Chapter 14 (Disturbance)

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It was already afternoon, dozens of mammals were focused on their phones, computers, and TV. Some were surprised, awed, shocked at the appearance of unknown species in the video that was posted in the entire ethernet in the whole city.

Of course, the ZNN and other media also has taken interest on the trending topic since this morning.

"Have you seen the viral video?" A teenage Cheetah asked his friend which is a Skunk.

"Yep, I don't even think this was heavily edited, just look at the details." The Skunk said while gesturing his small paw towards the large screen in the middle of the plaza, that displayed the same video that was trending.

Meanwhile in ZPD HQ

Most of the police officer's eyes were glued to their smart phones.

Meanwhile, Clawhauser run towards to Chief Bogo's office. As the chuby cheetah banged the door open, startling Bogo in the process.

"What is it!?" The buffalo yelled.

"S-Sir, you need to see this!" Clawhauser said while pawwing over his phone to the high ranking police officer.

Upon closer looked, Bogo was surprised that in the video, was the same 'humans' that they encountered in the museum.

"Who is the uploader of the video?" The Chief of Police asked the cheetah.

"It's a user by the name, Paolo. Living in Tundra Town. Why did you ask sir?" Clawhauser asked curiously.

As Chief Bogo was drifted into deep thoughts, he came up into different scenarios, until one came up to his mind.

"No." Bogo mumbled with his eyes slightly widen in shock.

"What are you saying chief?"

"Benjamin. These 'humans' might be came after him! Gather all available ZPD Zwat units, immediately!" Bogo ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Clawhauser said before running off the chief's office.

Bogo opened his drawer in the desk and wears his tactical vest, then grab a huge amount of tranquilizer rounds, before running out as well.

Alpha base, Command and control room

Dozens of personnels were relentlessly giving out reports as well as passing orders to the operatives.

In front of them was a large screen, displayed a live footage of a drone in thermal image, the drone was currently flying above the Tundra Town.

"Could we find who is responsible for that video being now viral allover Zootopia?" Gen. Paul asked his second in command.

The man Gen. Paul was talking to, nodded his head.

"Yes, sir. We already tracked down the uploader, his current location is in Tundra Town, by a Panda named, Paolo."


Then one of the radio operators immediately reports, catching the attention of the American General.

"Zulu squad and Stalker squad is in place, and awaiting for orders." One of the operators said.

The American General crossed his arms, before speaking to his mic.

"Attention to all units, this is Golden Eagle. Your mission is to retrieve a high value asset intact. Therefore, you are prohibited to use excessive force, use non-lethal ONLY."

<<This is Zulu squadron, leader: Oxide. We acknowledge.>>

<<This is Stalker squadron, leader: Lima. Crystal.>>

Satisfied with the answers, Paul hummed.

"Golden Eagle, acknowledge. What is your current situation?"

<<Target is in the bird's nest. Minimum civilian activity within the vicinity. No serious threats.>>

"Good. Commence operation."

Somewhere in Tundra Town

James have been exploring the city for hours, beyond shocked after he sees the animals standing in hind legs.

"This is alot to take in." The Human survivor said.

Jumping rooftop to rooftop, finding a place that James can shelter, until.

<<James. I'm detecting radio frequency just South of our location.>> The AI warned.

"Could you patch me in?"

<<Negative. The frequency is static, but I can locate them within the range of 200 meters then I can patch you in to their comms.>>

"Got it."

After that, he began to pick up his pace, heading south.

Few minutes later, after James reached his destination who was now crawling at the edge of the rooftop while activating his cloak.

Once James readied himself, then switches his optics to thermal, down below, he could see 2 black tinted vans, one in the street intersection and the last one in the dark alleyway.

James just waiting for the happenings that will begun.

<<James, you are patch in.>>

Tundra Town

Meanwhile the van in the alleyway, the occupants were readying their non-lethal weapons aswell as the gas masks.

"Everything is set." The squadron leader with the callsign of 'Oxide' lowered his M-50 Gas mask to his face before cocking the modified M4 from his lap.

"Golden Eagle gave us the go signal." One of his men said to him.

"Get that jammer ready." Oxide ordered.

"Yes, sir... Jammer is active."

"Let's go."

Oxide opened his passenger door then his men followed suit, sliding the side door of the van, they poured out with boots hitting the ground as noise echoed in the alleyway, they move to the backdoor of the target's house, then stacking up with weapons ready, while one of them brings out a sledgehammer and stand beside the door.

"Lima, what is the current status?" Oxide asked using his radio.

