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╰•★나도 모르게 when you call my name
가슴 아프게 나의 심장이 쿵쿵

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╰┈➤Jay is the topper of the class. He always has been. Of couse it was a mistake that Kim Sunoo got the first rank in the finals. With an angry dad and a new found hatred for Sunoo, Jay tries every way to sabotage him, other than study of course. (High School AU)

╰┈➤tw : abuse, drunken abuse and drinking
╰┈➤please dont read if the content is triggering

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a lil smth to enjoy while i try to think of smth for i cant live without you.

Request by : Sweetie

Request : so lets say jay is topper and a perfectionsist.. enter kim sunoo.. and he got first rank ..and jay dad was dissappointed.. jay hated sunoo.. and then there come group project in which teacher put them togetherasnd now you can write something like that.. i love enemy to lover espically study rivalry..

this changed so fucking much, and please tell me if you want a rewrite or a separate fic-

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"Hey! Jay! Jay! Park Jongseong! You stop right there!"

Jay increased his pace as he almost ran through the hallways of their high school having absolutely no intention to listen to his best friend Heeseung right now. 

Heeseung finally caught up with him puffing and panting and looking supremely annoyed. He grabbed Jay by the arm and Jay wheeled around, to stare at his best friends slightly red face.

"What now?"  Jay questioned annoyed. "I swear to God Heeseung if this is about Soo hyun again I will end you right here and right now."

Heeseung waved a hand it the air. "Its not about Soo hyun. There's this absolutely adorable guy in the school, you have to see him. I think I have a crush on him." 

Jay rolled his eyes. "Dude have a crush on anything an everything under the sun. I do not want to listen to this bullshit again. Hell only knows how I've tolerated you with your new crush every single day."

Jay made to leave yet again but Heeseung grabbed him, and turned him around forcefully and not so discreetly pointed at a boy walking down the hallway talking with another boy from their class. 

Time slowed down for Jay, like it happens in those romantic K-Drama's. The boy had a beautiful smile, adorable squishy cheeks and a gorgeous voice, hair that bounced when he was excited like now. He was short in a cute way that told Jay he would be very huggable, and the school uniform looked unfairly beautiful on him.

"Who's that?" he demanded of Heeseung, with a dazed expression on his face. Heeseung smiled annoyingly. 

"Told you he was gorgeous."

"Yes but what is his name?"

"Why should I tell you? You were the one annoyed two seconds ago."

"Lee Heeseung I swear-"

"Alright, alright geez that's Kim Sunoo. He just transferred here the Nila Academy of Arts."

At that very moment Kim Sunoo walked up to them looking adorably shy. 

"Hey" he said in a soft, lilting voice that made Jay ascend to heaven.

"Could you please tell me-" he checked his time table, "-where class 949 is? I'm new here you see, so I don't know my way about yet."

Jay snapped out of his daze, as Heeseung pinched him in the side. "Thats your class you dumbass." Heeseung whispered. "I know that you spud, shut up!"  Glaring balefully at him, he turned to Sunoo and responded with a smile, "Yes, thats my class. Come on I'll show you the way."

Sunoo smiled back at him and Jay almost cried at how cute it was. "Alright then! My name's Sunoo by the way, Kim Sunoo."

"I know."


"I mean- I'm- My name's Jongseong, but you can just call me Jay" he said stuttering over his words.

Sunoo extended a hand and Jay shook it delighted at the opportunity to hold the boy's hand. 

"Come on, I'll show you the classrooms and everything." Jay put a hand on the smaller's boy's should and escorted him, glancing back and smirking at the look on Heeseung's face.

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"How dude, just how?"  Heeseung whined hours later as he and Jay both sat in the cafeteria at lunch. "I can barely even get Soo Hyun to even look at me and there you are walking away with one of my biggest crushes." He gave a dramatic sigh and waved his chopsticks around in the air obnoxiously. 

Jay shook his head in irritation, before bending down low over the English text book in front of him, pretending to peer at the chapter title, which scrunched up eyes showing way too much interest in the large the in front of his screwed up eyes. In reality he was concealing the grin that was blooming on his face. He and Sunoo were friends now, maybe, just possibly, with a teeny tiny miracle they could go to something more?

He certainly hoped so.

Months sailed by in that manner. Sunoo soon had not only Jay but also the rest of the school crushing on him. How couldn't they? A single bright smile from him and everyone would melt and give him whatever he wanted at that moment. 

