss to a girl who tried to get by. Cancer swore Virgo nearly fainted.

"Oh yeah. If you tell anyone about this, I will not hesitate to murder you and anyone who finds out I murdered you, so don't tell." Virgo said suddenly turning to Cancer and threatening her. Cancer gave a quick nod and watched Virgo go up to the mistletoe.

"Hey girl stop right there! You be under the mistletoe!" The guy said and gave Virgo a passionate kiss. Cancer expected it to be quick, and from what she saw, so did the guy.

Virgo had pulled the poor boy closer to her and had was still in the kiss. Then the boy shouted out, "No tongue! Help!" To his partner.

Virgo was pried away from the boy and sent off to the party. And then there was one. Cancer.

She was all alone outside the dance. What was she going to do? Cancer was walking frantically back and forth trying to spot her friends from the doorway but she had no luck.

"Cancer turn around." Said a voice from behind. It was only Capricorn though.

"Eek! Capri! You scared me!"

"Good, but Scorpio made a plan to get you in. Go around back, outside, and wait at the door. There's guards there, but don't worry. You'll know when to go in." Capricorn said and she went back invisible and left Cancer alone.

Cancer did as she was told and went to the back. When she went back there, in the freezing cold, she saw the two guards standing around.

Cancer had waited for nearly ten minutes in the cold and nothing happened.

"What's going on!?" Cancer asked impatiently.

Next the door burst open but there was no one their who opened it. Was this the signal?

She then saw Aquarius and Aries run out and mutilate the mistletoe and they scattered it on the ground. Scorpio and Gemini had came out too and restrained the two guards.

"Cancer run!" Scorpio yelled and Cancer did. She ran past the commotion and into the dance. Now after thirty minutes all the signs were in the dance.


About an hour had passed since Cancer had arrived and not much exciting or note worthy had happened. The most interesting thing was Leo getting dragged into twenty tables by Phecda, all at once.

"Capri, do you know where the food is?" Taurus yelled over the music. "The what!?" Capricorn yelled back. "FOOD!" Taurus screamed, but the song had stopped for a moment and that was the only thing that could be heard.

Capricorn had started chuckling and Taurus went completely red. "So where is it, where's the food?!" Taurus asked flustered. "It's over there dummy!" Capricorn said pointing at a table as the music kicked back on.

Taurus scurried to the snack table where Aquarius was standing with Sagittarius and Libra.

"Sagittarius don't drink that punch!" Libra yelled as Sagittarius grabbed a cup of punch.

"And why not?" Sagittarius asked skeptically. "Because when I got in here I saw a kid drinking only this punch. Later I saw him barf all over the Mizar girl Phecda hangs out with. "So, maybe he was just sick?" Sagittarius said drinking the entire cup of punch.

"Woah! That's a strong taste!" Sagittarius said surprised. "I know! That's because it has alcohol you doorknob!" Libra said turning the bowl around to reveal a warning label. The label read "Fourth years only! Contains alcohol."

"Well shoot." Sagittarius said looking at her empty cup.

Then Aquarius let out a loud sigh of what seemed like sadness mixed with mixed with disappointment.

"Hey Aqua you feeling down?" Sagittarius asked looking at her best friend. "Nope. I'm good." Aquarius said, not looking at her friend.

"C'mon. Let's go dance." Sagittarius said dragging Aquarius and Libra to the dance floor.

Meanwhile Leo was desperately searching for his beloved Phecda when he accidentally bumped into Pisces causing Pisces to dump all of his drink on himself. "Sorry Pisces lemme help you clean up!" Leo said grabbing the nearest napkin he saw.

"Don't worry Leo I got it." Pisces said walking to the bathroom. "Was Pisces, being passive-agressive?" Leo asked no one as he got up looking at Pisces walking away. Leo shrugged it off as he spotted Phecda.

"Scorpio do you think this dress fits me well?" Jupiter pestered Scorpio. "Yes Jupiter, it looks, lovely." Scorpio said holding back his temper. His cup was shaking in his hand as he dealt with. Thankfully he was relieved to see an old friend of his walk up to him.

"So this is where you were sent off to, Pluto." Scorpio said grinning widely at the fourth year girl. She had long black hair and bright green eyes, it was almost unnatural the way her eyes glowed in the light of the disco ball at the dance. She was shorter than Scorpio, but taller than Jupiter too.

"Yup, nice to you Scorpio. How's thing been going?" The girl named Pluto asked. Jupiter wasn't having it though.

"Hey who are you? You're a planet though right, I mean you sound and look like one?" Jupiter said walking in between the two.

"She's a childhood friend, nothing more." Scorpio said and then he and Pluto left Jupiter alone at the table they were standing at.

"Watch out Scorpio! Gemini is over there and he's going to pay!" Aries yelled as Gemi and Ni ran past Scorpio.

"Hahaha!" Gemi shouted as he ran past Scorpio.

"Yeah! Good luck catching two of us!" No shouted as the twins split up causing the Aries to get angrier and yell louder.

A few seconds later though Gemini was being dragged by ear by Libra and Aries was being dragged by Sagittarius.

"You! Do you know how much this dress cost and how much dry cleaning actually is!?" Libra yelled at Gemini holding up a giant stain on her dress which Gemini had created by turning to normal form knocking Libra over.

"And you!" Sagittarius yelled at Aries, "Do you know how dangerous it is to use a teacher a shield!"

The boys both nodded their heads but secretly had their fingers crossed behind their backs.

"Show of hands!" Libra demanded from the boys. They had been caught.
They both slowly raised their hands.

"Say sorry." Sagittarius demanded.

"Nah, sorry is so overrated." Aries said and Gemini nodded his head along with Aries. The girls death glared at the two boys, but before they could give a scolding the music had stopped and someone was on the speaker.

"Alright guys it's time for the closing song, a special slow Christmas song, so grab your lover and hold em close cause it's cold outside and all they want is you for Christmas." The person said dimming the lights and changing the music.

Slowly several couples emerged from the crowd dancing around. Sagittarius had been looking at the DJ along with Libra and they had missed the too boys getting up behind them.

Aries tapped Sagittariuses shoulder and asked "Might have a dance, as an apology of course." He said with a smirk.  Sagittarius went red and nodded her head. Sadly with her tall height and Aries short height it was mostly Aries being dragged around by Sagittarius.

Gemini had leaned in close to Libras ear and whispered, "Dance?" Libra let out a giggle and took the boys hand. Neither of them were coordinated though so it looked really awkward for them and not romantic all.

But the test of the signs had got a giant surprise. As Pisces and several other signs were watching they saw Capricorn and Taurus dancing magnificently through the other dancers. A crowd had gathered around them and started chanting "kiss kiss kiss!" Over and over.

Some of the signs even joined in and someone eventually held up mistletoe over them and so they had to kiss, which they did. Capricorn and Taurus were the first official zodiac couple.

Aquarius was watching Leo and Phecda stumble around since Leo was stepping on Phecdas overly long dress and she was laughing too. Virgo had tried to get another hot guy to kiss her and glared at Cancer as she found one that would dance with her, although she got no kiss.

In the end of the night, six of the signs had danced and two became an official couple. Some would call it, a successful night. The signs had left for dorms and packed in for the night, all of them excited for tomorrow, which is Christmas day.


I finally made a ship happen! Hooray! I meant to update this several days ago but I've drowning in homework and plus I had a concert yesterday. But it all worked out in the end. Now all I have to do is another chapter for Christmas day. Which will be hopefully released on Christmas day.

Tell me what you thought o the chapter and remember, have a potato filled night or day.

Sincerely Zodi.

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