Chapter 19

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24 November 2005

I turned 7 today , I didn't knew Mom was preparing this for me . I always wondered what's mom doing with that notebook, I was really curious .

I love you mom and dad , really .

I have many things to write but i don't know from where should I start .

First of all , I m really crying at the words Mom had written . I wish I can love you more than anyone else in the whole world . You are the best.

The birthday went good . Tae bought a doll for me , like really a doll , can't he just bring chocolates. Anyways , the doll is really pretty omo , she sings and dances too .

And here lemme utilize the printer that Mom gifted to me .

*the pics of YN's birthday along with Tae were supposed to be here 💔*

Tae and me

02 February 2006

I hate when the teacher was ordering on me to clean the black board, I didn't like it . Plz God, I don't want to clean the board again.

10 March 2006

I miss you dad , when will you come back .

27 August 2006

Omg , I went to Tae's house today . His bungalow is same like our bungalow in Japan . I want to go to Japan too .

Aunt was too good to me , she made me delicious cookies and cake . Well his house isn't much far . We can meet in the evenings too since it's too close to our apartments.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

15 October 2006

Ewww , today was parent teacher meeting . I scored good marks but the teacher complained that I talks a lot . Can't we children have freedom to do what we want . I want to be adult soon.

28 December 2006

What is an annual function?

29 December 2006

Oo , so I have to dance in a bunny costume and Tae ...haha...what is with that carrot costume . He looked funny .

28 March 2007

Second class , wow I have grown up .

01 June 2007

Why does mom chose my clothes to wear , can't I wear clothes of my choice?

07 August 2007

Sorry , mom I lied but I got 2 marks less . You will scold me , I am scared .
(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ

10 August 2007

Wait , whatever I writes how come mom gets to know that.

02 September 2007

We fell from the bicycle today and i got hurt on upper stomach . On that bone , I don't know what do we call that , but I think mom called it Ribs . I got a wound over here . Does that mean I cannot go to school tomorrow. Tae didn't got hurt , thankgod .
(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ

03 September 2007

It's hurting a lot .

05 September 2007

I got a scar over there , is it ugly ?
(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ

23 December 2007

I will gift you a crab toy on your birthday :' , Kim Taehyung.

01 January 2008

Tae spilled water on my face from his mouth , he is too dirty ewww . I won't talk to him.

07 January 2008

Oh , I just got to know that Mama reads my diary . Don't worry I will hide you.

17 February 2008

I saw a crossing guard uncle , he wore blue coat and a red hat . I waved at him .

12 March 2008

i was eating dried chickpea and i dont know what got into me...instead of feeding my mouth i put it into my ear!!!

I was admitted in the hospital and was given anasthesia cause my left ear had to be operated...
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

24 March 2008

That crossing guard uncle always stands on the same place . Don't he get tired . Anyways as always I waved at him again .

25 March 2008

Yurk , what is Porn ? Tae didn't told me

1 April 2008

Dad and mom woke me up in the morning as they always did. I asked them, "can I skip school today?" .

Dad responded: "Of course you can, if you get up, get dressed and make your bed quickly enough." I credulously believed him, and did everything as fast and efficiently as I could...And then I learned that it is April Fools Day, and I had just 30 more minutes before I had to go to school.

20 May 2008

So , today Mom came to pick me up from school and she saw me while I was waving on that uncle .
He wasn't an uncle , he was a mailbox with a red hat on it .
I am getting my pair of glasses today ㅠㅠ

23 May 2008

What a hectic day .

25 June 2008

We will be going on a school trip yayy.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


*YN promoted to 3rd standard*


02 March 2009

I met a new girl today , New admissioned , Min Yoonji , she is too cool . I wanna be friend of her .
ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎

04 March 2009

We became friends . She is too savage . She loves to sleep a lot and she loves tangerines also :))

And she is so cute hehe , she looks like cats . She told me that she have a pet dog , Min Holy and it's brown in color . I wanna meet him .

19 August 2009

Tae and Yoonji got punishment today . Dorks , didn't stopped chatting when the teacher was teaching .

09 March 2010

Yayy , Yoonji's birthday party
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

28 March 2010

We made a new friend Jung Hoseok . He is too cute , his smile is so charming . He is so handsome . He is from Gwangju

08 May 2010

Woah! I watched porn today . Yurk , it didn't had any storyline wtf...only lust , how idiot those director nim are .

