Chapter 28

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"Is this looking alright?" YN spins as she comes out from the dressing room of the wedding resort. She is wearing a white wedding gown, her hair is down till her mid arms not combed yet but still they look sober and not like hay.

Yoonji, Miku and Tae were already waiting for her in the room. Tae is nervous as his best friend is getting married today. Well! His best friends are getting married. 


He is wearing a baby pink tuxedo, matching with his girlfriend, who is in a baby pink bodycon gown.

He nibbles on his bottom lip as he sees YN, in his eyes she was always like fairies and today she is still the same for him. His YN, whom he had loved and adored more than anyone else in his whole life.

He is so happy that he is not in a state to smile or even laugh. He is looking at his Cinderella, 


At his best friend's Cinderella.

Without even blinking his eyes, mouth slightly opened, if there were houseflies in the room they would've made sure to roam in his sexy mouth.

Well this ain't about him atleast for now.

So, YN is looking too damn beautiful, prettier than Goddesses, standing infront of the most important and close people of her life. Still waiting for their response.

Yoonji and Miku both stand up simultaneously and kiss on her cheeks exactly at the same time, while she is just smiling with her eyes closed. Miku and Yoonji were like mirror of each other. 

"Oh my god, Jiwoo. You look so pretty." Miku pauses for a second after she realises she actually called her Jiwoo. She isn't sorry for calling her Jiwoo, they all have moved on very well and now they take everything as a joke.

"I can imagine Jungkook getting a heartattack right away, infront of so many people and in the groom's dress." Yoonji announces, as she adjusts the gown that YN is wearing.

Taehyung is still standing with his opened mouth. Wonder how many flies are making out on his sexy tongue. But no, since they have room fresheners.

YN smiles at the boy, she wants him to say something. If not praising then atleast say some teasing words, but is he even in a state to utter a single word. No!

"Yaah!" YN shouts, Tae shakes his head as if he is coming back to reality, "Are paralyzed or possessed by some evil spirit?"

YN yells at him, while her hands are on her hips, Miku is putting earpiece in her piercings while Yoonji is also doing the same but in other ear piercing.

"Ah-" Taehyung blinks his eyes, for him YN is looking like a baby, like his cute little sister yelling at him because he didn't bring chocolate for her.

It is as if he was eating with her during recess in school, getting ready for the annual function, teasing her on picnic days and suddenly she is standing infront of him in a wedding gown and within a few hours she will be kissing her groom infront of everyone.

YN titles her head to right as she still didn't get an answer from her best friend. She is hoping he will do something as he is going somewhere, maybe into the dressing room to bring something.

"Lemme comb your hair." Taehyung says while showing her the comb in his right hand and a tiara in the other. 


"Hyung!" Jungkook is whining at Jin, who is supposed to click a picture of the handsome groom but as usual he is busy clicking selca of his world wide handsome face.

Namjoon laughs at Jin's behavior as he is standing with a glass of water in his hands.

For whom? Obviously, our maknae must be freaking out before his wedding.

"Ayoo! Kookie. Stop jumping around and come here." Jimin is annoyed by Jungkook. 

He had asked Jungkook to keep sitting infront of the dressing mirror till he came back with a bow tie, but as he came back he found Jungkook throwing his hands and legs in the air because Jin wasn't clicking his picture.

So, is this baby really getting married?

Are we really 
getting married??
Like for real???

YN is busy getting final touches from her two best friends, both of them are good in makeup skills specially Yoonji who is naturally talented and Miku who did a whole damn degree.

Taehyung is sitting on the mattress, just doing his favourite thing, watching YN. Somehow he is interrupted in between when he feels something vibrating near him.

He slightly moves his eyes to land them on YN's mobile screen that is flashing Jungkook's name rapidly. He chuckles thinking how nervous Jungkook must be feeling right now.

"Eh!" He is about to speak but YN already looks at him, even if he didn't speak loud enough to make anyone hear. 

She arched her eyebrows at him, when he smiled before blinking his eyes, "reply him first, he must be freaking out." He passes the phone to YN, who plops herself at the sofa and stares at the screen before smiling.


Are you really 
texting it just before 
going to the aisle?


What about
oreo tits tonight??

