Chapter 15 (Two Worlds Collide 1/2)

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United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

The grandiose white building dominated the landscape, towering over everything around it in both size and magnificence. The road leading to the front of the building was lined with two rows of flags on each side, the symbols of nearly two-hundred nations waving proudly in the light wind high upon the gleaming metal poles. The grounds before the main building were immaculate, the work of dozens of groundskeepers, and in the center of the grounds was the largest flagpole. High up, on the top of the metal rod was the official flag of the United Nations. A flag that symbolize a planet united in peaceful harmony.

Of course the reality of the past was far from that, and rarely had it ever even come close to the goals that it had set for itself. For the world was always at war, there was always another atrocity being committed, another battle taking place, and another gunshot sounding the death of yet one more person at the hands of another. The United Nations tried, and they did have their share of successes, but they were counterbalanced by the weight of the failures. Of course though, what was the meaning of success if there was no failure?

The parking areas had been filled with the vehicles of the many delegates and representatives, all of whom present for what was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. After all, it certainly isn't every day that you get the responsibility of meeting the first extraterrestrial lifeforms that had been discovered thus far.

Most of the various representatives had chosen to go to the entrance hall, where many of them where conversing about a variety of different matters. Many of them where desperately attempting to calm their nerves, meeting real-life aliens was slightly... Nerve-wracking.

The suddenness of the arrival of a soldier and the booming sound of the doors slamming open caused all present to look towards the entrance.

"They will be here in a few minutes, the Sea Stallion just took off from the American Carrier."

That got everyone's attention as they all filed out to watch the arrival of the aliens. It had been decided, after much debate, that the representatives from countries that had a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, and the Swiss representative, would be the ones to greet the aliens.

As the delegates move to the helipad, they could hear the familiar chopping sounds at the distance.

Few more minutes later. The heavy lift helicopter with American star insignia landed gracefully in the area that had been set aside for their use, it was actually just one of the helipads but it was the logical place to have them land. The Sea Stallion created a rather large amount of downdraft as it set down, causing the suits being worn by all of the representatives to flutter and several of the diplomatic aids came very close to losing their hats.

Very dignified.

The back of the helicopter began to lift, evidently a ramp extended from the bottom of the craft and set down.

The beings that stepped out of the craft were very much remarkable, if only for the fact that they are animals walking in hind legs... They were off, distinctly off. The fact that the one is a tall Lion in a suit followed by a pig with blonde hair wearing a coat hiding a red dress and 3 animals in police uniforms, an African Buffalo, Tiger, and lastly a Timber Wolf.

The delegates that would be responsible for the first ever contact between humans and anthropomorphic animals stepped forwards in near unison. They went to the foot of the stairs that led down from the helipad and awaited the mammals.

The possibilities were endless, and guessing at something you knew, quite literally, nothing about would serve no purpose. As such most of the delegates ignored the order that they went in, and rather focused on physical features and body language. Still a pointless and a waste of effort, but it kept them occupied and allowed them to keep their minds busy. That was the easiest way to keep themselves from panicking when there were no brown paper bags available.

Several of the aides looked like they were about to collapse from shock right from the point after that helicopter had touched down, and had gotten steadily worse. Having had a week to prepare was the only thing that allowed most of the delegates and their aides to not pass out from shock, or have a heart attack right in the middle of such a historic moment. The best part of the wait was also that it allowed the world as a whole to regain its footing and become slightly more accustomed to the idea that humanity was no longer alone in this universe.

The worst part was the sheer number of 'anti-furry' groups that decided that this meant that the apocalypse was nigh, or felt that the universe had essentially betrayed them. Many of the more fanatical were refusing to believe that there actually were animals walking and talking like humans, no matter what kind of evidence they were given, and instead insisted that it was all a massive hoax.

The worst was that said group, they actually went so far as to try and send people to Geneva to blockade the First Contact!

After one of them approached a guard with a loaded gun that they had managed to get past airport security, all of them were arrested and would be sent back to the US, Russia, Brazil, China, and many more other countries, but not until after the first contact was over. Many of them would be facing criminal charges when they returned to their respective nations, primarily due to the fact that they had snuck guns and other weapons into Switzerland and did not have the proper permits, as such they would be facing severe fines and possibly time in prison.

The intelligent animals finally reached the delegates, standing side-by-side across from the humans and separated by slightly more than a meter.

An American ambassador took the first step towards the mammals and the one who spoke first.

"Welcome to Earth."

A week earlier before the first contact

ZPD Interrogation Room

Inside the room was a single human with black skin, still in his military gear with masked being removed, cuffed in the table while waiting patiently for any interrogators.

