Land Ho!

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"Nooooooo!" Greninja yelled, as he ran through the ships corridors while being chased by a rather annoyed Rosemary.

"Greninja, stop running!" Rosemary shouted as Greninja continued to flee from her.

"No, I hate pills!" Greninja yelled as he disappeared down another corridor.

"That cut of yours is infected, so you're taking this pill whether you like it or not!" Rosemary shouted after him, before stopping next to one of the ships intercoms. "Freya, can you tell me where Greninja is headed?" Rosemary asked over the intercom, sending her request directly to Freya who was currently piloting the ship.

There was a moments pause followed up by a crack as the intercom in the bridge turned on. Then Ziva's voice come through asking, "What's the password?"

At first Rosemary was confused and then angry. "Ziva, what are you doing on the bridge? You're supposed to be helping me catch Greninja!"

Ziva was silent for a moment; then came back briefly to say, "Nope that's not the password, try again."

Rosemary was silent for a few seconds, as she fantasized how she would get Ziva back for this stunt, and then calmly answered Ziva's question. "The password is; Fruit Cake."

On the other end of the intercom Rosemary could hear Ziva saying "Mmmm, fruit cakes." as she salivated over her favorite food. Why that was her favorite food was anyone's guess, but ever since she had had her first bite of the fruity bread six days ago she had become completely obsessed with the food; to the point that Freya had gone to the lengths of hiding the food just so her sister wouldn't eat herself sick.

After having some time to reminisce about her favorite food, Ziva came back on the intercom. "Greninja's headed towards the cafeteria, you can cut him off if you turn around and take the next left followed up by a right twelve paces down the hall."

"Thanks Ziva; and were going to talk about you ditching me later." Rosemary said before dashing through the ship.

Following the directions Ziva had provided her, Rosemary managed to make it to the cafeteria just in time to tackle Greninja and pin him to the floor. She and Greninja struggled for a good ten seconds before Rosemary managed to get Greninja in a body lock and force him to swallow a large blue pill. After waiting a moment to make sure he had swallowed the pill, Rosemary released Greninja from the body lock and stood back as he sat on the ground looking rather sick.

He just sat there for a good few minutes before Rosemary helped him to his feet and walked him to his room. Along the way he began drifting into an exhausted sleep walk and mumbling about how much he hated pills. Rosemary just comforted him as he had a vasovagal reaction and was barely staying conscious. Eventually she got him to his room and made sure he was alright before leaving him in his bunk to recover.

Rosemary then headed to the bridge ready to chew out Ziva for ditching her. When she got there she saw Freya sitting on top of a swivel chair with a captains hat on her head and a fake white mustache on her lips with matching snowy eyebrows. Hearing Rosemary come up the stairs Freya swiveled her chair so they could look face to face.

"You like my hat?" Freya asked in a monotone voice while wiggling her bushy white eyebrows.

She had probably done this a hundred times already but every time she did she got at least a snicker out of her friends, which made it worth it each time. This time was no different as the way Freya flawlessly executed her bit caused Rosemary to emit a smothered laugh.

"Yes, Freya it's a very nice hat." Rosemary answered, trying to maintain a straight face as she spoke.

"Thank you my dear, I think it suits me quite nicely." Freya said in a fake accent that changed on a daily basis. Today it was Kalosian and caused Rosemary to snicker as Freya pronounced Thank you Zenk oue, neither one of them knew if that was how the Kalosians actually sounded but they found humor in it nonetheless. "Now how may I help you today?"

Rosemary managed to return to some form of normal decorum and asked Freya where her sister was. Freya put one of her paws to her beard and stroked it thoughtfully. "I believe she is in there manning the intercom and security cameras for me." Freya said as she pointed to a door behind her that read SECURITY in bold black letters.

Rosemary was about to march into the room and chew Ziva out, when she stopped right before the door; something Freya had said registering in her mind. "Why is Ziva manning the intercom and cameras for you?"

