02 || Talk to me only

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-Banner made by @KookiesCrumbles-


5 years later

"Taehyung why are you still here?" Mrs. Choi the kindergarten teacher asked the five year old pouting child

"Mrs. Choi, Hyungie said he will come to pick me up but he is shoo late." The five year old huffed, his cheeks puffing out adorably

"Aww Bub, I am sure he is on his way. Now come on sit here with me." Mrs. Choi said smiling and patted the seat next to her on the bench

Taehyung nodded cutely and immediately sat down next to his teacher.

"So tell me Tae, who do you like the most among your appa and eomma?" Mrs. Choi asked curiously wanting to know her favourite student's opinion.

"I like Hyungie the most!!!!!!" The boy said cheerfully, his almond blue eyes getting excited

"Oh really? What is so good about your Hyung?" Mrs. Choi asked confused as most kids don't tend to answer like this. "And why? don't you like your parents?"

"Well I am not allowed to talk to anyone other than my Hyungie." The boy said casually as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? Why not? and who told you that?" The teacher asked getting so confused

"Well Hyungie said that good boys should only talk to their brothers. Its bad boys who talk to other, Oh wait sowwy Mrs. Choi I shouldn't talk to you either or else Taetae will be a bad boy in front of Hyungie.." The boy said apologetically and moved away from a shocked looking Mrs. Choi.

The teacher couldn't understand what was going on.

I mean who teaches a five year old kid stuff like that?

Mrs. Choi decided that she really needed to talk to the Kim's. She sighed and rummaged through her contacts trying to search for Kim Minjun's number but her concentration was suddenly interrupted by the loud squealing that came from Taehyung.

She looked up and saw a tall raven haired boy getting out of a fancy car, wearing dark clothes. His strong minty scent spread around the area and the teacher felt herself feeling an uncontrollable urge to submit infront of the fifteen year old.

It was a really weird feeling.

(To anyone confused, Mrs. Choi is a human)

Taehyung quickly ran into the raven haired teenager's arms and hugged the older tightly.

"HYUNG!!!!!" The boy had yelled and Mars. Choi saw a bright bunny like smile taking over the raven haired's face quickly dissolving all the coldness out of them.

Mrs. Choi smiled when he saw Taehyung's brother placing sweet soft kisses all over the younger's face making Taehyung giggle loudly.

"I missed you so much, my pretty baby brother" The raven haired said sniffing deeply into the younger's silky soft hair.

"Taetae missed Hyungie too!" The younger said pouting

"Have Taetae been a good boy?" The raven haired immediately asks to make the pout disappear on the younger's lips and the teacher smiles thinking that maybe the raven haired is referring to being a good boy in school.

"Yes Hyungie!" The boy said grinning

The raven haired eyes soon fell on Mrs. Choi's figure that were watching them with a sweet smile on her face.

His dark eyes narrowed and he growled softly.

"Did you talk to her Tae?" The raven haired asked sternly and the five year old gulped, fear crowding his small little heart.

"Yes Hyungie and Taetae is very sowwy. Please don't take Taetae's ice cream away" the five year old said eyes filling and tears falling down like beautiful crystals.

The raven haired softened at the sight and patted the small boy's head reassuringly

"Fine HYUNG will forgive you but only this last time!" The older said darkly and the omega kid nodded, clapping his hands happily

"Thank you Hyungie!!!" The younger said smiling so brightly that the raven haired didn't regret his decision to forgive.

Suddenly a loud cough was heard and the raven haired turned his head, an annoyed expression on his face as he really hates someone interrupting his moments with his sweet little brother.

"What is it" he asks rudely to a surprised looking Mrs. Choi

" Well hello there. I am Taehyung's school teacher and I would like to know who you are" Mrs. Choi said seriously

The raven haired rolled his eyes and replied "I am Kim Jungkook, the older son of Kim Minjun and Kim Suri"

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Jungkook, I have heard a lot about you from the gossips of these high school girls" Mrs. Choi said laughing while Jungkook looked at her stonily not finding anything funny at all

The teacher smiled awkwardly and continued "So Jungkook, How old are you?"

"I am soon going to be sixteen" He said tone hostile and cold.

Jeez the guy was so cold, thought the teacher but she continued speaking "So I was talking to our Taehyungie here a moments earlier and he seemed to have mistaken about something."

"His name is Taehyung." Jungkook said face expressionless and dark eyes staring straight into her eyes which creeped Mrs. Choi out but she cleared her throat and said "Of course, Anyway he seemed to be mistaken that he only allowed to talk to you. I think its must be something that he picked up wrongly from different conversations so please explain to Taehyung that he can talk to whoever he wants."

"Who..." Jungkook started his eyes narrowing considerably "....the fuck are you to tell me what to teach my brother?"

"W-What?" Mrs. Choi stuttered taken aback from the harsh words.

"Don't you dare come or try to talk to My baby brother again or else.." The raven haired said calmly, and the teacher could've sworn that she saw a flash of golden in his dark eyes.

