Socializing Tips ~ Gigi

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Hey there guys!! It's everyone's favourite nerdy Canadian, back for some more tips! Today we'll be talking about socializing.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "What in Sam Hill? How does she know anything about socializing? She's a total nerd!" Well, you're right! I am a total nerd. However, I'm also a really good conversationist. Yeah.. I don't believe me either. XD

So, I'm not the greatest with kids, honestly I hate kids and they hate me. I'm really good at stallion to adults though. It never had problems with teachers, or parents, or managers. I've always had a hard lock on speaking. Here are some tips I have that will hopefully help you when talking to adults.

1. Always speak about what you know. For example, I really enjoy cooking, rugby, volleyball, and science, so I always try to speak about those topics when I'm meeting new people. Try using topics that most people are interested in, music, sports, movies, ect.

2. Stay away from politics. Politics are never a good place to start a conversation due to differing opinions. Conversations about politics can end up making everyone mad and ruining your chances of a new person to talk to.

3. Maintain eye contact without staring. Maintaining eye contact is important when you're having a conversation. If you're staring at the ceiling they're gonna think that you're not listening. However, you can't stare at them relentlessly. Meet their eyes for about five seconds, then shift for a short while, then focus back on them. Repeat. If you stare at them it'll make them uncomfortable, so try to find a healthy balance.

4. Joke around lightly. If you're having a conversation, jokes can go a long way. Try not to spud stiff and humourless when you speak as that will deter many people. Everyone likes a few jokes now and again, but make sure the jokes are on topic and spaced out so you don't sound like a total goof.

5. Stay confident and collected. Staying calm and keeping good posture is crucial to being appealing. Don't slouch when you're first taking to people, and don't cross your arms. Look confident, and they'll see you as such. Try not to worry over small things. And keep a level head.

6. Keep a pleasant smile on your face throughout most of the convo. Naturally, humans find smiles alluring. If you have a soft smile on your face, people will instinctively want to speak with you. It makes you seem more welcoming and happy.

7. Try to relate to the topics they bring up. Finding common grounds is very important. If someone changes the topic to something you don't know much about, listen and try to find something that you can relate to. For example, I don't play baseball, but a lot of my friends do. I play volleyball, so I'll usually change the subject from baseball to volleyball. Or I'll just complain about how much I hate baseball and they'll change the subject for me. 😂

8. Don't brag about your accomplishments or good features. Yes, telling people that you were able to climb Mount Everest is an amazing feat, but make sure not to one up people. If someone says "yeah! Tommy just lost his first tooth!" don't reply with, "Well, Maurice lost his first five teeth within one week." (That actually seems really unhealthy. That dude should see the dentist) It's rude to brag about things. Try not to push things on people.

9. DONT BE STARING AT YOUR PHONE!!! This is the most important thing about a conversation. Don't stare at your phone! What are you doing with your phone out at a social event anyways? Put your phone on silent, put it in your pocket, and focus on the person in front of you. Especially if you're on a date. If you have your phone out on a date, there's no way you're gonna have another one.

10. Remain polite and happy, but make sure to draw the line when it's been crossed. Be polite, but make sure that when someone makes you uncomfortable, or says something you don't like, make sure that you let them know and change the subject to something lighter. If someone makes down sort of comment that you don't like, tell them. "Hey man. That's not cool."

11. Try not to switch topics too much. Yes, change the subject when you need to, but don't worry about finding new things to talk about. As you speak you will naturally slide the conversation into different things. Don't purposely change the subject unless you need to.

12. Don't make long pauses. A short pause in between sentences is fine, but don't stop for a few seconds until they start talking to continue. If there's a long pause they're naturally gonna want to fill the gap. If you pause for too long, they'll but in and you'll lose your spot.

13. Don't interrupt. This goes along with my last point, if the break into the spot where you were gonna start talking, don't try to talk over top of them. That's just rude. Wait for them to stop talking, and then you can put in your two sense.

14. Pretend that you belong even if you feel uncomfortable. You can trick yourself into being confident. Steel your nerves and keep your head up. If you act like you belong, you will belong.

     Well! That's all for now! See you guys next week!

  Stay strong. ❤️❤️ ~ Gigi

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