Pls this is so random
Respect my nervousness 
For God's sake

Respect my hormones 
For fuck's sake

Jungkook switches his phone off. It's better not to text her when she is the one making him even more nervous.

He doesn't know why he is nervous. It isn't like he hadn't kissed her infront of others. It's not the case if he is nervous about making a honeymoon, they even did it last night too. 

But maybe because he will have to be responsible from now on. A lot of responsibilities are waiting for him. He is about to give his name to the love of his life. He is soon going to become a husband and son-in-law and maybe be a Dad too in the coming years.

"Kookie! Kookie! Kookie!" Jungkook looks at the direction from which his name is being yelled by his cousin, Jimin, in excitement.

"Yah!" He responds, as he is curious looking at Jimin's wide smile.

"Lemme tell you a fact." Taehyung immediately pops out as he is standing behind Jimin.

Jungkook widens his doe eyes as he looks at Taehyung's wiggling eyebrows and boxy smile.

"YN is looking so beautiful. OMG! You're so lucky bro." Taehyung hugs him in excitement.

"Ah! You are making me even more nervous." Jungkook cupped his face only to realize that his face is becoming hot and red due to nervousness.

"Did you eat anything?" Taehyung asked while pulling himself back and breaking the hug.

Jungkook shakes his head as he nibbles on his slip while speaking,"I will be starving till I eat with her." 

Taehyung blinks his eyes and nods slowly as he pats Jungkook's shoulder.

"Let's go! It's the time to go for the groom." 

Let's just hope Jungkook's nervousness doesn't ruin the wedding.


"Stop eating chocolates, YN. Jungkook is already downstairs."

Taehyung says as he is standing with a pair of gorgeous white bridal sandals in his hands.

"Isn't he very desperate?" She wipes her chocolate coated hands with a paper towel.

Taehyung just nods and sits on the floor, holding her bare foot to make her wear the sandal.

The two girls are busy picking YN's belongings while Taehyung is ready to take her downstairs.

Taehyung walks behind YN while holding her gown up so that it won't sweep the floor. Yoonji and Miku are holding hands and takiing her in the aisle. 

They are finally downstairs and can see the guests excitedly sitting on either side. 

It's late Autumn so the weather is kinda cold but our hot YN is balancing it very well, the sun above in the sky is also helping a bit. 

It's a big hexagonal hall, not very much filled because there are only close people and few relatives. 

A light purple colored velvet carpet is working as the aisle. At one end there is the bride who is being greeted by her dad while on the other end there is the nervous bunny groom still nibbling on his lip.

A pianist, who is looking very much familiar, is sitting near the groom. 

Oh wait! Is he Hobi??? 

Our Hobi will be showing off his skills that he learnt from her soon to be wife, Min Yoonji. 

He is chatting with two other handsome and buff guys, Jin and Joon. Jimin is standing just next to Jungkook, both of them are looking in the direction of the bride.

Finally, the minister comes out and asks everyone to stand. 

It is YN's turn! All eyes would soon be on her. 

The flower boy, Matsu, lines the path with white rose petals as Hobi starts playing the music. 

YN only took two steps before she was greeted by her father. Her father looks at her fondly but still he feels like he doesn't deserve to take her hand and escort her down the aisle.

Taehyung takes her hand after he drops the piece of gown that he was holding. He looks at YN who is smiling, waiting for her Dad to hold her hand, then he looks at her father whose hands are trembling, still not ready to make a move.

Flashback 2 years ago 

After coming into a relationship as soon as he realized that Jiwoo is YN, he and Taehyung somehow told this to Yoonji and Hobi too.

They were shocked and emotional after getting the news. Jungkook also introduced Yoonji and Hobi to YN.

They still didn't know what had happened, that the situation turned out like this and YN was being disguised as Jiwoo. 

One thing they had figured out very well was that YN lost her memory, maybe it was more easy to figure out because she fell on the floor and hitted her head causing excessive blood loss while she witnessed the suicide in past.

Not many days passed since they started dating and they were coming inside YN's bungalow after a romantic date. That day was weird because the lights were off and no servants were in the house.

They thought something wasn't right till they saw that YN's new mother was lying unconscious in the living room.

They took her to the hospital but couldn't inform Jihoon as he was out of the country on a business tour.

