Chapter 1 News: Chat is Dead?

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       The next day, Marinette thinks it is strange her Chat Noir has not sent her any texts.  For that matter, it is unlike him not to call her to wish her a good morning, princess.  She can not help, but wonder what is up with him.  Is he really that nervous about the wedding?  Did he get cold feet and decide to call it off?  She certainly hopes not.  She looks forward to the day she gets to walk down the aisle to become Marinette  Noir!  She loves him!  She loves him with all her heart!

     Marinette sighs as she recalls how she fell in love with him at first sight. 

       Flashback: to how Marichat first met  (that is with her in civilian form not as Ladybug, and him as Chat, in this particular story) :  It was a day like any other day, when Marinette went to the store to purchase some sugar and other supplies for the bakery.  The ground still had a few patches of ice left over from last winter's  storm, and she barely manages to make it without any slip ups.  

 Flashback continues:  On the way back, her feet gives way under her and down she goes on the ice.  Ouch!  Her ankle hurts.  She feels like she may have broken something.  To make matters worse all her supplies are on the ground.  How is she to pick all this up, now?   Just as she is about to cry, a kind strange in  a cat suit, comes by and picks up all her things.  He places them gently back inside the back.  He insist on carrying them for her.  It is the least he can do to help a damsel in distress. 

   The rest of the flashback in her mind... Marinette laughs, but lets him help since she is hurt.  She stands up, but whinces.  Chat helps her to her feet, and picks her up too. He carries her, and the bag back to her place.  He is glad she does not live to far from her. He smiles when he finds out she lives above the famous bakery.  "Wow, that is the place with the best baked goodies in all of Paris, no the world!" Chat remarks.  Marinette laughs.  Chat smiles.  "I love your laugh!  I mean uh..."  Chat says quite embrassed.  "Oh, it is okay, I like you too!   By the way, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"  Marinette offers.  "Great, to meet you Marinette!  I am Chat Noir, but you can call me Chat, or Chanton!"  Chat says.

   A few weeks later, see saw him again when he shows up to get some crossiants from the bakery.  From then on, he visits day and night.  Eventually, he asks her out, and she says, yes!

  the end of flashback...

  Marinette   knows in her mind, and heart something is not right. Why else did Chat not contact her by now?   She tries to think of a reason he would not call, but comes up with no ideas. She sighs, and thinks perhaps he plans to come over to surprise her.   Maybe that is it!  Just maybe!

    "Marinette!"  Sabine calls.

    "Marinette, come here!  You might want to see this!" Tom calls out.  His voice sounds like one that is full of concern.

    "Be right there!"  Marinette calls out.  She heads down stairs to see what all the commotion is about anyway.  She sits down on the sofa with her parents to watch the latest news fed with them.

      News Brodcast...

      " Hello, citizens of Paris, this is Nadja Chamack here!  I have some bad news!"   Nadja begins.  She tries hard to keep her tears at bay as she announces,  "It seems one of our very own brave heros, partner to Ladybug, and special  on his on is dead!  I repeat, Chat Noir is dead!  The police found him brutally stabbed to death this morning in an alleyway not far from the Agreste mansion.  It appears he was murdered!   If anyone has any news as to how may have killed him, or anything else that may help to the case, please call 1-999-992-7777."  Nadaja says.

     Marinette looks at the screen in shock.  Her eyes fill full of tears as she feels as if her heart may stop at any moment.  Her partner, fiance, and love of her life are dead?  What?  How?

    "No, it is all lies!  He is just fine!  He has to be!"  Marinette protest.  She sobs into her father's shoulder as he hugs her in an attempt to comfort her over her loss.

      "Awe, Marinette, I am so sorry, I know how much you loved him!"  Sabine says, her voice sad, and her own eyes have tears come from them too.

       "I miss him too, he was suppose to be our son-in-law! "  Tom says.  He is to angry to cry.  He can not believe  some one would do something so mean, and horrible to Chat.

     "B-But, h-how can he b-be dead?  He was here last night!  He came to see me, and he proposed and everything!  We are engaged!  We are meant to be!  We are suppose to get married!   I refuse to believe it!  This must be a sick prank!  Chat is not dead!"  Marinette protest even more. She is denial.  She is so hurt, she loves him so much the pain makes her feel like she can not ever heal.  How could she when every one says, Chat is gone?   He is dead!  As in dead as a door nail.

    "No, Chat!  Please, come here!  Please stop by and prove you are alive!  Please!"  Marinette screams!  Her eyes turn red from all the tear drops, her voice soon becomes sore from all the screams of pain and agnoy of the loss of one so great!  

       Marinette looks at her parents who are concerned for their only daughter.  Sabine and Tom love her and do not want her to do anything rash, just because she misses Chat.   When Marinette insist on going to her room they agree.  "Oh, but on one condition, Marinette!" Tom says.

    "Oh, and what might that be Dad?"  Marinette ask.

     "You call Alya and tell her to come over!  If she can not come than get Alix, Mylene, Juleka, or Rose, or even Luka to come!  Got it?"   Tom says.

      "Yes, Dad!  I got it!"  Marinette says. She dries her tears, goes to her room, picks up her phone and dials Alya's  number.

     Alya picks up right away.  From the sound of things, Marinette can tell Alya has been crying too.

     "Oh, Alya it is so awful!  Please come, Please! "  Marinette says  into her cell phone.

     "Sure thing, gir!l"  Alya says sadly. 

     "Thanks, so much, Alya,"  Marinette says.

      "I will be there soon!  Bye!"  Alya says.

     "Bye!" Marinette says.

  Ten Minutes Later...

     Alya arrives at the Dupain-Cheng's and goes straight upstairs.  She enters Marinete's room without so much as a knock.   She sees Marinette  with a stunned expression on her face.

     "Marinette, I saw the news too!  I am so sorry!"  Alya says. She pulls Marinette into a hug. 

     Marinette hugs her back.  "Thanks,"  sniff, sniff, "Alya, for coming, I miss him so much!  I do not understand we were suppose to have a future together and now it is all over just like that because someone took him from me."  Marinette says.

     Alya does not say another word.  She just listens, and stays there to keep her best friend company. She figures, why not?  This is what best friends are for right?

     Alya's POV:  How dare someone kill Chat Noir?  Can they not see how much pain, guilt, and agony they put my best friend through as a result?   I mean it.  I can see it in her eyes and feel it in her voice.  Sure,  Marinette might not come out and say it, but she hates the person or persons reponsible for the death of her beloved Chat.   She was to marry the guy for Pete's sake!  Only now thinks to so mad man, she has to watch him be buried instead.  I do not think, thing is the sort of thing that even time could help solve.  Poor, Mari, will be lonely forever!  I  just know it as she only ever loved Chat, and Chat alone!

   Marinette's  POV:  Chat dead?  Is Nadja Chamack, sure she got her facts right?  I mean it is not like Chat took a bad road home or anything, or did he?  Why was he close to the Agreste mansion?  Did he know some one there?  If so, who?  Why did he not tell me  he may be in danger?  Why did he always have to act like he was always safe, and would be there to protect me?   Sure, as my partner, to my alter ego, hero half, Ladybug he came in handy when it came to past akuma attacks, and since the defeat of Hawkmoth, to help aid when the need arises to stop crime before it gets to out of hand.   It is not reasonable to expect the police to handle it all.  There are just to many muggers, and so on for them to get them all.   Who could have had a cause against my Chanton?  Who?

     to be continued in Chapter 2 :  Alya Stays the Night

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