Chapter 26

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"Now tell me? What happened?" Miku asked Jiwoo who had called her to a Cafe.

It's a pleasant and cold morning and they both are the first customers of the day.

"I don't know!" Jiwoo sighed, putting her head down on the table.

"Ayee! Just spit it already. You don't look like you since past few days. You somewhat changed."

Miku said, while sipping the canned softdrink, probably worried about her friend who was behaving weired.

"I just don't know. I feels weird around him."

"Who? Your senpai?" She asks while putting the can on the table.

*senpai = teacher in Japanese*

"Eh! Don't say senpai, it sounds seductive."

"Oh yeah that sexy hawtty. I mean Mr. Rude"

"This suits him a lot." Jiwoo sighed again staring at the oreo freekshake that was kept infront of her.

"Miss. You need to explain in detail whatever situation you're facing." Crossing her arms, Miku raised her eyebrows.

Jiwoo is struggling with her own thoughts , she is confused and she don't even know what is happening to her.

"Okay! So! Ummmmm...." Jiwoo stretched her back, pulling herself to sit straight as she was leaning on the table.

"You know when few days back that Jackson incident happened, actually I donno why but I felt like I was dreaming about J-J... Jung.

I mean.....anghhhh...." her elbows are resting at the table, carrying her face in her hands she overplays the scenes, the memories of her seeing Jungkook from the Freshers party.

"Jiwoo!! Relax babes! I am your bestie, okay!! don't hesitate. First of all think and then speak."

Once again Jiwoo takes a deep breadth before she continues.

"As you know Taehyung helped me, he was the one who found me when Jackson took me to the room.

But all I rember is Jungkook." She paused to take a deep breadth once again.

"I don't know why because I didn't even saw him that day. I was not even thinking about Jungkook but I just remembered his face.

It's strange.

And let's just keep that aside. Comes to the time when we are alone in the room- I mean when he is teaching.

When Jungkook plays guitar, it sounds so amazing and it sounds like- like- I know that tone but when I asks him which song is this he says it's just random.

He looks very rude to everyone, like did you noticed yesterday how perfectly he ignored me as if I am just air.

But still, I dunno why. Why?! Why I feels butterflies in my chest even if he is acting like a jerk.

I feels tickles in my stomach when I catches him looking at me while I am practicing my guitar. I feels nervous yet comfortable around him.

And it's after the day, that day, freshers party.

Remember when Taehyung and I met, I was feeling very happy around him. He is such a cheerful person."

Jiwoo speaks continuously without observing her friend and she is really speaking very fast.

"Calm down babe. My little brain can't handle speedy informations." Miku blinked her eyes to absorb all the things Jiwoo mentioned.

Jiwoo continued again when Miku nodded in order to make her speak.

"Taehyung and I started chatting after we met.

He is very jolly person. I got to know about him a lot.

But more than himself he talks about Jungkook.


He told me many things about him."

Jiwoo is the type of girl who can never hide any secrets from her best friend. She tells each and everything in detail-- even if she would have slipped in the bathroom, she would have explained it in detail.

It's been almost a month since they had gone for clubbing. Jiwoo is really thankful to Taehyung who saved her.

She didn't attended college for many days as a result, she was greeted by Taehyung at her house.

On the other hand, Taehyung himself wanted to meet her. He still thinks Jiwoo is YN. Listening to Jungkook whenever he tries to convince him that Jiwoo is just a look alike, Taehyung simply ignores him because he knows once he will prove - then no matter what, Jungkook has to believe him.

Taking the meeting as a golden chance, Taehyung and Jiwoo exchanged phone numbers the same day.

Talking her like he used to talk to YN and having the same feel as if he is talking to his-- late yet not late friend- he was very happy.

Though he acted like babies sometimes but he was smart. He never showed off his intelligence but yes he was very minded.

Utilizing his sexy brain, he tried to gather Jiwoo's past and present information. But the deeper he digged the more he was forced to believe that Jiwoo is just a look alike.

Taehyung had asked her about some childhood memories , Jiwoo didn't hesitated even once and told him some things like her school that she studied.

According to her, she was born in Japan and she took all her educations from Tokyo itself. Her father is Korean but her mother is pure Japanese.

