Greninjas Fight

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Mere seconds after Greninja landed, the gathering of Pokémon heard the frantic shouting of three Pokémon running towards them. As the Pokémon drew closer it became clear who they were and what they were shouting. Arthur, Ziva, and Freya were all chasing after the frog Pokémon, shouting at him to stop running away. For some unknown reason Greninja was the only one who didn't notice the three family members approaching upon the assembly of Pokemon;  instead he seem fixated with the behemoth of an Aggron that stood opposite him, leering at him with two crimson eyes.

Greninja hefted up his arm and pointed it directly at Blood Eyes, saying "You got a problem with me metal head?"

Blood Eyes did not like being called metal head, and his glare in Greninjas direction seemed to heat up the very air between them. "Who you calling metal head, frog face!" Blood Eyes spat at Greninja who smirked and responded with, "No one important, lead legs."

Around this time Arthur and his daughters arrived at the scene, but they were too late to stop the conflict from arising. There was a roar of excitement from both villages as their champions began moving towards each other in a circling motion; the looks on the villager faces were ones of school children gathered around two children about to fight on the playground, each pair of eyes egging them on, each mouth casting taunts at their enemy and encouragements to their friend. What happened next was fault of everyone.

Greninja charged at Blood Eyes, a glare in his eyes that was very unlike him to have, and he went to punch the Pokémon right in the face but got his face knocked in instead. The blow hurled into the stone wall with a sickening smack, that was shortly followed by the sound of his body hitting the stone floor. A second passed before Greninja began to recover, slowly rolling over to his side the mass of Pokemon could see a trickle of blood running down over his left eye. Blood eyes saw the state of his opponent and simply mocked him, saying how quickly Greninja croaked and that if this was the best Arthur had to offer he might as well just surrender the whole village to them.

Cristina and her battalion jeered at the arrogant Pokemon as he glorified himself and besmirched the name of their village. After a few seconds of this foolishness Iron Jaw put a stop to it, ordering his son to finish the match. His son made an odd noise between a growl and a grunt in annoyance with his dad cutting his fun short, and stalked towards Greninja. He picked up the frog by his bleeding skull, encasing the face in his large hand, as he prepared to knock Greninja out with the other fist.

Cristina, Rosemary, and Vincent saw the barbarity of the situation and were preparing to jump into the fight to stop it before Greninja was seriously hurt. Right before they made their move though they were stopped by Arthur who said Greninja wasn't out of the runnings yet. Cristina didn't see how that could be with Greninja in the state that he was; the amount of pain he must be experiencing would surely be crippling by itself, but add the force of an Aggrons grip on his head and there should be no way for him to muster through that agony.

Yet when she drew her attention back to the battle she saw a shocking sight; Greninja was still in Blood Eyes clutches, but now he was standing on the ground grasping at his opponents hand and holding his own against the goliaths weight. Blood Eyes was surprised by the liveliness of his opponent and loosened his grip just enough for Greninja to slip out and gain the upper hand. Greninja used his renewed freedom to unleash a torrent of attacks ranging from a Double Team Aerial Ace combo, to Water Shurikens that seemed to pop up out of nowhere, to his twin sabers that hacked away at Blood Eyes defenses.

Cristina gapped at this drastic shift in the tides of war and turned to her husband in search of answers to this profound change. Both Arthur, and her daughters, became skittish when she tired to ask how Greninja was still able to put up a fight despite sustaining such injuries. Eventually she wore Freya down enough and got her to confess what they had done to Greninja.

"We, accidentally, gave him a super dose of a stimulant herb in combination with a painkiller herb." Freya said in a rush.

"What?! Arthur how could you let this happen?"

"It was actually kinda dad's fault," Ziva said, "He's the one who said we should give him the stimulant after we had given him the painkiller."

"That was only because he started hallucinating about some human and began turning an ashen grey." Arthur said in his defense.

"I understood just enough of that to know you had good intentions; him turning grey was probably caused by the painkillers slowing down his heart too much and you thought giving him the stimulant would get his heart pumping again."

"Correct, but as you can see that worked a little too well." Arthur said as they watched Greninja's rampage. "It's also a bit worse than him just being more aggressive."

"How do you mean?" Rosemary asked, butting in on the conversation she and Vincent had been eavesdropping on.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, Greninja's taken a heavy hit but is fighting as if it were just a flick to the head. This is because of the painkiller we gave him; right now all of his pain receptors are being dulled making it so he can take otherwise crippling blows and keeping going."

"But that's a good thing right?" Vincent asked, "I mean if he's not phased by that brutes blows doesn't that give him an advantage?"

Rosemary shook her head at Vincent's foolishness. "Think about it for a minute, Vincent. Right now Greninja can't really feel pain, but his body is still taking damage; and once the painkillers wear off he's going to feel every blow he took."

"I'm afraid it's a bit more than that; you see he's also unable to restrain his own movements and is sustaining injuries every time he throws a punch or launches a kick."

As Arthur explains Greninja's situation, Greninja repels off of a wall and delivers a flying kick right into Blood Eyes face, causing the Goliath to stagger backwards. The blow did well to demonstrate Arthur's point of Greninja's lack of restraint, for when the Ninja Frog landed it was clear, by the awkward way Greninja stood, that he'd damaged his leg.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help him?" Rosemary asked as she watched Greninja continue to harm himself.