Needless to say Jay didn't like that. By now, the two boys had developed a very close friendship. They went every where together, invited each other out for karaoke, and went for tebokkii later, which ended in the cart owner hitting them both over the head as they ran away laughing because somehow, they'd managed to stick one of the rice cakes soaked in sauce up the vendor's nose. Many people assumed that he and Sunoo were dating and Jay was getting tired of bellowing at people that he and Sunoo were not dating- they were just friends- no- shut up Doyoung!  He and Sunoo had become closer than family as Heeseung liked to put it, and Jay stayed near to him at all times. He was the Sunshine Protector, a nickname he'd given himself but got more infuriated every time he asked and Heeseung flat out refused to call him that. "No" he'd said, "I am not  calling you that, this is high school Jay, not the sandbox in the play ground. You're being childish" It was a week before Jay spoke to Heeseung again.

Exams were on right on top of their heads, and Jay was slogging harder than ever. The result would be declared in the newspaper, and the topper would have the whole front page to himself or herself. Jay's dad had told him that he'd better be there, or the belt would make an appearance again. Jay took this seriously because his father was not a man of empty threats.

Besides Heeseung, no one knew of the true nature of Jay's dad. He'd lost his mother when he was a baby, she'd died while giving birth to him, and the happily anticipated atmosphere of Jay's arrival, grew to hatred. The man who'd been the most excited to welcome his son, had grew to hate him, because the love that his dad had for him, before he was born was far exceeded by that of his wife. His dad blamed Jay  His had reluctantly raised him, because that had been his mothers dying wish. You could hardly call that a childhood though, he'd been beaten by his drunk dad on several occasions and there would be fresh marks every time something went wrong- or his dad got angry which was every week or so. He had to be top, he just had to.

He never dreamed that he would have competition for the first place. Jay wasn't one to boast, but it was a fact, a true fact, that he was the cleverest in the school. He ought to be in middle school right now, but had been bumped up three grades and was still better than most people his age. 

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Jay awoke to the piercing sound of his alarm clock, its shrill tone cutting through the silence of his room like a knife. He groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes as he tried to ignore the persistent beeping. It was Sunday, the day of rest, and the last thing he wanted to do was get out of bed.  Jay eventually dragged himself out of bed, wincing as the cold air hit his bare chest. He made his way downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he entered the kitchen. His father wasn't there, but the no fewer then five bottles of soju he'd drunk were lying on the kitchen table and and the kitchen reeked of alcohol. Pinching his nose he poured himself a glass of orange juice and took a seat on the table, trying to muster up the energy he would need for the upcoming week.

As he sipped his juice, a his phone pinged and lit up, it was a text from Sunoo.

Sun <3

Wanna meet for ramen later?
Sent 9:43 am

Oh hell yes!!

Sent 9:43 am

Read 9:44 am

Sent 9:44 am



Sent 9:44 am

Read 9:44 am


Sent 9:45 am

Our usual place?
Sent 9:45 am
Read 9:45 am

Mhm! See you then Jay!!
Sent 9:46 am

He felt grateful  Sunoo. Sunoo was like a breath of fresh air in his otherwise drab life. They had been inseparable since they met- they complemented each other perfectly. There was a certain comfort in knowing that Sunoo was always there for him, no matter what. Jay wished that things could be different between them, that maybe one day Sunoo would see him not just as a friend but something more.

But then he saw it. The headline that shattered his perfect little world. Sunoo's name, printed in bold letters across the front page of the newspaper. He felt a mixture of anger, jealousy, and despair wash over him as he read the article. It seemed that Sunoo had surpassed him in the exams; he had outshined him and come out on top. Jay's father was going to be furious. He would take it out on Jay, as he always did when things didn't go his way. And as he felt the unfamiliar knot of hatred forming in his chest, Jay realized that whatever feelings he had for Sunoo before had vanished completely. They were no more than distant memories, faded and worn from years of neglect.

Jay's father stumbled into the room, disoriented from his hangover. He snatched the newspaper out of his hands, his face contorting in rage as he scanned the article. "Is this what your mother died for?" he spat, pointing an accusing finger at Jay. "What is this? Why are you not the there boy? Who's this mother fucker over here? Was this what your mother gave her life for, to see her son become a useless nincompoop?" Jay wanted to say something, to defend himself or at least make his father understand how much pressure he was under too, but he knew it was useless. There was no point in trying to explain anything to someone who was so blinded by their own anger and jealousy. Besides he'd just get beaten up again if he dared to argue.

He watched as his father stumbled out of the room, muttering curses under his breath, and wondered how much worse it would get. Would it be the iron this time or the belt? Or the glass bottle? Or what if- fear seized him. The thought of losing Sunoo was almost unbearable, but it seemed that fate had already taken away so much from him. He didn't know how much more he could take.

