The Principal

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Cancer woke up slowly and let out a loud yawn. She looked around and went into panic, until she remembered the previous nights events. She looked around and saw everyone else sleeping soundly, so she checked the time. It was eight thirty in the morning.

Another half hour passed and Pisces and Virgo started walking up. They saw Cancer on her phone, as she had nothing else to do. Slowly everyone had woken up, except Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo.

"Let's make a bet." Gemini said to Aries as they stared at the last three sleeping.

"Sure, what's it on?"

"I bet you a gift card of your choice on who will wake up last." Gemini said, looking at Aries sternly.

"It'll obviously be Leo. He's slept until one in the afternoon before, and he goes to bed at eight!" Aries said with confidence.

"Nah, it'll be Aquarius. She's slept for twenty four hours straight before, although that was because she accidentally overdosed on her sleep meds." Gemini said. They shook hands, sealing the deal.

Pisces had come over though, "Scorpio will win. He's slept for two days in a row before waking up only twice to use the bathroom, eat, and drink."

"Fine! You're in the bet now too Pisces!" Aries said, nearly yelling before remembering his bet.

Several more hours passed until it was two in the afternoon. Gemini and Aries we're getting impatient.

"How can someone sleep so long? It's been about fourteen hours of sleep!" Aries whined.

"Actually it's been only thirteen and a half." Virgo said randomly correcting them.

"Heh, I'm definitely winning." Gemini snickered.

"And why is that Mr.Bigmouth?" Pisces asked, leaning against the couch in the room.

"You've all forgotten about Aquarius's insomnia! Based on the amount of partying she did, she probably fell asleep about one to three hours after all of us!" Gemini finished with a poorly executed evil laugh.

"That's nice." Aries said ignoring Gemini.

All of them were disappointed though, when the man that had first showed them the Zodiac room burst into the room. He had burst in with such force and loudness the entire room shook.

All of the last three sleeping signs woke up, mostly confused though. Scorpio had rolled over and mumbled something about rude entrances and was on his way to falling back asleep. Leo had risen gracefully and gave a great yawn. Aquarius had mumbled something under her breath and looked extremely grumpy as she laid in the bed with her eyes half open.

"How did we all lose the bet?" Pisces asked sorrowfully.

"It's because of that blundering oaf over there!" Aries yelled angrily, pointing at the man.

"Ah well they need to wake up anyways. We have a big day ahead of us!" The man said shoving each sleepy zodiac out of bed and then the beds disappeared.

"What the hell is wrong with you. I was trying to sleep." Scorpio said getting up groggily.

"Yeah!" Aquarius added in.

Leo had jumped out of the man's way before he could be shoved last minute.

"Nothing wrongs with me. Somethings wrong with you though." The man started saying, but was cut off.

"I'm sorry but what gives you the right to tell us theres something wrong with us?" Taurus said, very offended.

"Well there's an explanation for that!"

"Better be good." Scorpio mumbled, but the man ignored him.

"It's the reason you were enrolled to this school! It's not just because you're magical wizards but because you're the zodiacs! The zodiacs have special powers, different from normal constellations and planets. I mean, most constellations don't to be generals right away! So because of that fact you'll be hunted after by the enemy."

"Wait a minute here! Who is this enemy? We need names! Why are we more special anyways? Answer me truthfully!" Capricorn said getting up form her seat and yelling at the man.

The man took a deep sigh and looked almost annoyed. "You're special because you play a special role in the universe, one that we can't tell you just yet. The enemy's name is calls themselves Dark Matters. Weird name huh?" The man had given a satisfactory answer and Capricorn sat down.

"Anyways you'll be staying in the school for now on. When you come back to this room there will be one main living room with a large kitchen with three doors. Behind the doors will be a mimicry of your dorms, minus the kitchen. There will also be a fourth large door that leads to a training room." The man said.

"So a workout room? That sound boring." Taurus said lazily eating chips.

"No, a room to train your powers." The man corrected Taurus.

"Cool, but what if you don't have your powers yet?" Sagittarius asked.

"Good question Sagittarius and there's a good answer too. We've been doing some, er, research on you and we've all seen possible powers for those of you without control of your powers. Even if you haven't seen it yet." He said.

"Ooh, what's my power?" Aquarius asked curiously.

"Can I know mine too?" Cancer asked sweetly.

"Nope. Although Cancers is almost scary and Aquarius's is extremely useful." He said. The other powerless signs looked at him, clearly expecting their powers to be given the same treatment. They were disappointed though, because he only got up and motioned for them to follow them.

"Sir, are the hostages okay?" Leo asked before walking out of the room.

"Yes they are, we sent in a team to help them out even. The criminals were caught and are now in questioning. Do you know how they might have found out about your party?" The man asked.

"Well Gemini said he had given the invitation to some strangers who looked friendly." Leo answered, being extremely truthful.

The man let out a big sigh, "Okay everyone you can go to the lunchroom and stuff to eat lunch, just don't leave the school." The man said. The Zodiacs nodded and he started to leave.

"Oh and by the way, you can call me Mr.U. I'm the principal of this school." And then he left them to do there own things.


Hooray I updated! I've been obsessed over a new anime though. It's name is Yuri on Ice and it is amazing! Victuri for life along with yurio x otabek.

Anyways did I do good on the chapter? Does anyone have predictions? I would love predictions. I'll try to update more but on the days 17 through 20 of January I probably won't be doing anything. I have a school trip then. Also what do you think of on an art contest? Can anyone actually draw? I've wanted to do one for awhile now and thought it would be cool. Oh whale, I hope you have a Narwhal of a day or night person that reads this, or anything that reads this.

Sincerely Zodi.

Changed chapter name and kept Principal name under the radar. Idk if it's mentioned anywhere else before the reveal of it though.

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