Chapter 27

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are u free today
do u have time
in the evening


can we meet
i wanna tell u sth
it's important

tell me in the chats itself
i don't have time

no no
I can't tell it here

don't leave my msgs on seen

What now?
I already said I don't have time

i dunno anything
we are meeting at Banzai Cafe
5pm, toady
No excuse
I will be waiting for u
be on time
Okay 🙄
atleast say 'okay'
Btw black color suits u a lot

"Huh!" Jiwoo sighs as she plopped her body on the mattress. "He will come. Right?" She asked herself.

It's been few days and Jiwoo had made sure that she have feeling for Jungkook. She donno how it happened but it just happened --making her to confess her love to him. She finally gathered a lot of courage to tell him her feelings.

She is crazy, she had practiced a lot, infront of mirrors, while standing alone at the terrace, while bathing and pooping and everytime.

She is very nervous. But what if he didn't came? Well, for that she had already thought of a plan.


The whole day passes very quickly and it's 3 pm while Jiwoo is already picking a dress for herself.

She is the kind of girl who follows #relationshipgoals kind of trends -- she had a high feeling that Jungkook will be wearing black not because she said but because he only have black clothes.

Picking an oversized black hoodie-- a black plated mini skirt with lavender checks-- she gets ready along with black stockings because the weather is still chilly.

She leaves her hair untied, but tucks some strands behind one of her ear. After wearing her black boots she ends up with a lavender colored scarf wrapping her neck.

The black outfit should make her look badass and sexy but inspite of looking like that she is looking extremely cute and innocent.

She takes a deep breadth before picking her phone and looking into the messages if he had seen or not.

"Oh please!! Why isn't he replying?" She yells while closing her eyes as she is somewhat frustrated.

She is feeling very nervous-- she pouts before opening the contact list-- thinking ten times before calling Jungkook and she finally calls him.

The bell is ringing but he isn't answering. Is he ignoring on purpose?


"Hey Jungkook!! I am leaving. Do you want me to bring something??" Taehyung yells after banging at the bathroom door in which Jungkook is bathing.

"Drive safely! And wear warm clothes" A fainted voice of Jungkook comes between the water hitting the floor.

"Okay then I am leaving -- by the way, your phone is vibrating since ages-- do checkup once."


Taehyung picks the car keys before going out-- he's gonna do a lot of important work today.

He wishes himself luck and smiles before starting the engine.


Jungkook opens the cupboard and looks at his hanging clothes that reminds him of Jiwoo
'black suits you a lot'.

He is about to pick a black hoodie but he stops in middle.

'Why the fuck am I wearing black?? Ah!! I am not even going to meet her anyways. And even if I had to meet her I won't be wearing black. That's it!!'

Tilting his head sideways to crack his neck bones he picks a lavender colored hoodie and is looking for jeans, he realizes that he hadn't done laundry--so only black jeans of different styles are left.

He pouts before picking a black jeans that had lavender colored outlines, he agrees with it because he is gonna be in his room the whole day.

After wearing the clothes he made his way towards his bed and covers himself in the quilt. Though it's late April, a very pleasant spring time in Japan but it's still cold that they have to wear warm clothes.

Jungkook's hand suddenly hits a cold metal at the matress while he is inside the quilt.

He picks it up as it's his mobile phone-- looking at the missed calls he wants to call back but he didn't as he thinks it might be something rubbish because that's what he can think of her.

It's already 5 pm and Jungkook is busy doing his assignments-- his mobile is kept somewhere on the bed and he is not giving it attention.


Taehyung presses the brakes and his car stops right infront of 'The Kim's Enterprises' headquarters.

Parking the car in the slot, he walks inside the huge building that glows the name of the company written in vertical form. The sky is almost dark, turning the artificial lights on. He takes a deep breath before pulling the glass door.

"I have an appointments with Mr. Kim. Can you please tell me where I have to go." Taehyung tells and asks the young lady who is sitting at the reception.

"Are you Mr. Kim Taehyung?" She asks after looking at the entries in a register and then at a computer that is placed at the table.

"Yes" Taehyung replies.

