Chapter 25

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"I will drive , you sit at the back with her ." Taehyung said, sitting at the driver's seat .

"But you're drunk ." Jungkook said , opening the door for Taehyung to come out .

"But-" Taehyung was about to say something  again but got interrupted by Jungkook .

"It's okay , take care of her . I will drive ."

He sighed before coming out . Taehyung was feeling his heartbeats getting faster , he didn't knew why this was happening.

Taehyung was sticked to the window because Jungkook had layed Jiwoo in such a way that she was occupying the whole backseat.

Jungkook looked back after wearing the seat belt "heyyy, why are you in the corner . She will fall down ." He tsked.

"Make her sit and put the seat belt around her ."

Taehyung nodded and made her sit but her head kept floating in the air so he softly kept it on his shoulder .

Taehyung's face was very close to Jiwoo, but her face was blocked by her hair strands. He braided her hair and tied them in a loose braid.

He didn't had a rubber band but her hair were already a mess as a result they were rough, keeping the braid alive.

Taehyung gave a proud smile to Jiwoo, who was not even conscious.

Jungkook avoided looking at them and turned to face infront .

After wearing the seat belt himself too , Taehyung nodded at Jungkook through the rear view mirror.

Jungkook adjusted the mirror so that he was able to see Jiwoo's face now.

Inserting the key , he started the engine . More than the road Jungkook was looking at Jiwoo whose head was resting at Taehyung's shoulder .

"Please don't do this to me-" Taehyung looked at Jiwoo who was murmuring something .

Her eyes were still closed, she crossed her arms at her chest as if she was protecting herself from getting attacked .

"No one is gonna do anything to you" Taehyung tucked her hair strand behind her ear and holded her hands .

Jiwoo's head was in Taehyung's nape while Taehyung's head was slightly titled above her head .

Jungkook couldn't help but look them in the mirror , he felt something burning inside his chest but again , Tae was his friend with no bad intentions and Jiwoo was just another girl .

Her house was a bit far from there so it took them about twenty minutes to reach .

Parking the car infront of the bungalow, both of them got out of the car .

Jungkook was the first one to come to Jiwoo and unbelt her . Bringing her small frame out of the car , he held her in bridal style .

While Taehyung locked the car and came after Jungkook.  Taehyung pressed the door bell and when the door opened he stepped aside revealing Jungkook and Jiwoo .

"Jesus! Is Miss.Kim alright?" Mrs. Chan, the same lady that opened the door few day back for Jungkook , said .

Jungkook nodded as he didn't wanted to reply her and stepped inside. He knew where her room was so he headed towards her room .

The maid looked at Taehyung who also stepped inside after Jungkook , "is Miss. Kim alright?" She asked from Taehyung .

"Was it looking like?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and rushed to follow  Jungkook , who was already at the stairs .

Taehyung opened the door when Jungkook signaled him to do so.

Jungkook placed her at the mattress and stood there looking at her face , thinking about how jolly she was when he saw her last time .

Taehyung was still thinking that Jiwoo is Yn but he didn't had any proof .

Jungkook was not going to believe him for sure as he already cleared that . But Taehyung wasn't convinced by anything .

'If she is YN then why didn't she recognized anyone of us ?

Why is her name Jiwoo?

Oh wait !! Did the maid called her Miss. Kim ?? Why ?? Why is her last name Kim??

And the main question is if she is YN then how?'

All these questions were making his head spin . He shooked his head to come out from the thoughts and started looking here and there in her room .

At one wall there was a huge picture of Jiwoo with her mother . That made him think for that instant that she is really a look alike .

'Yeah she isn't.  Jungkook was right .' He thought.

Both of them looked simultaneously at the door when it opened and revealed Mrs. Chan .

"Ma'am please make her change her clothes , she is drunk." Jungkook said before looking back at Jiwoo .

"Where is Miss. Sakurada?" She asked , Taehyung and Jungkook knitted there eyebrows in confusion.

"Who?" Taehyung asked , tilting his head to his left.

"Miss. Kim's friend !"

"Sakura-what?!" Jungkook didn't heard the name in first time.

"Sakurada?? We don't know , we saw her alone or maybe if she was with someone the place was so crowded and we didn't noticed" Taehyung explained .


It was 2 am in the morning,  Jungkook was sleeping soundly though he wasn't able to sleep at first but as the time passed he felt asleep.

Taehyung was awake , his whole body was itching and it was irritating him . He regretted consuming that half glass of whisky .

But he didn't cared about it as he was trying to recall Jiwoo's face and that scar .

Memories of the day when they both fell while biking danced infront of his eyes . He remembered how worried YN was at first when she thought Tae got hurt but then suddenly she got happy forgetting about her own pain after finding Tae was alright .

He remembered the feeling of being lonely again , YN didn't came to school for few days. He had to eat his lunch without sharing and without talking because he only had one friend , that too ,YN.

