008- Katsuna VS the Claw machine

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(Katsuna's POV): Afternoon...

As we strolled through the streets of Tokyo, I held my Bubble Tea while Moroboshi-kun had already paid for our drinks. After sharing our parents' death stories, I began to understand the depth of connection. I looked at him, the setting sun casting a warm light on his face, yet a shadow lingered in his expression.

Amidst the city's buzz, Moroboshi-kun and I shared a bond heavy with sorrow. His painful memories seemed to envelop him in a cloak of quiet despair, unaffected by the lively chatter around us. I thought, 'I wish I could cheer him up... perhaps something to spark a smile would help.'

My gaze landed on a store filled with posters, clothing, gadgets, magazines, DVDs, and a claw machine brimming with toys. Confused, I tugged at his sleeve to grab his attention. He turned to me, asking, "What is it, Katsuna?"

"What's that claw inside the plastic contraption with toys inside it?" I asked, pointing curiously.

He looked at the machine and then back at me. "A claw machine. Why?"

An idea flashed in my mind. I took his hand and pulled him into the store, stopping in front of the bright, flashy claw machine. My heart raced with excitement as I scanned the colorful toys inside—plushies, keychains, and tiny figures of popular characters.

imagine it's Katsuna in the pic!*

"Come on, let's give it a try!" I said enthusiastically, hoping this small adventure would lift his spirits despite our heavy conversation.

Moroboshi-kun hesitated, confusion flickering across his somber face. "Do you really think we can win something?" he scoffed. I nodded eagerly, gripping his hand tighter. "Of course! I want to win so I can see you smile."

After a long pause, he relented. "...Fine, but I won't help you."

I grinned, undeterred by his reluctance. "Watch and learn, Moroboshi-kun! I'll get you the best one!" I stepped closer to the machine, my heart racing with anticipation.

Time skip~

The claw machine was a vibrant display of colorful toys trapped behind glass. As I fished coins from my pocket, I glanced at Moroboshi-kun, who stood a few paces back, arms crossed and looking amused. I inserted a coin, and the machine sprang to life, its lights flickering.

Excitement surged as I maneuvered the joystick, trying to position the claw over my target. "Yes... Yes... No! I almost had you, you piece of crap!" Frustrated, I punched the machine and spotted a cute plush panda in the corner.

"Just a little more... a bit to the left!" Moroboshi-kun called out, surprising me with his encouragement. "Are you... helping me?" I teased. A vein popped on his forehead, and annoyance crossed his face. "I'm not. I'm just... observing," he replied, though the corner of his mouth twitched, hinting at a smirk.

"You're doing a 'great' job at it!" I shot back, focusing on the machine again. My heart raced as I pressed the button to lower the claw. It descended slowly, and I felt triumphant as it grasped the bunny—until it faltered and dropped it back into the sea of toys.

I groaned in frustration. "Ugh, why is this so hard?" Moroboshi-kun stepped closer, peering into the machine. "You just need to try again."

"Again?" I bit my lip, looking up at him. "This is the sixth time, and I still haven't gotten you a plushie..."

He rolled his eyes, but a glimmer of amusement made my heart leap. I quickly inserted another coin, taking a deep breath. My heart raced as I maneuvered carefully. I pressed the button again, and the claw descended, snagging the bunny with better accuracy.

"Come on, come on!" I whispered fervently as it ascended. Just when I thought I might succeed, the claw's grip slipped, and the bunny tumbled again. "Nooo!" I cried, shoulders slumping in defeat. Moroboshi-kun chuckled softly, a genuine laugh that warmed my heart. "See? You need strategic positioning to capture it," he said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Strategic positioning? Easy for you to say when you don't want to play!" I shot back playfully, thrilled to see him relax. "Which is why I will help you." His words surprised me. "Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Hmm. Now let's start again but with a different plushie."

I shook my head. "How about we try for that panda again?" I pointed to the fluffy, bright-eyed plush between two larger toys. "Alright," he said, stepping closer and leaning over the machine to help me aim. His arm brushed against mine, and I felt warmth as he pressed against my back. For a moment, the world outside faded away. "Follow my movement," he suggested.

Stunned by the electric spark of our intertwined fingers on the joystick, I felt myself warming but quickly relaxed, admiring his features. His glasses framed his brown eyes, fixed intently on the claw machine as we worked in unison. I didn't understand the feelings I had for Moroboshi-kun, but somehow, he made me feel safer than Uncle Jack. I blinked, trying to shake off the warmth spreading through me as I focused on the task. "O-Okay, I'm following your lead," I whispered.

"Good. Just a little to the right... and now down," he instructed, his breath warm against my ear. I leaned into him slightly, the proximity making my heart race even faster. The claw descended, and I held my breath, feeling the tension build between us.

"Now, lift!" he urged, and I pressed the button with determination. The claw gripped the panda tightly, and for a glorious moment, I thought we had it. "Yes! We did it!" I squealed, jumping up and down, excitement bubbling inside me like the layers of our friendship—deeper than I had ever imagined.

As the claw released the plush into the collection chute, I turned to Moroboshi-kun, who stood there, a real smile finally breaking through the shadows. "See? I told you we could win something!"

His chuckle echoed, and I wished I could hear it more often. "You were right, Katsuna." "Now that's what I call teamwork!" I grinned, my cheeks flushed not only from excitement but from a deeper connection blossoming from shared sorrow into hope.

"Okay, pick your prize, and let's go." He turned to leave, but I quickly picked up the plushie, holding it close to my chest.

"Actually, Moroboshi-kun, this one is for you," I said, thrusting the panda into his hands. "I want you to have it."

His eyes widened in surprise. "For me? Why?" "Because I want you to remember this day, and you should always have something to remind you of our adventure!" He stared at the plush, and for a moment, I worried I had crossed a line. But then, with genuine warmth, he smiled for the very first time.

"Thank you, Katsuna."

With the plushie nestled in his arms, we stepped back into the city streets.

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