"Please sign here." She gives him a pen after facing the register towards him and shows him the cell in which he is supposed to sign.

"Go this way to use the elevator-- 7th floor and you can see the navigators to find his office."

Taehyung nods before moving towards the elevator.
He is nervous even after pressing the 7th floor button-- thinking of how will he face him and what must be the truth.


The door opens making a Ding sound, revealing a glass wall and a corridor that had digital navigation boards. He stops when his eyes fell at the busy roads that are lit with traffic and solar lights.

Following the signs he is standing infront of the office that displays "CEO- The Kim Enterprise - Mr. Kim Jihoon"

He sighs before pressing the bell and waits for a response.

The door opens and reveals a young man almost of his own age. He is wearing white Shirt and black Trousers-- looking like an employee as he has some files in his hands.

Taehyung nods as he greets him silently.

"Yes, come in." A manly and familier voice comes from inside, which is supposed to be of the person whom he had came to meet.

Taehyung walks into the cozy and warm office and sits at the chair that is placed right infron of his table.

He is already stunned to look at his best friend's father, he is same but a bit old. Looking at him reminds him of the time when YN used to brag about her father-- plus the time when YN's mother used to miss him.

He don't know how and what to say so he thinks of greeting him.

"Unc- I- I mean, Sir!" Taehyung struggles while speaking but as he completes, his eyes fell at the rectangular frame that is kept on the table.

It's a picture of a family that he is very much familier with but not with the woman who is smiling while standing beside Jihoon while Jiwoo or maybe YN is standing in middle of them but slightly infront. They looks happy as they all are naturally smiling.

"Mr. Kim" Jihoon says when Taehyung is busy looking at the photo frame.

Taehyung can't hold back more. He is filled with mixed feelings, he is missing YN like hell that if she was standing infront of him, he would have already hugged her tightly.

"Uncle- did you not recognize me?" He asked impatiently, breathing heavily.


"One oreo freakshake with extra chocolates" It's her third time, placing the same order.

She looks at her mobile that glowed
'06:12 pm'.

She sighs nᵗʰ time as she looks through the window if there is any sight of Jungkook. But no!

She tried calling Taehyung too but it's not reachable at the moment.

God knows where the hell on this earth he is making out that there are no networks.

I am really waiting

you're on your way

you must not be getting a cab
where r ur dorms?
should I come to pick u??
atleast reply

u must be thinking that
it's a prank lol


*photo attached*


I will not leave
just come quickly

It's 7 pm already, people are coming and leaving but Jiwoo is still sitting there, waiting for Jungkook.

Maybe it's a bad idea-- maybe he rejects when i will propose him -- oh my God,  why didn't I thought of that earlier? Should I leave? Or I should atleast tell him. But what if he really didn't came?

She calls him but he still doesn't answers the call. What in the world is he doing?

Jiwoo is feeling bad already, neither messages nor he is answering the calls. Taehyung's phone number is still not available.


Jungkook wakes up as he is interrupted by the door bell. He steps down from the bed and peeps out, only to find that it was Keo.

Keo smiles at him while Jungkook smiles back lazily as he is still in the hangover of his nap.

Looking at the wall clock that is striking 07:15, he blinks his eyes as he yawns.

He comes back to the room and sits on the mattress looking at the floor for no reason.

"Where is Taehyung?" He murmurs when he realizes that Taehyung didn't came yet.

He picks his mobile that is kept somewhere under the quilt. Unlocking the screen , his eyes widens at the number of missed calls and texts from Jiwoo.

I am really waiting

you're on your way

you must not be getting a cab
where r ur dorms?
should I come to pick u??
atleast reply

u must be thinking that
it's a prank lol


*photo attached*


I will not leave
just come quickly

it's very cold :(



He opens the attached photo, in which he can see the circular table, an empty chair that is supposed to be his seat if he was there and few people-mostly boys sitting in the Cafe.

A small part of her hand is also visible, proving that she is really there.

Zooming the pic at a person who is staring right in the direction of Jiwoo, he gets a bit worried. Not because the boy is looking at her but because the boy looks very pervert and is surrounded with many other bad guys-- passing him bad vibes.


