03 || Blind Trust

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-Banner made by im_namjesus-1st-


"Come here Tae" Jungkook said softly but he was using his alpha voice

Taehyung immediately got up and moved towards the older's lap. He sat down and looked up waiting for the true blood to say more.

Jungkook smiled satisfied and caressed the younger's chubby cheeks.

"Tell me what happened baby bear" Jungkook said lovingly and Taehyung felt his heart warm at how sweet his HYUNG was

But little did he know that he should've never judged a book by its cover. Because inside Jungkook's mind he was planning the worst tortures he could make Suri go through for making his angel cry.

"I think Eomma was angry at me" Taehyung said thinking

"Why was she angry angel?"

"It's because the principal called her today to school and complained that I was not listening to him." Taehyung said softly, his voice shaking  as he proceeded and it was a heart aching sight for Jungkook

He was going crazy seeing his baby in distress.

"What did the principal say that made you not listen to him Tae?" He asked calmly trying to erase all the worse possibilities that might've had occurred.

"I-I am, Hyungie Taetae feels like dying" the omega said clutching on to his new sweater tightly, tears flowing down

"NO! DONT YOU DARE THINK ABOUT SOMETHING SO STUPID!!!! Do you want to leave Hyungie alone????" Jungkook growled and hugged the boy tightly "you will not leave me because you're only mine Taehyung, not even death can separate us"

(A/N: So basically he is a bit loose in the head, but lets all ignore that he is saying crazy stuff like this to a eight year old.) 

The poor omega was crushed to death by Jungkook whose eyes were filled with panic, he couldn't even think of Tae dying.

And that panic was soon replaced by rage, that grew so much that he picked up a sharp knife and stabbed into Taehyungs favourite plushie many times until his temper had cooled a bit.

But what he forgot was that Taehyung was watching the whole scene with scared eyes, his heart shaking in fear when he saw the bright golden eyes that was filled with madness. 

He gulped and covered his mouth trying not to make any sound as he was scared, so afraid of the person he adored the most in his small world. 

Taehyung felt fear crowd his heart when he saw the murderous look in Jungkook's eyes. 

"Hyungie?" He whimpered softly hoping that his hyung wouldn't kill him

Jungkook snapped his head towards a scared looking Taehyung and the knife immediately dropped from his hands. 

He cursed internally when he saw how afraid the younger looked. 

Goddamit Jungkook! What the fuck were you thinking! He yelled at himself internally but decided to take care of this situation by using the younger's blind trust on him. 

"Come here baby" He said softly showing the younger his sweet bunny smile 

Taehyung hesitated but slowly walked towards him making Jungkook's soft smile soon turn into a Cheshire grin. 

Damn it was creepy but Taehyung still moved towards the older as he was the only one he trusted and believed in, though it was a really wrong choice.

Isn't it always like that? 

Bad choices are always so tempting that most of us usually go behind it leaving the good choice behind as it needs hard work and courage. 

Taehyung looked up tentatively, showing Jungkook his adorable puppy eyes that made the older coo loudly.

"You're so cute my baby." The older said and tickled the younger making Taehyung giggle but he couldn't help but feel weird at the sudden change. 

Can anyone go from stabbing to laughing in a few seconds? 

It felt weird but Taehyung shut that thought off as he didn't want his hyungie to get angry at him. 

But what the eight year old didn't know was that, Jungkook could never hurt or get angry at him because Taehyung was the only thing that provided him sight in the darkness and feelings when he was emotionless. 

"Hyungie I am s-scared." He stuttered looking at his destroyed Tata with wide eyes. 

He was only eight years old and such a crazy ruined sight of his favourite toy was not something a child could take in simply. 

Jungkook's eyes went towards the destroyed plushie and he finally understood why Taehyung was so sad. 

"Don't cry baby, Hyungie did that because I have a surprise for you."

"Another surprise?" The small boy asked blinking his wide puppy eyes innocently

Jungkook cooed again and gave the young boy some water to drink.

"What's the surprise!!!!" he asked excitedly after drinking water "Wait you will tell me what's the surprise right?" 

Jungkook grinned and replied "Yes angel, So my plan was to buy you the biggest Tata plushie to play with after throwing the small ugly one you have now!"

A wide smile lit up in Taehyung's face and his blue eyes sparkled "A big Tata for me?!" He asked happiness filling his face and Jungkook smiled knowing that his plan to distract Taehyung had worked very well.

The older nodded and the young omega clapped his hands in joy but then suddenly he sighed loudly.  

"What happened baby?" Jungkook asked a small smirk on his face

The omega blinked his eyes rapidly trying to clear the darkness that were overcoming his sight. 

Why was everything suddenly getting unclear? 

"Hyungie um sleepy Tae." Taehyung mumbled and his eyes were closing swiftly and he fell unconscious into Jungkook's arms. 

"Sleep well my baby bear, Hyungie has some important work to do for you" Jungkook whispered while kissing both cheeks of the younger and placed him safely on the bed. 

He closed the door and locked it just to make sure that Taehyung didn't come out as he didn't want any interference when he was going to do his job. 

As soon as he stepped out of the room, the soft smile on Jungkook's face dropped immediately and a wide creepy grin filled his mouth when he heard the door bell ring. 

"Who is it?" He asked innocently though he knew who it was very well. 

"Jungkook? Its eomma, Open the door son." Kim Suri voice rang from the outside. 

Jungkook smirked and replied softly "Of course Eomma, I have to open the door to let you in right" 

Other wise how can the fun began? - he thought and opened the door


A/N: Thoughts? 

Anyway I am still on hiatus, Just wanted to post this chapter as many people were asking for an update.

And Ik i said there will be torture in this chap but i really don't have time to write that as my exam is tomorrow! Wish me luck!!!!!

Thank u for all the love and support! 


Which one are you? 



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