<<No activity is ongoing to the swivel just civilians walking by, we also got a chatter from police radio that they are dispatched a swat unit.>>


<<We still listening, we will keep you posted. Out.>>

"Solid copy... Breach!" Oxide ordered.

With a single powerful swing, the sledgehammer breaks down the door before 2 men entered the kitchen with weapons drawn then move out of the way for the rest to enter.

"What was that?!" A small female voice was heard above them.

"Thieves! Paolo, call the cops!"

"I can't! I've got nothing!"

Two panicked male voice was heard.

<<Oxide this is Lima, be advised keep the noise at minimum. We don't want to attract more attention.>>

"Oxide to Lima, copy."

Moving with caution, the humans guard the front door and windows to make sure no one will interrupt.

The rest members of the Zulu squad move upstairs as the wooden structure makes crack noise as they move slowly, moving into the second floor they could see three doors at the end of the hallway.

With Oxide leading the group, he signal using his hands at the doors, the men in tactical black gears stacked at the doors at the same time, Oxide and one of his men picked the door on the right beside the window.

Raising then started a countdown up to 3 fingers.
As the countdown ends, he closed all of his fingers before all of them kick down the doors.

Two rooms were empty but the door where Oxide and one of his men occupying found the jackpot.

"Paws, show me you paws!" Oxide yelled threatening while aiming at the head of the cowering panda.

Inside the room was simple bedroom with a theme of almost entirely black and white, even a black and white bed where Paolo who was kneeling and two unidentified individuals which is a Grizzly bear with a small raccoon near the window who also raising their paws in surrender.

"Please, don't shoot!" Paolo yelled, terrified as more strange creature entered his room.

Meanwhile in the back of the group, one soldier heard a sound at the empty room near the stairs, walking slowly with aimdown sight focused on single area, he caught a glimpse of a giant white animal lurking in the shadows.

Another soldier joined him as they slowly walk towards the empty room before a flying baseball hits the face of the soldier as the glass in his gas mask cracked, then falls to the ground with a loud thud, unconscious.

The other soldier was dumbfounded as he looked to his fallen comrade, before returning his gaze back at where the attack came from.

Isaac come out from the shadows, charging at full speed before a wave of darts hits his chest, he saw that there was the second soldier Isaac was supposed to attack, aiming the strange dart rifle, looking at it. This strange creature was wearing a Identical uniform for zwats and has no tail or even fur could see.

Isaac was puzzled at the appearance of the soldier in front of him before he feels dizziness.

"Crap." His last word before collapsing on the wooden floor with a powerful thud.

"Captain, I've got a man down here, one hostile down a Polar bear." The unnamed soldier said checking his comrade who was starting regain consciousness.

After putting all animals to sleep, Oxide grabs his radio from the chest of the vest.

"Oxide to Golden Eagle, we got the HVIs, what is the status overhead? Over."

<<This is Golden Eagle, we see a large group of armored trucks as well police cruisers, they are heading to your direction, I highly recommend to get your asses out of there and extract the HVIs to the extraction point.>>

"Oxide, solid copy."


James who heard the entire conversation was surprised.

"I need to stop them." He thought before finding a way to drop down from the building where he was currently hiding at.

<<James, I advise you to keep yourself hidden from the public, this could cause an outrage.>>

"I would not just stand here and watch as the humans take those kids somewhere unsafe, these humans could experiment them, I can't watch them get mutilated." He said before taking a position near the post waiting for the humans to come out in the alley.

Few minutes later, James could see the human soldiers carrying the bodies of unconscious animals being gently thrown to the van before all of them enter as the headlights and the engine roared to life.

James walk in the middle of the road, still invisible to naked eyes, he waited as the van accelerated out into the sunlight, moving out of the way to the right side, letting the vehicle move, once the van was in front of him.

James kick the side of the van, it was so powerful that the van was flipped to the side.

"Whatthefuckwasthat?!" One of the soldiers inside the van cursed rapidly but James was able to understand the words that was being said.

As the doors open they come out with quite dizziness due to the impact and sudden flipped of their vehicle.

The driver now notice the un-cloaked futuristic soldier in front of him, he immediately switch to the live ammunition from the magazine of his surppressed M4.

The spec ops also has a backup plan, once this dangerous person appears in their operation which is James, they were being authorized to use lethal force to take him down, dead or alive.

But, they have to keep James alive in order to get more knowledge on what really happened in this world before their arrival.

"Contact!" The soldier said before firing all of the rounds into James armor.

After emptying the magazine before putting a fresh one, the soldier continues to spray rounds after rounds into James who shrug all live ammunition.

