Operation: Green Lightning

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It was nearly half an hour before the attack on the enemy base would begin. The assault team was hiding in the deep vegetation of the woods, waiting for the signal indicating the Village was under siege and that their attack could begin.

Each member of the team was dressed nearly head to toe in the midnight black armor the village was famous for. The only reason they even had this much of the armor, was because of a large pocket of a key ingredient used in making the material they'd unearthed the second day Greninja had been out, an event that the girls had neglected to inform Greninja about.

At any rate the villagers wasted no time in manufacturing the material into a form they could use to fashion their incredibly durable armor; and they'd spent most of the thirty eight hours they'd had before the opp was scheduled to begin, molding the material to outfit the assault team with as much armor as they could. It had been an exhausting job and they'd only managed to make enough armor to cover four out of the seven Pokémon, and they only managed to make one complete set in that time.

Arthur and Cristina had their armor, for the most part, covered as being the leaders had a few perks and they'd had their own armor for a while. They each had matching black body armor with most of the plating intact, only missing a few small spots here and there which probably damage from previous conflicts. Three of their four legs were protected by more of the dark material and they were each missing one of their front gauntlets, Cristina's left one and Authors right. The only other part of their armor set that was different was their headgear; Cristina had on her helm of darkness leaving her glowing eyes as the only things visible in the shadow of the headgear.

Unlike his wife, Arthur wore a face plate that had been carved out to resemble a ferocious snarling creature and had had it fit snugly to his face by an adhesive material. The mask had a rippled face with deep eye sockets that let Arthur see but made him have an almost soulless look to him. Not far below his eyes were two razor fangs that hung parallel to his upper jaw and his own fangs. Like the upper jaw, the lower jaw had a pair of fangs that were directly in front of his real ones; the only major difference between the two armored fang sets, other than the fangs direction, was that the lower fangs were able to freely move with his jaw and made it look like he was a shadow demon of sorts.

In the time that the assault team had before they began their raid of the enemy's camp, they rechecked their armor and watched the villages wooden wall waiting anxiously for their signal. Within twenty minutes they received the go light in a very eventful way. The army of Team Shade could be seen marching towards the village walls and they stopped around thirty feet away from the wooden barricade, waiting for the villagers to come out and face them. They waited for twelve minutes before their generals gave the order to advance, believing that their opponents had cut and run.

As team Shade drew closer to the wall the jokes they were making about how cowardly and pathetic their prey were, were cut abruptly short as the Pokemon laying in wait behind the wall launched a barrage of ranged attacks that decimated the first sixty people and pokemon to get within range of their attacks. The sudden loss of their comrades and appearance of their cowardly prey, took the enemy by surprise and provided the villagers with enough time to spring their trap.

Alba jumped on top of the wall and called in as many cells as she could; glowing an emerald green she began to change into her hound form and when the transformation was complete, let out a deafening howl that served as the order to charge. This howl along with Alba's appearance added to the panic that was festering in the enemy's rank, and was also the signal that the assault team had been waiting for.

Moving undetected they dashed through the woods to the enemies base, turning back only once to see the full glory of Albas plan. As the enemy was trying to recover from their initial shock, they were surprised by a sudden rush of Pokemon tearing through their right flank and causing a the closest to the attack to try and flee in fear only to run into their own men.

The Pokemon that created this great panic were being lead by a silvery-grey triceratops Pokemon with a small red and black Pokemon sitting on his head, firing off shadow balls as if she were a spitfire airplane. The sight of Ziva riding upon General Iron Jaw was certainly one that nobody was going to forget anytime soon, but it almost paled in comparison to what Freya came riding in on.

A massive blue fish like Pokemon, with four large orange barbs protruding from its cheeks, came charging in on all fours from the front left side of the enemy's ranks; on top of his head between two fin like appendages sat Freya, looking calm and collected as she ordered the water/ground type's army to advance. Like a fish jumping out of a river a dozen water type Pokemon sprung out from an assortment of hiding spots, popping out and joining the blue and orange behemoth in battle.

Nearly fifty Pokemon were attacking from either side of the panicking army of Team Shade, but the fun didn't end there. Not wanting to leave the enemy generals any hope of regaining order within their troops ranks, Alba initiated the third phase of their plan and lept into the fray herself, accompanied by an escort of Sunny and Craven, and lead a large company of the wall defenders into battle causing even more panic to brew.

