007- Getting to know each other

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Now... Tokyo Square.

*This is Dan Moroboshi's outfit*

(Dan Moroboshi's POV):

It was already 8 o'clock when someone bumped into me with an "Oof." Just as I was about to scold them, I recognized her voice: "Hi, Moroboshi-kun!"

It was Katsuna.

My brown eyes widened at her transformation: her black hair was in a neat French braid, and her blue-and-white knitted sweater complemented her jeans and white sneakers perfectly. I paused, taken aback not just by her appearance but also by her radiant presence.

"You seemed surprised! I guess I did leave you surprised, huh?" she teased. I had seen her many times in class, but this felt different.

"You're late," I said, my voice colder than intended. I glanced around, hoping to distract myself from the flutter in my chest.

The crowd swirled around us, but my focus remained on her. "I know, but I almost got lost because of this stupid map, so no judgment, mister!" she replied with a small smile. "Are you ready for our first hangout?" Struggling to maintain my composure, I crossed my arms and shot her a deadpan look.

"Isn't it obvious? I've barely had time to hear your silly questions." She looked flabbergasted at my sarcasm and playfully punched my arm. "Hey!" Her reaction made me chuckle, but I quickly pretended to be indifferent and rolled my eyes.

Katsuna laughed, her sound light and infectious, stirring a familiar mix of irritation and warmth inside me. Why did she have to be so charming? It was both annoying and nice. I tried to mask my expression, but the corners of my mouth betrayed me.

"So, any big plans for our hangout, Mister Moroboshi?" she asked, hands behind her back while her eyes sparkled through the sunlight. I shrugged, trying to play it cool despite my damn stomach doing backflips: "I suppose...we could walk around." Feigning interest in the crowd, I muttered, "Not that I'm interested in showing you around or anything," 

Katsuna tilted her head, a smile still on her face. "Oh, come on! You're the local expert, after all!" Her enthusiasm was hard to ignore. I had to admit I was looking forward to this more than I let on, but I couldn't show it. Maintaining my stoic facade was crucial, even though she saw right through it. "Let's start with somewhere you want to go first," I tell her.

"R-Really?" She seemed surprised. "A-Are you sure?"

"Did I stutter?" I replied coldly. Katsuna's eyes widened, and I could practically see the gears turning in her head. Just what I needed was for her to take an hour to tell me where she wanted to go, and did I suggest that she pick? Is this how emotions do to one's brain? I shook my head and noticed her lips moving, meaning she was about to say something: "Well,..." 

Pointing to a small cozy Bubble Tea spot, she starts, "They have decent Bubble Tea... Sadly, I've never tried Bubble Tea before, but I heard girls are into that." She hesitantly tells me, Katsuna's doe-grey eyes sparkled with curiosity as she looked at the café, and then at her sneakers.

I blinked, caught off guard by what she said. 

"That's...random," I muttered, trying to understand why she would want to go there. Raising an eyebrow, I thought, 'It's unusual that she's never tried Bubble Tea.'  "Surely, you have tried it with your Uncle." 

She shook her head.

"Not even by yourself?"

"I'm not much of an outgoing person, Moroboshi-kun..." Katsuna rubbed her arm out of a nervous habit as she spoke. "I usually just stay in and read or play board games. The most adventurous thing I've done is watching my Uncle's boxing matches every Monday afternoon to Thursday."

I stared at her for a couple of minutes before sighing, I turned away and said, "Follow me." 

Katsuna lifted her head, perplexed. "Eh?" 

I walked away, saying, "Unless you want to get lost again, it's your choice." Amused, I noticed her rush after me. "S-Sure! Wait for me!" she called.

As we entered, the rich aroma of coffee enveloped us, wrapping around us like a comforting shawl. The café was small and inviting, with plush seating that perfectly suited our casual hangout. I glanced at Katsuna, her doe-grey eyes shimmering as they sparkled with curiosity, seemingly entranced by the laughter and chatter that filled the air like a melodic background. My gaze softened as I felt my heart begin to race in response.

"So, are you really going to keep up this whole stoic act for the entire time?" Katsuna asked, blissfully unaware of the effect she had on me. Heat crept up my ears as I fought the urge to shout back in indignation. "I'm not acting!" I protested, perhaps a bit too defensively. We settled at a window-side table, waiting for the waitress to take our order.