Doctor said that she was taking stress and symptoms of depression were also found. They also appreciated that the patient was brought in on time because even though the condition wasn't that critical, if she was unconscious for a much longer time then maybe it would've worsened her condition.

YN was in the washroom while Jungkook was there with her mother in the hospital room. 

"Thank you, Jungkook." the lady, in blue patient clothes, who was sitting on the hospital bed said to Jungkook.

First time ever, Jungkook got this chance so he didn't hesitate after seeing that she was comfortable talking right now.

"Please thank Jiwoo, not me." He said as he observed the lady smiling while looking at her hands.

"She loves you a lot and didn't feel weak after looking at you unconscious while she hurried up and insisted on coming here instead of calling the doctor."

Only then he realized that she started sobbing. Jungkook rubbed her back as he consoled her.

"It's okay. Everything is alright Mrs.Kim."

"Ah- Jiwoo!" She looked up as she held her tears back. 

"You love her very much. Don't you?" She asked as she chewed her lower lip, Jungkook nodded without any hesitation.

"I know she is YN!" She gets shocked once she hears the unfamiliar name but she knows very well that's the real identity of her so-called daughter.

"I won't force you to say anything unless you aren't comfortable. But I will wait, I want to be with her as YN, not like Jiwoo. One more thing, I don't know who is to be blamed but my YN suffered a lot and I have many ways to find the history."

"Remember the day when her mother suicide?" 

She finally spoke. Jungkook nods.

"She found out about our affair. She was very hurt, I feel very guilty about that now.

We didn't have any idea that she would hurt herself. But I really love her Dad upto the point that I can never think about leaving him. Same goes with him but I don't know what happened to him suddenly, a few days back he started blaming me for her death.

I was so stressed because of that."

"And what about YN?" Jungkook asked as he was getting impatient with each passing second.

"Her condition was very critical and she was referred to another hospital. It was told that she got many injuries in her brain and she might die too. 

Jihoon didn't wanted to hurt YN by reminding her about her mother's suicide so he decided that he will bring her here in Japan. But the doctor reported that-"


"That YN got amnesia." 

Somehow Jungkook wasn't shocked because he knew something like this would be the reason why YN didn't recognize then but one thing he was confused about was that if she lost her memory why she used to tell Taehyung about some fake memories when he asked.

"After that?" 

"Then we thought about changing her identity so that she can never get her memory back. But trust me Jungkook, Jihoon did it for her sake only."

Jungkook was feeling angry but he knew it won't do anything good, especially for now.
He just nodded.

"I didn't like her at first. Actually I personally used to hate her and I never wanted Jihoon to go to her mother."

"And look what God did, only after a few months when YN was recovering I realized that I am infertile." the lady saddened her face as she continued "I can't give birth."

"Poor YN, she was told that I am her mother. We also made up things and never let her realize that she is suffering from amnesia. To cover it up and make her have the treatment regularly we told her that she has migraine."

"She is too soft, you know how much she loved her mother and....she always used to tell me about her dad and mom." Jungkook sighed.

"I am really guilty Jun-" the lady was cut down when they heard a sound of someone opening the door.

"Oh no!"

"YN!" Jungkook said before rushing towards the girl.

YN was listening to everything from behind the door. A few moments later she realized that her whole life was a lie till yet. She was living in a made up identity. She didn't even know her past nor did she know her close ones.

After that incident Taehyung and Jungkook helped her to recall all things that happened to her in the past but it didn't work. She didn't recall anything. Even after showing her the journal and meeting with Yoonji, Hobi , she didn't get her memory back.

It was very hard for her to accept everything at first but she was happy with how things happened and how she met her friends. Like isn't it miraculous, her being in the same class as Jeon and Tae, Taehyung being her savior as usual and Jungkook being her guitar teacher just by coincidence. 

And the loveliest thing

She fell in love for the second time and that too with the same person.

Her relationship with her dad didn't get affected because Jihoon accepted his mistake and was really guilty about it. Though he can't turn the time back and he can't bring anyone's life back but atleast he can accept his fault. And he did.

After graduating, Jungkook and YN came back to Seoul while Taehyung had to stay in Japan for a bit longer due to his studies.

