The Calm Before The Storm

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"Girls you need to get them to let me go." Greninja said to Ziva and Freya who were sitting at the foot of his hospital bed. He'd been out for three days, since his fight with Blood Eyes, and had been kept under medical surveillance the entire time. When he finally woke up from his comatose state he'd tried to punch Cristina in her face, an action that earned him a black eye and the comfort of ropes tying him down to his med bed.

"Come on, you guys have to get me out of here, I don't have time to waste." Greninja said as he struggled with his bondage. "The enemy will be here in- , how soon will they be here?" During his extended rest, Greninja had lost track of the days and was unsure of how soon they would be attacked.

"They'll be here in one day, fifteen hours, twenty minutes and thirty six seconds." Freya told him without so much as looking up from the book she was reading.

"Yeah that soon."Greninja said, a little unnerved by the specific time Freya had given him for the impending attack, but chalked it up as them just having very good intel. "At any rate I still need to give the training orders to my cadets-"

"Mom's taken care of that." Ziva stated as she bounced a ball off of one of the clinics walls. "She said she had the basic concept as to what you were having them do and that she could take over from where you left off."

"But does she know what I want Rosemary-"

"To do with the trees, yes. Chop them down, carry them just outside the village and build a wooden barrier." Freya said leisurely. "We've already got four fifths of the wall built and the last bit will be done three hours before the enemy is scheduled to attack."

"Okay, but does she know-"

"You also wanted the groups to teach each other what they'd learned so they could grow as a whole, yeah I think she's got that covered as well." Ziva replied sarcastically.

"Just concentrate on healing that hole in your foot, Greninja; Mom's got everything under control." Freya said as she idly flipped through the pages in her book.

"Oh, I see..." Greninja said glumly, feeling as if he wasn't really needed anymore.

Ziva caught her ball and Freya closed her book, both girls stopping their menial tasks to look up at Greninja. There was a tense moment of silence as the girls stared at the frog Pokemon, which was abruptly broken by their sudden shift from a nonchalant attitude to an almost interrogative approach.

"Alright enough with the catch up, it's time for you to answer some of our questions." Ziva demanded.

"Yeah, like what was with the weird mumbling.", "Or your glowing red eyes.", "Who's Braxien and why were you dreaming about her?", "And what's up with that water cyclone?" The girls asked in rapid succession leaving Greninja little time to process each question.

After processing the bombardment of questions Greninja had only one answer for them, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The girls blinked at him, confused, thinking they had misheard him. "What do you mean you don't know what we're talking about!"

"I mean I don't remember any of that stuff."

"How could you not remember!?"

"Well I did get a pretty good blow to my head." Greninja said as he attempted to move his bound hand to his bandaged head. "Not to mention the bus load of medicine you guys gave me. Between those two things it's no wonder that I can barely remember anything from three days ago."

"So that means you do remember some stuff from then." Freya said observantly.

"Just bits and pieces, but it's all fuzzy."

"Do you remember what you did to those two." Ziva gestured to the two scouts that had been assigned to guard Greninja when he was sick; right now though they were cowering behind a wall trying to stay out of the Ninja frogs sight. They'd been told to watch Greninja with Ziva and Freya, and to come running if anything happened with them.

Greninja winced as he tried to recall that memory. "No; what did I do to them?"

"You threatened to hang them by their ankles and use them as tether balls if they didn't tell you where mom went." Freya answered.

"Oh... what else did I do?" He asked fearful that he'd done even worse in his deranged state.

Ziva and Freya exchanged a look before they told Greninja everything. After he had been given the painkillers he began mumbling about some boy named Ash, the name caused Greninja to frown a bit but the girls let that be for the time being; after the mumbling they gave him the stimulant which made him rather aggressive and he threatened the two scout-guards. After the threatening/interrogation of the scouts Greninja ran out of Arthur's home, with Arthur and his daughters chasing after him. A short while later they arrived at Iron Jaws village and watched as Greninja and Blood Eyes duked it out.

The girls spent a decent amount of time detailing the fight, mostly talking about the bizarre change that Greninja underwent. As they continued to describe his metamorphosis it dawned on Greninja that they describing the change he undergoes everytime he and Ash synchronized with the bond phenomenon. He didn't tell them this tough and just let them continue with their story.