She chuckled, tilting her head in that adorable way that drove me crazy. It reminded me why I disliked crushes—they made me feel foolish. "Sure, because it's totally normal for a boy to be grumpy while hanging out with a girl."

Grumpy? Me? I was merely... being realistic, or so I told myself.

"I'm not grumpy! You just annoy me!" I retorted silently, though a smile betrayed my irritation. "What do you want?" I asked while scanning the menu behind the counter in an attempt to feign indifference. Katsuna leaned in, biting her lip in thought. "Hmm... I'm not sure."

With a sigh of defeat, she continued, "There are too many options I want to try, but—"

"But what?" I cut in, trying to find something interesting on the menu. She looked at me seriously for a moment before saying, "I don't want to risk your savings on something too expensive."

Her concern puzzled me.

"Katsuna, it's just Bubble Tea," I replied flatly. "You don't need to worry about my savings. I'll cover your drink." She rolled her eyes, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "You say that now, but you'd rather drink black coffee than treat yourself."

"I simply prefer to keep things simple," I replied, crossing my arms in an attempt to maintain my annoyed facade. "Besides, I'm not a fan of sugary drinks." My remark set her off into laughter. "It's just Bubble Tea—it's not a life-altering choice. But fine, if you insist on being boring, I'll just order a Bubble Black Tea. Can't go wrong with that, can you?"

I sighed, realizing I was losing this battle.

"Fine, order whatever you want. Just don't blame me when the sugar has you bouncing off the walls." She gasped dramatically, puffing out her cheeks. "That was just a minor setback! Today is all about enjoying every little thing—starting with this drink!" I chuckled softly, a smile creeping onto my face. "Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Katsuna turned to face the window, resting her chin on her hand, excitement radiating from her, and I felt an unexpected wave of contentment wash over me: 'Maybe this hangout wouldn't be half bad after all,' I thought with a smirk, 'It wasn't every day that I got to spend time with someone as delightful as Katsuna.' That realization made my cheeks heat up, compelling me to avert her confused gaze by focusing on the bustling café outside.

When the waitress finally approached, I placed our orders, and shortly after, our drinks arrived. We enjoyed them in silence until Katsuna broke the stillness with a soft laugh that caught me off guard. I arched an eyebrow. "What's so funny?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

She took a sip of her Bubble Black Tea, her eyes lighting up as the tapioca pearls danced in the cup. "Wow! This is amazing!" she exclaimed, a moan of delight escaping her lips, causing my face to heat up. I felt my heart race; how could a simple sound make me feel so flustered?

Clenching my fists under the table to regain my composure, I still felt a sense of panic at her jubilation. "No thank you," I said coldly, attempting to sound firm, but she charmed her way past my defenses, handing me her drink while swiftly taking my black coffee.

Just as I opened my mouth to scold her, she placed a finger over my lips, silencing me. "No buts, Mr. Grumpy Pants!" she insisted. "You either try it, or no more Black Coffee for you." I hesitated, caught between protest and compliance, but the determined spark in her eyes made me reconsider. With a resigned sigh, I accepted the drink, the cool cup a contrast to the warmth rising in my cheeks.

"Fine, just a sip," I warned, attempting to sound stern, though my heart raced at her lingering touch on my lips. Katsuna brightened up. "Just one sip! You'll see!" She leaned in closer, her excitement practically contagious. I couldn't help but admire the way her hair caught the light, framing her face beautifully.

I brought the cup to my lips, inhaling the sweet aroma of the Bubble Black Tea before taking a sip. The flavor enveloped me, an unexpected warmth spreading through my senses. Closing my eyes for a fleeting moment, I reopened them to meet Katsuna's eager gaze. "It's good, right?"

"...It's edible," I responded, trying to sound unenthused. As I took another sip, I felt a strange sense of comfort wash over me, something reminiscent of happiness. Katsuna raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with my lackluster response. "'Edible'? That's the best you can come up with, Mr. Grumpy?"

