Chapter 18 (Marking a new History)

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United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Present time

"Welcome to Earth." The American representative greeted the Zootopians.

Several of the officials were gaping like fish out of water at the sheer absurdity of that statement. To be referencing a movie, and one that involved aliens that wanted to commit genocide while making first contact? It was... So incredibly American that most of the representatives were surprised that they hadn't realized that the American delegate would do something like that.

"On behalf of Zootopia, thank you for arranging such matters for this historical day between our parties."

The lion in suit sounded inordinately pleased when saying that, as though it was something that he had wanted to do.

The introductions went by quickly, the Lion being introduced as Mayor Leodore Lionheart, while his secretary, the pig in coat introduced herself as Swinton, and last to be introduced was Chief of Police Adrian Bogo and his other police officers, Fangmeyer and Wolford.

The two groups of diplomats exchanged pleasantries for a couple of minutes before Mayor Lionheart made a request.

"Do you have a room in which we can give a slight presentation? It will not take long. It is simply meant to ensure that you are acquainted with Zootopia."

"Of course, of course. We can use the main conference room."

"Please, lead the way."

As the group of Anthropomorphic animals was led to the conference room that had been readied for this eventuality, all of the dignitaries filed in behind them at a leisurely pace. The conference room that had been chosen, was chosen due to the fact that it was one of the few able to hold all members of the UN and the fact that it was the nearest one to the helipad.

"This complex was not actually built for the United Nations originally. It was constructed for the group that preceded it, known as the League of Nations, the buildings themselves nearing their one-hundred-year anniversary of when they began to be constructed."

The aide who was talking to the Zootopians was able to keep his voice steady even when under so much pressure. He was performing his duties admirably but was rather obviously nervous.

"Interesting, so this League of Nations? What happened to it?" Chief Bogo asked out of curiosity.

"It was realized that it was a system that simply didn't work. One of the nations that were the primary driving force behind its creation decided not to join, combined with the exclusion of multiple other countries and several of the members leaving when it became apparent that the League was failing in its goal of promoting world peace after a while, and the entire thing simply collapsed in on itself after a while. The United Nations was created as a direct successor, with many of the problems that plagued the League being solved, or at least addressed and hopefully minimized. The biggest change is that all nations are welcome to become part of the United Nations and will have their voice heard, creating a more unified globe than ever before, after World War Two."

Both Chief Bogo and Mayor Lionheart were actually rather intrigued by this new development and wanted to know more. After all, they believed that it might be better able to understand the current state of affairs if they had a more complete knowledge of the history behind it all.

"If there is a two, then there must have been a one. What were these world wars?" This time, Secretary Swinton asked.

"Two of the bloodiest wars in our history, and the most destructive."

"How destructive?" The pig prompted the young aide.

The aide sighed before seeming to draw himself up in preparation for the task ahead of him.

"The first world war was mostly brutal trench warfare, with a lot of artillery. It ended nearly a hundred years ago, and we're still digging up hundreds of tonnes of unexploded munitions every year." That made the sentient animals look rather surprised.

"World War Two...was living hell. None of the chemical weapons of the first world war, but with machine guns becoming more commonplace and the addition of armored vehicles...the end of World War Two included the only ever usage of nuclear weapons in combat."

"Nuclear weapons, I thought they were used as an alternative source of energy. How are any of you still alive?" Swinton asked.

After the aide explained what the nuclear weapons were, the Zootopians were utterly shocked. This was the first time they heard of such a weapon that even existed, such destructive power could lead the entire nation into anarchy. Thus, they take note of how dangerous humans are.

"Then, how many nations used this weapon during World War Two?" Mayor Lionheart asked with slight fear in his voice.