Jiwoo finally stands up, her heart is already broken. She leaves the place immediately but she is not in a mood to go home.

She looks at her car that is parked on other side of the Cafe. Making sure it's still there she walks in another direction.

She takes a deep breath while standing at a bridge-- looking at the moon through cherry blossoms. The river flowing below the bridge calms her ruined mood.

Her fingers, nose tip and cheeks are red due to the chilly waves but she doesn't care.

'Why my heartbeats are suddenly pacing?' Jiwoo says looking at the moon as she places her hands on her chest-- feeling her heartbeats.

She sighs before turning back when suddenly she feels someone towering her tiny body.

"Hy sweetie!"

She tilts her head back to look at the person's face as her face is infront of his chest.

She gulps before taking a step back, after looking at the pervertish stranger. Though she was somewhat scared but she is a tough daddy's girl, she knows very well what power his dad holds.

"What?" She asks, rolling her eyes before maintaining a distance.

The boy is tall and has an appearance like bad guys-- his mouth stinks as if he just smoked-- he is loaded with chains and black Gothic outfit--a smirk is plastered to his face while his hands are filling his pants' pockets.

"Hot!!" He says as he bits his lips,"would you mind spending tonight with this hot guy?" He whispers in her ear making her push himself.

"Do you see this?" Jiwoo shows him the back of her hand pointing towards her nails-- nails that she might have chewed the edges so badly that it's revealing her skin behind them.

The boy is totally confused and focusing at her hands, trying to get what she is saying.

"Nails?" He says in doubt, he is not sure if he is correct.

"I have a high feeling that my nails are still bigger than your" she folds all finger except the middle one,"DlCK!"

His face turns red as he is still looking at her middle finger that is standing straight infront of his eyes.

Jiwoo smirks after putting her hands into her hoodie pockets and turning her face backwards, looking at the full moon again.

The boy is still there, boiling with anger and shame. He grabs her shoulders to turn her as he is standing behind her.

He is about to slap Jiwoo as soon as he turns her to face him but before he could slap her-- he is lying on the ground as something hard hit his face.

Jiwoo is standing with sudden shock, her hands covering her mouth and infront of her, a familier well built boy whose back is facing her, hiding her tiny figure.

The boy lying on the floor is caressing his cheek that is dropping blood, he struggles to stand up and leaves right then muttering some curse words under his breath but not even eyeing the other boy who punched him.

Jiwoo smiles as she fiddles with her fingers looking at the person standing right infront of her-- his hands are crossed and sticked to his buffed chest slightly covered with the black muffler that is snaked around his neck.

He is looking exactly her opposite because his outfits are cross coloring with Jiwoo's. His eyes are slightly hooded in anger or maybe filled with worries and he is panting maybe because he was running to reach her when he saw her with a guy.

"Am I dreaming? Or you are really Jungkook?" Jiwoo blinks rapidly as she slaps her cheek lightly.

"Is this the Cafe you are sitting in?" Jungkook says, as he raises his eyebrows and breaths out.

"Oh just shut up! I waited for more than two hours and now when I was about to go back but you suddenly appeared like ghosts- out of no where" Jiwoo rolls her eyes and poses like Jungkook as he poked his cheek from inside.

"Mind telling now."


"The so called important thing that you wanted to tell me."

Jiwoo blushes as she realizes that Jungkook is standing so close to her. For a second in past she forgot that she was supposed to propose him.

"Oh! bruh! Atleast wait for a minute. I was about to get slapped few seconds back. Let me breath." Jiwoo walks a little far from him just to inhale some oxygen.

Jungkook tsked looking at her mini drama.

He steps forward as he is resting his hands on the hand rails of the bridge. Admiring the moon because it's so pretty just like his first love. He closes his eyes for few seconds and is only interrupted by a small pull on his hoodie.

He looks back at the cute girl holding a pink rose in her stretched out hands and looking down at her feet-- so the only thing visible to Jungkook is her hair and the rose.

But he can tell who she is.