Until the door opened revealing a musclar toned tiger in police uniform with folder at paw.

"Hello, my name is Fangmeyer and I'm here to asked you some questions if you don't mind?"

Fangmeyer looked at the human operator with a soft smile.

The black skinned human just make a small nod.

The Tiger hummed in delight before taking a seat at the opposite of the table while placing the folder at the table.

"Okay. First things first, what is your name, affiliation, and your mission?"

"Captain Jones. Identification number 6-6-2-4-9."

Confused by the answer, Fangmeyer rubbed his palms together before pointing his fingers.

"Okay, that's not clearly answer my question. I repeat, what is your affiliation?"

After asking the same question over and over again, Fangmeyer gave up from the human as it was keep saying was the same rank and name followed by the ID number over and over, like a robot with no any kind of emotion, whatsoever.

Fangmeyer stood up from his chair, clearly stressed at the same answers over and over again. He glared at the human in question.

"One last question and I'm not going to make myself repeat it... What is your affiliation and your mission?"

Once again, Fangmeyer received the same answer.

"Captain Jones. Identification number 6-6-2-4-9."

Fangmeyer couldn't help to contain himself from exploding in immense anger he was building up throughout the time, instead, he released a very long heavy sigh.

"Then there is nothing I can do to help you for your situation." He said before walking out the room, not daring to look back at the human whom was leaned its back on the chair not saying a word.

Once Fangmeyer got out of the room, he was greeted by Bogo who was looking through the one way mirror with his arms crossed.

"I believe you can't get anything from that human?" The buffalo said while looking at Fangmeyer with hint of concern.

"Yes, sir. This guys is highly trained not to talk to its captors."

Then, a sudden door opened revealing a hippo with disappointment in his face.

"Higgins, got anything?" Bogo asked.

"Negative. They keep repeating the same answers." Higgins said while rubbing his palms to his forehead.

"What is the human keep saying?" Fangmeyer asked this time while leaning his back on the wall then crossing his arms.

"Rank, Name and ID numbers."

Bogo huffs after hearing the answer from his lieutenant, then another animal entered the room with the same expression, a timber wolf.

"These guys were very professionals." Wolford said while glaring at the human at the table through the glass.

"I believe you guys didn't get anything from him, I presume?" The wolf asked.

The trio just nod at Wolford who groaned in annoyance.

"Just great."

City Hall, Zootopia

Inside the mayor's office, a lion who was writing something important to the documents in front of him.

Lionheart was very stressed and have a lack of sleep due to the sudden appearance of not one, but multiple known as 'humans' that is now currently in custody of the ZPD for further questioning.

A knock was suddenly heard at the door of Lionheart's office.

Placing the pen down to his desk, Lionheart rubbed his temples before speaking loudly.

"Come in!" He ordered.

As the door creaked to open revealing his new assistant a stallion in her 30's walked forward to his office desk.

"What is it Shelby? I hope that is important."

"It was very important Mayor Lionheart, chief Bogo couldn't extract any information from the humans regarding the incident this morning, they said that. They were highly trained and stayed silent when it comes to questioning."

Ever since Bellwether discovered that sheep was plotting something dangerous that will turn into civil war, turning the predators into savage animals while using some kind of bioweapon in order for the Prey community to turn their backs to the Predators and attack them with extreme prejudice, which includes himself, Lionheart was disappointed, he immediately sent Bellwether into maximum prison in order to stop further madness in the future.

But one question was still left unanswered... Who was really responsible for the disappearance of the 14 missing mammals?

Lionheart rubbed his temples once again before speaking.

"These just keeps better and better."

Before she could respond, a bang from the door startling both of them.

A female cheetah from the reception came running to Lionheart in a hurry.

"What are you doing?! You could just use the phone you know! Why are you even here?!" Lionheart outburst at the rudeness displayed by the cheetah.

"Apologies mr. Mayor... There is a situation that is developing at the sea near Sahara's beach. An unknown ship just appeared, from what the witnesses stated, it was very long with dark hull and no any signs of its passengers or crew. Therefore, some of our mobile phone including some radio won't work like there was something blocking them."

These statement surprised both of them as the lion stood up from his chair then fixed his suit and tie.

"Did the coastguard established a contact to this unknown vessel?"

"They are already on it."

6 kilometers away Sahara's beach, earlier

Many different species of mammals were either swimming at the sea with some cubs, family enjoying each their snacks, sunbathing and many more.

Until someone from their midst noticed something unusual, the water started to act strangely before long enough, something big emerge from the water.

To be continued...

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