Flashback over

Taehyung smiles and nods, maybe telling Jihoon to take a step and move on. He gives her hand in his hand and then stops because it was the time that he finally had to let go of her hand because her father will be fulfilling his responsibilities.

The elder escorts her down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. The guests looked at her, taking pictures of her dress, waving at her, smiling- one thing was for sure, though… no one made a sound. Up ahead she saw him, Jungkook. Her future husband, the love of her life, her everything. 

He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on her. If she wasn’t mistaken she could have sworn tears filled his eyes

Unlike her, Jungkook's nervousness kicked in ten-fold. The sight felt like too much for him to handle. Good thing he only had a few more seconds to wait. 

 At the end of the aisle her father hugged her and said “I ‘m proud of you” and then presented her to the groom. Her dad placed her hand in Jungkook's and smiled. As a couple, Jungkook and YN stood in front of the minister.

Is this really happening? Will she soon be Mrs. Jeon? 

The minister said to guests, “You can now be seated”and everyone followed. 

“Dearly beloved,” he began, “we are gathered here this evening to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony.”

This is so formal.

He said the speech and afterward they both exchanged vows, tears filling their eyes.

Jimin came forward and presented the rings at the same time Yoonji stepped forward to present the ring to YN.

YN placed Jungkook's ring on first at which Jungkook showed his bunny teeth, then he held her hand softly but still tight enough as if someone is gonna steal his bride.

The priest nodded and asked, “If anyone objects to the marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace”.

As assumed, no one said a word.  “With the power invested in me by the State of Colorado I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Taehyung stood behind Miku as he looked fondly at his besties because they were about to kiss. 

"It's like dejavu, have we married before, YN?" Jungkook whispers while blinking his eyes. Anyway, he's way too nervous that he's speaking gibberish, maybe he already dreamt about marrying you.

Jungkook leaned in and kissed her, softly like he’s never done it before. Everyone cheered for them, however she barely noticed; her full attention rested on Jungkook. 

"Bruh-" Jimin choked on his throat while laughing as he called Jungkook in order to make him stop. 

It has been a few minutes and they both are still kissing and making everyone laugh.

Jungkook realised it too when Jimin kicked his leg. His face covered in blush is becoming even more red while YN is just laughing at Jungkook.


YN sits in the car, trying to make her gown fit inside it as Taehyung helps her once again with it.
Shoving the gown into the car, Taehyung gives her a proud smile while she giggles as he says something in her ear.

Jungkook is sitting in the driver's seat looking at his wife and bestfriend who are busy giggling. 

Everyone is gathered around the couple's car, waiting to bid them a goodbye because they will be leaving for Cheongna, a hillstation where they will spend their honeymoon.

"Are you done, Mrs. Jeon?" Jungkook asked as he emphasized on Mrs. Jeon.

"What do you think, Mr. Husband?" YN giggled as Jungkook rolled his eyes before chuckling.

He rested his hands at the steering wheel and they both looked back at their relatives and friends who were waving and cheering.

"Bye~" YN peeps out through the window and waves her hand while Jungkook starts the engine.

It's gonna be a long drive. About an hour later, they reached the road that would take them up to the hills. There was a traffic jam that made him stop the car. 

Jungkook pouted after looking at the long line of vehicles. It seems as if it is a never ending jam. His hands are tapping the steering wheel when he feels a body under her hands.

He looks at the girly leg that is kept on the wheel, it belongs to YN. Jungkook strokes her leg with his hand as he kisses her toes. 

YN pulls her leg back and leans her body towards Jungkook, it's good that the windows are tinted.

Jungkook smirks before cupping her neck and cheek as he pulls her into a kiss. They both look eager for each other, the kiss slowly converts into a passionate one as YN pulls him closer with his collar tie. 

Jungkook leaves a long lick on her jaw as he makes his way towards her exposed collar bone. She jerks her head back in pleasure. His hand slowly massaged her covered chest.

Honk~ Honk~

"Tch-" Jungkook looks out through the tinted windows.

"It's okay baby- just a few more minutes." YN winks at him before placing a quick peck on his lips and slouching on her seat.

Jungkook started the engine for the second time as he drove further towards the destination.