I rolled my eyes at the nickname that seemed to stick. "I'm not grumpy; it's just... thoughtful of you to share it with me." "Thoughtful, huh?" She leaned back in her chair, a teasing smile brightening her face. "Then you do like the Bubble Tea?"

"Like it? It's not the end of the world," I replied, trying to keep my cool, but the flavor lingered in such a way that I felt both unsettled and strangely at ease in her presence.

"Oh, come on! You have to admit you're enjoying this." Her playful challenge was met with my defensive clearing of the throat. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just... being polite."

Her laughter rang out again, light and airy. "Polite, huh? So you would consider trying a fruity one next time?" "Why on earth would I want fruit in my drink?" I shot back, a bit too sharply, yet the absurd imagery of vibrant, overly sweet concoctions danced in my mind, teasing my resolve. Katsuna only grinned wider, unfazed by my tone. 

"Because, Moroboshi-kun, life is too short for boring drinks! You should experience everything it has to offer!" A begrudging sigh escaped me, her relentless enthusiasm blowing away the cobwebs of my self-imposed grumpiness. "You really are insistent," I muttered, yet somehow, I could feel a faint smile breaking through my well-crafted facade. "It's exhausting, you know."

Her smile only grew, a beacon that could rival the sun. "It's worth it just to see you smile!" "Don't flatter yourself," I replied, trying to regain my composure, but the spark in her eyes made it all the more difficult. I was hyper-aware of the contrasting warmth emanating from her Bubble Tea and the coolness of my own beverage, highlighting an unspoken connection forming between us.

Once again, silence settled over us, the café buzzing gently around us. Although I couldn't quite shake the realization that I was truly enjoying our time, I glanced around and watched as different groups shared laughs and experiences. The normality of it all struck a chord with me, and I yearned to feel free like them.

Katsuna broke the tranquility with another soft laugh, pulling me from my thoughts. "What?" "Oh, just watching you." She observed, mimicking my expression dramatically, "You get quite serious when you think, I can tell you care more than you let on." "Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out why I keep hanging out with you. It's like your presence is a puzzle that keeps me guessing," I admitted, though it felt more vulnerable than I had intended.

"Really?" She tilted her head, her interest piqued. "Maybe I should be asking you why you put up with me." Wanting to deflect the inquiry, I took a sip of my black coffee—its bitterness somehow comforting, even if it felt like a flimsy shield. I mulled over her words by staying silent, not wanting to tell her the real reason to which Katsuna took notice and snapped her fingers with an idea.

"You know what? Let's talk about something else." I mentally felt relieved that she didn't push the conversation, and she continued, "What are your hobbies, Moroboshi-kun?" I set the drink down and thought for a moment. "I like reading,"

"I already noticed that when we first met!" She pouts before taking some sips of her drink, "What do you do other than read?" It took me a couple of minutes to remember what I do in my spare time until I told her, "Solve puzzle pieces, crosswords, play chess, and learn a new language."

"That's it?"

I nod.

"Okay, what about your parents?" Her question made me frown in sadness but didn't want to show it, I took a moment to gather myself, swirling the black coffee in my cup to buy time. "My parents are...dead," I finally murmured, showing the bitterness in my voice.

Katsuna noticed the change in my demeanor and showed her empathic expression, "Dead... how, Moroboshi-kun?" she pressed gently, her tone careful and considerate: "Terrorists." I quietly elaborated, not understanding why I was telling her this but Katsuna seemed to be someone I could trust for eternity, "They murdered both of my parents because they were diplomats...at the same time, they kidnapped my twin brother."

I wasn't one to share much about my family's death, let alone how their distance affected me; As if that made it any less significant, but I could feel a small knot tightening in my chest. Katsuna's brow furrowed, and it made me feel like I'd just let her down in some way. "Dan, I apologize for asking a personal question..." she softly spoke by gently placing a hand over mine on the table.

Her sincerity surprised me, I had expected her to brush it off as something normal like the rest but I guess I was mistaken. "You must have felt alone." "Well, it is what it is," I replied, forcing a casual tone that felt more like a mask than my actual feelings, "But you're here, spending time with me." Katsuna tells me, "Meaning you aren't alone." 

