A Royal Rescue

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It took the combined efforts Ziva and Freya a few seconds to lower the lifeboat into the water, by which time Rosemary and Greninja had already divided in and were waiting with ropes to swim the small boat to shore. Ziva and Freya jumped into the boat, tied Greninja's and Rosemary's ropes to the port and starboard sides of the boat, and held on for dear life as the two water Pokémon created her white water as they speed towards the battle.

When they were within shouting distance, it became clear which side of the fight they should side with. Nearly fifty Pokémon were already on the beach and of those fifty only about twelve were fighting. The rest were cowering at the edge of the water, screaming every time an attack came close to hitting them and looking as if they were considering trying their luck with the cold early morning waters, if only to trade one danger for a lesser danger .

Of the twelve that were fighting only four Pokémon were defending the thirty-eight Pokémon abstaining from the fight; it was clear that they were struggling to protect their comrades and it was those four that Greninja and company decided to help. Ziva and Freya were the first to announce their assistance, firing a volley of Shadow Balls into the sand in front of the eight Pokémon that were attacking the other forty-two.

Ziva's and Freya's sudden and unexpected attacks startled everyone on the beach, and caused all eyes to turn to the water where the two girls could be seen riding in on the small boat. A choirs of joy rose up from the hoard of Pokémon cowering by the water, believing that Ziva and Freya had come to help them escape.

The shouts of joy reached the four defenders and distracted them for a split second, allowing the eight attackers to rush them. The attackers managed to get within inches of the defenders, and were seconds away from ending the battle, when a series of Water Shurikens landed square on six of their foreheads saving three of the unwary defenders from certain doom. The remaining two attackers were knocked flat on their backs by Greninja's and Rosemary's Cut attack.

The two water types didn't even pause after taking out the two Pokémon and moved on to finish off the remaining six, that were stunned but not out. They each took out two more before their opponents managed to recover and hold them off for a few seconds. The brief moment of the assailants holding off Rosemary and Greninja was ended with the assistance of the four defenders.

Just like that the battle ended, leaving eight Pokémon unconscious on the beach and thirty eight more clamoring to climb aboard the small lifeboat. Greninja and Rosemary saw the lifeboat being flooded with panicking Pokémon and instantly thought of Ziva and Freya getting crushed underneath the mob. They each began to move towards their friends, hoping to save them from the mob, but were stopped by one of the Pokémon they had just helped.

She was an ape like Pokémon, known as an Infernape, that stood eye to eye with Greninja. Her arms, legs, and tail were each a pinkish red color and matched her flaming hair. Her chest was covered from neck to waist with a snow white fur, and she had a series of golden plates on her hands, knees, shoulders, and a pair acting as breastplates.

She spoke calmly and assertively to two of her allies, ordering them to control the mob before things got to out of hand. After the two had left she turned to address Greninja and Rosemary.

"I have to thank you four for coming when you did, we got ourselves in quite a pickle and if you four hadn't shown up we would be laying dead on the beach."

"Or rotting in a cell somewhere." A rose like  Pokémon said as he walked past them, two of the unconscious attackers tied up and slung over his shoulders.

"Yes, Martin, we could be rotting in a cell somewhere, if it weren't for the heroics of these four." The Infernape said laughingly, as if this were part of some friendly banter she had with the flower on a daily basis.

"Uh, I'm sorry but, what was that about rotting in a cell?" Rosemary asked, starting to wonder if the side they had chosen to fight for was the right one.

"Never mind that, for now I have a request I need to make of you. I know you have already helped us more than you had to, but my people are still in danger and I must ask you to let them take refuge abroad your vessel. There are more of those Pokémon on the way and we would stand no chance against them even if you were to fight beside us again."

Greninja and Rosemary shared a look with one another, debating whether or not to trust the stranger enough to let her and forty one unfamiliar Pokémon board their base of operations. Eventually Greninja turned back to the fire ape.

"I don't know miss, that's a pretty big request you're asking from us. There's a lot we don't know about what's going on and I don't know if it's in our best interest to intervene any further."

The Infernape looked down at something in the ground near her feet and spoke with growing urgency, "You're right, there is a lot you don't know and you have good reason to leave us as we are. But I am begging you too let us stay aboard your ship, even if is just for a single night. Please, leaving us here would be a death sentence for all of my people." By the end of her pleading the fire type Pokémon was kneeling on the ground before Greninja and Rosemary, making them feel rather awkward.

"Well, we can't very well just leave you here to die." Rosemary started saying, partially giving in to the fire types pleading.

"Thank you. Me and my people are forever in your debts-." The Infernape began, not realizing that Rosemary wasn't finished.

"However, we can't just let strangers aboard our ship either. So tell us who you are and you're more than welcome aboard."

The Infernape smiled and rose from the sand, taking the object she had spotted up with her. "Of course, we should have begun with introductions in the first place. My name is Saru Eldur, I am queen of Helia island." Saru said as she placed a silver crown, molded to resemble burning flames, a top her head. "These Pokémon are my citizens and we are in need of your help once more."

So this is probably the shortest chapter I've ever done. I hope it was still enough to satisfy you guys, personally I wanted to have more to it but I had that ending and basically thought to myself, "Yeah that's a good place to stop, you don't want to ruin it with information you can disclose in the next chapter".

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, despite its shortness, and will stick around for the next one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Shoutouts: Ballisticfrog82, bardpittfeplayrigh, and Blaster102
(Next chapter will be people with the letter C starting their name.)

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