Knowing all these new information, all Taehyung had was , the scar that he saw. Just because of the mark, he was somehow thinking that he is going in wrong direction. Asking from Jiwoo won't work as he thought earlier.

Apart from doing this, Taehyung personally wants Jungkook to treat her good. He wants Jiwoo to know Jungkook and maybe feel something for him.

Maybe he has started shipping them already -but only in his mind.

He never forgets to mention Jungkook in their talks. Afterall, Jungkook is the one connecting both of them. Somehow.

Taehyung knows very well that he is succeeding in his plan of making Jiwoo interested into Jungkook but little did he know, even if he hadn't planned Jiwoo would have already fell for Jungkook.

Taehyung also mentions Yoonji and Hobi, only to observe her reactions but all he finds is, her really not knowing anything.

He had made many theories in his mind, like maybe she has lost her memory or maybe she is just acting under some pressure.

He is desperate to know about her as he wants to know.

He can be wrong too but maybe he is right.

Speaking of Jungkook, he is busy in his own work , minding his own business. Ignoring almost every girl around him and behaving cold and rude.

But when it's with Jiwoo, he unknowingly behaves soft. It's like he wants to act rudely but his nervous system doesn't works in the way he wants.

"By any chance, do you thing Taehyung likes you?" Miku asked as they both are trying to solve the situation that Jiwoo is facing.

A situation which Jiwoo herself don't know what should she call it. She isn't confirmed about anything.

"Ahhh!! Not at all. He even passes the vibes of an older brother. If I had a brother most probably he would have cared for me like him. He really worries a lot."

In reference to Taehyung, she said it because, he had been asking about her health every now and then. Whenever she looks at her mobile screen there is always an unseen text , either asking for if she had her meals or asking about her health.

"Do you think Jungkook likes you?" Miku proposes another question which is sounding lame to both of them.

Jiwoo clears her throat, "I can't even think this--you know."

Jiwoo sighs as she imagines Jungkook's rude face but the question starts making sense when she realises that he really behaves a bit soft around her.

"Jiwoo?" Miku says somewhat looking cautious, maybe because she is about to say something that might freak her friend out.

Jiwoo looks up meeting her friend's eyes just to find that she is about to say something serious.

"Have you ever-" Miku stops in between looking at Jiwoo to make sure she is listening with interest.

"Have I ever?" Jiwoo repeats as she blinks her eyes.

"Have you ever felt wet infront of him or while thinking of him?" Miku gives her a lipped smile as soon as she sees she is blinking rapidly to recall whatever she heared.

After thinking for a while, Jiwoo realizes that one time when Jungkook was extraordinary handsome as he wore a black buttoned up shirt with blue ripped jeans but that wasn't the time when she was wet.

It was the same day when Jungkook accidentally smiled at her and Jiwoo was stunned looking him smiling naturally. She remember how she gulped while he blinked naturally and it was happening in slow motion-- but for her that was just a daydream, she thought.

She remember how she smiled back to him but Jungkook dropped his lips to normal and behaved as he always does-- Jiwoo rubbed her thighs together as she thought she just peed but actually she cummed.

"Yaah!! Tell!" Miku yells looking at her friend who is lost in thoughts while her face has turned into a red tomato.

Jiwoo nods while closing his eyes that makes her friend cheerful as she is fanning her hands on her and repeatedly saying "oh my God oh my God"

"Stop overreacting Bitch!" Jiwoo rolls her eyes before she sighs.

"I think you have a crush on him. All these symptoms are of falling in love." Miku explains dramatically.

"I even lost my appetite you know and I can't even sleep properly, since past few days." Somehow agreeing to her friend she tells more.

"But according to me that jerk isn't interested in relationships." Miku says, resting her chin on her knuckles. "Do he have a girlfriend or ex??"

"Taehyung told that he has never been in a relationship but he is in search of a natural true love kind of thing." Jiwoo explains, exactly what Taehyung had told her.

"What about you take some more time and see if you really feels something for him or not. And if you really feels you should make the first step because I don't think he is the kind of person to take a move himself."