Jay spent the rest of the day holed up in his room, trying to forget about the events of the morning. He sent a text to Sunoo he wasn't feeling well so he wouldn't be coming. He immersed himself in his studies, hoping that the familiar routine would provide some sense of normalcy. As the sun began to set, he heard a knock at the door. It was Sunoo, looking as carefree and confident as ever. Jay's heart ached as he saw the happiness in his friend's eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to open the door. He didn't want to face the inevitable confrontation. Instead, he stayed in his room, staring at the ceiling, wondering how things could have gone so wrong. He thought back to the start of the year, to the countless times they had laughed together and dreamed of the future. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. He wished he could go back, if only for a moment, to when things were simpler and they didn't have to worry about all of this.

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As the days went by, Jay tried to avoid Sunoo, dreading the conversation that would take place between them. Whenever Sunoo tried to approach him, he'd pretend to become deaf until the boy got fed up and gave up. He was also avoiding Heeseung, who fortunately took the hint and didn't bother him much, except of occasionally checking up on him, making sure Jay ate and drank and was taking care of himself. After Sunoo's umpteenth attempt to talk to Jay, Heeseung talked to the boy and told him that Jay was just a bit grumpy, and wouldn't talk to anyone right now. Sunoo seemed to understand, and didn't bother Jay after that, for which Jay was grateful to Heeseung for. 

The last straw came when an all school test was held and Sunoo came out on top yet again. What infuriated Jay more was the fact that he'd seen Sunoo cheat, he'd seen Sunoo use tiny bits of paper he'd hidden in various places. Any lingering affections for the boy vanished and Jay's hatred for Sunoo grew. He found himself plotting ways to make his life even more miserable, to take away anything and everything that brought him even a shred of happiness. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He was consumed by jealousy and rage, and it felt like there was no escape. One day, during a study session in the library, Jay slipped a note into Sunoo's bag. It was a fake confession, admitting that he had cheated on the test. He knew that if anyone found out, it would ruin Sunoo's reputation and cost him his spot at the top of the class. As he watched Sunoo's face turn pale with fear, he felt a twisted sense of satisfaction wash over him. It was petty and cruel, but it was the only way he could regain some sense of control over his life.

From then on, Jay tried to sabotage Sunoo's  spot at the top of the class in every way he could. Jay slipped a small note into Sunoo's backpack. It contained a crude drawing of a dead rat and the words "I know what you did." He made sure to sign it with Sunoo's name, hoping it would cause enough distraction to derail his friend's studies. The next day, Sunoo seemed distracted during class, and Jay felt a small twinge of satisfaction. But it wasn't enough. He needed more. Desperate to regain some control, deliberately sabotaged the group project that their class was working on, ensuring that both he and Sunoo would fail. But once again, Sunoo managed to turn things around, salvaging what he could and earning them a passing grade.

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Over the next few weeks, Jay escalated his efforts. He planted false information in Sunoo's research papers, rearranged his lab equipment, and even spread rumors about him around school. He watched as Sunoo's grades began to slip and his once-glowing reputation started to fade. It was a slow and methodical process, but Jay was determined to bring him down

He poured a tiny vial of clear liquid into Sunoo's bag, carefully hiding it among his books. The liquid was actually industrial-strength glue, but Jay knew that Sunoo wouldn't suspect anything. He watched as Sunoo didn't notice the vial until it was too late; he opened the his bag to grab a book and spilled the glue all over his hand. Jay smiled to himself as he saw Sunoo struggling to hold onto the bag and wipe the mess off.

As the weeks went by, Jay's tactics became even more devious. He planted false information in Sunoo's research papers, leading him down the wrong path and wasting countless hours of his time. He even went so far as to sabotage Sunoo's experiments, swapping out key chemicals with harmless substitutes or altering the settings on sensitive equipment. All the while, Jay would be there, watching from the sidelines, grinning to himself as he saw Sunoo's frustration grow. But it wasn't enough for Jay to simply ruin Sunoo's progress; he wanted to destroy his friend's reputation as well. He began to spread rumors about Sunoo around the school, claiming that he was cheating on tests and stealing ideas from other students. The whispers grew louder and more insistent, and soon even some of their former friends started to look at Sunoo with suspicion. Jay felt satisfied in the knowledge that he was tearing their once-strong bond apart, piece by piece.