The rest of their tale was basically just an explanation of what happened during the last three days. Apparently Arthur had appointed Cristina as the acting instructor and due to his injuries declared Greninja out of commission, a decision that was met with mixed feelings. After that Cristina had to assign the twelve new recruits, she had acquired from the Village of Stoney Steel, to the current groups; a task that should have been simple but was complicated by resentment her villagers had accumulated from the mistreatment of their fellow Pokémon.

Surprisingly the resolution to that dilemma was solved by the well renowned hot head Vincent, who used reason and logic to forge a peace between the two groups of villagers. Not surprisingly though was his request to receive the least amount of the new recruits, based upon the fact that his group was already the strongest and didn't need anymore assistance.
Greninja sighed at that news, thinking that Vincent actually had a moment of maturity.

Letting the girls continue with their storytelling, Greninja learned that the rest of his time under had been mostly uneventful; an enemy prodding attack here and there testing their defenses, Sunny's unit fully recovering and getting back to their training, and a few of Greninja's cadets evolving were the only things that really happened.

Greninja was slightly disturbed by the preemptive strikes the enemy was throwing at their defenses and set aside some time to dwell on that topic later; for now though he had to answer the girls questions, as they were rather persistent in having their earlier inquiries answered.

He tried to answer as best he could, relating his  bizarre mumbling to the massive amount of medication in his system affecting his brain. He completely denied dreaming about Braxien and gave the girls a flimsy excuse that he'd been dreaming about breaking his sins.

As for his glowing eyes and the water cyclone he was going to come clean about his ability and even tell Ziva of his belief that she shared this skill with him; but he didn't get the chance for at that moment the two scouts nervously approached them. Before the scouts said anything Greninja apologized for threatening them with interrogation by tether ball.

After receiving his apology the two Pokémon seemed a bit more relaxed, and were able to move a bit more freely around Greninja.

"That's alright, Greninja; you weren't exactly in your right mind at the time." One of the scouts said tentatively.

Greninja chuckled, "Yeah I was pretty messed up; but forgetting that what can I do for you two?"

"Oh right, you have a visitor and we needed to make sure you weren't going to attack anyone else before we cut you loose." The second scout said.

"The only people I'm going to attack will be the ones rushing to their defeat tomorrow." Greninja said with a sly grin.

The four Pokémon returned his grin, his confidence in their victory tomorrow boosting their morale, and cut him loose. Relishing his return to freedom Greninja began rubbing his chafed wrists and ankles, and stretching his bedridden body. As he did this the two scouts began walking back to their posts in waiting for Greninja's guest.

As he went to touch his toes he asked, "So who's this mystery guest that's come to greet me?"

"That would be me." A rather sharp female voice said behind Greninja's upside down head. "And I would prefer it if you looked at me when I'm speaking to you."

Complying with his guests request Greninja lifted his head and was face to face with a black and green hound like Pokémon. The Pokémon had no pupils yet could see just fine with her hexagonal white eyes; a green scarf like thing hung off her neck just above her chest where three hexagons stood in stark contrast with her sleek black torso. The lower two hexagons were the same green as her scarf and maul and were of little interest; it was the third hexagon that was really something. It was an almost blinding white diamond that rested just below the Pokémon's scarf like a necklace.

Greninja didn't need to see anymore that the Pokémon's face to figure out what she was; and the sight of her lifted the massive weight of their likely defeat off of his shoulders. The numbers of their opponents didn't matter anymore for now they had her in their roster, a Pokémon whose sole task was to maintain order and balance.

"I am Alba, Zygarde core of the Western Unova region, and we have much to discuss."

Okay so I thought things were going kinda slow and needed to speed up a bit, I think it went alright but I'll let you guys be the judge of that. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the bit with Braxien (I certainly did😁) and the sum up of the time I skipped. Also, because it's likely that nobody knows this, Alba is a literal translation for white in Latin (and I think you guys get what I'm going at 😏).

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and can wait for the next, until then.😁

(P.s. Shout out to Ash-GreninjaGirl for always voting for my Zygarde chapters, you're the best😁)

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