The Admiral's Trap

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Greninja peered over the edge of a small mountain, looking down at the twelve humans below, watching and waiting for the time to strike. He slowly raised his hand ready to give the signal to charge, but froze as he saw one of the cloaked people below look directly at him.

The person looking at him had on a black cloak with two red stripes leading from the top of his hood down to his collar where they connected in a U, that then broke off and spiraled down his arms before ending in crimson cuffs. As the cloaked man continued to look at Greninja he cast a sinister grin at the ninja frog, and gestured him to follow with a wave of his finger. He then walked forward and disappeared into the rockwall below.

Greninja knew this had to be some kind of trap but that he'd been spotted and they could raise the alarm at any time, endangering his team and the mission, if he didn't comply with the blood robed mans request. Begrudgingly, he walked back to the rest of the assault team and filled them in on what had happened.

He was met with some unsettled looks, as he stated how he was literally going to walk through the front door of the enemy's base and into a trap he knew was there. He explained that their best chance now was for them to play along with what the enemy wanted, so they could strike when their foes are the most vulnerable.

After a few seconds of griping, the group agreed with Greninja's decision and split up, letting him go into the belly of the beast while they worked their way around the mountain looking for another entrance.

Wasting no time Greninja calmly walked down the mountain and strolled straight up to two men guarding a stone wall. The men weren't anything special, just average Team Shade grunts tasked with guarding their bosses private affairs. As Greninja approached the two guards scowled at him and Greninja had a momentary thought that he'd have to fight his way in. The guards simply let him pass and told him to walk to the wall and keep walking until he was inside.

At first Greninja thought they were messing with him, but he didn't want to put the base on high alert and spoil his plans so he went along with their orders. Walking straight forward, as if he'd done it a thousand times, he walked into the wall and then through the wall. The action, and feeling, of passing through what looked like solid rock caused an ice cold stone to form in his gut as he remembered his dream from just days ago.

He didn't let this slow him down and continued to walk with confidence all the way to where the blood robed man was waiting for him, resting against one of the cave walls as he picked his finger nails with a pointed knife. When he heard Greninja approaching a smirk grew on his exposed mouth and he shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm surprised you actually came here." The man said with honesty and amusement. "Guess I owe Charley a promotion now; it's a shame really, I was looking forward to smearing honey on his belly and watching him run through a field of Combee."

Greninja didn't no how to respond to the mans statement and decided that inaction was the best course of action. He simply stood still and stared at the mans mouth, being the only part of his face that was visible, waiting for any indication that he was going to attack. What he saw though was the mans smirky smile fade into a frank frown.

"Huh, guess they were right about you being close lipped. Well if you're not going to talk allow me to introduce myself; I'm known as the Admiral, I'm the right hand man to lord Keshiram and his number one general."

Greninja scowled inwardly not wanting to let the man get a win by making him react; but the mention of those two names set a cold fire in his stomach. He'd been trying to convince himself that the dream he'd had about Keshiram was nothing more than just that, a dream. But here standing before him, in all his wickedness, was the man that the dragon Keshiram had summoned to eradicate Cristina's and Arthur's village.

"But enough about me, lord Keshiram has requested your presence so if you'll follow me." The Admiral then stood up from his resting spot and made a mock bow to Greninja before leading him further into the cave.

As they walked on Greninja spotted various people and pokemon working on long extensions of metal piping that was leaking blue steam on the grey stone floors. The pipes were heading in the same direction that they were traveling and Greninja had a feeling that whatever they lead to he wouldn't like. As the Admiral brought him around a bend he wished he had been wrong about his gut feeling.

The area they entered was roughly the size of a college gymnasium and had several passageways and corridors leading off from it; along the walls of the room were various kinds of machines, that seemed to advanced for the time period, and had some of the long metal pipes attached to them. The rest of the pipes were going to a large arching machine that was blasting heat around a massive Ice crystal in the very heart of the room.

The ice was nearly thirty feet high and fifteen feet across; its entire surface was crystal like and the inside was easily visible, making it so the frozen dragon like creature could be seen by, or see, the hoard of people in white cloaks scrambling below it. As they approached the crystal Greninja saw that the dragon in the ice was the same as the one in his dream.

"Keshiram." Greninja uttered under his breath.

"Greninja, how nice of you to visit me in my hour of triumph." Keshiram spoke directly into Geninja's mind, making him feel very uneasy.

Greninja steeled himself against the fear growing in him from the frozen dragon; he understood that right now his emotions were a liability to him, and that his reactions could mean the difference between a few precious second for his team to get into place and the complete destruction of everything they were fighting for.

"You wanted me here so I'm here. What can I do for you." Greninja said with a tone as cold as the dragons icey imprisonment.