The road went up to the hill in a zigzag way. There were deep valleys on both sides. The path was difficult. It requires great skill on the part of the driver to drive the vehicle safely.

Jungkook is very good and experienced in driving and he drives carefully. The road was almost vacant as they went up further. 

YN is a bit drowsy but Jungkook is very much active and doesn't look like he is tired. 

'Perfect' by One Direction is playing and both of them hums with the song. Jungkook's eyes are glued to the road while YN's are glued to his husband.

"Jungkookah" YN call him as he nods without looking at her and taking a turn with the car.

"Thankyou for everything" Jungkook smiled and was about to look at her,"No! Don't look at me. Let me complete it."

Jungkook chuckled again as he obeys what she asked for, "maybe I still don't remember anything about us, or whatever kind of relationship we had before the accident." She continues while still looking at Jungkook's profile.

"But I'm thankful that I fell again for you. It's really hard to believe that we are already married. It's as if yesterday you were teaching me how to hold the guitar, as if just few days back I bumped into you and now suddenly we're married.

I am glad that you're my life partner. I am glad that we met again. And I really can't wait to start a small cute family, in which we have a cute little boy-" 

She gets interrupted when Jungkook suddenly corrects her, "girl, I want girl."

She chuckles as she continues again but only after correcting herself, "a cute little baby girl. I can't wait to hear her call me Eomma before she calls you Dada. I wish our child would inherit all your qualities, because you're just perfect. Haha, I am going too far maybe but for the meantime-" 

She paused as Jungkook makes an eye contact with her but quickly looks back at the road ,"I love you very much, Jungkookah" 

Listening to the future planning that his wife made, Jungkook gets lost imagining how their child would look. He shook his head to come out from his thoughts before looking back at YN.

"YN, I-" He fondly looked at her as he was about to complete but his eyes widened when he saw YN shouting his name ," JUNGKOOK, LOOK IN FRONT-" YN tightly shut her eyes and crossed her fingers immediately. 

Jungkook turns his face to look infront with a jerk and his eyes widens when they land on the huge truck that is coming in their direction. It's so close that he is left with no option but to turn the car into left as they were confronted by a sheer cliff dropping away beneath them.

Jungkooks suddenly changed the direction of the car that made their body move along freely without their control. He pressed the brake making the car stop at the edge of the cliff.

Jungkook pants heavily as he closes his eyes and he opens them only after realizing that the huge vehicle has passed and they are safe. 

"Are you okay, YN?" He asked before facing the girl. He starts panicking when he feels something strange and he looks to his left and finds that the door is open while the seat is vacant.

"YN?" He comes out from the car, going straight in the other direction when he realizes someone is hanging at the cliff.


His heart races when he hears her voice that is asking to save her. 

"YN- hold on please- Just DON'T LOOSEN THE GRIP-" He shouts but YN doesn't understand even a word between her shouts. Her hands are shaking and feeling cold because of the rock she is gripping on. Her lower body and gown pulls her into the fifty meter deep trench. 

Imagine getting married a few hours ago and now you're hanging on a cliff in your white wedding dress, fighting for your life and struggling because you know you're feeling weak and you don't have enough strength to carry on.

Jungkook bends and stretches his hand towards YN, "GIVE YOUR HAND, YN." He shouts as he makes sure YN can hear.

YN's hands are still trembling, she tries to pull her body above but fails. Looking at Jungkook's face she gets some courage and she finally stretches her right hand fully while holding the rock from the other hand.

Jungkook grabs her hand and waits for her to stretch another hand too. "YN Don't worry! Just try to pull yourself up. Please!" 

He can't see her face at that moment as she is looking straight not up at him. 

"YN, please!" He says again when her hands feel numb. All her strength is gone and she gives up, losing her grip from the cliff as well as from Jungkook's hand. 

Jungkook feels a sudden ane weak pull as he realises something is getting free from his grip. It's too late for him to think what happened, he looks down just to realize that he lost her again. 

He can see the white wedding dress flowing in the air along with her hair, it's as if she is still looking at Jungkook whose hand is stretched as if he is about to pick her.

His eyes widen in shock and he is not in his senses as he shouts his lungs out ,"YNNNNNNN!!"



I am sorry to kill her again
But yeah double update and next chapter is the last chapter

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