Chapter 17 (Humanity's History)

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Alpha Base

The two intelligent animals were situated in their allocated room with now a TV installed for their entertainment since they were both still unable to leave the room, and Judy recently request an hour of presentation regarding Human History, which the Humans complied with a warning about the sensitive topics throughout the Human society, eager to learn more about the furless species.

"Are you sure about these, carrots? There is no turning back." Nick asked the bunny in concern as he placed the Disk in the DVD while he waited for Judy's confirmation.

"Yes, Nick. Besides, this is a once in a lifetime we will learn something new. Especially with the human way of life." She said with confidence, followed by a smile.

Nick just shrugged as he inserted the disk before turning on the television as it began the presentation.

Taking a seat beside the smaller animal in the bed.

The video presents a destroyed Earth before recovering from devastating extinction with another new life, which is the Humans ancestors. The primates.

A slide shows a monkey in a crouch position to the position where the primates were now fully standing on hind legs and then become furless, which is now resemble to Humans.

"So, that's how humans evolve?" Judy said, unsure of the fact.

"Primates? That's interesting." Nick said before focusing his sight at the screen.

Both of them were very shocked after finding out the true nature of humanity of the past, which is that all humans were omnivorous, which could eat all different kinds of meal.

They're even surprised that the Humanity's ancestors were able to take down an enormous mammal covered in fur called a "Mammoth" with very identical resemblance with Elephant. Even scoring a kill with a feline that has long sabre teeth called "Sabertooth."

Both of these species were extinct due to their Tusk and Razor teeth are able to be crafted as weapons, such as spears and coats acting as shields on the ongoing "Ice Age."

Judy was very disgusted when she heard about her species of bunnies also being eaten by the humans. Meanwhile, Nick paid no mind to the scenery since the past era was very bloody and part of evolution, and it was very normal for him.

Another era began, and humans were now able to communicate and hunting in packs with unbelievable events.

The Humans now befriended the canines, which were feral Wolves, they even become pet and symbols in some tribe of the humans.

They hunt in large group with their canine companions and work side by side, taking down the Buffalos and other big mammals.

Years of evolutionary as the society began to expand from tribes to Empire and Kingdoms, deadly weapons, slavery, diplomacy, religions, expansion, and the rise and fall of nations.

Shock by the discovery, they were now became wary at the history of the human political system during the medieval period.

Then, Industrial Era has began, the intelligent minds and science of Humanity invented technology of wonders such as the discovery of piston and steam engines and discovery of oil as a way for a machine to work properly.

Meanwhile, the monarchy of Europe, such as the powerhouse nations, such as the Spanish Empire and the British Empire, began to expand more of their influence and religions to the indigenous people of Asia and the African continent.

United States of America established itself as a constitutional country and gained their independence from the British and French invaders.

German Empire became one of the superpowers of Europe.

Until an assassination occurred and successfully killed an infamous Hungarian monarch figure...

The world first deadliest conflict erupted.

"World War 1." Nick read out loud while taking a small bite on a bag of potato chips.

Judy gulped half a bottle of water and then focused her attention completely on the TV.

New weapons were introduced in the theatre of war, ranging from tanks, artillery, war planes, warships, and so on.

Every European power, including the USA that was later dragged on from the war due to the German subs, sinks several American supply ships heading to assert England for the war effort in Europe. Powerful nations become united against the German Empire. Whom used the first infamous bio chemical weapon.

Nick and Judy watched in silence as they watched the cloud of death approach the opposite army, killing its victims in a very miserable way.

Flamethrowers were also weapons presented. They both watched a group of French soldiers equip with flamethrowers, flaming down a trench full of German soldiers as they screamed in agony.

Even French tanks rolled down the German defensive lines. Some of the defenceless soldiers of the German Empire were squished like a watermelon, as their screams of plead were silence by the tracks of the tanks.

The two animals were very traumatized at the Humanity's first world conflict. Then, after a few years, it took as the first world war came to an end.

After the first war, the slide shows hundreds upon thousands of corpses littered around the large graves and dozens of casing from Artilleries, machine guns and bolt-action rifles, as the soldiers began to clean the remains of the war.

"This is horrible." Judy mumbled as she watched the coffins being buried in numerous graves.

"Even the cubs weren't spared from slaughter. I can't believe the Humans could do this to their species for just a single man." Nick said with disgust.

The used to be greenish landscape were replaced by hellish landscape, trees split in half, grass turned into sea of mud and blood, even some feral animals could be seen wondering at the battlefield, seemingly looking for food.

Then, the slide changes to the 1920s to 30s, showing huge innovation to the civilian infrastructures, and newly improved TVs and cars were also shown.

Nick was getting tired of seeing the "innovations" by the human society, while Judy watched with awe and fascination.

Moments later, another grim history was shown that will traumatized them more.

Germany, which was used to be an Empire. Turned into a fascist nation led by a austrian man with a unique moustache and had a position of being a chancellor of Germany, while a party called "National Socialist German Workers' Party" also know as the "Nazi Party" under the command of the now known man behind the unique moustache, Adolf Hitler, completely overthrowing the monarchy into his favor with pure hatred against the Jewish people.

The Japanese Empire led by Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Tojo. Began their expansion in Asia.

Until around September 1939, the communist country of Soviet Union and Nazi Germany invaded the small nation of Poland from two fronts and completely annexed the said nation, after they both signed a non-aggression pact, known as the "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact."

Judy and Nick were caught by surprise as they saw dozens of Humans in chains, mostly heading towards the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Building the infamous "concentration camps" in Poland.

Several months passed, Nazi Germany broke the pact with the Soviet Union and attacked them indiscriminately. Therefore, Germany attacked the rest of Europe with the exception of Switzerland, completely ruling half of Europe.