A low growling like noise came from the ice and the Admiral began reaching for something at his hip, ready to dispose of Greninja if given the order. The growling ceased almost as suddenly as it had started but left the room with a feeling like it was on a hair trigger, ready to fire at any second. Keshiram seemed to have decided not to act against Greninja and got straight to the point of his summons.

"I wanted to gloat, but more than that I wanted to tell you my story and history with this region." Keshiram dismissed half of the people in white cloaks, apparently the story was above their paygrade.

"Now this tale begins with two dragons: one of Fire and Lightning, the other of Ice and Emptiness. The fire-lightning dragon, that's me, was a magnificent creature whose red, blue and gold scales would bring light up the faces of people and pokemon alike; I brought warmth and light and helpful storms wherever he went. Then there was the Ice dragon, grey and dull with light blue icicles growing out of his body; most everyone resented him for the snap freezes and blizzards he brought with him, killing crops and ending lives in the bitter cold."

Greninja was only half paying attention to Keshirams tale, similarly to the Admiral who had decided to return to his self grooming, having heard the story before, and was leaning against a wall with his cleaning knife in hand. Greninja wasn't tuning out the story for the Admirals reasons, his motives resided with the four shadowy figures spreading out along a ledge high above the ice crystal.

"One day I brought a little too much warmth to the lands and the storms I brought caused a decent deal of damage. It was a simple mistake on my part but my superiors didn't see it that way and forbade me from using my powers until they had cleaned up my mess. Well I knew that the people still needed my radiant warmth, and splendid storms so I tried to fix things myself; everything was going fine until my bosses tried to stop me and learnt the extent of my strength."

Greninja was starting to pay attention more to Keshirams story as his teammates moved closer and closer to optimal attack points.

"Oh how they cowered under my magnificence, they were like dogs, utterly helpless as they received rightful kicks from their betters. Things would have stayed like this too if it wasn't for that accursed ice dragons involvement; teaming up with those hounds they managed to take me by surprise and had nearly captured me, when she arrived. Sucra, the daughter of energy and matter, came and saved me from being imprisoned for wanting what was rightfully mine. She had thoughts similar to mine and together we formed an army to overthrow all the tyrants in the world. After a short and sweet war we managed to do just that and to fill the void of leadership in the world each one of us generals took a continent to guard over, naturally I took Unova and brought prosperity to the lands.

It would only be a few decades later that all our hard work in disposing of the world's tyrants would be undone and we were at war again, this one lasting longer and not ending in our favor. I was forced to fight my old enemies once again and that time they managed to not only subdue me but take away part of who I am. The Ice dragon, Kyurem, used his ice and emptiness to remove the most dangerous parts of me before sealing me in this Ice prison; he took away my fire and lightning, and sealed them in a white stone and a black stone in an attempt to "Give my powers to others, so they could right my wrongs"." Keshiram spoke the last part in a mocking voice, obviously resentful with the punishment his captors gave him.

"I stayed trapped in this icey incarceration for nearly two millennia, unable to do anything. No breathing, eating, peeing,-seriously I haven't gone to the bathroom since humans first began making cities, do you know how uncomfortable that is?- I've just been locked up inside this icicle watching the darkness. Then a few years ago Team Shade found me, they told me my old master had sent them to find and free me, and ever since then they've been thawing me out little by little using the energy of my once bosses to free me. And soon I shall be free! The last bit of energy I needed has already been supplied and all we can do now is wait for the process to be complete; just a few short minutes from now I shall taste the sweetness of freedom, and you shall taste the brief bitterness of defeat before I take away your senses all together! What do you have to say to that, Greninja!"

From his spot across the room Greninja smiled and looked Kesiram straight in his frozen eyes as he gave his answer. "You talk too much." And with that the four pokemon above leapt down, attacking as they fell; ready to take full advantage of the time they'd been given, thanks to Kesirams gabbering, they set out to stop his prison break before it was too late.


Okay so first of all this story hit 1000 views, Woohoo!, thanks for reading guys I hope you're all enjoying this as much as I am; I'm going to try and write one more chapter for this story so it can reach its first climax and start to fall a bit, before I go to work in my other story for awhile. Just so you know I'm not abandoning this story,-incase the previous sentence made you think I was-,I'm just going to take a break after the next chapter and work on other things for a little while.

Also I'm thinking of adding a song to the next chapter so it has more emotion, I've already got a few songs in mind I just wanted to tell you guys here so I could get your opinions before I did it. Anyways thanks for reading guys, do vote and comment,- I greatly enjoy seeing the stars and bubble boxes go up-, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Shoutouts to : Ash-GreninjaGirl Raullet Shadow_Ice_King Sceptile799 & Amourshipper444

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