Chapter 1

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~~10 months earlier~

Chains wrapped around her neck, locked in a cage. The cage was perhaps meant for a medium sized dog. The sun...Had never seen this place, not a breeze of wind kissed the interior of this dreadful area. The chains rattled against the bars as the female moved her ankles, bruised wrists as the cuffs had squeezed all feeling out of them. A door slammed open then groaned heavily as it shut soft padded footsteps echoed through the damp, moldy cave like room. The female glanced up at the stairs through the iron bars. A petite woman around '4' 5in stood on the stairs. Light blonde locks framed a heart shaped face. Piercing cat like green eyes looked at the female in the cage as she spoke with a musical voice.


The female without responding blinked silverstar hues blank and empty the love and admiration once there had vanished without a trace buried perhaps in the steel boxes in her mind. The woman pulling at the hem of her shirt spoke once more a bit more forceful

''Lunettea are you ready?''

The female nodded there wasn't a thing more she could do. Another day maybe this day will be different maybe it will come to an end the female oh so hoped it would but she knew deep down this was not the case. The woman pulled the key from her neck and approached the cage in a swift manner, her steps hurried as the unpleasantness shone clearly on her pale features. The cage opened in a swift motion the female could do nothing but wait for the chains to fall but it would be different this time. The woman unlocked the chains

''Come on now we wouldn't-'' The woman was abruptly cut off as the female had severed into millions of pieces with a layback ability the woman's once head. The female had then decided to sit on the stairs waiting for that man to come knowing he would. Hours had passed as the female had sat there she wondered how long she had been entrapped in this deathcase of a place. Even more so what was she? The door slammed open with rage as a male stormed down the staircase.

''Rainia! Where the hell is she!!'' The female slipped into the shadows from the day she was born. She was locked in this cage before she could talk; she learned to wield a sword before she could walk; she learned to silently yet effectively kill all because of this man. As he descended the staircase the female had silently observed him.

"Rainia!"the male shouted red hues scanned the surrounding area for the female he so deseperatly called for but not a single word had been uttered to his replies. Finally he approached the cage to find it completely empty and barren with the unrecognizable body lifeless strewn across the ground. Well headless to be percise. The female had spoken but kept her place in the shadows moving

"She is nothing but a pawn of yours no? Like the Queen of the White knights I took her out to give her what she deserved" The male whom had gingerly picked up the lifeless Rainia spoke

"Deserved? To be killed. I think you've lost a bit of your mind down here."The female had continued to move her form melting into the shadow's it was almost impossible to sense her...almost..

"No she deserved the mercy of a quick death to escape your claws."The male chuckled darkly

"I'm not sure your way of killing is merciful dear" The female had kept watching the male's movements as to ensure her own safety.

"It was swift and quick nothing could be more merciful to someone whom needed freedom."WIthout the female's notice the male had sifted behind her in an instant after locating her, left behind was the lifeless body as he pinned down her arms and enbraced her in a tight magic bubble. The female smirked as she threw her head back hitting the male smack in the middle of the head. The male had released his hold on her his magic faltering. With that faulter the female took the moment to steal the male's dagger from his hip and stab his chest. The male before she could sifted to the other side of the room breatheless.

"It seems you've been taught well Lunettea." The female nodded.

"I learned on my own." She then lunged towards him. The male grinned

"Then meet again we will" The male vanished into a glittering silver mirror before it shattered.

"Damn it...." The female walked up the stairs pushing the doors open. How long had it been since she'd had something to eat or drink a week at most. The moment she opened the door warm sunlight greeted her for the first time her lips curved into a small smile how ''How I've longed to feel you.'' The female had felt a moment of pitty as she walked into the warm bath rinsing the dried blood from her hair and nails. Finally having this warm luxury she's never experienced in warmth instead of the frigid ice cold water she had been accostumed to. She had looked through the drawers to find nothing her size Rainia had been at least 2 feet shorter than her. So she took from the male's closet whom was closer to her height she had never known his name she had just called the male "Him or just male" due to the reasons she hadn't known his real name. The female had just wipped together a sandwich sitting down on the couch she had found while exploring this house.

"You should really use stronger spells your wards are a bit weak" The female whirled to face the voice her sword pointed directly at their neck. The male smiled amusment glinted in his violet hues he raised his hands in surrender not before running a hand through his silver locks.

"Please do calm down M'lady. My name is Raikouzuki Zariel. Zariel our Raikou will do may I know your name?" Hesitantly the female spoke without lowering her sword.

"Lunettea. "

"Luna it is but could you please lower your weapon I promise I mean no harm." Slowly the female lowered her blade from the male's neck.


"What a charming man you are Rai." The female jumped in surprise as the voice had come from behind her as she spun to face it. This male had dark chocolate brown locks and golden amber hues.

"Atlas you shouldn't startle a lady." The male scoffed.

"If this is a lady then the world's coming to an end." Zariel sighed softly before speaking.

"Luna this is my older brother Atlilane Atlas. Atlas this is Lunettea she's the one we've been searching for and the one I ate ZEW's flesh for" Atlas inclined his head to a polite bow before he chuckled softly.

"No, you didn't have to eat the flesh it was just something I wanted to see you do."

"...................." Zariel walked outside to do some things.

"I do apologize for the intrusion Lunettea."

"...It's fine..."

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