Everything was going to the plan that Alba had proposed nearly two days ago. It was similar to Greninja's plan of using her to pull the old shock and awe, but used a lot more moving parts to accommodate for Alba's inability to provide that much cover fire. The first stage of the plan had actually begun shortly after Alba explained her idea to Greninja and the girls. For this operation to be a success the assistance of the two neighboring villages was an absolute must, which was one reason why the girls had gone off to the two village so quickly.

Freya had a relatively easy time convincing the Lake of Revier to join them in the fight, all she had to do was mention Arthur and Alba working together, and they went into a flurry gathering pokemon to help their chiefs old friend and the protector of their lands. She came back, right as Alba and Greninja finished accepting volunteers for the assault opp, with a literal army of water type pokemon that brought an swelling tide of hope to the village of Tenbris skies who had been starting to feel hopeless with all the problems they kept facing.

Around an hour after Freya's return a seclusive Ziva, engrossed in her thoughts, marched the army of Stoney Steel into the village; they received mixed reactions upon their arrival which was understandable considering the conflict the two village had had only days earlier. Ziva had been asked how she had managed to convince Iron Jaw to fight, but the only response she would give was: "I got him to come and that's all that matters, now leave me alone." before walking off to brood. Something had obviously happened at Iron Jaw's village and whatever it was, was eating Ziva up.

Ziva seemed so troubled that they had been considering keeping her out of the fight, Cristina and Arthur already didn't want their daughters to join in the conflict, but Iron Jaw threatened to call off his forces if they didn't let her fight alongside him. Apparently part of an agreement he'd made with Ziva was that his villages help fight Team Shade, but in exchange she would have to stick with Iron Jaw the entire battle so he could protect her. His true motives for this guardianship were still a mystery, but Arthur and Cristina were left with no choice and agreed to let Ziva fight alongside him.

They also had to let Freya fight alongside the leader of the Lake of Revier, a Swampert named Máskara, when he felt like he'd been taken advantage of after witnessing Ziva join Iron Jaw's regiment, and demanded to have Freya stand beside him in battle. This all had happened within the first few hours of the plan and as Greninja slipped between the trees he was glad the two chiefs had asked to protect the girls; knowing that those two would sooner die than let anything happen to their children made it easier for Cristina and Arthur to stay focused on their mission.

The last sight Greninja saw of the battle, before they were too far away, was the three villages fighting their way towards each other before combining into a massive spear head of pokemon that charged at the fleeing enemy with Alba at the head, Iron Jaw and Ziva roaring for blood on her left, and Máskara and Freya covering her right.

The sight filled Greninja with pride in the Pokémon's impressive teamwork and skill and made him believe they stood a feasible chance to win. The effort that all those Pokémon were putting forth made him even more determined to succeed in his mission.

As the assault team reached the enemy's camp their hopes for any sort of victory started to crumble. Nearly seventy members of team Shade were at the camp undoubtedly waiting for their comrades to come running back with the entire fighting force of the village behind them, not knowing of the trap that was waiting for them to spring.

Greninja scowled at the people laying in wait to ambush his friends. This was a dangerous trap that would be difficult to disarm, but not impossible. Greninja called forward two Pokémon from the group and had them memorize the enemies numbers and locations, before sending them off to warn Alba.

As the two Pokémon ran off to relay the message, Greninja spotted a small group of twelve hooded people walk behind a large wall of rock. He took notice of them for several reasons: one) they all had colored trimmings on their cloaks, an appearance that singled them out as leaders. Two) While the rest of the people were moving into the trees and foliage these twelve were moving in the complete opposite direction; and three) They were moving a large silver machine that practically screamed I'm a dangerous weapon.

Taking all of these things into account Greninja gave the order to follow them. He, Arthur, Cristina, Rosemary, and their fifth member all began making their way to Team Shades leaders position, all the while hoping that their message to Alba would arrive in time.

And that's the end of this chapter. I thought I'd end it with some growing suspense and I'm fairly certain that the next chapter will be even better. I am also starting a new thing at the end of every new chapter where I give a shout out to five people, I'll try to keep it random so as not to bother anyone...too much.
Oh and I tend to use words from other languages to name my characters so if you think some of the names are weird that's why. An example would be the chief of the Lake of Revier, Máskara which is a Greek translation of the word mud fish, which I found appropriate since Swampert is the MudFish Pokémon.

Anyways thanks for reading and I'll work as fast as I can to get the next chapter out. Hope you all enjoyed.😁

-Shoutouts this chapter: AmiyaJones DestinyProduction Dawnanimations JamesVond & indigoflames.

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