Taehyung was slouching on a couch while scrolling through instagram, he was busy looking at the profiles of the people that Jiwoo is following.

Looking at Jiwoo's account it is clear that it's not an old account as the first post is somewhat around fifteen months ago.

There is no account of her parents nor she had told anything about her family in her bio though nobody writes about their family in their bio, but still.

All he can see is a beautiful girl who looks pure Japanese that is the only account tagged in some of her posts.

"Sakurada Miku" he says slowly but smiles at the photo in which their is a girl along with Jiwoo, they looks like best friends.

There are two reasons of him smiling -- the girl is beautiful -- it reminds him of Yoonji and YN -- they used to click a lot of pictures in same pose.

Taehyung sighs before closing Instagram and calling the friend who he is missing right now.

The call is ended before there is an answer and is replaced by an incoming vedio call.

He smiles before attending it. He smiles even more when he sees that Yeontan is sitting along with Min Holy and there is a cat like creature sitting between them.

"Tannie baby! holy baby! How are you both?" He asks but none of the dogs responds as they are just staring at the camera.

Yoonji smiles and her eyes are turned into thin arch because her smile is full, showing her gummy smile.

They exchanges few talks when they are interrupted by sudden bark of both the dogs at same time.

"Oww!! So finally Tannie baby is missing his daddy and Holy is missing his uncle." Taehyung says pulling himself closer to the camera.

He observed that none of them is looking at him and thats when he feels someone presence behind him.

"Actually they are missing Uncle Jeon." Jungkook says while nudging Taehyung with his shoulder as he fits himself in the screen.


It's evening already and Jungkook is still in the college due to extra class as his internal exams are coming soon.

Taehyung is studying but obviously in the dorm room. He is very tired because it's been hours and he is continuosly studying while slouching in the living room.

He snaps his head back when he hears the melodious sound of the door bell-- it means someone is coming inside by using the password.

"Hey Taehyung!" A handsome boy with long legs and black silky hair greets him.

"Hey Keo!" Taehyung greets back with a smile as the other boy nods.

Both of then gets busy in themselves after that.

Keo, he is the same boy who is supposed to be their roommate but he wasn't coming to the room since they both came.

He studies in the same college as them and it's been three week since he came. Though before Jungkook and Taehyung, he was already living in the dorms for two years.

Getting changed and after taking some rest Keo comes in the living room too, sitting on the opposite couch to Taehyung and starts studying.

Three of them are comfortable with each other and Keo is very good in both nature and personality.

About an hour later, both of them are interrupted by a buzzing sound that is supposed to be someone's phone vibration and the owner of the phone is Keo.

He stares at the phone screen before answering the call.

"Yaah!" Keo says somewhat rudely.

Taehyung suddenly looks at Keo because he hasn't seen him talking rudely, while Keo winks as he gives him a smile and leaves the place.

He excuses himself and is standing a few meters away from Taehyung but still his voice can be clearly heard.

"I am warning you if I found you drinking so much I am gonna beat that shit out of you." He sternly says.

"Oh pls! Don't you remember the last time. If my friend hadn't told me about your situation you must have been lying somewhere outside the same bar." His voice sounds caring yet it is more like he is ordering.

"Ahhh!! Miku!! Shut up and don't argue. Atleast treat me as your older brother. Atleast show some respect." Putting his hand on his waist, he shifts his weight to another leg.

Tarhying gets more interested as he hears him saying the familier name. Though he isn't sure if she is the same girl.

"Just be aware of those perverts. I mean all boys, they are pervert."

"I am not pervert, you idiot."

"Yes I am a boy! Any doubt then ask from Mom or dad."

"Do you not remember what happened to Jiwoo. There are many bad boys. You don't even know what is going in their mind. They might just kill you anytime. They are really bad and they-"

"I know you have a small brain but you're not a kid anymore."

"Okay okay. I am hanging now."

"And yaah- share me your location evrytime you are out- got it?"

Taehyung sees Keo coming back to the room while shooking his head and murmuring something like 'stupid'.

Taehyung is more curious now as he heared two familier names. Maybe he knows Jiwoo too and maybe he knows about her past too. He can't control himself to overthink.