"Or else?" She asked gulping

"Or else he will be last person you talked to" Jungkook said and gave her an innocent bunny smile as if he hadn't just threatened to kill her?

She had to call and inform the Kims about this because she was getting a really weird vibe from Taehyung's older brother.

He turned and walked towards his car, patting softly on the back of a sleeping Taehyung. His smile dropping faster than the wind in Chicago.

As soon as he got into the vehicle, he dialled a number on his smartphone.

"Hello? Sir ? " a high pitched voice came from the other side

Jungkook smirked "Bring Mrs. Choi the human teacher of Taehyung to The Basement. I want her securedly tied up and gagged, her nosy mouth should be taught a lesson"

"Yes sire" and the phone when dead.

Jungkook sighed softly and caressed Taehyung's chubby cheeks softly making the younger kid snuggle closer to him.

"Hyungie will always protect you my babybear."



3 years later [JK = 18 & KTH = 8]

"Jungkook man, you up for the party today?" Sangjoon, one of his fake friends asked him

"No, I am not coming" Jungkook said rolling his eyes

"Why not? C'mon there will be a lot of hot girls, We will all have a sweet night." Sangjoon said winking and Jungkook felt disgusted.

Sweet night? Was a night filled with the disgusting smell of alcohol and horny ugly ass girls annoying him sweet?

For the raven haired, a sweet night was not something like that.

He rather spend time watching his Taehyungie.

The omega himself was a huge entertainment to older than any of these boring teenage mistakes.

"I said 'no' once, so stop nagging me with the same question again and again." Jungkook snapped coldly and Sangjoon jerked back his wolf submitting to the true blood in front of him.

"Sorry Alpha." He bowed and quickly ran away making the raven haired smirk satisfied from the reaction he got.

He sighed and entered his house finding it silent and calm. He frowned wondering where his adorable baby was.

"Tae? Taehyungie? Babybear where are you?" Jungkook called and he suddenly heard soft giggles coming from under the dining table.

He smiled when he caught sight of the small body underneath but decided to play along as he didn't want his baby to feel sad that his plans had failed.

"Hmmp I think my baby is upset with me, I guess I have to hide the new purple sweater I bought for my omega."

He head a loud gasp and out came Taehyung crawling, an excited look on his face

"P-Purple sweater?" He asked, doe eyes filled with sparkles of happiness. "Hyungie brought purple sweater for Taetae?"

"Yes baby." Jungkook said grinning and gave Taehyung the fluffy cloth he had picked on his way home.

"Thank you hyung!" Taehyung yelled happily when he saw purple colour thing in Jungkook's hands. He tried to reach for it but only got teased by the raven haired who lifted his hand away from the younger.

"Hyungie please give it to me" The boy said pouting

Jungkook smirked a bit oddly. He sat down on the couch and said "Well I will give it to you in one condition."

The omega frowned and climbed on top of the sexy thick thighs of Jungkook and asked curiously "What is it?"

"Give Hyung a kiss then you will get the sweater." Jungkook said giving the younger a bunny smile

"Okie!" The boy said giggling and pecked his hyung's soft cheeks lovingly. "Now can I have it please."

Jungkook nodded and gave the fluffy cloth to the younger who happily took it, squealing softly at how soft it was.

"So you like it?" Jungkook asked warmly

Taehyung smiled widely, his cheeks pinkish and blue eyes glowing. "I love it. Thank you Hyungie!"

"Anything for my baby. Now tell me how was your school?"

As if a switch being turned off, Taehyung's happiness entirely dropped from his face and small sobs started coming from him.

Jungkook frowned alarmed at the sudden change. He knew that Taehyung had a sensitive heart due to him being an omega and he always tried to keep his source of happiness always cheerful as he didn't like not seeing that beautiful smile on his face.

Taehyung was the only person that made him feel sane and he loved the moments he shared with the younger as it was pure and love filled. He knew that the younger adored him and he was planning to keep it that way.

"What happened Taebear?" Jungkook asked gently trying to make the younger open up

"Hyung..A-Am I disgusting to you?" The small boy asked tears filling his eyes and it caused so much rage inside Jungkook that he had to clench the couch tightly from not ripping everything into pieces for making his baby cry.

"Oh no no babybear. You're a beautiful angel to me, who the hell told you all these stupid lies?" Jungkook asked enraged but he kept his tone soft not wanting to frighten the omega away

"Uhm It was Eomma." Taehyung said looking up at his hyung, doe eyes blinking innocently and Jungkook's heart ached at the sight of soft tears in his eyes.

So it was Kim Suri's turn to die?

Well I guess my torture room oops I mean my basement has been empty for some time.

This was going to be so much fun. 


A/N: Thoughts?

Also the next chapter will have details of inhuman torture and creepy obsession. If you don't want me to write the details then please tell me.

Thank you for reading and vote if you like this chapter💜



I think we can all agree to this..


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