A part of him was telling him she isn't what he is thinking while the other was telling him to dig her history.


Jiwoo buried her head under the pillow and sticked her knees to her chest , curling into a ball .

Her brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of her skull and again her stomach lurched and gurgled.

"Perhaps some painkillers would help" raising her heavy eyelids half way only for them to fall shut. She raised them again and swung her bare feet to the carpet.

Reaching till the drawer she searched for painkillers but there were none. Tears dwelled in her eyes, the pain was getting uncontrollable. 

She held her mouth to stop herself from gagging, she didn’t know why she felt her chest tightening so much .

She sat on the floor with a loud thump , clenching her hair with her hands in order to lessen the pain .

But no .

It won't work .

She rushed towards the vanity when she felt like throwing up.

She puked everything she consumed last night . Looking at her pale and dull face in the mirror , she wanted to shed tears .

Why is it happening ? Why is my head hurting so much ?

Then she realized, she had migrane.

*Migrane: a headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.*

She felt so weak even to walk, she crawled till the nightstand to find that her Migrane pills were there .

It might work , she thought before swallowing one pill with water .

Keeping the glass back at the nightstand her eyes fell at the digital watch that glowed 2 am .

She don't know what happened after that all she felt her eyes getting shut while she was laying at the floor .


"MISS. KIM?? Oh JESUS!" the maid got worried when she saw Jiwoo lying unconscious at the floor .

She quickly ran to her, checked her breath to make sure she isn't dead .

"KWON!!" She yelled , calling another worker .


"Please , just for today ." Taehyung pleaded .

"I said NO! this is the last time I am replying to you, understand." Jungkook sighed before looking at Taehyung .

Taehyung was pleading, to go along with Jungkook as he was leaving for Jiwoo's house .

Whinning like kids , Taehyung didn't stopped pleading yet emotional blackmailing Jungkook , since he woke up.

"But why can't I go along with you . I just want to see her . Why are you acting so rude ?" Taehyung asked impatiently .

He didn't know why but he felt very close to Jiwoo when he saw her for the first time .

When he found out that Jackson was clicking her pics , he wanted to kill him right there , maybe he would have thought same if that happened to any other girl too .

But when he saw her last time in the club , tripping over him , he felt his heart pounding very hard . He didn't wanted to let her go , somehow he thought he is giving her warmth from the crowd .

He was so mesmerized in her beauty , not because he was falling for her but because he was lost in her features finding the truth behind this situation of her .

And when he realized that she was missing he got impatient,  though he thought it was because of consuming alcohol but the truth was he got worried .

Somehow that incident reminded him of the last time he was with YN , when he asked her to wait for him no matter how late he gets , he wanted to share his love story with his best friend , YN.

But she didn't waited for him.

"Why? And why do you want to see her ? Who is she to you ? And why shouldn't I act rude when you are treating her like - like- like you used to treat YN ?" Getting pissed off , Jungkook yelled making Taehyung close his eyes with a jerk .

"Just get lost!" getting annoyed Taehyung said and went to the balcony.

Jungkook was fitting his guitar into the car when his eyes automatically turned upwards at the balcony .

Taehyung was looking at Jungkook but when Jungkook suddenly looked at him he turned his face to left with a jerk , giving 'Fuck off BITCH!' Look to Jungkook and shutted the door forcefully  making a loud noise .

Jungkook sighed at Taehyung's childish behavior and pulled himself inside the car.


"It's okay if she isn't well I will be leaving." Jungkook replied to Mrs. Chan who shooked her head.

"No no! She asked me to tell you not to leave without meeting her." Mrs. Chan said to Jungkook who was slightly worried after hearing that Jiwoo isn't well.

Jungkook kissed his teeth , he thought for a while before nodding and entering.

Standing infront of the door of her room he knocked it with his knuckles, when no one responded even after knocking the door thrice , he turned to leave .

"J-jungkook-ah" he heard a familier girly voice .

He turned to face the room again only to find that Jiwoo was standing there,  she looked pale and her body was supported by the door frame to help her stand.

"Heyy..." Jungkook raised his voice "why do you have to come to the door when you're not even able to stand properly. "

"My room was locked so I didn't-" she was stopped by Jungkook when he held her shoulders to help her move till the bed.

She smiled seeing that Jungkook can be caring too.

She lifted her legs up to hide them inside the quilt .

Jungkook was standing a meter away from her , she patted the mattress beside her in order to invite him for sitting.

Jungkook hesitated at first but when Jiwoo sighed and stared at him madly, he had no option but to sit.

"Thankyou" she looked at her hands while playing with her fingers "Jungkook" calling his name , she looked him straight in his eyes.

For one second , Jungkook was stunned by the eye contact as they were so close and also because when she called his name this time , it sounded so magical and deep making him consider his own name mysterious.