Freya spun around to look straight at Rosemary. "Because piloting a ship is hard, and I'm too busy keeping us from crashing into continents, or pods of Whailmer, or putting us in a spin when someone can't figure out which lever controls which propeller!" Freya said, frustrated with having to pick up the slack for someone who was supposed to watch out for her.

Rosemary crossed her arms and leaned against the door. "Freya, you know Greninja didn't mean to do any of that. He's just stubborn and thinks he can do anything if he just try's hard enough."

"Well his stubbornness nearly sank us and left me with the job of keeping us afloat." Freya said bitterly before turning back to the ships controls.

Rosemary walked over to the young Pokémon and placed a supportive hand on her back. "And we're all very grateful that you read the ships manual so you could keep us afloat." Rosemary said giving Freya a kind smile, that lifted her spirits a bit.

"Thanks Rosemary, this captaining thing is just stressing me out; everything is so far apart that I literally have to run across the dashboard to and from the maps and navigation, just to keep this ship on course."

"You know if you need help you can just ask us, you don't have to do everything by yourself." Rosemary said looking softly into Freya's eyes.

Hearing that she didn't have to do everything by herself seemed to take a bit of her stress away, and Freya looked a lot happier after hearing that. "Thanks Rosemary, I'll make sure to remember that."

"Glad to hear it; now, do you need any help right now? I could check the map or sonar for you."

Freya shook her head. "No I'm good right now, all I'm currently doing is following the stars to keep us on course with those islands Greninja mentioned a few days ago."

"Oh okay, any idea as to when we'll arrive there?" Rosemary asked, somewhat curious but mostly wanting to make idle conversation with Freya to distract her from anymore stressors she had.

"Judging from the position of the stars I'd say we have about four to five hours before we will see the first island." Freya said as she looked up into the night sky.

Rosemary looked at Freya with admiration for how quickly she had learnt to pilot the ship and navigate with the stars. Either feat by itself was impressive for such a short amount of time, but to do both was something else entirely. Rosemary thought harder about how much effort the young Pokémon was putting in and decided that she needed a reward for all her hard work.

"In that case how about I get us some dinner. I could even see if we have any Macaroons left." Rosemary said, knowing that Macaroons were to Freya as Fruit Cake is to Ziva.

Freya didn't even hesitate to take up Rosemary's offer, and within the hour they were dining on fruits, pasta, and a handful of Macaroons. The two spent the next few hours eating and chatting about unimportant stuff as they continued to sail towards the islands. Eventually Ziva joined them and their conversation became substantially more important as she added some intriguing information.

"Hey Freya; remember when Greninja was mumbling about someone named Braxien?" Ziva asked.

Freya nodded, "Yeah, he gave us some terrible excuse about it; saying something about breaking something."

"Yeah that's the one. I think I figured out who this Braxien is." Ziva said, smirking smugly, as she produced a photograph. "I found this in Greninja's room, it was sitting on his nightstand next to another group of photos."

"Ziva! You should know better than to take things from others without their permission." Rosemary scolded, but taking a look at the stolen photo nonetheless.

Ziva shrugged off Rosemary's scolding and took up the position of look out, watching the dark waters for any dangers, as Freya and Rosemary examined the poached photo. The picture wasn't too old, time stamped only a few months ago, yet it looked rather worn out. The corners were slightly crinkled and the image was starting to fade around the center almost as if someone was trying to absorb all the color from the focus of the photo in an attempt to sear it into their memory. The image itself didn't seem that special just a photo of Greninja and a yellow bipedal foxlike Pokémon leaning against a wall eating ice cream together, they seemed to be laughing about something and just enjoying the others company.

Freya was about to hand the photo back to Ziva when Rosemary grabbed her arm, noticing something that made Ziva's smug smirk seem appropriate. In the picture Greninja was holding his ice cream with his right hand and Braxien was holding her's with her left, but that wasn't anything gossip worthy; it was what their other hands were doing that was newsworthy. Looking closely, Rosemary saw that Greninja and Braxien had their hands interlocked behind them, as if they were trying to hide the fact that they were holding hands.