James on the other hand starts to move at the soldier before punching in the face of the operator who was fall to the ground.

Unconscious, more soldiers come out to the back of the flipped van before firing tranquilizer round to James.

James uses his free hand to cover his neck, before attacking the soldiers, although his attacks were completely for non lethal force, the soldiers on the other hand were bruised and injured with broken bones.

James uses his armor to deflect the rounds before throwing punch and kicks to the poor operators who were not still be able to take him down.

Lima the squadron leader of Stalkers, were completely surprised in his passenger seat.

Seeing his comrades collapse one after another, punches after punches, he couldn't watch them helplessly lose to the single man.

"All units, disembark. Use of lethal force is authorized, take that bastard down."

"Yes, sir!" They said before disembarking the van.

They move in offensive position before firing live ammunition at James who was busy knocking out the soldiers.

Just then, he feels dozens of vibrations at his back, looking at the source James could see 8 soldiers taking cover to either a car or a building as civilians could seen cowering in fear at the shootout.

"These guys wouldn't stop, would they?" He thought angrily.

"Raise your arms and surrender now or we will open fire!" One of the soldiers with authority ordered James.

James paid no attention to the warnings, until Kestrel notify him.

<<James, the police and swat units are nearly here. You should get out of here.>>

"Not until I finish these thugs off." He said before taking a step forward.

"You choose the hard way... Open fire!" Lima shouts before firing his surpressed M4.

The last eight soldiers fired all of they got to James who was now charging at full speed.

Grabbing the soldier near the post before throwing to the other soldier who was hiding behind the parked car, knocking them out cold.

Moving to the next one who was currently changing the magazine, James leap towards like a grasshopper to the soldier who caught by surprise before receiving a kick in the chest, putting the soldier unconscious.

"3 down, 5 to go." James thought himself.

Moving on to the next remaining targets, James grabs the M4 from the unconscious soldier in front of him before throwing it to the other soldier who duck for cover.

Using this moment James vaulted to the cover where the soldier currently hidding at before punching it in the side of the helmet, creating a loud crack splitting the helmet in half as the user of the said helmet falls to the ground.

Turning his gaze to the ones still fighting, James heard that they already out of ammo as their assault rifles clicked.

They switch to their pistols, as they were switching three of them instantly knock out due to the darts that penetrated to their necks.

Snipers already taken position high ground as police sirens was heard throughout the street and swats started to come out from the intersection followed by an armored trucks providing as covers.

Lima switches to his pistol then firing all rounds to James who was seemed unfazed.

As they both stared, Lima throws his empty pistol to the ground.

"Look what have you done." Lima said coldly.

"I'm doing this for the sake of those children."

"You fuckin-" Lima was cut off by a dart penetrated to his neck.

Taking out the dart, he looked once more to James before collapsing.

James sighs in relief before activating his cloak, running out from the scene as the ZPD started to secure the unconscious soldiers while some of them were groaning at the intense pain they received from unidentified man.

Chief Bogo came at the scene in his tactical gear, looking at the damages with no interest.

Bogo walk towards the ambulance where the animals in interest were treated, he gave them a small nod.

"Good afternoon, as you already know I am the Chief of Police Adrian Bogo. First things first, did these animals (humans) hurt you at all?" Bogo asked them.

The 4 animals looked at each other before one of them answered.

"No, not at all. But, Isaac here manage to take down one them." Chris said while gesturing to Polar Bear beside him.

Bogo hummed in acknowledgement before replying.

"All of your questions will be answered in the station. I invite you all to come with me in ZPD for further investigation regarding to this incident, and you all will be in under protection by the ZPD."

Alpha base, Command and control room

Gen. Paul was frustrated at the outcome of the mission, they thought this is gonna simple walk in the park, until this unknown man in futuristic suit took out his men one by one.

Watching the drone footage where his men were being drag at the back of the armored truck then closing the doors.

Looking at the second in command, Gen. Paul raises a finger.

"Prep QRF Team to rescue those men now." He ordered.

Before anyone could respond, another voice was heard.

"That won't be necessary General."

Several men in suits approached them.

The man who said that was in his 40's standing at the height of 7'3 with un readable expression was displayed in his face.

"We got new orders from U.N. Headquarters, from secretary general himself." The man in suit said before handing him a document.

Grabbing the document at hand, Paul read it with interest before his eyes widen a bit in surprise.

"You going to send in the diplomats?"

"Yes, there is nothing much we could do, we always did hide and run from the authorities of this city... It's time for us to come out from the shadows, General Paul."

To be continued...

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