⌗ 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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food warning in the second section! the flowers will tell you where

KIMJOO sits in a little cafe.

she shuffles through her tote bag.

she already felt irritated the moment she left her house.

she passed up ice skating with her friends to meet her brother who, unfortunately, is late.

it's not like they got to see each other much, anyway.

KANG JIHUN : hey! sorry i'm late, sis. i was stuck in a meeting and i tried to call you but my phone died and i was driving.

just as KIMJOO got herself ready to leave, he shows up.

he'll full of excuses, too.

complaining about how busy he is, being the successful and favorite child.

KANG KIMJOO : you look like a doofus wearing sunglasses inside.

KANG JIHUN : oh shit. i forgot all about them.

he takes them off but leaves his hoodie on for the sake of privacy.

KIMJOO leans back and crosses her arms.

she didn't bother looking at the brunch menu because she doubted he wanted to meet her for a sibling outing.


KANG JIHUN : so . . .

on the other hand, JIHUN, picks up the menu.

he knows the situation feels tense and he also knows she's not stupid but for some reason, he's nervous around her.

KANG JIHUN : are you hungry? i'll pay for it, today. i was thinking of getting french toast or something.

KIMJOO decides to humor him.

they haven't actually seen each other for months and it felt a little weird he called her all of the sudden.

KANG KIMJOO : whatever you order, just get two of it. how's GRACE?


JIHUN's american, model girlfriend.

they've been dating so long, KIMJOO's surprised they aren't engaged, yet.

KANG JIHUN : she's fine. you should come by and visit us one day.

KANG KIMJOO : you live too far from home. i'm busy with training with mom.

KIMJOO watches the way JIHYUN stirs uncomfortably.

whenever she looks at him, all she sees in a little kid.

KANG JIHUN : and how is . . . how is mom?

she sighs.

she ends up resting her head in her palm, tossing the thoughts of their mom around her head.

KANG KIMJOO : to be honest, she hasn't changed at all. still controlling but it's not that bad.

JIHUN nods.

he folds up his menu and sets it down.

he really contemplated having this talk with his sister.

they didn't hate each other but they weren't on the best terms, either.

it's always a competition for who's the most successful and famous actor JIHUN is winning.

he knows KIMJOO is stressed, trying to follow in his footsteps.

KANG JIHUN : right. and how are you?

this catches KIMJOO off guard.

KANG KIMJOO : what's that supposed to mean?

JIHUN pretends to scan the menu again, grasping for an answer.

he wants them to be close so bad but there's such a big rift between them.

WAITRESS : hello! my name is YUNA. can i get you guys anything to drink and are you guys ready to order or do you need a couple more minutes?

KIMJOO has been so wrapped up in their conversation, she was startled by her appearance.

KANG JIHUN : can we just get two waters and the french toast? KIMMIE, what do you want?

she didn't want anything.

she wanted to go ice skating.

she wanted to go home and feel a heart ache by herself.

KANG KIMJOO : can i just get an omelette?

YUNA : yep! that'll be coming right out. i'll go get your waters for you.

the tension settles once again, like a blanket.

KANG JIHUN : i thought you weren't hungry from the way you were acting.

KANG KIMJOO : and i thought you were hear to talk. not send me cryptic messages.

she doesn't mean it as harsh as it sounds.

she just can't help herself.

he doesn't get to pretend they're best friends.

KANG JIHUN : that's not what i meant. i'm just concerned about you. can i not be concerned?

KANG KIMJOO : you weren't concerned when i was being micromanaged. you didn't text me when i was being worked like a dog for hours and hours on end. you didn't even call me after a consultation for a surgery i didn't want. you ignored me for months but i should forgive you because you're calling me now, right?

JIHUN wilts.

he knew at some point this topic would come up and he has no idea how to handle it.

KANG JIHUN : i didn't think it was that bad. i thought you were living okay because everyone always gave you what you wanted and you never minded being an idol. i assumed you were fine.

KIMJOO's eyes pop out of her head.

living okay?

living okay?!

KANG KIMJOO : i was depending on you to understand. i thought i wouldn't have to explain it to you because you lived my life. i thought that because i have someone who's already been through it, i'd be fine. you were supposed to protect me. that's your job, but you didn't and you don't get to now.

JIHUN sits in silence.

he takes it because she's right.

he can't argue back and make himself an even worse brother than he already is.

he was supposed to protect her but he didn't and he regretted it.

YUNA : i have your waters!

YUNA, just doing her job, cheerfully sets the glasses down on the table.

she has enough common sense to read the room and leaves.

KANG JIHUN : are you doing idol on top because you have to or because you want to?

KANG KIMJOO : what do you think?

she doesn't have time for his games.

she's burning up inside and she just wants to cry.

KANG JIHUN : i think i deserved everything you just said to me and i think you're trying to one up me.

KIMJOO takes one long sip of her water.

she's too stubborn to submit to brain freeze.