"Only one side had any nuclear weapons used in Japan. During the Cold War, the United States and the U.S.S.R or the Soviet Union, test numerous numbers of nuclear weapons, such as the invention of a hydrogen bomb or H-Bomb, that utilize both atomic fission and nuclear fusion to create an explosion. The combination of these two processes releases massive amounts of energy, hundreds to thousands of times more powerful than an atomic bomb. So they used the bombs as a warning. But, the two superpowers feared that such usage of weapons of mass destruction would have caused a massive loss of life in short, extinction of humanity. That's why the United Nations created a treaty. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), or the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty, is the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal being their total elimination."

After hearing another history from the aide, the Zootopians were relieved that the humans find a way to minimize this weapon.

"And what is this Cold War you are speaking of? It's there been a battle during winter?" Lionheart asked.

"Ah, no, Mayor Lionheart. The Cold War was an ongoing political, arms race, and proxy war rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. For example, the United States is a capitalist nation that is often thought of as an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accordance with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union is a communist nation a political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed. Although both systems have their ups and downs. Capitalism, though imperfect, free market capitalism, has been an incredibly powerful force for good in the world. The combination of liberal democracy and free market economics has lifted billions of people out of poverty and offered more hope to the hopeless than any other economic system in the world. While the injustices of communism were not limited to mass murder alone. Even those fortunate enough to survive still were subjected to severe repression, including violations of freedom, speech, freedom of religion, loss of property rights, and the criminalization of ordinary economic activity."

After that, the animals nodded in understanding before they continued to follow the aide toward the conference room.

"Their history is somewhat different and interesting, I should dig for more information about their world." Mayor Lionheart thought to himself, while he emphasized the 'different' as somewhat he finds... disturbing.

When the group reached the conference room, the aide went off somewhere to continue his actual duties. All of the diplomats and representatives entered the room and went to their seats, awaiting the presentation that many of them were looking forward to. It was nice to be able to not have to worry about going into anything with anything less than complete knowledge. After all, "knowing is half the battle", the other half is not doing something stupid.

The Zootopians took the forefront of the conference room, the seats arranged in concentric semi-circles with the area that the mammals were in right at the front of them all and with their backs to a wall. There was a projector hanging down from the ceiling that would allow them to show things on the screen behind them.

After all of the dignitaries had been seated and appeared to be prepared, Lionheart gestured to the operator of the projector from afar to hand him the remote for the projector. They had already prepared and managed to access the projector to allow Lionheart to use it for his own needs if he decided that he needed to.

"Greetings to all of you."

Deliberately speaking slightly slower than was normal, in order to give the translators time to relay what he said to the representatives from other countries that lacked knowledge in English.

"I am Mayor Leodore Lionheart. There are some things that you must know about us before you make any formal agreements."

The representatives appeared annoyed and even slightly angry at that. Well hidden, but obvious to the eyes of the lion.

"The fact that you all have managed to infiltrate your forces and capture 17 of our citizens, including our first rabbit officer, Judy Hopps, without proper acknowledgment of the authorities of Zootopia and violating our law. As of today, I formally and humbly demand to return the held citizens at once. In return, we will also pawed over your soldiers that we captured yesterday at the attempt of animal napping."

The human representatives appeared to be in distress after hearing the news regarding the expeditionary group that was captured by the authorities of Zootopia.

One of the human representatives from Germany raised her hand before speaking.

"There are reasons behind our motives in Zootopia, Mayor Lionheart. We captured those 17 mammals in order to avoid spreading the infection that we discovered in one of the infected's DNA."

Now... the Zootopians looked confused.

"On behalf of the British Government and the United Nations, we apologize for disturbing your population, but we also sacrifice some of our men to avoid this impending virus wandering in your city. Please, you have to understand why we did such actions." The British representative was slightly concerned about his selected words as he waited for the reaction of the Lion.

After a few minutes of waiting, Lionheart nodded with a sigh.

"I know some of your actions are clearly unacceptable. But I really appreciate your forces to sacrifice themselves in order to protect my citizens away from harm. I humbly accept your apology. But, please do return the three citizens that are still in your possession. I want to add that we know this virus in their DNA was uncurable. It makes them very aggressive and feral." Lionheart said with relief that the humans were willing to help them in times of need.