Jay's hatred for Sunoo began to consume him. He found himself losing sleep at night, consumed by thoughts of revenge and paranoia. He would never admit it, but affection for Sunoo still lingered a little in his heart, hidden away in a corner. He knew that he had to find a way to end things, to put an end to their twisted game of cat and mouse once and for all. But how?

Then it all came crashing down.

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One afternoon, as Jay was once again trying to sabotage Sunoo's work, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around to see Sunoo standing there, his face etched with anger on each of his soft and lovable features. "What do you think you're doing?" Sunoo demanded, his voice shaking. "Don't you have anything better to do with your time? "Jay's heart raced as he realized that he had been caught red-handed. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Sunoo continued, his voice growing steadily louder. "I've been documenting everything you've done, Jay. Every time you've sabotaged my work, every lie you've spread about me. I have proof of everything, and one more time, just one more time and I will be going straight to the principal. I've had enough!"

Jay felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that if Sunoo went through with this, it would ruin both of their lives. "You don't understand," he stammered. "I was just trying to make things better between us. I never meant for it to go this far."Sunoo looked at him sadly. "Too little, too late," he said, his voice laced with sadness. "You've destroyed our friendship, Jay. And now you're going to pay for it." The words cut deep into Jay's heart. He knew that he had pushed Sunoo too far, and now there was no going back. As they argued, their voices rising in anger and despair, Jay felt as though he was watching his life unravel before him. He knew that he had to try and make things right, to find some way to make amends for all the pain he had caused.

Taking a deep breath, Jay began to speak, trying to apologize, but Sunoo cut across him.

"No Jay, I'm sorry, you just went to far. I can't forgive you for this."

Jay tried to explain, but Sunoo didn't listen. He turned around, attempting to leave before Jay burst out the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could even process what he was saying.

"At least you have a family who cares about you!"

Sunoo stopped, taken aback by this. He looked at Jay, confusion etching his features. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice shaking.

Jay looked up at Sunoo, his eyes filled with tears. He couldn't believe he was saying these words out loud. "I...I just wanted you to know that...I wasn't perfect either. My dad was abusive, and I never had anyone to turn to. He... he was the one who put me up to this. It was either this or the belt. My- my mother died when I was born, and he blamed me for her death. He got drunk every night and beat me up if I didn't do things his way, exactly as he wanted them done. I wanted to be there for you, to make things better. I thought I'd finally found someone exactly like me. I mean I do have Heeseung, but... he's just so different from me. But you and me, we were both really alike in nature. But I messed up so badly. I'm so sorry, Sunoo."

As the words left his mouth, Jay felt a weight lift off his chest. He hadn't meant to reveal this secret, but somehow it felt right. Sunoo's expression slowly changed from confusion to understanding, and then to pity. He gently wrapped his arms around Jay, pulling him close."Oh, Jay..." Sunoo whispered, his voice shaking. "I had no idea. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. I never meant to hurt you." mumbled Jay into Sunoo's shoulder.

He held Jay tighter, rubbing his back soothingly. Jay let out a shuddering sob, feeling the weight of his secrets and his guilt begin to lift. "I'm so sorry Jay, I should've tried to find out, but I never bothered too..."

 "It's not your fault, Sunoo. I should have told you sooner." 

Sunoo pulled back, cupping Jay's face in his hands. His expression was filled with compassion and understanding. "It's okay, Jay. It's okay to let it out now. We'll get through this together."

As Jay cried, Sunoo's heart ached for his friend. He couldn't believe how much pain Jay had been carrying around with him all this time. He vowed to do everything in his power to make things right between them. "It's going to be okay, Jay," Sunoo whispered, wiping away Jay's tears. "We'll find a way to deal with this together. I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere."

"B-but all of the things I did to you? All of the pain I caused you?"

Sunoo gave a small sigh. "We can't pretend everything's perfect now, lovely and dandy. I can't forget what happened, but I'll always be here for you. I promise you, Jay," he said, his voice steady despite the lump in his throat. "I won't hold any of this against you. We'll start fresh, just like we were before. But I need you to understand that I can't just forget everything overnight. It's going to take time for us to rebuild trust, and for me to forgive you completely."

Jay nodded, wiping away his tears. "I know. I understand. I'm sorry for pushing you too far, and for all the pain I've caused you. I just wanted us to be happy again, but I was so scared and I didn't know what to do." Sunoo sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. "I know you were, Jay. And I do appreciate you telling me about your dad. It changes everything, doesn't it? It explains so much." He paused, considering his words carefully. "I still need time, okay? But I'm willing to work on this, bit by bit, with you. We'll rebuild our friendship, piece by piece." Jay nodded, wiping the last of his tears. "Okay," he said softly. "I'll give you that time. I promise to be patient and understanding. And I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I've changed."