KANG JIHUN : i'm really, genuinely sorry. i should have been better but i wasn't. i'm lucky you're even sitting in front of me and i appreciate that you're here. whether you forgive me or not is up to you but i still love you and i promise to be better. i swear. i'll sell my soul if it means you'll believe me.

she wants to be angry with him.

she truly does.

he abandoned her, intentionally or not.

but his eyes are so glassy and he's sitting there, barely moving.

barely breathing.

she longed to mend their relationship but it's just so hard.

KANG KIMJOO : what? are you twelve or something? who are you gonna sell your soul to?

she feels a single tear roll down her cheek but she wanted to let him know there's still a chance without directly telling him.

except he doesn't accept the joke.

KANG JIHUN : i'm serious. you are the only person that can understand me and i really don't want to let it go like this. if you ever need anything, call me. please?

KIMJOO really has to think about if she wants this or not.

on one hand, he completely betrayed her trust and she's run out of hope for him.

on the other hand, he's a grown man who's about to cry in front of her and just told her he loves her, which is rare in the emotionally unstable KANG family.

just one more chance, right?

YERANG is having the worst week of her life.

her dad is gone on a business trip and her mom is gone probably partying for days.

not to mention she got cheated on, again.

her big, luxurious house is empty and silent.

she spent her big, luxurious night crying in her big luxurious bed and now her eyes are puffy.

and to think she was promised a week of celebration for her amazing achievement of making it onto a survival show.

the only thing she's celebrating is surviving through the night without drying up because of all the tears she cried.

she can never be happy.


MOON YERANG : SEOLHUI, can you make breakfast, please?

YERANG drags her feet all the way to the table.

she throws herself onto a chair.

her head was throbbing from the lack of moisture.

at least she got an amazing rest, tiring herself out like that.

SEOLHUI, YERANG's maid, tsked quietly.

she already made breakfast.

five hours ago.

it's three in the afternoon and this is the first time YERANG has left her room.

SEOLHUI : what is going on with you today? you've been getting worse and worse every day.

she puts a bowl of reheated soup in front of the poor, moping girl.

normally, YERANG would complain about reheated food like this but she couldn't complain to SEOLHUI about anything she did.

especially considering she practically raided her, herself.

SEOLHUI : i know you typically have a bad attitude but never this bad. have you even brushed your hair?

YERANG moped through the nagging.

she pushes the spoon around the soup.


she didn't feel like eating.

that's not the method that works for her.


MOON YERANG : did you call my mom?

SEOLHUI : i did but she didn't answer.

MOON YERANG : did you call my dad?

SEOLHUI : yes . . . he also didn't answer.

while YERANG states mindlessly at the soup, SEOLHUI brushes through her hair, mindful of the knots.

with hair this long, it's important to brush it often but it doesn't seem like she's doing that.

MOON YERANG : i have to have the worst luck in the world to be born to such selfish, good for nothing parents.

she winces at the mild pop on her forehead.

SEOLHUI : you shouldn't talk about your parents like that. regardless of how you feel, they are still your parents.

YERANG grumbles otherwise but she keeps her mouth shut.

she knows SEOLHUI is more traditional with her views.

family and family and blood is thicker than water and all of that nonsense YERANG didn't agree with.

the only family she has is maid her supposed parents leave her with.

SEOLHUI : you need to get out of the house and get some fresh air. why don't you and that kid you're always hanging out with go out and do something, today?

that only makes YERANG scoff.

DOYOUNG isn't exactly at the top of her list, right now.

MOON YERANG : i'd rather stay at home. i don't feel like going out today.

SEOLHUI frowns.

she's been with YERANG since she was just a little toddler.

she knows her like the back of her hand.

she knows what it means when YERANG keeps herself holed up in her room all day instead of going out with her friends.

SEOLHUI : this isn't good for you, YERI. a girl your age should be out with her friends going shopping and what ever else you kids do these days.

YERANG chews her lip.

she just can't bring herself to go outside.

not like this.

what if she runs into someone she knows and this is how they see her?

she'd never recover.

her reputation would never recover.

she'd go from the it girl to some desolate dork who cries in her room all day.

at least no one knows she cries in her room all day.

MOON YERANG : i can't. i have to practice, anyway. i leave for idol on top next week and i want to make sure i'm on top of my game.

SEOLHUI is worried for her and YERANG knows it.

she's the only person who sees her as she really is.

who knows how late she stays awake, overthinking what everyone thinks of her.

how she waits to buy things just as they release for full price just so people can think she's living a wealthy lifestyle with no concern.

how she feels like she has to put people down because otherwise they'd realize how lame she was and outcast her from society.

she's a monster.

a real hobgoblin.


a big, fat, ugly, talentless hobgoblin.

YERANG stands up abruptly.

MOON YERANG : i'm gonna go and practice, right now actually. maybe i'll go out to the gym or something.

SEOLHUI : but you barely touched your food??

MOON YERANG : . . . right.

she picks up the bowl and matches up the glossy, wooden stairs.

SEOLHUI : you know you're not allowed to eat in your room. your doctor said —

MOON YERANG : it's fine! i'm fine.



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