"Is everything okay? I mean you were looking worried while speaking."

"Ah yeah! I mean she was my younger sister" Keo chuckles as he thinks about Miku, "Miku"

"I was just worried about her going to clubs and bars." His face is back to his worried state.

"It's not safe outside these days." Taehyung comments, Keo nods agreeing with him.

"By any chance, is your last name Sakurada?" Taehyung asks at which Keo smiles and nods.

"Yes, but how do you know?"

"I am right then. Actually, Miku is my classmate in Japanese class." Keo is surprised by listening that his roommate is his sister's classmate.

"Then you must be knowing Jiwoo too." Keo asks, Taehyung gets nervous all of a sudden when he mentions Jiwoo.

Taehyung nods but his face is almost red because of nervousness that made Keo thinks that he is blushing.

"She is my friend and also-" he gets interrupted by Keo because he asks him a question that Taehyung didn't expected.

"Do you like her? Bruh?"

Taehyung stops smiling as he thinks the reason that made him question like this.

"Why did you said that? I mean-" Taehyung chuckles and blushes, because it is true that he likes her but not in a romantic way.

"You are blushing that's why." Keo cracks up after seeing Taehyung's not stopping his boxy smile and red face.

"No no! We're just friends." Taehyung chuckled.

"Anyways, don't try to bug behind her if she doesn't likes your company." Keo suggests making Taehyung confuse.

"And why?"

"You don't know, she has a very rich and powerful family background, so his dad ce to know about, you might have to suffer a lot in some random case."

"Has it happened to someone?"

"Yes, but that sounded like a rumor but it wasn't Jiwoo. It was her Mom, like someone had leaked some photoshopped images of her mother that were more likely to get viral as they have one of the biggest business in Japan."

Taehyung repeats the words 'biggest Bussiness in Japan' that reminds him of his own parents because they are also one of them. Though he has always been hiding this from everyone.

"What's the name of their company?"

"It's something like The Kim's enterprise."

"Oh! Yeah it sounds familier, I must have heared about it."

Taehyung is about to ask something else when they both looks at the foir because the door bell is playing the melodious sound again.

Door opens and reveals a tired yet familer person.

Taehyung immediately stands up, to reach Jungkook to take his bag as they both makes their way towards the room.

Jungkook greets Keo before going to the restroom while Taehyung keeps Jungkook's bag in his shelf.

'It's not a good time to talk about her because Jungkook is here too' Taehyung thinks before coming back into the living room and plopping himself on the couch.

'The Kim's enterprise' is the word that he is repeating his mind. He is familier with that word but he is not getting where he had heared it.


It's nine in the evening when Taehyung comes to the room where he sees that Jungkook and Keo are already asleep.

They both must be tired as they had extra classes in college. Taehyung don't want to wake them up so he avoids switching the lights on.

He is not feeling sleeping either, closing the door he makes his way towards the balcony.

It's cold but he made sure to wear full warm clothes and flip flops.

Few days back he talked to his mother when she told they have to go to Korea for some reason. She might have come back till now.
He takes his mobile out from the pocket-- making a call to her Mom.

After a few rings she picks it.

"Anneyonghaseyo eomma!" Taehyung greets as soon as the call is received.

"How are you son? You don't even replying to my texts and how are your studies going on?"

"Ahh! Calm down Mom. I have enough time to talk. I am good. How are you?"

"We both are good too."

"I was busy because my exams are coming. Classes are going good too."

"We miss you a lot."

"I miss you too."


"Uh! Mom, who owns The Kim's Enterprise?"

"Your uncle Jihoon. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Unc-" Taehyung chokes on his throat while speaking his name as he realizes, who he really is.

"Mom- are you still in contact with them? Their company?"

"As you know Taehyung, that almost everyone is busy in their lives. We have not seen eachother except for the deals that our companies make.

And your dad and I visited him after YN's death because we weren't able to attend her funeral."

Taehyung's heart aches listening his mom talking about his best friend's funeral but he can't tell the train of emotions that he is going through after realizing that Jiwoo's dad and YN's dad are same person.

"Mom-" he whins at her mother.

"I am sorry Baby."

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About to end soon.

Ignore : typos and antis


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