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all of LIHUA's family and friends gathered at her house that day.

they all came by to congratulate her on getting into a idol show overseas.

becoming an idol is shard feat for someone who isn't in the upper class.

CHEN LIHUA : don't cry!

she can't help but try to console her best friend, patting her back.

CHEN LIHUA : i'm going to be back! don't cry.


YIHAN sobs and wipes her tears away.

the two have been best friends since forever.

they've attended the same school since they could even go to school.

the two are almost sisters.

for LIHUA to leave for six months meant YIHAN would be left alone.

HUAN YIHAN : you're gonna leave me alone for six months. are you even going to go to school?

LIHUA tsks and wipes her tears.

CHEN LIHUA : of course, i'm going to school. i'm still a student. i might not understand what i'm being taught but i'll be going.

LIHUA tries to poke fun.

she didn't know how much of the tears she could take.

to be honest, she isn't as composed as she seems.

LIHUA is thinking so much about her trip.

she has no doubt she'll have to work twice as hard as the other korean girls.

not to mention, she never had any proper vocal training.

she is the best in her class.

everyone who knew her thought she could make it and she got accepted so it has to mean something, right?

CHEN LIHUA : i'm going to be back and i'll call you every day okay? don't cry or you'll make me cry.

LIHUA wipes her tears and holds her hand.

she notices YUANJUN lingering in the corner of her eyes.

she looks at him for a moment.

he stares back at her for a while.

CHEN LIHUA : give me a second, YIHAN.

she pulls away and gets up from her chair.

the way YUANJUN is staring at her makes her anxious.

CHEN LIHUA : what's wrong? why are you looking at me like that?

YUANJUN gently rests his hands on her shoulders.

LIHUA looked at his hands in her shoulders, skeptically.

what are the chances your older brother is affectionate to you for no reason?

CHEN LIHUA : YUANJUN, what's wrong . . .

CHEN YUANJUN : don't get mad.

LIHUA already felt agitated.

her going away party is already going so well.

what could have gone so badly that YUANJUN felt the need to talk to her.

CHEN LIHUA : YUAN, why are you looking at me like that?

YUANJUN pulls her into a tight hug.

he doesn't give her any room to move away.

she barely has room to breathe.

CHEN YUANJUN : i know this is a really big day for you and i'm super proud of you and i'd hate to tell you this but there's a problem.

CHEN LIHUA : what's the problem?

she got a mouth full a cotton t shirt and it didn't taste the best.

CHEN LIHUA : you're choking me.

CHEN YUANJUN : don't freak out okay? i have it handled.

CHEN LIHUA : you're the one freaking me out. what's wrong?

YUANJUN doesn't speak.

not yet.

he feels so bad.

their entire lives were spent living in fear and absolutely distress.

taking care and running away from problems that aren't their responsibility.

that's why YUANJUN left.

found his own place and left.

and as much as he would have loved to take LIHUA with him, he couldn't take care of a child.

CHEN YUANJUN : mom is a little —

CHEN LIHUA : you're joking.

CHEN YUANJUN : i wish i was but don't worry about it. i have it under control. no one knows about it and she's upstairs. just let her be, okay? enjoy your day.

she could never have one good day.

one moment all to herself.

she didn't know how she lived to make it this far in life.

when her brother loosens her grips and allows her to pull away, she does so.

CHEN LIHUA : if you wanted me to have a good day, why would you tell me this?

today was supposed to be about her.

she was supposed to get hugs and good wishes and sentimental gifts.

like a picture.

instead, she got whatever this was.

CHEN YUANJUN : because this is what our life is, no matter how much we try to pretend it isn't. i will take care of it.

LIHUA can only look at him, helplessly.

she just wants to crawl into a big, black hole.

YUANJUN looks over her shoulder and plasters on a smile, despite their situation.

CHEN YUANJUN : go talk to YIHAN. she's going to fall apart when you leave. don't leave her alone for too long.

how can he act so normal?

HOMURA felt like a big bundle of nerves.

she held her sisters hand while they walked through the company building for the tour.

KUBO HOMURA : NATSUMI, if you don't stop, i'm gonna pick you up.

like HOMURA, her seven year old sister is very independent.

she prefers to play on her own than with others.

CEO YANG : idol on top is currently using out building as housing for the contestants. it's not too bad because there is only six and they all share a dorm. this is the lobby, obviously.

he laughs awkwardly, motioning around the empty space.

CEO YANG : the lobby is really the only space everyone has access to. to get on the elevators, you have to have clearance from the front desk. there's also security in case someone tries to make a run for it.

KUBO KENICHI : that must have happened once for you to do that.

