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Two lovers,One heart,
Reunited at last,
At the fall of the last star,
The forgotten past,
shines it's light,
coming to an end
given a choice
both must choose
she must protect
he must let go

The female pushed through the bushes her pace hurried. Twigs and branches snapped and cracked under her pressure. Her thoughts drift never settling on the raging beast behind her. A single thought rested in her mind would she make it to the men she was desperately trying to return to? How she longed to hold one of them in her arms. The beast howled in laughter as it approached and gained ground closing in on the female. Silent tears streamed down her pale complexion, fear overtook her being and adrenaline coursed through her veins. As she ran and ran the beast like creature grew closer and closer a man appeared and grabbed the girl's arm and sifted to another place entirely. ''Are you fucking out of your bloody mind woman!'' The male's dark brown locks twinkled silver under the dimly lit lamppost draping over his eyes. His face contoured in anger yet fear shone in his benevolent golden amber eyes. The female ignoring his words lunged into the male's arms sobbing. Her tears fell in giant clear crystal drops from her silverstar hues.

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