"I'm afraid not," Arthur replied, "As you're probably well aware once a challenge between villages has begun no one can interact with the competitors until one of them gives in or until they're unable to move." Arthur turned a dreary gaze at the battlefield, "Let us hope it is the former that happens with this match."

Unfortunately for them all, the way the battle was going made the probability of a forfeit nonexistent. After withstanding the furious onslaught that Greninja had blessed him with, Blood Eyes was looking to return the kindness and moved in to bestow a violent Thunder Punch unto Greninja's stomach.

The blow caused Greninja to fold over on his opponents fist and for a moment it looked like he'd passed out; but that moment passed as quickly as it arrived with Greninja flipping off of Blood Eyes fist and drop kicking him in his spiky skull. Greninjas counterattack disoriented Blood Eyes but once again left him with the short end of the stick; the leg he'd already injured now had a puncture mark straight through his foot. Even with the painkillers he was hopped up on Greninja felt an immense amount of pain from his foot and cried out in pain as he removed his appendage from his opponents horn.

Once freed from one another Greninja and Blood Eyes moved to opposite sides of their makeshift arena; both of them were panting from the exhausting fight and it was obvious to everyone that the next attack would decide the victor.

"I'll admit you're a tough one, Tadpole," Blood Eyes said as he began charging up a glowing yellow fist, "But this is where you fall. Do you have any last words, before I finish you?"

Greninja didn't hear him though, for his attention was fixated on some nonexistent figure standing behind him. He began mumbling something with the imaginary person behind him, and after an odd few seconds, he turned towards a somewhat confused Blood Eyes.

"So you don't have anything to say before I end this." The steel type said as Greninja slowly walked towards him; there was something off-putting about his walk but Blood Eyes couldn't place what it was.

"No, I've got something to say," Greninja said in a whisper like voice that drew everyone close to him.

There was something very wrong with the way Greninja was acting but very few paid any attention to this, most of them were too fixated on how the battle would end to notice his oddness.

"Two words, I've just two words to say," Greninja said coldly. The sun overhead cast light on just the right rocks to shroud Greninjas body in shadows, making him seem even more dangerous than he was before.

Blood Eyes was beginning to lose his nerve and patience, the very sight of his opponent seemed to create a cold pit in his stomach. "Spit it out then," he shouted, "what have you got to say!"

Greninja looked up from his shadowy abode, his eyes filled with a burning determination to win and were flickering like a flame between his normal light pink irises and a fire red color. Aside from his eyes the rest of Greninja's body was also changing, flickering between his normal form and an almost holographic version of him that was slightly different.

The metamorphosis Greninja was undertaking unnerved Blood Eyes enough that he tossed away his offering of last words to his opponent and charge at Greninja.

Greninja, despite the behemoth advancing on him with death in his eyes, remained calm and fixed in his spot; waiting until his opponent was just five seconds within striking distance before doing anything, and what he did do would be told in bedtime stories to the grandchildren of those who saw. He shouted his two words, "Water Shuriken!" And with that shout, a vortex of water encased itself around Greninja. A second later a massive Shuriken came slashing out of the torrent and collided with Blood Eyes Thunder Punch.

The collision knocked both Pokemon backwards and a cloud of steam followed them in their wake. A second passed before the steam began to dissipate allowing the spectators to see both Pokemon still standing. A soft gust of wind blew through the landscape blowing away the remainder of the steam and knocking over the battle-worn Pokemon.

Time seemed to slow down as the warriors fell, they each watched the other with rancor unable to contemplate that they had found someone who could rival their strength. The crowd was silent and watched with held breaths to see which Champion would fall first. Right at the moment of collision time resumed its normal speed and Blood Eyes let out a small grunt as he hit the ground. A fraction of a second later and Greninja had a similar reaction, only his also involved a bright flash as his water cyclone dissolved into thin air. Upon his meeting with the ground Greninja passed out, the battle taking too much of a toll on his body for him to continue any further.

A great many things happened after the fall of the champions, one of which was a shocked Iron Jaw conceding the match and releasing the Pokemon he'd captured from Arthur's village. Another few things that happened was Rosemary and Craven rushing over to help carry their battered boss back home, Vincent coordinating the battalion in the escort of their rescued allies back to the village, and the deserting of twelve Pokemon from the village of Stoney Steel to the village of Tenebris Skies.

All the while this was happening one thing kept replaying in all of their minds, the image of Greninja right before the end was forever burnt into their memories; they would never forget the blazing red of his eyes, nor the twin crimson lightning bolts on the short black hair like tufts that sprouted on the sides of his head, nor the intense energy that came from him. This day would become a turning point for many beings, some would be affected for the good, some for the bad, but none would be more affected than Iron Jaw.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry I haven't published much for this story recently I've been preoccupied with other things and had to rewrite 2600 words for this chapter [Things got too weird and needed to be forgotten]. Anyways I'll try and write some more soon and I hope you guys stick around for those chapters, (I've got some fun stuff planned out that I think you'll like.) thanks for reading and I'd love some more feedback on my stories. Until next chapter, bye.

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