"Jungkook ah" she says as she lifts her head up to face Jungkook.

"I really like you" Jungkook avoids looking at her when she says it.

She waits for his response but his face is turning red with each passing second--not because he is blushing but because he is angry.

Did she called me just to say this. He thought.

"I-" Jiwoo is cut down before she starts speaking.

"NO!" Jungkook sighs, before closing his eyes and shaking his head.



Jungkook yells at her, his ears and cheeks are burning and he is very mad as he had already thrown the flower with a jerk. The flowers that is now swimming in the flowing river just under the same bridge on which they are standing.


Jiwoo flinches suddenly as she is shocked by him acting furiously, catching attention of some passers.

Her eyes are filled with tears of guilt and embarrassment that she might tear up the next moment.

"Just go back!" Jungkook says after observing the tears in her eyes as he turns and walks away from her.

"THEN WHY DID YOU CAME? Why do you makes my heart flutter? Why did you saved me before? Why didn't you let me get slapped? Why ?

Why you're making me feel so pathetic?"

Jiwoo yells, her voice reaches Jungkook who paces up his walking speed.

"Why do I feel like-like- I am remembering you as I am knowing more about you?" She yells but Jungkook is too far to hear.

Tears are rolling down her cheeks, flowing continuously as she sobbs harder.


Jiwoo wipes her tears before pressing the door bell. The door opens immediately revealing Mrs.Chan.

"Miss Kim, you are very late. Where have you been?"

Jiwoo just smiles and shakes her head because she is not in a mood to talk to anyone.

"Mrs. and Mr. Kim are not home yet." Mrs. Chan informs her but she has already gone upstairs.

As soon as she steps inside her bedroom her phone vibrates showing Taehyung's name on the screen.

She throws the mobile, banging it on the floor after she switches it off.


Taehyung finds that Jungkook is not in dorms. He calls him while getting back into his car and leaving for the place that Jungkook told.

His eyes are filled with tears, as he is frustrated by things that happened while he was at The Kim Enterprises.

He drives slowly as he looks out through the window, searching for Jungkook who might be walking somewhere on the pedestal.

He presses the brakes and comes out when he finally sees Jungkook on the other side of the road. Jungkook didn't saw him yet as a result Taehyung is rushing towards Jungkook after crossing the road.

"Jungkook!!" He yells as he is huffing.

Both of them runs towards eachother. Standing infront of eachother they don't speaks for a minute when Taehyung suddenly hugs Jungkook.

"Tae" Jungkook says while caressing his back as he fells his cheeks getting wet.

"Shhh!" Jungkook tightens the hug as Taehyung sniffs.

"What happened? Hm?" Pulling back from the hug Jungkook asks, slightly bending to look at Taehyung's face because his face is hung low.

"Please! Please believe me this time." Taehyung says breaking into tears.

"Okay okay! I will believe but please don't cry." Jungkook wipes his tears and hugs him.

"Jiwoo is our YN!! You know when at the club-- YN has a scar at her stomach-- and and I myself saw it on Jiwoo's ribs too. I swear. And today I had gone to meet YN's dad. He--he-- he is the father of Jiwoo too."

Jungkook sticks to the 'scar' word as the Flashback of the Christmas night comes before his eyes.

"Listen this" Taehyung hands his mobile to Jungkook as it is playing a voice record.


"Uncle- do you not remember me?"

Jihoon focused at Taehyung's face "Hah! Are you-- err-- you are Taehyung. Ahh!! it's been years since I saw you."

Taehyung nibbled on his lower lip as his heart seems to be broken more because Jihoon is behaving very normal and he indeed looks very happy.

"You forgot---" Taehyung gulped before saying.

"haha! No no-- son , I remember yo-" the older chuckled, but was interrupted by Taehyung's deep voice.

"---to hide the photoframe" Jihoon got shocked as he looked at Taehyung's red eyes due to the mixed feelings of emotions.

Is he angry?

Is he flustered?

Is he frustrated?

Jihoon sighed but didn't said any word, his eyes were darted at the photoframe.