"We will return them, Mayor Lionheart. Don't worry, we haven't harmed an ehh... single mammal so far. I also want to add this, the United Nations were willing for a joint cooperate to help the infected mammals and finding the cure." The Russian dignitary said with determination.

Mayor Lionheart smiled widely with relief.

"Thank you, I will not forget your words. Now, here are the popular landmarks in Zootopia." He said before gesturing to the operator to begin for revealing the slide of their presentation.

Most of the representatives and dignitaries leaned with interest, ready to listen to whatever Mayor Lionheart had to say.

"Zootopia were divided into 7 different ecosystems suitable for certain animals of their biological habitat. There is the Downtown, Savanna Central, Tundratown, Sahara Square, Meadowlands, Rainforest District, and lastly, Canal District."

Mayor Lionheart began to explain and answer some questions from the dignitaries and representatives of different nations. Most of the humans were surprised at how their walls created different climates and how they were able to maintain them ever since the beginning of the construction of Zootopia.

The humans were also surprised at how similar the Zootopians' and humans' history. Although the existence of guns in Zootopia alarmed most of them the guns were labeled as very deadly weapons by the Zootopians and were banned, after the authorities confiscated the weapons and later to be scrapped them. Multiple reports from recent years from smuggling of weapons and later being transferred from different gangs in Zootopia were also presented at the conference, which is still ongoing in the city.

One of the representatives from the Korean Federation offered some assistance with the military in order to assist the Police authorities of Zootopia. But, Chief Bogo was against the idea of having the UN's military presence in the city.

Mayor Lionheart, on the other paw, agreed to that idea, which Bogo caught off guard, he tries to persuade Lionheart to reject this idea, but the Lion humbly refused and gives him a simple answer.

"This is for the own good of Zootopia."

Bogo gives up on persuading Lionheart, and he has a feeling that something is going to happen in the future that is very unpleasant.

Chief Bogo gives the representatives a simple condition.

"If you were about to send your soldiers to Zootopia, they have to go through the training in ZPD academy for them to able to fit in into different climates of the city."

The representatives debate whether they should agree to the terms. Later on, the secretary general of the UN, Rosenberg. Agreed to the terms the other representatives from other nations followed suit.

The debate lasted for several days.

Several days later

Cameras from the media flash several times at the podium where Mayor Lionheart and Secretary General Rosenberg exchange handshakes with one another.

The crowd applauds at the historical event that was about to unfold.

"Zootopia and the United Nations of Earth finally established diplomatic friendship. This will mark the new era for both worlds," the reporter said in front of the camera.

Outside of the United Nations building, a new flag was being raised along with many other countries flags. This flag, in particular, has a white background with the colors orange to the right, sky blue on the left, yellow at the bottom, and green atop. All of the colors were displayed inside of the encased white Z. The symbol was surrounded by green wreaths.


In a hotel window near the United Nations building where the Zootopian delegation currently resides, Chief Bogo was currently watching the ceremony of the historical event outside while he sighed in frustration.

"What will happen to us now?" Fangmeyer asked with concern.

Ever since the agreement between the two parties, the law enforcement of Zootopia was wary that the presence of the UN military will have a huge impact on the city. If the military personnel of the UN are proven to be worthy, the ZPD will lose a huge amount of credibility to the public.

"We can't let this go on. We must do something!" Wolford persisted.

"Do what exactly? They have their approvals and keep skyrocketing." Fangmeyer remarks.

Wolford looked towards the frustrated chief with agitation.

"Chief, we have to do something about this! We can't just let them take the spotlight just like that. We are the ones who will protect and serve our citizens!"

Chief Bogo just shook his head.

"There is nothing I can do anymore. The decision has already been made."

Both Wolford and Fangmeyer sighed, they walk around the room while they drifted to their own thoughts.

Bogo looked outside once again.

"This is it? Is this leading to foreign armies... Right in the middle of our capital?"

He thought while imagining the UN soldiers right in the middle of the city hall of Zootopia with their machines made for war.

To be continued...

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