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     Chat Noir and his Bugaboo fight against an akumantized villain as usual.  When they finish, Ladybug catches and purifies the akuma!   Then she says,  "Miraculous Ladybug!" 

    Both smiles as everything goes back to normal.  "Pound it!"  Chat and Ladybug say together.

     Chat smirks.  He is glad he did not have to use his cataclysm this time.  Now, he can go visit his princess for a bit.  He smiles at the thought.

     Ladybug looks at Chat and sees his smile.  She is glad he is happy.  She wishes she could tell him who she is behind the mask.  Only, she rather waits until tomorrow!  It is not like she can not seem him again, anyway, right?  She hurries home, detransforms, and sneaks into her room before Chat shows up.

   A  few minutes later, Chat lands on Marinette's balcony!  Marinette laughs at how silly he looks.  Chat is upside down, and somehow he looks adorable like this!  She thinks it is no wonder I love this silly, cat.  I mean he is always there for me.  Always, and he is my boyfriend!  I am so happy!  Nothing could make me happier!

     Chat taps on her window.  Marinette opens it and pulls him inside.  She closes and locks the window back.  This way there will be a draft in the room when she falls asleep later.  She smiles at him. He smiles back at her.

    "Princess, what did I do to ever deserve you?" Chat ask.

    "I could ask the same question when it comes to you, Chat!" Marinette replies.

    "Princess,  you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!"  Chat says.

   "Same here!  I mean it Chat Noir!  I love you!"  Marinette says.

    "Good, because I love you too!"  Chat says.

   Chat gets down on one knee.  He has a nice box in his hand, he opens it to reveal a nice sized diamond ring!   "Marinette, will you marry me?"  Chat ask her.

   "Yes, I will!"  Marinette says.

   "Good because I want to be with you forever and ever!"  Chat says.

    "I want to be with you always too, my Chat!"  Marinette says.

    Chat smiles, he ruffles her hair a bit and kisses her.  She smiles as she kisses him back.  She thinks, Wow, who would have thought I would get engaged to Chat Noir!   She feels like one blessed girl!  

    Chat and Marinette go downstairs.  They see her parents are still awake.

    "Mom, Dad,  Chat, and I are getting married!"  Marinette says with excitement in her voice.

     "Wow, that is fantastic news!"  Sabine says.

    "Welcome to the family, Chat!"  Tom says.

     "Thanks, Mr. Dupain-Cheng,"  Chat says.

      "Chat, call me Dad!  You might as well since we will be family one day!"  Tom says.

     "How long have you been engaged?"  Sabine ask.

     "Well, he only just proposed tonight!"  Marinette says.

      "Wow, that is  so exciting!"  Sabine squeals.

       "I know right!"  Marinette squeals from excitement as well.

       Marinette text Alya...

    Alya,  Chat asked me the big one, tonight!

    Alya's text to Marinette...

    Wow, great girl!

     Alya's text to Marinette...

     What did he ask you?

     Marinette's text to Alya...

      He asked me to be his bride, and I said yes!

     Alya's text to Marinette...

    Wow, you go girl!

     Marinette's text to Alya...

     Thanks, Alya!

     Marinette's text to Alya...

      So, we plan to get married next year!  will you be my maid of honor?

    Alya's text to Marinette...

    Sure girl!  I am thrilled to be a part of your and Chat's big day!

    Nino's text to Marinette...

    Congrats to you and Chat!  Alya told me!

    Marinette's text to Nino...

     Thanks, dude!

      Nino's text to Marinette...

      No problem, dudette!  I have always been a Marichat shipper!

    Tom and Sabine smile as Chat and their daughter kiss each other!  They take lots of photos.  They make sure to get some of the rings too.  They are so happy their only child is getting married and to a superhero!  Wow, this is so cool!  

     Chat sighs as he gets a text from his father. His dad says he needs him to come home now.  It is urgent!  

     "Sorry, princess!  I got to run!  My father needs me to come home.  He says it is urgent!  This usually means he is in one of his bad moods.   Well, love you and see you soon, my love!"  Chat says.

      "Okay, Chat!  I love you too!  See you later!"  Marinette says.

      Chat gives her one last kiss as Tom and Sabine watch with happy faces.  Tom takes the photo this time.

       With this Chat heads out the door and plans to go on home.  The only thing no one else knows is that poor Chat never made it home.  Chat made it close to the house, but before he can the corner that gets him back to the Agreste mansion, someone sneaks up behind him.  Chat turns around to face whoever it is and gasps.   "It is you!" Chat cries out in fear.

     "Indeed it is Chat!  Now pay up, or you will regret it!"  The mysterious person says.  

    "Well, you see the thing is I do not have the money,"  Chat says.

    "What?  You are kidding me, right?  I happen to know you are the richest kitty alive!  For that matter, you just bought a special rock and gave it to your woman!  So, pay up now!" the man demands

  "I just told you not now.  I will make sure you get it though.  Look, you will get first thing tomorrow, morning."  Chat says.

 "Hmm, too bad cat.  Tomorrow is not soon enough!  So, say goodbye to your dreams, your future, your love, and most of all to your life!"  The man says.  He laughs an evil laugh.  He runs towards Chat and pokes him with the needle full of Chloral Hydrate. Once Chat passes out, unconscious, the man laughs again. He thinks, now I can kill him!  He will not be able to stop me and no one will ever know.  He pulls out the huge matchet and brings near Chat.  He bends over the sleeping hero, and whispers,  "Do not worry, this will all be over real soon!"   

     The bad person takes the cover off the weapon.  First, he just scratches Chat's face twice with it.  Then, he uses it to wound him.  He stabs him in the arm, sees blood drip out, and says, well this is better than I thought.  He takes the same weapon (oh and has gloves on so no fingerprints can be taken), and uses it to scratch a nasty gash across Chat's left ear.  Finally, he has enough of his brutal attacks and decides to finish Chat before he can ever wake up again!  He stabs him harder this time in the chest area.  He sees more blood come out and runs away.  He thinks, haha!  The stupid, Cat will be dead by morning.

     Chat wakes up in pain and sees the weapon in his chest.  As he bleeds to death, the first thing on his mind is, Princess, I am sorry!  I love you!  I let you down, and know I will leave you forever!  Forgive me, my love!  Chat closes his eyes and winces one last time.  Then, his heart stops, he no longer breathes and is dead...

     to be continued in Chapter  1... News:  Chat is Dead?

The edits were made to this chapter on July 9, 2020.

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