24 June 2010

Exams again . ㅠㅠ they should die .

24 July 2010

Finally we are going to meet Grandmaa , I missed her so much . And my friends will also go with us . I am sooooooo happy . So so happy . They will meet Grandmaa, she will love them for sure.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

06 August 2010

She made honey candies for me . She is too sweet . She is growing older too .should I ask her to come and live with us ? But she denies
:( everytime .
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

08 August 2010

We went to collect flowers :)) it was really fun.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

28 August 2010

Really? the last day of vacation ? how come so soon , they just started .

02 October 2010

Tae was looking too sad . He didn't even ate his lunch . Is something going in his mind. He should tell me . I will ask .


28 December 2010

One good news and one bad news .
Good one , Tae is going to live in the next apartment. I am really really happy. Like really .

Bad one ,Tae's parents are going to Japan and that's the only reason Tae will live here so that Mom and I can take care of him .
I feel bad for him .

I will take care of you , TaeTae : )
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


07 September 2011

Tae's mom gifted him a Black and tan Teacup Pomeranian , he is soooo cute, Yeontan will be his name, we both decided.

I will take care of him too .
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎



08 March 2016

Really really hilarious day of my life ㅋㅋ

My new classmate bumped into me , he was in a hurry . Then we were standing under the tree and some ㅋㅋ some monkeys peed on us ㅋㅋㅋㅋ....

He i̶s̶ t̶o̶o̶ c̶u̶t̶e̶ h̶o̶t̶ h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ b̶t̶w̶ r̶o̶s̶e̶ l̶i̶p̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ h̶e̶ i̶s̶ t̶o̶o̶ t̶a̶l̶l̶ a̶n̶d̶ s̶e̶x̶y̶

He has lips like monkey's butt ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


09 March 2016

My princess is going to be legal ,wow . When will I turn 18

10 March 2016

Oh my Goddddd , Jungkook was looking so hot , I mean hotter than Taehyung . But lemme shut my mouth because Hobi was looking hottest .

Also i dont remember much because I was tipsy and I don't even know who threw me in my house . And my head is paining a lot. All I remember is Jungkook looking hot as fuck .

And mom is scolding me since I woke up . Anyways thankgod we have to study at Tae's house .


10 March 2016

Oh my lord , I I.... was I so drunk that I clicked my oreo ewww selca and sent it to Yoonji and that bastard way .

What happened to Tae today , he was behaving weired and was asking rubbish questions. First of all , I was so embarrassed because my underwear fell infont of Jungkook and I was yelling like witches at him . This was sooo embarassing .
But thankgod he didn't saw my oreo eww selca and I finally unsended it .


11 March 2016

World Wide handsome Jin = Guy who can buy you chocolates but with your own money

Jimin = cute pervert boy , kinda my type but I didn't felt butterflies in my stomach, so no .

Ummm , what happened to Jungkook , he caressed my hair out of no where, I mean we were just going to his house and ....I felt weired ....shy?! Was I feeling shy ?? But why would I.


12 March 2016

Daisy and Jungkook were smiling while talking .... I am curious . He didn't even looked at me today . I mean he always looks at me , he is in our friend circle but we don't talk much , but today he didn't even looked at me .

Is he and daisy having something something?!


02 April 2016

I feel weired around him , around Jungkook. Why??


07 May 2016

It's been a few weeks since Jungkook came and I don't feel normal around him . I mean I dunno how I feel around him . I feel as if I am getting heated from inside . Do I like him ??
But why is he ignoring me ?? I feel bad and curious.


14 August 2016

Ummm....btw i never thought Jungkook to be this kind of caring guy , I mean I didn't thought about him that much but my mind is full of him today .

The way he cared while I got my periods when I was at his home . I feel butterflies in my stomach, I can feel it really .

The way he was sitting too close to me when I was laying on the couch , the way i opened my eyes and his eyes were at me , omg . Am I just falling for him ? No no no .

But he even bought me pads , he gave my heat patches and pills too .

Anyways ,I totally forgot to write about Tae who came into my room while I was changing ㅠㅠ .

15 August 2016

Oh no no , Tannie baby dumped my used pads on Jungkook ㅋㅋㅋ

20 August 2016

Our school was on fire , it's a long story but I can't write today, I am tired .