The Battle of Britain was also presented, while the Brits tried to encourage their allies, the Americans, to join in the war in Europe. The Americans sent a handful of pilots to Britain in an effort to stall the German bombing campaigns.

On December 6th, 1941, the Japanese Empire acted suspiciously as they evacuated their delegation in Washington, which the Americans intercepted the Morse code of the Japanese saying their peace talks was useless and moments after that. A surprise attack was carried out by the Japanese Navy in Pearl Harbour, forcing the Americans into the war.

The duo notices an aged man in a suit stood behind the podium before he began his speech.

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941-a date which will live in infamy-the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."

Judy and Nick watched in horror as the American industrial might set in. Tanks, small arms, weapons, planes, and ships were being produced at an astonishing rate.

The historical war between nations was now ongoing as the series of bombing campaigns, propaganda, invasions, and the infamous battle of Stalingrad unfold, being presented to the dismay of two intelligent animals.

"What are they even fighting for?" Nick asked to no one in anger.

Judy watched the Jews being executed by a firing squad of the Waffen SS and being forced on hard labour.

In a span of 6 years of bloody war, it came to an end as the axis pact was being defeated. But, it costs a lot of lives, which to the shock of the animals, after seeing the death toll of the world war.

"85 million lives?!" Both of them exclaimed at the same time.

They couldn't both believe what they've witness, the slide shows this war was the most destructive conflict in human history.

As they watch, they also witnesses the age of atomic to very deadly arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

New weapons were also introduced during the proxy wars between the two Giants, and new innovations in civilian infrastructures were also introduced. Either in Iraq war, Russo-Afghan war, Vietnam war. And many more skirmishes.

After years of intense cold war that was nearly heated, if heated, there would be another world war that could lead to extinction of human civilization.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union was being presented with graphics content, which the duo didn't paid mind, and later the former Soviet Union turned into the todays Russian Federation and even embracing the Western culture into their midst.

Once again, they were both speechless at the Humanity's history... Until the incident that would change the world forever.

Two skyscrapers could be seen in flames, and the red themed square was in ruins with bodies of civilians lying on the ground in such a gore scene.

<<September 11, 2001. The world wouldn't expect this catastrophic attack at the same time. The United States of America and the Russian Federation have been under attack by a group called the "Al Quada," claiming they were responsible for the attack. Killing numerous numbers of civilians. This is the first time in history that the two powerful nations with the previous history in Afghanistan were attacked.>>

A male reporter stated with solemn.

Then, a video shows two familiar flags in the background of a conference room, before two individuals stood up from their opposite tables and then shook both of their hands.

<<We can't believe what we are witnessing right now, folks! Two former rivals formed an alliance in an effort to erradicate the Al Quada and other terrorist organisations in Afghanistan. Right now, the European Union also wants to join the operation in Afghanistan to bring justice to the fallen innocent people who died during the simultaneous attack on both the United States and Russia.>>

Both mammals were even more surprised that the two former enemies became allies in the dark times, but that's not all.

A female reporter could be seen with surprised expression before stating the news, with enthusiastic.

<<Breaking news! The People's Republic of China wanted to join the "Joint Operation" in Afghanistan in an effort to bring justice and stabilization in the ruined nation.>>

They heard it loud and clear, and the former ally of a communist nation wanted to join the frenzy out of sympathy of the dead in the U.S. and Russia, which added another shock to the world. Little didn't the West know that the Chinese military wanted to test their latest generation of weapons against the insurgents.

Several months of heavy fighting in Afghanistan have passed. The U.S.A., EU, and both Russia and China whom participated in the military operation to erradicate the insurgent groups in Afghanistan completely wiped out the said group in the nation, killing the leaders of the terrorists, finally bringing peace to the country.

A few years have passed, and the world moves on from the catastrophic attack. The nations that were once former enemies set aside their old rivalries in order to help the weak. Forming the United Nations to seek peace and stabilization throughout the entire planet of Earth.

More and more innovations were shown from civilians and the military. The Humanity's colonization of Mars was presented, and the portal to Zootopia included, taking the first leap to humanity's space travel. Which to both of mammals amazement.

After the presentation came an end. Both of them looked to each other.

"I guess we mammals could get along too, like what the humans did." Nick said to the bunny.

"You're right, Nick. But, we have to be wary about them. If we are free to go, we should report this to Chief Bogo and Mayor Lionheart. Even though humans looked very weak due to their body structures, their history suggest other wise. We don't want their weapons reached Zootopia, don't you?" Judy responded.

"Hmm. Maybe we should try to talk to the humans if we are very lucky." Nick said.

As if on cue, a loud voice was heard.

<<You guys are very lucky.>>

A sound of a speaker was heard, followed by a hissing sound from the door. Revealing a human in white lab coat, followed by guards with beret hats and patches that said "M.P.".

"There is a current negotiation taking place in Geneva, Switzerland. Between the U.N and Zootopia." The scientist said positively before grabbing the remote and changing the channel.

What they've seen in the live broadcast from the TV was a round table with the familiar Buffalo in police uniform, and Lion in distinctive suit could be seen together with the human officials discussing with each other.

"That means Zootopia and Humanity will establish some kind of ties? Like trading of knowledge and other more?" Nick asked the human with curiosity.

"Yes, this will be the historical moment between our worlds and the first intelligent life the humanity and yours been discovered." The man in white coat said.

"Then, what will happen to us?" Judy asked with doubt.

It took about a minute before the human response to her question.

"You are free to go. After my colleagues clear up some papers." The human answered.

Both of the mammals looked to each other before smiling.

Satisfied with the answer, they both looked at the human.

"Can't miss it for the world." Nick remarks.

To be continued...

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