They sat in silence for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. The air between them felt less tense, but not quite comfortable yet. Jay could see the effort Sunoo was making to keep his emotions in check, and it only made him love his friend more.

"I'm really sorry for everything I've done, Sunoo," Jay repeated, not wanting to leave any doubts in his mind. "I promise I'll do everything I can to make it up to you. I'll be there for you, no matter what." Sunoo looked at Jay with a mix of hope and uncertainty. He couldn't help but feel a small spark of happiness, despite everything that had happened. Maybe there was a chance for them to repair their friendship after all.

"Thank you, Jay," he said softly. "That means a lot to me." He paused, then reached out and took Jay's hand in his own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Jay smiled weakly, feeling the warmth of Sunoo's skin against his. "I know it's going to take time, but I'm willing to give us both that chance."

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Day after day slid by and their talks became more natural, less strained.  Sunoo made an effort to include Jay in their group conversations, inviting him along on outings and asking for his opinion on matters big and small. Jay, in turn, tried to be more understanding and patient with Sunoo, not pushing him too hard when he needed space. Though Jay knew it was only a matter of time before Sunoo wanted to talk about his dad again.

One afternoon, as they were sitting together in the park, Sunoo finally felt ready to bring up the elephant in the room. "I want to talk to you about your dad," he said, his voice steady. "I know it's been hard for you, and I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what.

Hay looked at Sunoo gratefully, tears welling up in his eyes. "Thank you, Sunoo. It means a lot to me that you're willing to listen, and that you're not just pretending to forgive me." He took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. "I wish my mom would've lived. Maybe he'd have been less angry then. Sometimes, I can't help but feel like a piece of me is gone with her too. It's like I'm living in a world without color, you know?" Sunoo nodded, an understanding expression on his features. "I can only imagine how you feel. I'm sorry you had to go through that." He paused, considering his words carefully. "Do you want to talk about specific memories? Or is there anything you'd like to share about your relationship with him?"

Jay took a deep breath before answering. "There's so much I could say, but...it's hard to know where to start. One memory that stands out to me is when I was about eight years old. We were at the beach, and he got really drunk. He started shouting at me, calling me names, saying it was all my fault she died." His voice broke, and he had to fight back tears. "He pushed me into the water, and I couldn't swim. I thought I was going to drown."

Sunoo winced, unable to imagine the horror Jay must have gone through. "That's...that's horrible, Jay. I can't even begin to understand what that must have been like for you.""It was worse than anything," Jay said, his voice breaking. "He was always so cruel, even when he was sober. But when he was drunk...it was like he didn't even recognize me as his son. He'd just hit and hit, and I'd be crying and begging him to stop, and he'd just keep going."He paused, taking a shaky breath before continuing. 

"There were times when I'd hide in my room for days, just waiting for him to pass out so I could eat something or go to the bathroom. I'd listen to him talking to my mom's portrait, telling her how much he missed her and how he was trying to not hit me at times. And the whole time, I was just this invisible little kid, just wishing he'd love me even a little bit." Sunoo sat their horrified as he listened to his story. He couldn't begin to imagine the pain and loneliness Jay had endured all those years.  Had his dad been like that he wouldn't have been able to stand it. He couldn't imagine how Jay had just- well endured that all those ears. "I'm so sorry, Jay. You didn't deserve any of that. You didn't deserve to be treated like that by anyone, let alone your own father."

Jay looked away, tears streaming down his face. "I just wanted him to love me. I just wanted a normal family, you know? But it was never going to happen. Not with him." He wiped his nose on his sleeve, trying to compose himself. "I guess I'm still trying to figure out how to move on, you know? How to live my life without him in it, but also without her."

As they sat together in the park, Sunoo reached over and took Jay's hand in his. Jay looked up at him, surprise evident in his eyes. "I know it might not seem like much, but I promise you, Jay. I'll always be here for you. And so will Heeseung. I've talked with him as well.  And if you ever want to talk about it, or if you need someone to listen, I'm just a phone call away. You're not alone." Sunoo's words hung in the air, and for a moment, Jay felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He hadn't realized how much he'd needed to hear those words, to feel the warmth of Sunoo's hand in his own. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to him

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Hours turned into days, days to weeks, and weeks evolved into months, Jay and Sunoo found themselves spending more and more time together. They had become inseparable, always there for each other through the joys and sorrows that high school life seemed to bring with it. It was during one of these moments, as they sat in the school cafeteria surrounded by their friends, that Sunoo noticed a bruise on Jay's cheek. The look of horror that crossed his face made Jay's heart sink.