"She is my YN, right? Jiwoo is my YN? Isn't she?" Taehyung stood up and leans his body towards Jihoon--slapping the table with his hands.

"Where is Aunt? Is she really dead or?" Taehyung observed his face while asking questions and he was sure, that Jihoon looked like he is caught.

Taehyung grabs his collars while shaking his body back and forth.

"Not? You know everything ? Don't you? What happened to YN? Why she doesn't recognize me? Why?"

"Did you really married that woman? What about YN? Why are you hiding her identity? Just why?"

Jihoon presses the bell that was kept at his table and within few seconds two well built men--most probably the security came. Jihoon gestured them to kick Taehyung out of there and they obeyed.

Taehyung was smart enough to record everything in the voice recorder. Jihoon's behavior proved him that Jiwoo is YN and he is hiding many facts.

End of Flashback

For few seconds Jungkook stares at the road with a blank face as he doesn't know how to react while Taehyung is sobbing but looking at Jungkook.

Is she really my YN? Why didn't I recognized her?

Did I even loved her that I can't even tell?

Did I really yelled at her just few minutes back?


How can you be such a pathetic person , Jeon Jungkook?

"Shit!" Jungkook mutters, slowly as he comes back to his senses.


Jungkook takes his phone out to dial YN's number but she doesn't picks, making Jungkook more worried.

"Tae-- Hurry up!" Jungkook rushes towards the car that is standing on other side of road, while Taehyung chases him.

Jungkook is the one driving the car while Taehyung is calling Jiwoo's number--getting the same reply again and again.

~The number you're trying to call is currently switched off. Please try again, later~

Jungkook drives to the same Cafe-- reaching there they finds that the Cafe is already closed and no one is around the place.

They know that the last and most accurate option left is to go to her house.


"Mr.Jeon?! Today isn't Saturday if I am-" Mrs. Chan said, as she opened the door after hearing the door bell.

"Ah- extra class! Where is she?" Jungkook says while getting himself into the house.

Taehyung is still in the car, overthinking and replaying the previous scenes in his mind while waiting for Jungkook to come so that they can talk further about this matter.

Jungkook is about to open the door but he stops as he thinks to knock it before opening.

He wraps his knuckles around the wooden door but he can't control more so he just pushes it making it wide open.

He steps inside and the first thing he notices while looking at his left side is Jiwoo laying with her face down on the mattress. Her face is burried into the pillow as he hears her sobbing.

"Y- Jiwoo!!" Jungkook calls her name making her sit at the bed, she secretly wipes her tears before sitting.

Jiwoo doesn't have the courage to look him into the eyes, she is embarrassed very much that she thinks it wasn't a good idea to confess her feelings.

Jungkook doesn't wastes a single second and kneels down infront of her, Jiwoo is shocked to look at him like this because he is now crying while holding her hand in between his hands. His forehead is resting in her lap and he sobs even harder.

"I-I am s-sorry!" He whispers, Jiwoo hesitates at first but her hand automatically starts caressing his hair.

"Huh?" She is confused what to do next.

"Jung-" She is about to say his name but then she is interrupted by a sudden wet and sweet feeling on her lips.

She shuts her eyes tightly as she realises Jungkook has already made a move. He is still kneeling down but his upper body is stretched--left hand is snaking around her neck while the other still holds her hands.

The emotions that Jungkook is passing through right now can't be expressed in words.

Kissing her, he realizes she is the same girl she fell for, her first love, first kiss, first feel and everything.

The lips he is tracing now are the same lips he had ever kissed in his whole life.

The same lips he pecked when he saw her last time and the same lips he has been craving for ever since he realized he lost the love of his life.

Jiwoo responds back to his kiss as she moves them in rhythm.

They separates their wet lips to gasp air but their faces are still close as they are looking into eyes. Jiwoo smiles but not fully as her lips are just lifted a bit from the corners.

She brushes her thumb on Jungkook's lips as she whispers while looking at his temples,"Have we kissed before?"

The question was enough for the tear that was on its edge to fall out as it rolled down to his cheeks after he closed his eyes.

He is not in a state to speak still he whispers between his sobs.


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