He gulped when Jiwoo blinked between their eye contact.

Jungkook cleared his throat and pulled himself a bit far from her, maintaining a clear distance.

"Why are you thanking me?" Jungkook asked coldly.

"To help me get rid of Jackson and drop me home." Jiwoo smiled awkwardly .

Jungkook didn't expected her to remember, he raised his eyebrows when she mentioned Jackson.

"It wasn't me." He looked as if he was sad , that it wasn't him who saved her .

"IT WASN'T YOU?" Jiwoo asked , shocked by what Jungkook said .

'Wait ?! It wasn't he who saved me
Then why do I remember his face ?

Why do I feel like he was the one I wrapped my arms around while he was carrying me.

Why do I think I saw him in the rear view mirror taking glances of me

Or was I fucking dreaming about him'

Jiwoo frowned while remaking all the scenarios in her mind .

"It was my friend,  Tae- Taehyung. " Jungkook looked at her while speaking Taehyung's name to observe her reaction .

"T- Taehyunggg?" She stuttered, as if she was confused because all she remember was Jungkook .

Some hazy memories were coming infront of her as she stressed trying to recall last night.

She remembered felling onto a strong unfamilier yet familier chest . She felt warm in his embrace but she didn't remember the face clearly. 

It was blurry for her but because Jungkooks face was more familier she somehow mistook him as Jungkook.

She was interrupted while thinking when Jungkook cleared his throat again.

"Oh! Can you help me to meet him." She asked chewing her lower lip.

'She didn't even remember his face, do she remember what else had happened to her?' He thought.

"It's okay if he deny-" Jiwoo was stopped in between when Jungkook nodded while saying,"i will tell him to meet you."

"Jiwoo-" Jungkook hesitated while speaking, thinking that it might sound wrong or embarrassing to her.

He didn't knew how to ask her, though she had mentioned that 'to help me from Jackson' but did she remember what Jackson actually did.

"Huh?!" Jiwoo raised her eyebrows slightly in order to respond.

"You remember-" Jungkook hesitated "like whatever happened yesterday?"

Jiwoo gulped and looked at Jungkook who was waiting for her to speak.

"Jackson slapped me infront of everyone and someone saved me from him." Jiwoo said while looking at the floor, her thumb automatically traces the bruise on her lip.

Jungkook looked to the opposite side as he sighed after listening her, 'Why did she drank when she can't even handle?'

"What? Isn't it true?" She pouted looking at Jungkook who was avoiding her eyes, and trying think how to tell her, or will it be good to tell her.

"Jungkookah" she cupped Jungkook's face to made him face her.

Wide eyed Jungkook gulped, looking into her eyes, locking them for three seconds before freaking out.

"D-Don't touch my face." Sitting straight he combed his hair in nervousness. His face was all red till now.

"Listen Jiwoo!" She looked at him with her puppy eyes.


"Actually?" Jiwoo's heartbeats were getting faster, her senses told her to prepare herself for facing a truth that might fright her.

She chewed her lower lip as Jungkook's eyes dropped at her lips. He shooked his head to concentrate on telling her.

"Jackson harassed you. He was trying to physically intimate with you and he was about to do bad things but-" Jungkook paused to look at her.

"But?" It sounded as if she was about to cry.

"But Taehyung, my friend, saved you. It's him." Jungkook closed his eyes, he didn't wanted to see a girl crying infront of him.

"T-Taehyung" Jiwoo repeated his name while looking at the floor "Physically?? Jackson?" She muttered.

Suddenly her head started aching, she closed her eyes in pain.

"Ugh!" She moaned lowly.

"Jiwoo? What happened? You okay?" Jungkook suddenly got worried.

"Jiwoo-" He whispered very softly looking at her, who clenched her hair while hugging her knees.

It's like he want to be cold to others, specially girls but he don't know why situation is so much against him when he is with Jiwoo.

He isn't heartless but he want to use his heart less. He want to speak coldly to her, but his voice gets filtered while coming out from his throat.

"Mrs. CHAN!!" Jungkook shouted while putting his palms on Jiwoo's forehead and backhead, pressing them in order to lessen the pain.


"How is Jiwoo?"

Jungkook just stepped inside the dorm room when Taehyung popped infront of him, asking with his boxy smile.

"She isn't well. She got headache and she is resting now." Jungkook said while walking to his room, Taehyung was chasing him wherever he was going.

"Meet her in college when she will come and if she didn't, go with me next time. Now stop roaming around me."

Jungkook knew what Taehyung was waiting for. He was happy from inside because Taehyung had already forgot that they fought in the morning.

He didn't wanted to come back so early but when the doctor arrived, Mrs.Chan asked him to leave so he had no option.

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Ignore typos and grammatical errors, I am gonna edit this whole mf book afterall.

Boys were looking very cheerful in today's vlive 😍


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