Sunoo leaned in close, his voice low and urgent. "Jay, I know you don't want to talk about it, but you can't keep going back there, you know? It's not safe for you." Jay looked down at his food, unable to meet his friend's gaze. "I'm serious, Jay. You need to get out of there. You can come stay with me, if you want. My parents would love to have you." Jay's eyes snapped up to meet Sunoo's, surprise etching lines into his brow. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sunoo had always been there for him, but this... this was a whole other level of support. "I-I couldn't," he stammered, shaking his head. "Your parents don't even know me. They don't want me there. I'd just be in the way."

Sunoo's expression softened, and he squeezed Jay's hand gently. "Jay, I know my parents don't know you very well yet, but they would love to get to know you. And even if they didn't, it wouldn't matter. You are my friend, and that's all that matters to them. Please, just think about it." Jay looked into Sunoo's eyes, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He couldn't remember the last time someone had been so understanding and supportive. He knew that Sunoo's family wasn't perfect, but they seemed to care about each other in a way that Jay had never experienced. Maybe...just maybe, it could work out.

"Okay," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'll think about it." Sunoo smiled, relief flooding his features, and squeezed Jay's hand even tighter. They shared a moment of silence, lost in their own thoughts, before the cafeteria erupted in laughter. The familiar sound jolted Jay back to reality.

Later that night, as Jay lay in bed, he couldn't help but replay the day's events in his mind. The thought of moving in with Sunoo and his family felt both terrifying and exhilarating. He knew that he couldn't continue living the way he was, but the prospect of starting over somewhere new was daunting. Just as he was drifting off to sleep, he heard footsteps approaching his room. His father burst into the room, his eyes wild with anger, reeking of alcohol."What the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted, grabbing Jay by the arm and pulling him roughly out of bed. Jay tried to protest, but his words were lost in the chaos that followed. His father's hands felt like iron as he pinned Jay against the wall, slamming his fists into his stomach and face. The pain was excruciating, and Jay could feel himself starting to black out.

As the beating continued, Jay's thoughts drifted back to Sunoo's offer. He had been so close to accepting it, to escaping this hellish existence. But now, as he lay helpless on the floor, he knew that he had made the wrong choice. The bruises from his father's hands would be the least of his worries now. The pain finally subsided, and Jay struggled to his feet. His vision swam, and his body ached in every muscle, but he had to get out. He had to find someplace safe. Someplace where he wouldn't be a burden on his friends or his family. He crept silently across the room, avoiding the creaking floorboards that would surely give him away. His hands trembled as he gathered his few belongings, tossing them haphazardly into a backpack. He couldn't think straight; all he could focus on was the need to get away from his father. 

Outside, the rain pelted down, creating a loud noise that drowned out the sound of his sobs. He ran, his lungs burning and his legs wobbling, until he finally reached Sunoo's house. He collapsed against the door, his body shaking uncontrollably from the cold and exhaustion. He raised his trembling hand to knock, but hesitated. What if Sunoo's parents didn't want him there anymore? What if they had changed their minds about letting him stay? He didn't know how much more of this rejection he could handle. 

His chest tightened, and hot tears streamed down his face. Just as he was about to turn away, the door swung open, revealing a disheveled-looking Sunoo in his pajamas. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Jay standing there, and for a moment, neither of them said anything. Finally, Sunoo stepped aside, ushering Jay inside. "What happened?" he whispered, his voice trembling with fear. Jay could only manage a broken sob as he collapsed onto the floor, his back against the door. Tentatively, Sunoo knelt down beside him, offering a hand to help him up. Jay took it gratefully, allowing Sunoo to pull him into a warm embrace. "It's okay," Sunoo murmured, rocking him gently. "You're safe now." He glanced over his shoulder, ensuring that his parents were still asleep. "Where did he find you?" Jay buried his face in Sunoo's shoulder, trying to control his shuddering breath. "He... he just came in and started hitting me," he managed to say between sobs. "I don't know why."Sunoo wrapped his arms tightly around Jay, trying to impart some of his own warmth to him. 

He leaned back against the door, careful not to wake his parents, and looked down at Jay. In the dim light from the hallway, he could see the bruises already beginning to form on Jay's face and arms. His heart ached for his friend. "Come on," he whispered, "let's get you to my room. You can sleep in my bed." Jay nodded, still too shaken to speak. Sunoo helped him to his feet and led him down the hallway. As they passed by his parents' room, Sunoo glanced nervously at the door, wondering if they'd heard anything. But they were both still fast asleep. 

