S.S.S. 4

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(Another one I had thought of)

I'm Just Cold, That's All

I don't know how long did I live with my bud. Probably half a decade or so, I lost count. Whatever. That doesn't count anyways. I was happy being with him for so long and retained a strong connection with each other.

Till one day, that happened.

He began to hang out with the other girls, besides the ones I mostly knew. At first, I only sighed when he mentioned things like 'Gotta go somewhere for a while' or 'I'll just go get something then come back immediately'. I would nodded in response and he'll get out of that door. Until one day, I decided to spy out what was going on.

I shouldn't had done that however.

I spotted him hanging out with some other hedgegirl with purple fur and red hair. She was beaming happily at him while he grinned back at the girl. It was then that I felt something shot into my heart that it felt much pain than the ones I got from fighting Egghead. I decided to fled the scene without notice.

At night, when he returned after, he glanced at me and said, "Heyya! How's your day?" And I would respond as warmly as I can. "It was good." I was writing at the time. I'm not feeling too well with my ashen face.

I tried to get some sleep but I'm shivering quite badly underneath my blanket. I don't know why but I'm feeling cold... Whatever. It might be warmer when it's morning. So I shut my eyes and tried to sleep harder while ignoring my freezing epicenter of my entire being.

As days passed by, I would still see him hanging out with other girls that all I can do was sigh and do something boring. Or deathly quiet. Every night, he would return to the exact time, or maybe later than that, and didn't even noticed the unsettling atmosphere between us.

Why won't you hang out with me anymore?

Eighth week with his gang bang of girls and still hadn't even noticed my sudden loneliness and a lump formed in my throat. I was growing much colder than last time and I don't even know what to do. I'm shivering real bad. I tried to keep myself warm but it's still spreading like a wildfire. My breathing was shaky, fingers becoming numb and my own heart's pounding heavily in my chest.

Am I sick? Am I jealous? Or is it because I lost 'warmth'?

...Maybe that's it. I need a lot of warmth. I better head outside then. It's the middle of summer anyways so it's always warm.

Grabbing my jacket, despite the sunny weather, I headed outside and walked to a good spot to settle in. On top of a seaside cliff where I could smell the fresh breeze around me. As I got there, it was peacefully quiet. Calm, and just perfect.

Too perfect, I'd say.

I sat down at the edge and looked at the yellowish orange sun right above the horizon. Ah, such a beautiful object, are you Mr. Sun? I'm.... still feeling cold though. Not enough for me. And additionally, I'm getting sicker and paler even more. It was unbearable and what's worse was the deep pain that carved a hole in my heart.

I stated down at the raging waves crashing beneath the caves, eroding it into more chunks of rock or chalk. The soynds of heavy cracking of the water striking the walls of the stony cliff seemed mesmerizing. And then... I smiled

Not a happy one. An unconscious and cold kind of smile.

"Maybe I should go and have a little swim." I said to myself. I lifted one foot towards the empty space in front of me... and fell down towards the deep abyss of the dark waters.


Mm... I had a really strange dream lately.

I was sinking.... sinking deeper into my underwater dreams... eyes closed with the cold surrounding me... I do not mind suffering hypothermia or freeze and headed to another Golden Age, just as Taratuls wanted. I just... didn't care as I slowly sank towards the bottom of the sea.

That's odd... I wonder why my right hand's warm...


I stirred weakly as I took in a new atmosphere. My mind's awake but my eyes were still closed and too limp to be opened. I felt like... I was on something soft and silky and my ears twitched a bit as I heard a faint beeping. Like.... a machine of some sort.

I tried to open my eyes but failed to do so due to my weak body. Then, I tried to move my arms. But... something- or someone- held my right arm down. I do not know what had happened earlier but I'm desperate to know. Suddenly, I heard that someone holding my hand firmly and uttered almost inaudible sobbing whispers near me that the voice was oddly familiar.

"G-Gomenasai.... gomenasai....gomen...nasai... onee-san..."

It was him! Or at least that's how  I thought of. He might be just out there, not paying attention to my whereabouts and busy flinging with the girls. But... his vooce spoke out again. And it was no doubt that he truly was there all along.

"I-I'm sorry.... for getting you into this.... I didn't paid attention and yet...  you wouldn't tell me.... I'm so sorry.... I will make it up to you... just pleade... don't leave me...."

With that kind of tone, I wouldn't argue with that. Ah, I wished that I had enough strength to hug him but for now, I'll just lay here.

I also realized on why my right hand's warm. He's breathing into it, trying to keep me warm. I guess he noticed that little spreading cold I had earlier. But then... the coldness inside of me was gone. The pain in my heart vanished too, replacing it with pure bliss of the bond again. I felt him placing my hand onto his cheek lay it there. A tiny smile formed on my lips as the lovely feeling on my fingertips.

I finally got my 'warmth' back.

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