Freya and Rosemary each gained a smug smirk similar to Ziva's, at the realization to what Greninja's and Braxien's hand holding meant. Once they saw that display of affection they couldn't help but notice other things that hinted at the reality of the relationship Greninja had with Braxien. For instance Greninja was eating vanilla ice cream and Braxien had chocolate, yet both of them had a combination of both flavors on their faces. Freya also pointed out how Braxien seemed to be leaning towards Greninja and how Greninja wasn't looking at the camera but smiling at Braxien.

They probably could have found a dozen more things to confirm Greninja's relationship with Braxien, but had to stop when Ziva shouted nervously for Freya. Instantly both Pokémon looked up and saw what had startled Ziva. One of the ships lights had found large jagged rock protruding out of the water, like a spear ready to graze their hull.

Freya immediately jumped to the controls and veered the ship away from the large rock formation, only to see a new cluster of jagged rocks looming up from the sea on their new course. Freya began barking orders to Rosemary and Ziva, having them help push, pull, lift, and turn an assortment of the ships controls to steer them past rock after rock.

Eventually they managed to make it past the seemingly endless reef of rocks and into a the bay of a thickly vegetated island. Once inside the bay Freya slowed the engines to a stop and dropped anchor, in order to keep the large ship from beaching itself in shallow waters.

Mer seconds after stopping the ship, the door to the bridge was thrown open by a frantic Greninja. Ziva quickly snatched up the picture she had borrowed from him, hiding it in her fur, before standing next to Freya and Rosemary.

"What's going on, why are we stopping?!" Greninja asked as he moved closer to the helm, looking out the glass for any sign of trouble.

"We were just steering the ship through some rocks and decided to park it in this nice little bay; also we have reached the first island." Freya answered, moving to take her seat in the captains chair before Greninja tried to steal it, again.

"Oh; nice work, Freya." Greninja said gratefully; putting Freya's captains hat back on her head affectionately before heading to the door. "Well we better search the island for Alba before-." Greninja was cut off by a high pitched scream coming from the island shore.

"Before something like that happens." He said, finishing his earlier sentence.

Looking out the large glass windows, the four Pokémon could just barely see the silhouette of the forested island in the expanding dawn light. Then out of nowhere a blast of red hot fire lit up the beach, turning some of the sand into glass, and was answered with a steak of whitish blue energy that erupted into a spiked pillar of ice. The exchange of those two light displays were only the first of the bursts of light to illuminate the beach, and it quickly became apparent that a small battle had erupted on the beach.

"Looks like a fight." Rosemary said excitedly, as she was rearing to do something challenging after being cooped up on the ship for the past six days, with little to nothing to do.

Ziva and Freya were equally as excited as Rosemary and were already headed towards the lifeboats, so they could row to shore and join the fray. Rosemary quickly followed after them with Greninja at her heels.

"This is going to be a long day." Greninja mumbled, as he raced to the lifeboats; dreading whatever this conflict will lead to.

I'm sorry for not updating this story for a while, I got sucked into my other story and needed to finish something's up before I could return to this story; but now I'm back and I'll try to get you all another chapter by Sunday,(no promises but I will try).

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the BraxienXGreninja confirmation 😏 (it's going to be important later on) and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Shoutouts: Ash-GreninjaGirl angel199829 amirahtravel amourfangirl1 Amourshipper444 AmiyaJones AmourAndEgo5ever AmourAuraGaurdian19 Amourboy15 Amourlover002 Amourshipper1 AmourZard Anglewolf5 ASHKETCHUM190495 Assassin25 Atlafangirl_obsessed
(I felt like doing everyone I follow who's names start with A this chapter ; next chapter will be B's.)

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