CEO YANG : no, no. of course not.

they chuckle a little, seemingly also relating on the fact that they are both men.

what a dad thing to do.

KUBO HOMURA : what's the joke?

she looks at her mom.

KUBO HOMURA : what's funny about someone running in here?

it gets awkwardly silent.

her dad laughs nervously and shakes it off.

KUBO KENICHI : she's always like this. don't worry. it doesn't mean anything.

HOMURA still looks around, genuinely confused.

she wanted to know what the joke was so she could laugh, too.

CEO YANG : let's go onto the next floor.

he leads them to the elevator.

because he's the ceo, he doesn't need to show his id.

still, he does it anyway as a formality in front of the family.

CEO YANG wanted to make a good impression.

they would be dropping their daughter off to stay here for half a year so he wanted to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

CEO YANG : floor two has our recreational rooms, as well as the cafeteria. our gyms are on this floor, as well as gift shops if you guys would like to take a visit.

KUBO TOMOKO : not today but maybe another day. i'm sure HOMURA will think of us and bring us gifts.

the elevator doors slide open.

the group moves down the hall to continue the tour.

CEO YANG : there isn't that much rooms here because the cafeteria and the gym are pretty big. down here is the the entire cafeteria. there are three free meals provided by the company. after that, you have to pay for them. simply swipe your id and you'll be all set!

CEO YANG : in this room . . .

he points through the glass doors.

CEO YANG : . . . is the gym. we have a lot of programs and classes. the gym is also open all day. it closes at two in the morning and opens up at seven. there's always someone in there, even at two. i find that our trainees like to keep in shape but there are some who don't work out here. unfortunately, idol on top girls aren't really allowed to leave the building without a manager or staff because of their age so it's recommended they just train her.

HOMURA nods.

she is a morning person but she can't fathom being up at the gym at seven in the morning.

KUBO HOMURA : will there be any time that i have to go to the gym?

CEO YANG tilts his head.

CEO YANG : i don't think so. of course, you're expected to stay in shape and maintain a certain weight but how you do that is up to you.

KUBO NATSUMI : why do you have to be a certain weight? is that important?

she looks at her sister, poking her hand to get her attention.

KUBO HOMURA : no, umi. it's not important. don't worry about it.

HOMURA pats the top of her head.

she didn't know how to explain why idols needed to be so little.

it's simply aesthetic purposes.

how does she tell her impressionable sister about being thin to be considered pretty for everyone else?

CEO YANG : anyway . . . on the third floor we have a lot of practice rooms. it's a mix of dance rooms, vocal room, and study rooms. there's also quiet rooms, in case trainees need to take a moment between practicing.

he takes them to the third floor.

the first hallway they walk down is the dance rooms.

HOMURA pokes her head in one.

she isn't expecting to see a group of girls practicing.

KUBO HOMURA : oh! i'm so sorry.

she backs out, covering her red hot face.

in her place, CEO YANG steps in.

CEO YANG : sorry girls! i'm just touring some new trainees! practice hard for your debut!

he closes the door.

he wasn't at all upset that she opened the door.

it's a little inconvenient for the training girls but other than that, it wouldn't do much.

CEO YANG : that group is a little secret. keep that between us.

the KUBO family nods and loads back into the elevator again.

HOMURA feels so embarrassed.

she didn't mean to barge in on them like that.

CEO YANG : anyway, let's continue to the recording rooms. you can't access the study or the quiet rooms without blocking them off and they're all reserved today.

he takes them down one last hallway and into an empty studio.

it's small and definitely not what HOMURA thought would be a company's recording studio.

KUBO HOMURA : will i ever get to record my own songs in here? like mess around with the equipment? i have a guitar at home. will i be able to use it in here?

HOMURA from the future really left it at home.

CEO YANG : possibly. i'm not in charge of your schedule so i have no idea how much free time you'll have.

KUBO HOMURA : oh. i see.

CEO YANG : the next few floors are the same. the third through the tenth floor are all practice floors. the eleventh through the seventeenth are all office floors so you can't access those. the eighteenth through the twenty-fifth are dorm floors. i'd rather not show those because there are people living there so . . .

KUBO TOMOKO : oh, it's okay! we had a great tour and we know where everything is and i'm sure HOMURA will have a great time!

HOMURA smiles as a formality but to be honest, she was a little underwhelmed by the company.

it's not as grand as the big three but deep down, that's what she was hoping for.

CEO YANG : i'm glad to be of service to you. i'll walk you guys out. i hope you're excited, HOMURA. this will be a great experience for you.

KUBO HOMURA : yes. thank you.

she appears as polite as she can.

she knows her parents will get on her for her blunt attitude so she tries to make an effort.

who knows how long that one will last.

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