Chapter 16 Nerd Boy Lives?

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             No one knows if Nino is really dead yet, or not.  Kagami is not even sure, she is just to stunned at what Chloe told her.  She thinks, was the crazy blonde serious?  She cannot mean it right?  She shudders at the thought that anyone should take her man away from her. She runs back inside the storage area with the fish and calls him.

          "Come on, pick up!" Kagami says.

          "Hello, you have reached the voicemail for Cage 12234 if you wish to leave a message make it quick or hang up now!"   This is the response she gets.  Now, Kagami freaks out more!  She thinks, is this end of  me and him?  She surely hopes not.  She does not know what she will do without him.

          Meanwhile, Nino comes too, and takes a look around him.  Due to his wound, he still is unable to stand. He crawls slowly towards some nearby bushes. Once in the foliage he contemplates a plan on what to do next.  He smiles. He reaches into his pocket to text Alya, then frowns.  He sees the battery percentage is down to 10%.  He thinks, great!  Just great!  He still sends her quick one anyway.  He can only hopes she gets it soon.

          Now, with Lukloe, as in Luka and Chloe... 

          Luka smiles at Chloe is asleep. He is glad to see she is alright after all they gone through today.  He thinks, soon we will have to find a way back to our friends.  For now, he decides they will be okay right where they are at the moment. He looks around him and breathes a sigh of relief to see no one else is nearby.  He closes off and soon joins Chloe in a deep, sleep.

          Back to the others, Alya, Chris, and Plagg, wonder how far Marinette and Chat could have gotten!  No they correct themselves, it is  Zombie Chat and Ladybug.  Anyway, this will take time for them to get use to the whole idea. 

           Nevertheless, they still hope those two manage to find out soon how things are with Chloe, Luka, and  Nino.  As if on cue, Alya hears her phone make a slow, single chime noise. She checks to see that she got a text from Nino!  She thinks, yes, what a relief!  

           Alya reads it and almost drops the phone from the news!  She cannot believe her eyes!  

            Here is what the   text  from Nino says  Alya, I have an injury.  It looks like the bleeding has stopped for now.  Not sure, where Chloe and Luka are because the last thing I remember is seeing Chloe charge at Kagami right before I past out.  Sorry, cannot tell you more!-Nino

          "Alya, what is the matter?"  Plagg ask.

          "Yes, Alya what?"  Chris ask.  He thinks, nothing bad I hope.

          "Oh, Nino sent me a text, but he is hurt. I am not sure how bad it is though.  He seems to have been in a rush when he sent it.  I think maybe the cell phone's battery is low."  Alya replies. 

            "Hmm, well at least we know he is alive!" Plagg remarks. 

            "Plagg,do not say such things in front of Chris!  Besides, Luka and Chloe maybe just fine."  Alya retorts.

             "I am happy my brother is alive. " Chris says sadly.  He looks upset about the news that Nino  got hurt, but tries hard not to admit  to it though.

             A  few minutes later, Ladybug and ZC  return, with no news about the whereabouts of the others.  They are happy to hear that Alya heard from Nino while they were away. They can only hope Luka and  Chloe really are fine.   

              Somehow, despite the wound, Nino manages to crawl slowly away from the bushes and towards the apartment.  He is not sure how far he will make it since he has nothing to treat his leg wound with him.  He eventually passes out on the side of the road from the blood loss.  His battery cell drops down to zero and it turns off.  

             A  lady drives by the spot where Nino is past out.  She sees him. She decides to help him right away. She calls for help.  She waits for the paramedics  to come and explains all when they arrive on the scene.  When she finishes she leaves happy she was able to get him the medical attention he clearly needs.  She goes home.

              Nino wakes up again this time inside an unfamiliar place. First, he screams! Then, someone shines a light in his face.  He discovers this is the doctor.  The same one who tells him that he is in the hospital.   "Sir, someone gave a call, you were brought in and upon further examination saw you have a bullet wound to your leg.  We carefully took it out, then we gave you many stitches and a few bandages."  The doctor explains.

          He is not sure what to think. He  is glad though that he did not bleed to death and wake up as a ghost or something.  Still, he wonders, where did he put his phone charger.  He ask,"Did I have charger with me?"  

          "Oh, you mean this?  We did wonder what this was for anyway?  In that case, you may have it back."  The doctor says. He returns the phone charger to him.

             Nino takes it, thanks him and plugs it into the wall. He places his phone on the charger and sets in gently down on the bedside table.  He plans to contact Alya again as soon as he possibly can for that matter.

            Back to Kagami once more...

             Kagami goes outside and sees Nino is gone too.  "Wait, just a minute!  Where did he go? "  Kagami says to no one in particular.  She knows by now that the boy with the glasses is not dead.  "Hmm, so the nerd boy lives, does he?  Well, then, I shall have to find him along with that Chloe girl and finish them both off for good."  Kagami says.  This time she giggles a bit since she did just talk to herself.

          to be continued in Chapter  17   It is About Time!

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