He guided Jay into his room and closed the door quietly behind them. "Here," he said, handing Jay a change of clothes. "You can take a shower in my bathroom; my parents won't mind. And then, why don't you just stay here for a while? As long as you need to." Jay looked up at him, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding slowly. Sunoo turned on the bath and helped Jay undress, making sure to keep his friend's modesty intact. He poured in some lavender-scented bath salts, hoping it would help soothe Jay's injuries. Once Jay was in the shower, he gathered up his wet clothes and put them in the laundry basket. He then made sure to put fresh towels and a robe out for Jay. 

While Jay showered, Sunoo busied himself by making some hot chocolate, thinking that it might help warm Jay up. He added marshmallows and whipped cream, hoping to make it a bit more special. As the minutes ticked by, he tried to distract himself from the anxiousness he felt about Jay's father. He didn't want to think about what might have happened to Jay before he found him. Finally, there was a knock at the door. Sunoo's heart leapt into his throat, but it was only Jay, looking much more composed now that he'd had a shower and changed into dry clothes. He handed Jay the mug of hot chocolate and a warm smile. "Here," he said, "I made this for you." Jay accepted the mug gratefully, taking a sip before collapsing onto Sunoo's bed. He let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "Thank you, Sunoo," he whispered. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Jay took a deep breath, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "My dad's been drinking a lot lately," he began, his voice barely audible. "He's been really angry and... and I don't know why." He paused, swallowing hard before continuing. "He's always been like that, you know? But tonight... tonight it was worse. He just snapped."

Sunoo nodded, his heart aching for his friend. "I'm so sorry, Jay. I wish I could make it better." He squeezed Jay's shoulder gently, offering what comfort he could.

"It's not your fault," Jay insisted, his voice shaky. "I just... I don't know what to do. I can't go back there. Not after tonight." He took another sip of the hot chocolate, savoring the warmth as it spread through his body.

Sunoo wrapped an arm around Jay's shoulders, trying to comfort him. "You don't have to go back there," he assured him. "You can stay here as long as you need. My parents won't mind." He glanced at the clock, realizing it was already well past midnight. "In fact, I'll talk to them them in the morning and make sure they understand the situation."

Jay let out a shuddering breath, tears welling up in his eyes again. "Thank you, Sunoo. I don't know what I'd do without you." He wiped his face on the sleeve of his shirt, sniffling. "I'm so sorry for waking you up. For everything."

Sunoo shook his head. "It's okay. You shouldn't be sorry for coming to me. I'm just glad you're safe." He hesitated for a moment, then reached over and carefully wiped away a tear that had escaped down Jay's cheek. "We'll figure this out together, okay? We'll make sure your dad gets the jail time he needs, and we'll find you somewhere safe to stay."

Jay sniffed and nodded, grateful for his friend's support. He took another sip of the hot chocolate, the warmth spreading through his body, and tried to calm his racing thoughts. "I just... I don't know what I'm going to do," he whispered. "I've never been away from home before."

Sunoo wrapped his other arm around Jay, offering what comfort he could. "It'll be okay," he assured him. "We'll figure it out. And if you ever want to talk, I'm always here for you."As the night wore on, they talked about anything and everything, finding solace in each other's company. Eventually, exhaustion overcame Jay, and he drifted off to sleep, his head resting against Sunoo's shoulder. Sunoo watched over him, his heart aching for his friend but filled with a sense of determination to make things better.

──── ❈

Morning came too soon, but Sunoo knew he had to face reality. He carefully extracted Jay from his embrace, careful not to wake him, and laid him down on the bed. He grabbed a change of clothes from his drawers and helped Jay into them, making sure he was as comfortable as possible.

Then, with a deep breath, Sunoo went to his parents bedroom, they both were awake. He sat them down and started speaking. They, of course, were concerned about the late-night visit, but when Sunoo explained the situation, they immediately understood and offered their support. His mother assured Jay that he could stay with them for as long as necessary, and his father promised to speak with the authorities about getting Jay's father the repercussions he needed.

As the sun began to rise, the two boys sat together in the kitchen, eating the breakfast that Sunoo's mother had cooked for them and trying to calm their racing thoughts. Jay's face was still bruised from the beating, and he winced every time he moved. Seeing his friend in such pain tore at Sunoo's heart, but he remained strong, determined to make sure Jay was safe.