A warmth in her eyes melted the edges of my guarded heart, prompting an unfamiliar vulnerability that made me feel exposed yet strangely safe. "I... I guess so," I replied, pausing before asking, "What about your parents?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why live with your Uncle? Why not with your parents?" I inquired. Katsuna widened her eyes slightly, a shadow crossing her face as she sipped her Bubble Tea. After gripping her cup and turning her gaze from the table to the window, she said, "...My parents died when I was a newborn. How would I know? My Uncle told me."

I took a moment to absorb her words, silence stretching between us like an unbroken thread. The bustling café around us faded, the chatter becoming a distant hum. Katsuna's expression was hard to read, a mix of loss, curiosity, and perhaps underlying sadness, "And your Uncle?" I gently probed, trying to piece together her past.

"He found me when I was three. I have no idea how I survived as a newborn, but my first memory at three was scavenging for food in dark alleyways." She paused, tracing her fingers over her Bubble Tea as if it held answers. "I nearly got raped by two drunkards until a stranger saved me but left before my Uncle found me." 

The weight of her words hung in the air, heavy and dense, as if the very atmosphere of the café had shifted. I could see the shadows of her past flickering behind her eyes, and it made my heart ache for her. "That sounds... terrifying," I murmured, searching for the right words to convey the empathy I felt.

Katsuna nodded slowly, her gaze still fixed on the window as if the outside world held the answers to her unasked questions. "It was. But my Uncle took me in after that. He's been my guardian ever since, though it hasn't been easy." She sighed, the sound barely rising above the clinking of cups and the laughter of other patrons. "He works long boxing matches to earn money, and I often feel like a burden. Sometimes I wonder if he regrets it."

"Regrets saving you?" I asked, incredulous. "That doesn't make sense. You're not a burden, Katsuna. You're... you're someone who I care about more than anyone else." The words slipped out before I could stop them, but I meant them. She had a way of illuminating the darkest corners of my thoughts, and I felt compelled to remind her of her worth.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked down, a small smile tugging at her lips, "T-Thank you, Moroboshi-kun. I appreciate that." But then her smile faded, and a shadow crossed her face again. "It's just hard sometimes, you know? I've always felt like I was missing something like a part of me was left behind when my parents died. I never got to know them."

I leaned in closer, my heart racing in fear as I realized how much we shared each other's pasts, "I get that. I feel the same way about my brother. He was taken from me, and I've spent years wondering what he's like now if he's okay or... if he died." The vulnerability in my voice surprised me, but it felt oddly liberating to share this burden.

For a moment, it felt as if we had someone in common, it felt like we were two lost souls adrift in a vast ocean, seeking solace in one another. "Maybe we can help each other out," she suggested in a gentle whisper as her eyes softened, "Y'know like we can share our stories and fill in the gaps with better memories."

I considered her words, the idea blooming in my mind like a fragile flower. "I'd like that..." I said, surprised by the sincerity in my own response. "Not wanting to say it out loud to you, Katsuna but... it would be nice to have someone who understands... someone who knows what it's like to feel alone." 

Katsuna smiled again, and this time it reached her eyes, "Then let's promise to be there for each other. We can create our own future, even if it's just the two of us." I felt a warmth spread through me at her words, a flicker of something I hadn't felt in a long time—connection. "I promise," I said, squeezing her hand gently, feeling the warmth of her presence seep into my bones.

As we sat together in that bustling café, I realized that perhaps we weren't as alone as we thought: "But tell me something, Katsuna." 

"Hm? Yeah, sure," she replied, ready for anything.

"If you could go back in time, would you change your past?" I asked directly, the words tumbling out before I could pull them back. 

She fell silent, fiddling with her straw as she considered my question, until finally meeting my gaze: "If I'm honest," she began slowly, "I don't think I want to change anything." 

"Why?" I pressed, questioning her reasoning.

"Because if I changed something in the past, then I wouldn't have met someone as kind as you." 

Her response hung in the air, a sweet sentiment that tugged at my heart, to the point that I unconsciously returned her hand with a firm but gentle squeeze. Making the confirmation of what I was already feeling towards Katsuna was not just friendship or care about her.

It's the fact that I, Dan Moroboshi... am falling for Katsuna.

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