24 August 2016

So today's topic is Jungkook.

Is he smart ?
•Is he handsome ?
•Long legs?
Tall ?
Is he funny?
😂 yes , effortlessly funny, he was staring at my underwear as if he was about to worship it
•Do he behaves nicely towards me?
Yes, but he is ignoring me
Does he have a long dick?
👁👄👁 I haven't seen but I am sure he have , let's confirm it in future .
•Has he ever brought chocolates?
🤔No but Tae had always so, this point doesn't matter
•Is he caring?
A lot .
Not sure .
How many girls he have dated before? Don't know but he kissed a girl , he told it while playing Truth and dare
Do I feel happy around him?
It's a mashup of happy, excited , shy , weired ,awkward and funny feelings.
Did he ever tried to flirt with me?
Maybe , why not I am hot after all 🙄
▪︎Do he crush me back ?

Topic over

28 August 2016

I like him .....I like him sooo much but why is he ignoring me again . Don't he like me too ? I just can't with my feelings .

Should I tell to Yoonji ? But she is busy with Hobi these days and vice versa.

Should I tell to Tae ? But he is busy with his phone these days .

Mom? But she ships me with Tae ....Tae hahaha , we are like siblings really why does she even ships us .

06 October 2016

Should I make a move ? But what if he rejected me ?

07 October 2016

I am going to play the role of Cinderella and Tae will be my prince . Yayyy .... it will be fun
Hobi will be performing dance and Yoonji is in makeup team ... and Jungkook didn't told me so I don't have any idea .

02 November 2016

I am tired they made us practise a lot ㅠㅠ

22 November 2016

Why am I getting a feeling that none of them remember my birthday ㅎㅎ

23 November 2016

They don't gave any sign for my birthday. Do they even know that I was also born like humans instead of getting dropped from a UFO . Btw we have to go on school trip so maybe they forgot out of excitement.

25 November 2016

Oh my Goddddd.
It was just the best birthday ㅠㅠ ever . Firstly Mom planned a surprise but because of school trip she just celebrated my birthday in the morning only .
I love you Mom . I love you so much .

Then , all of my friends also I came except Jungkook but but but

Jungkook....he fucking proposed me and I am 18 , I am in a relationship and I am happy . Very happy . He is too Romantic aaaaadgjjkjfhkkchjjxvnkkk

20 December 2016

I am so happy Dad finally came to Korea . I missed him so much . It felt so good with him and Mom and seeing both of them happy . But he us only here for 2 days then he will come back after a month maybe.

25 December 2016

I am gonna land in hell for sure . We did it . Omg I can't believe. He was so good but I think he wanted everything to go with a flow and I was in a hurry .
Well, the feeling was really amazing. ♡

01 January 2017

We can't spend much time together because our exams will be starting soon and we have to study for KSAT too :( . I miss Jungkook

12 February 2017

Okay so since the valentine week is going on I buyed a gift for Jungkook. It's basically a boyish version of the locket he gave me on my birthday. Though I don't like valentine day shit so I already told him not to do something weired . And after all we have our last exam on valentine day so I don't want him to repeat 12 class .

19 February 2017

Yayy .... I am soo happy because we will be going on a d-


And that was the last thing she wrote . She didn't even completed the last entry .

Why? Because when she was writing , her Dad suddenly came to her room to take her out for dinner so she hid the Journal in her bag for the meantime . And when she came back she forgot to complete the entry .

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Sorry for a late update but I am still not able to attach the pics so I decided to make an album part that I will publish if the bug didn't occurred.

Sorry for the typos and if sth isn't making logic like dates and all but yeah they are making sense so 😂

And guys you know what a tragedy happened to me . Last night I was writing the Epilogue of Sleep but i was writing it in notes not on wattpad 😭😭😭 and when I woke up the note wasn't there . It's okay since I remembered what exactly I wrote but I literally wasted my 2 hours of my sleep just for this Sleep .

I hope you loved the chapter .

Any confusions or if you didn't understood something I will explain here . Pls comment .

And I hope you all liked the surprise, hehe .

I made it a long time ago but some editing was left .

Also ,if you haven't watched the trailer yet please do watch . It's in the header and in the first chapter also and also in the last chapter "SURPISE" 😂😂

Borahae 💜

Happy Namjooning day in advance.

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