Meeting Sunnira the Hedgehog

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Sonic: "playing Last of Us" Eh....

Scourge: "walks in" Yo Blue!

Sonic: "grumbles" Whaaat? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something important?

Scourge: "looks" Yeah... I can see that -3- Anyways, I wanna introduce soneone to you.

Sonic: "sighs and pauses game" Fine. Who would that be? Another 'crony' of yours? -.-

Scourge: Haha very funny. Lucky that you had her around.

Sonic: Shut up! Stop acting like you're jealous, Green!

Scourge: I WAS jealous, you faker! But, not anymore .3.

Sonic: ...Say what? -.o

???: "walks in"  Is... This the place?

Sonic: "looks" Er... She kinda looks like Saph....

Scourge: That's because she's her Anti-self, you nutball

Sonic: HEY!! Only Egghead's the nutball, Snot.

*Somewhere in the sky, Eggman's ship*

Eggman: "watching them via his spy cameras" WHY YOU PESKY BLUE RODENT!!!!

*Back to them*

Scourge: Anyways, her name's Sunnira the Hedgehog. I rather call her Sunni or Su .3.

Sonic: Eh well... Nice to meet ya, I guess. But I thought Saph said that she doesn't have an Anti .3.?

Sunni: Guess she forgot the fact that I was separated from twinsie for five years due to his father -3-

Scourge: Why you have no mercy for me, Blue? ;~;

Sonic: Geez sorry! I didn't realized it hurt ya real bad! 0-0"

Sunni: Exiled for four years, I had begun to hurt myself. Then when the Zone Cops found me doing horrible bombings and kept me in prison, all I had left was conversations with either Zonic or Zespio.

Sonic: Then how did ya two reunite?

Sunni: Simple! Because of Zonic's pity, he decided to help me out abd find him.

Scourge: Then TA-DA! Reunion! :D "hugs her"

Sunni: >.< Getting used to this...

Sonic: ^^" Ya demi too?

Sunni: Demi-Titan actually .3.

Sonic: So... O-O

Sunni: No. I don't hurt demigods -.-"

Sonic: Okay then ^^" Just checking.

Sunni: Uh huh.... Where is she, by the way?

Sonic: Oh Saph? She's uh... busy with something.

Scourge: With what? .3.

Saphie: "inside her room, squealing" AYIIEEEEEE!!! I NO SHIP KNUXONIC BUT I LIKE SONOURGE!!!

All: "pops out from random places" O____O" ???

Scourge: oAo EHHH?!?!

Sunni: >.>"

Sonic: See? REALLY busy -.-"

Sunni: Hm... why not Shadourge? -w-

Scourge: SUUUUUU!!! >////<

Sunni: Whaaat? XD

Shadow: Damn it -___- Another one

Sonic: XD Tough luck, Shads.


Everyone: O_______O WTF

*In Eggman's ship*

Eggman: "had fell off from his chair" THAT PERSON SHOULD PAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!

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