They decided that Jay would stay with Sunoo's family for the time being, at least until they could find a more permanent solution. Sunoo's parents welcomed Jay with open arms, treating him as one of their own. Another bed was put in Sunoo's room, so that he and Jay could be room mates without worrying about space. Still, the pair of them joined the two beds together and curled up every night, cuddling. 

As Jay lay in the bed, still slightly dazed from the night's events, he heard a knock on the door. His eyes fluttered open, and he squinted at the clock: it was already past noon. He had been asleep for hours. The knock came again, more insistent this time, and he forced himself to sit up, wincing as his battered body protested the movement. "Coming!" he croaked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and shuffling towards the door. 

He opened the door to reveal Heeseung standing on the other side, his expression a mix of concern and anger. Sunoo was standing beside him. "He wanted to meet you" said Sunoo gesturing at Heeseung. "Hey," he said, his voice low and gentle. "You okay?" He stepped inside, and Sunoo walked away closing the door behind him, perhaps louder than he'd normally have done. Heeseung stood taking in the makeshift bed arrangement in Sunoo's room, and his gaze fell on the bruises that were displayed, exposed on Jay's face. Jay flinched, feeling self-conscious under the older boy's gaze.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he lied, forcing a weak smile. "Just a little sore, that's all." Heeseung didn't seem to buy it, but he didn't push the issue either. Instead, he gestured to a bag in his hand. "I brought you some stuff," he said, setting the bag down on the bed. "I figured you might need some new clothes."

Jay felt a pang of guilt as he looked at the bag. He hated that Heeseung had gone out of his way to help him, but he was grateful nonetheless. "Thanks," he muttered, reaching into the bag and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "I owe you one." Heeseung shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "Don't worry about it," he said, sitting down on the bed beside Jay. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay." He paused, studying Jay's face. "So, what are you going to do now? About your dad, I mean."

It was a question that Jay had been asking himself since the moment he'd woken up. He knew that he couldn't stay with Sunoo's family forever; they had their own lives and didn't deserve to have him as a permanent guest. But he had nowhere else to go. His mom was gone, and his dad was... well, he didn't even know what his dad was capable of anymore. He hesitated before answering, trying to find the right words. "I don't know," he said finally. "I'm just... I'm still trying to process everything that happened. I don't want to make any rash decisions." Heeseung nodded, understanding.

──── ❈

The next few days passed in a blur of meals cooked by Sunoo's mom, walks around the neighborhood, and evenings spent curled up on the bed, watching TV or just talking. Jay felt a strange sense of belonging with Sunoo and his family, like he could finally exhale and just be himself. It was a welcome change from the tense, fearful atmosphere at home.But the weight of his situation never truly lifted, and the thought of facing his father again loomed like a dark lining in his silver cloud. He knew that sooner or later, he would have to confront the man who had given him life, and decide once and for all if there was any part of that life worth saving.

One evening, as they were watching a movie, Jay couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. He glanced over at Sunoo, whose face was inches from his own, and in that moment, he knew. His heart raced, his stomach flipped, and he felt a rush of heat spread through his body. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this way about anyone. As the credits began to roll, he turned to face Sunoo, the words caught in his throat. The younger boy met his gaze, a question in his eyes, and Jay found himself leaning in, their lips inches apart. 

He could feel Sunoo's breath on his skin, and the touch of their hands, intertwined on the couch. Time seemed to slow down as their lips finally met, soft and tender at first, before growing more urgent. Jay felt dizzy with desire as Sunoo's hands found their way up under his shirt, tracing gentle circles on his back. The kiss deepened, and Jay gave himself over to the sensation, lost in the moment. When they finally came up for air, they were both flushed and breathless. Jay stared into Sunoo's eyes, searching for some sign that he felt the same way he did. "I've wanted to do that for so long," he murmured, tracing his fingers along Sunoo's jaw. Sunoo smiled, a faint blush creeping into his cheeks. "Me too," he whispered. And in that moment, Jay knew that he had found a place where he belonged, with someone who understood him in a way that no one else ever had.

──── ❈

i... genuienly have no idea how a high skl romance turned into this... if you dont like it can always rewrite it

pls do comment lovlies ya'll comments are the reason i write and its kinda demotivating when no one bothers to comment

also a lil sum yall ought to know, im going on a two or three week hiatus, my holidays are ending and i have a lot of work to do-

for anyone here who is an army, moa, carat or stay, my works on ao3 include requests from all groups fandoms mentioned above. i cant change it here because of the cover but if you are a fan of any of these groups and want me to write about them, my @/ is exthernal.

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